DxD: Matsuda!

Loki time!


     Issei throws up his arm,“I wish for a ‘Big Breasted Maid Cafe!” Is he drooling?   

     Rias coldly says,“Rejected.”

     The club activity today was to plan what we will do for the school festival that happens after the trip.. It’s a busy time right now, but we still need to choose them beforehand. We are allowed to attend school just for today. And the rest of my Gremory family is here too.

     Azazel, who has been drinking tea in the corner of the room, was looking at our ORC meeting quietly before, but now is looking outside the window where it is getting dark-out. He then spoke,“So it’s already dusk. It’s still too early for a Ragnarok. You guys, we are going all out.” So we prepare to fight.

     We were at the rooftop of a high-rise hotel building in the outskirts of the city where the meeting of Odin and the Japanese Gods will be held. Azazel has to be the middleman for the meeting so he is staying beside Odin.

     Because we are standing in a very high place, the wind is very violent and fickle. On the rooftops of the surrounding buildings, the members of Sona's teleport group are positioned on standby.

    Saji said he would come late...don’t show up ‘after’ the battle.

     Replacing Azazel, who can’t participate, Baraqiel who is on the roof with us. Rossweisse is also participating in this battle so she is wearing Valkyrie armor while on standby. Mine and Rias's combined team is ready too. Man Grace in her kunoichi outfit, is really doing it for me and she knows it...she is standing right in front of me for a great view.

     Grayfia is standing with Asia, Tsubaki, Gasper, and Ingvild. I just give them a confident smile to ease them. And very high up in the sky, Tannin is there! So I cast [Invisibility] on him so that normal humans won’t be able to see him.

     Vali and his team are waiting for the battle, a bit further away from us. Kuroka blows me a good luck kiss or good bye kiss?

     Then the expected portal formed with cracks in the sky over the building site. The one who appeared from the hole was…..Evil God Loki, and the giant ash-grey wolf, Fenrir!

     “Target confirmed. Mission starts.” When Baraqiel said that from the small communication device in his ear, a massive barrier-type magic circle was activated around the hotel. The Sona team activated the magic circle in order to transfer us, Loki, and Fenrir to the battlefield. Loki senses that, and just showed a smirk and didn't resist.

     Then, we were covered in light...............

     Rose said,"Loki, are you not going to flee? We have you outnumbered?!" Sweet-heart, talking to insane people is pointless....Just blast him already!

     “There is no need for me to flee. I will finish you all here and then go back to the meeting. It’s a matter of sooner or later. Even if he does or doesn’t participate in the meeting, I will have Odin vanish.” With that the three of us Me, Issei, and Vali begin our assault on the boss!

     [["I, who have fallen from Heaven.....I, who sheds God's light to cover the Firmament.....When love and hope is stolen.....Sorrow and Regrets shall cover the lands.....And I shall sunder-everything down with me!"]]

     [Underworld Dreadnought!!!!!!!!]

     [Welsh Dragon Balance Breaker!!!!!!!!]

     [Vanishing Dragon Balance Breaker!!!!!!!!]

     “A trifecta combination between the Gold, Red, and White! Most likely I’m the first one who gets to have a fight like this!” Loki is very excited and he activates a wide-range of magic-circles which covers his whole body, it’s an attack with the high-level power of locking-on to the enemy! Many blasts of light are released towards Vali, who is doing acrobatic-style in the sky, and he dodges all of the attacks.

     Dozens of its attacks are shot towards Issei, who just went ahead without caring whether the attack hits him or not!

     I too had many blasts targeting me but my robotic voice just mutters [light-speed] and vanishes from my location and the beams pass my spot. I went behind Loki. My emotions are numbed right now and I can now stay in this form for twenty minutes if I don't do any big moves.

     Issei, boosting the whole time, is using his jet thrusters for a low-altitude flight into Loki!

