DxD: Matsuda!

Loli in my lap!

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Chapter 45

     School has ended and I am getting super interesting looks from all of the peanut gallery!

     Rias is sitting at her desk looking exhausted.

     Asia is sitting next to me on my right with an interesting forced smile on her face.

     Kiba is across from me on the other couch just sitting there stupidly with his mouth half open. He looks kinda funny.

     And Akeno is behind Rias to her left. She is holding her hand over her mouth in a classic Akeno fashion with eyes that are super excited to see her husband in a very tough spot! Damn her. I will punish her next time!

     Koneko, our last member is currently sucking on a, well a sucker! She is currently sitting in my lap with her cat ears and tail on full display! Her tail is swishing back and forth like she doesn't even care Rias is sulking. I think she is pissing Rias off on purpose, but I have no proof.

     This is not what is bothering me, nope. What is currently giving me the headache, Is not Rias glaring, but the fact that if I pull my arms from Koneko's waist she will pinch my leg with Rook strength till I put my arms back?!

     It is my fantasy gone wrong! But I and Koneko will never admit to the uncomfortable bulge in-between the two of us, damn pervert little brother, I hate you!

     Rias smelling bullshit asks,"So, you are saying somehow Koneko 'magically' unlocked your Balance Breaker from just calling you 'Big Brother'?"

     She then said,"I remember her calling you this many times since the church incident?!" She is jealous, I know it.

     "Fuck, I am not telling Rias it is because she kissed me, hell to the no, think brain!"

     So I said,"I think it has something to do with her cat ears and tail!"

     I think to my self,"Sure as fuck did too!"

     "Out-loud, Numb-nuts......" Koneko just mumbled this in her flat tone. I am fucking hating Big G right now, for the super whammy.

     "I just realized! This is a harem nightmare! I have to run!"

     "Matsuda, if you dare run I will give you the paddle till my arm goes numb!" Rias loves and hates my cursed mouth. I just nod and deflate a bit.....

     Fuck did Koneko just wiggle her butt?! I look like I will cry now......

     "So Koneko is your Balance Breaker unlock, is this right? then tell us what your Balance Breaker can do please." Rias is tired.

     I adjust myself for serious talk now and say,"My Balance Breaker's name is [Satan Gold] not sure why it is called that, but it is a battle suit that hyper magnifies my strength and speed, bringing me to a fighting level one class higher than I am. I think it's like adding the Knight and Rook pieces on me at the same time. This benefit stacks with a Queen promotion as well. So at my current strength I think with both, I would be upper High-class at minimum! And one other ability is granted from Satan Gold and that is, every hour I can unlock [Second Stage] for ten seconds! This gives me Bishop level magic strength and unlimited magic/demonic energy and stamina, to use in the brief window. I think this is a finisher move!" I conclude my thoughts.

     "I wish I was the one to unlock you........" Asia just pouted and whispered that. Fuck what is happening, is every girl going nuts?

     "Fortunately this could not have happened at a better time, thank you Koneko for making our victory over Riser that much more doable." Rias stiffly said this. She said it like taking medicine to save your life, but the medicine tastes like shit!

     Rias now looks amused and tells me,"So to answer your question about the Satan Rangers. Well is something a few of the older devils do to entertain children and to have fun. Grayfia is Satan Yellow. So maybe that's why your gear evolved like that. Ufufu" Rias is smiling and trying to hold in a laugh.

     "Big G your fucking with me now, I cant show my face in front of Rias anymore. I want to fucking cry......." I am sad, did Koneko's tail go in my shirt? Um oh no!

     Rias comforts,"Don't pout. I like it, it is like I have my own superhero now, and you will rescue me from that chicken!" No pressure Rias, I am worried now.

     Akeno coquettishly says,"Oh my hero don't forget to rescue me from that bad man. Would that be NTR if he steals me?!" Dont act all fucking cute like that shaking your ass with your hands on your cheeks! Damn you Akeno I am going to spank your bottom, no wait that's what she wants! Then no spanking for you! I am smart!

     My arm gets tugged,"P-please save me too, Matsuda!" Asia says it all fluttery.

     Koneko emotionlessly says,"Big Brother save me too!" Damn she just squeezed little brother with her but cheeks!

     Ha-ah,"While you're at it, save me too!" Kiba is laughing at me now!

     "No! Pretty boys can just rollover and die!" I glare at him menacingly!

     "No he is my hero....get your own white knight!" Rias looks like she is 13 right now.

     At that moment a silver Gremory seal is seen on the summon circle floor, so we all look to the newcomer. Rias says in surprise,"Grayfia, why are you here?"

     Grayfia before answering looks around and notices my face and predicament. She is smart and can guess by Koneko's cat state what is going on, and damn it I can see she is amused at my awkward face!

     But she is a professional maid and says to Rias,"I am here to inform you that your fiance is coming to bring you back to the Underworld for an immediate marriage, this has been approved by both of your and Riser's fathers."

     Rias is caught a bit unprepared. I thought it happened after the familiar episode? Is there something I do not know? Let's see how this plays out. Oh and I can't greet my wife normally because she will pinch me and get mad, so I have to wait till she is out of maid mode, this sucks, I want my Grayfia hug now!