     Vali is using Norse magic to cast a nuke spell, an equation besides the demonic power appears within Vali’s hand. Thanks to my training with Rose, I can recognize his spell and I know I must get the fuck out of dodge now!

     As Issei punches the magic circles around Loki and shatters them, Vali makes his move. Issei barely leaps out of the way of Vali's blast.


    After Vali's spell exploded it destroyed almost 40% of the battlefield! Even I used [Light-speed] to move high into the sky!

     A laugh came from a man floating in the air. It’s Loki, and his robe is a bit shredded, but it seems like Loki himself is unharmed. 

     Seeing this I open a holy personal domain storage like the one Durandal uses, and pull out my little buddy!

     “Mjölnir! The replica? Even so, you are carrying a dangerous weapon over there. Damn Odin, does he want to make the meeting successful that much.......!? Fenrir attack those people over there and thin their numbers a bit!” The massive wolf charges towards our groups!

     At the same time Kuroka smiled, magic circles were activated around her, and a very big and thick chain came out of it! The magical-chain, Gleipnir. It was fortunate that we received it earlier than we anticipated, but because it was very difficult to carry it, Kuroka hid it inside her personal territory.

     Having been led by Tannin and Baraqiel, my family and Vali’s team grabbed onto the chain and then threw it towards Fenrir, who howled painfully, which echoed throughout the area. “Fenrir, captured.” Baraqiel says that while looking at Fenrir which is immobilized.

     “Their specs are lower, but.....” The space on both sides of Loki becomes distorted. From the distortion created in the space, both of Fenrir's children appear. Ash-grey fur with sharp claws. Eyes without any emotion, and a very wide-opened mouth! “Sköll! Hati!” The clouds under the night are blown away, and a full-moon appears. Having the moon shine on them, the two giant wolves howled.

     “I changed a jötunn woman living in Járnviðr to a wolf, and made it breed with Fenrir. As a result, these two were born. Their specs are quite a bit lower than their father, but their fangs are the real thing. They can easily kill a God, and all of you. Go, Sköll and Hati! That bunch of people are the ones who captured your father! Tear and rip them apart with those claws and fangs of yours!”

     “A mere dog!” FUUUUSH! Tannin breathed out a powerful flame from his mouth! He enveloped the child Fenrir with his intense flame! However, the child Fenrir is moving inside the flame as if nothing has happened! It has received damage! But it didn’t flinch at all!

     I then use [Light-speed] to place myself over the trapped wolf about fifty feet in the air and let my six wing-blades split to attack the kids, three on each! This won't do real damage but it should help distract them a bit. My current strength is peak Ultimate-class like Tannin.

     Grace is aiding Xenovia and Kiba is aiding Siris in their hit and run tactics while the three Rooks take turn's stunning the wolf, Vali's team is easily handling their dog!

     Vali created many attacks made from his demonic power which are mixed with the Norse magic formula, and he shoots them out. Each of them gets taken down by Loki’s magical power, but not all of them could be blocked, so several of them hit Loki’s body. But, he didn’t receive much damage. Loki threw out several blasts he released then hit and pierce through Vali’s armor! The Divine-Dividing Scale-mail gets damaged heavily, but Vali repairs it immediately. 

     Issei heavily [Boosted] dragon-shots at Loki, but he then deflected it towards Vali’s direction! Issei's dragon-shot heads towards Vali, but Vali evades it with fast velocity.

     “Huhahahaha. White-dragon has a more proficient strength, while the Red-dragon has an intense spirit in his attacks. You don’t have techniques, but I can’t take you lightly. Hmmm, amazing! A blow which is filled with spirit rings a bell to people's hearts. Just how much feeling did you put inside that attack just now?” Loki is just having a fun time with these two...“On the occasion, I will have you fight against these pets as well.” The shadow under Loki’s foot expanded, and from there a giant snake......no. Several dragons with long skinny bodies appeared!

     Both the Vali team and the Gremory group are having fights to the death against the child Fenrir. The dragons that get close to this side of the field get blasted by the lightning father and daughter as well as Rias. All members of the assault group were given one phoenix tear for this fight!

     Tannin breathed out his maximum output of fire at the mass-produced Midgardsormr! The battlefield turns into a sea of flames! It seems like one of the mass-produced Midgardsormr is crumpling inside the fire! That mass-produced Midgardsormr turns into ash inside the fire.

     Rossweisse also activated over two dozen large, Norse magic circles, and is supporting Tannin! The magical bullets fall down on the enemy like raindrops, and it pierces through the enemy. Rias sees this and now understands what her husband saw in her!

     “Kuroka! Transfer me and Fenrir to the allocated place!” Vali lands on top of the Fenrir, gives a command and chants his own [Juggernaut Drive]! Vali who is glowing with light commands that to Kuroka, who smiles hearing that, and directs her hand at Vali, then starts to move her fingers in the air. Vali’s armor started to change. Is it an effect from using [Juggernaut Drive] and the armor starts to change. Vali and Fenrir start to synchronize with the scenery of this night, and then disappear from this area!

     Vali was able to accomplish this due to me guarding the wolf, but I was pulled away due to.................

     “Akeno!” Rias’s scream! When I looked, I witnessed Akeno who was about to be bitten by the child Fenrir!

     Old-man and Rossweisse are in high spirits! They basically annihilated the mass-produced Midgardsormr with only the two of them! I didn’t have time to be happy, because right now the worst incident was about to happen right in front of my eyes.

     [Light-speed] I stood in front of Akeno and enlarged my hammer and swung down hard on the wolf's shoulder smashing it to the ground! The child of Fenrir was left with little vitality in its eyes.

     "Don't be happy because I am not done yet!" Loki says that and lifts his robe, and he once again expands his shadow! From there another five of Midgardsormr came out!

     A black-fire like thing appears from the ground, it twists, and it covers up Loki, the two child Fenrir's, and the mass-produced Midgardsormrs! “This abyss-black aura is!? Is it the ‘Prison Dragon’ Vritra!?” A giant magic circle that appears on the ground. From the center of it, a black-flame shapes into a dragon. It seems like a black-fire is in the shape of a dragon. So that’s Vritra. 

     Vritra’s black fire covers over Loki, two child Fenrir's and mass-produced Midgardsormrs, and was sealing their movements. The flame moved as if it had its own mind, and it was like a snake was coiling around them.

     “What is this fire!? I can’t move! My powers are being absorbed gradually!? Is this the power of that black dragon!? I have heard that there is a Dragon-king, but don’t tell me this is it!?” Loki is in panic. Child Fenrir's and mass-produced Midgardsormr are going crazy inside the fire but it seems like they won’t be able to escape.

     “But, it’s futile. I will retreat for now. Fuhahahahaha! However, I will appear for the third time and bring Ragnarok!”

     Akeno and Baraqiel are holding hands. Both of them have black fallen angel wings growing out. A combined-combo attack of a father and daughter! Their massive holy-lightning bolt hit Loki and caused him to land on the ground stunned! Parts of his skin and clothing are chard black!

     I once again use [Light-speed] To appear above Loki and make the hammer grow massively with holy lightning and thunder around us to give a finishing blow! I run Touki to its maximum and.........The head of the giant hammer completely hits Loki's whole body!

     Loki who is all worn-out falls on the ground. “......The reason why the God recorded in the Bible left a phenomenon called Balance Breaker......and a weapon called Longinus which can kill God without getting rid of them....... Did he know something like this could have happened......? Why did he leave humans a method to kill a God.......?” After saying that, it seems like he lost consciousness completely.

     The two children of Fenrir were dealt with and my form collapsed and I managed  to put my hammer away before sleepiness took hold of me......I was caught by Grayfia before I hit the ground. I hear her words before darkness came,"Just sleep now and wake up to me my hero!" I will keep my promise......


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