     Before Rias can start to rage the circle operates again, this time it's fiery with the Phenex house logo in it. Yup it will be chicken! And look at that, We got one high and mighty piece of shit served hot and freakish!

     Flipping his hair like a model he says,"Riser hates the air of the human world, hello my love it has been a while." Yup there is that stupid punchable face, is that my punchable face? If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     "What do you want, Riser? I told you I will not marry you! And not until I am done with college! So run back to your harem."

     "Rias is pissed! I guess she was not really mad at me after all!"

     Rias looked at me and giggled for a second then put on her straight face,"Sorry you made the trip for nothing goodbye, Riser!" Rias turns her head.

     Kiba has moved behind the couch I am on, and Akeno is standing behind me with her hands on my shoulders. Aw that makes me feel good. Fuck now my punchable smile is on!

     Riser sat across from me looking pissed because he saw a hot blond holding my arm with a Loli cat sucking on a lollipop, and his crush Akeno gently massaging my stiff shoulders. I feel good right now baby!

     "Rias my love, Riser thinks your servant is acting a bit uncouth. Why don't you reprimand him?" Riser is angry and Rias loves it!

     Rias just finishes him off with,"I won't, except for me I think he has made every female in this room pregnant?! So stopping him is long out the window. Just suck it up, he is a good servant!" Holy fuck she just took a razor to Riser!

     Every girl is blushing at what Rias said and some of them are wishing it was true! Kiba just coughs like he is in the wrong place.....

     Akeno just got damp thinking about how pissed Rias will be to find out how she wakes me up!

     And where the fuck is that tail going?!

     "My love, we will get married in the Underworld when we return. It is set, your father already agreed, after we consummate, you can finish school. Your house can't afford to make a fuss. And why has Riser not been greeted properly? Come sit with Riser and serve tea Rias, your disrespect can only be tolerated so far!"

     Riser is pissed and he actually is right with the etiquette rules. I think Akeno has thrown it out the window because Rias did not say too, but I think she is refusing to behave normally because of me, aw.

     "OH! My apologies, Lord Riser! I was lost pleasing my husband's shoulders and it slipped my mind. let me get that tea right now!" Akeno is absolutely beaming, being able to say that out loud under the guise of a joke. Damn Riser just looks like his balls got ruptured by a kick in the jumbles. Akeno you're good!

     Rias is trying to hide her happy smile and sits next to butt-munch. And just like I remember he goes to fondle Rias while she looks disgusted. Akeno hands the cup to the Riser and he takes a sip and hides his dislike of the tea.......

     Yup Akeno half ass-in the tea is my fault! Wait, she used the cheap old tea leaves! My gear caught that!

     "Ah, the tea my love's, Queen is as delightful as always!" Brother your nose is growing!

     Rias pushes his hand away and finally jumps up and says,"I won't marry you Riser, go away!"

     Then the rest of their stupid bla bla bla continues and I ignore it because I am bored with both of them. Why does she keep looking for me to say something? You're not my woman, honey I don't need to talk, just fight him!

     Grayfia steps in at this point giving them the rating game option from the Great Devil King.......

     Riser laughs and pumps up his ego and mocks us.....

     We literally don't take the bait and look at him like a dancing monkey. Then he brings out his harem, I mean peerage and struts around like a rooster, but then he says something that woke me up.....

     "Pawn of my lovely Rias, How does it feel to not have this, and cant even be on Riser's same level?" He points to his team. I am just stupefied by the randomness of bringing me into this, because I have said nothing to him or provoked him.

     I casually tell him my thoughts,"Actually now that you WANT to know. I feel pretty fucking good about it! I literally am married and surrounded by the finest ladies of the Underworld, and you think I am jealous of your harem? It seems kinda sad, you have your little sister in there, but hey I wont judge you of incest!" I look at my hot maid-wife and ask her.....

     "Hey Grayfia, do you think I should be jealous of those little girls over there? I think my wife can out class all of them added together! So no Lord Riser. I am not at all envious, are you?"

     I totally was in my lane and did not overstep, so he cant make this a bigger deal. If I just jumped up without him asking then it could be bad, but hey he asked for it. Plus I sense all the girls look really happy.. Except I know Grayfia will punish me. In a good way I hope!

     Lord Phenex did not get the response he wanted and said his goodbyes,"Riser's sister is NOT in Riser's harem. And Riser will give you ten days to prepare for the game my love! Riser will be looking forward to your defeat! Good buy!"

     Riser pissed off, and Rias jumped up happily, because most of my predictions were spot on....

     Grayfia looks a bit happier at least I can see it.

     "Alright everyone, it went as planned. Now it is time for a vacation! Well we will do a bit of training too ha-ha." Rias is in a good mood.

     I walked past Grayfia and said,"Stay with me tonight and meet your in-laws! And I really miss you my love."

     She only gives a nod like we did not talk. Maid mode is serious business! "Oh and I got a Satan Gold Balance Breaker because of you! Tell me over bed time...." She looks embarrassed now!

Riasers peerage

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