DxD: Matsuda!

Mom, your son became dad but better!

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     [Slurp, pop, ummmmm!]

     "What the hell is going on?!" I open my eyes and see the white sheet covering me while sleeping has a super suspicious large bulge in it! Anyone but Precious or Mil-tan! Because I felt something taming my best friend and I do not know who or what is there! I have no danger of tingling so that is a big plus! I then lift the sheet like in a horror movie and see.......

     "Holy crap Akeno, you scared the soul out of me! Other than the obvious, what is going on dear?!" I do not want to ruin what's going on, but questions must be asked!

     That is the one thing about the supernatural world, when a girl has knowledge of your room and can teleport, no door lock in the world will help you. You're taking a dump, and you guessed it magic circle!

     Akeno's half opened and red hot cheeks looked up at me then she straddled me saying,"Well big boy, I decided to finish what we started and I wanted to wake up my husband for school, but I have just one question my lord?!" She is now on top of me and now has her mouth by my ear.

     She whispered her question,"Is this bed a virgin, because I am, or won't be......"

     Akeno nibbled my ear and I quietly exclaimed,"It is a virgin!"

     She then lined herself up like she was going horseback riding and said,"They say a girl's first time is painful, I am sooooo excited right now!" She has a lewd grin on that hot face!

     Then while under the covers I hear and feel in one swift motion my little friend just walked into a baby chamber like the Kool-Aid Man and said 'I AM HERE!'! Wow she and I just shuddered and I heard distant wedding bells!

     A half hour later Akeno took my sheets as a memento while giggling happily and said,"Ufufu! See you at lunch underclassman!" She then fled like it was a dream!

     Well at least she locked my door and turned my alarm off to not wake the whole house. I honestly thought it was a dream till 'First Contact' was made! So with a goofy smile on my face I clean up and head down to breakfast with my family.

     My mother places my dish in front of me and sits for her meal, my dad is reading a new copy of Penthouse, and I am having a life crisis.....

     I decided to come kinda clean with my mom. I do not care what my dad thinks because he is getting a present soon!

     "Mother, I have something very shocking and life altering to admit to you. I am afraid when you hear this, you might even have me move-out...." I man up and march on! Worst case scenario I can just erase the conversation from their memory, but I hate that Idea!

     My mother puts down her paper and sits straight showing she has braced herself. My dad just looks over his open centerfold, so I start to talk....

     "Mom, your son became, dad but better! I-I am in a committed relationship with multiple women! I am also married to a maid that works for the Gremory Large Enterprise Group! All of my wives and girlfriends know about each other, and support me on this! I am able to support them with my new side job I started months ago. I do contract work for the Gremory's! Rias is the daughter of the CEO and gave me a wonderful deal. But that is not what is important! I just do not want to hide the fact I am a man that has a harem. I was not looking for one, but my lovers fell for me and I could not reject their love........"

     My dad actually dropped his porno magazine and is frozen in utter happiness?!

     My mother has a stiff look and I can not read her thoughts even with my gear. She just looks vacant while in thought. I decided to just slowly eat until she speaks.....

     My dog just looks at me with pride in her mastiff eyes and I can tell she is thinking 'And that's why you're Alpha!'

     My mother finally speaks,"Alright, so you are married and how did that happen? And are any of your women pregnant? And what about Tsubaki? How did you get married without our permission?" Mom keeps cool and asks tough questions......

     I break it down,"My wife Grayfia is from outside Japan, she is an older woman in her early 20's and makes a nice income. When I went overseas we had a bit of an adventure together and I protected her from a bad man. We had love at first sight, one thing led to another and we consummated and I do not know if she is currently with child? So in her country I married her. I love her with all my heart. Then you know about Tsubaki, she is a wonderful woman that only wants my happiness and supports me well. She actually has a job lined up with your company. She will be my legal wife in japan." I took a drink and continued......

     "My mistress and I are also in love. She does not want legal status in Japan and only wants to be at my side forever. I do have other ladies trying to engage me as well, but let's ignore this for now! The biggest kicker is my first wife Karen, the owner of Precious, she is very much well into her pregnancy with my baby." OK maybe this was dumb after all! I think my mom might just run out of the house.

     My mother just covers her mouth and tears begin to fall, so I get out of my chair and kneel on the ground in-front of her. I have just shattered her view of me and I deserve any punishment she wants to throw, as a man I must own up to my actions............

     "I-I have a grandchild!? I will be a grandma?!" She then picks me up and I am super confused why she is not hitting me or throwing my cheating ass out?

     Mother, all excited, asked,"Do you have pictures of your wives? Hurry! I am so happy. I think you are too young, but it's done! How can grandma be a homewrecker! Now bring it out for me!"

     I bring out my phone to show pictures of both Grayfia and Kalawarna, of course I save and then remove any bad or supernatural photos from it, then I give my mom the phone and my dad looks too.........

     "HOLY MOTHER OF FUCKING LEGENDARY MEN IN THIS WORLD, YOU PUT YOUR DICK IN THOSE FINE ASS WOMEN?!" That is actually what my dad said in front of us, sigh.

     "Honestly son, I do not know how all this is possible? These women actually married you?! And the one with the navy-blue hair has my grandchild in her right now?" Asked mom.

     I say,"They actually both asked me to get married to them. I would be brain dead to refuse their love!"

     I shrugged my shoulders not knowing how to take their reactions, but I said,"I just did not want to hide this anymore. Plus Grayfia is coming to town in less than a month, and I want her to meet you. I do not want to hide her!" She is the main reason I am doing this dumb ass plan in the first place.

     "Then if these two women and Tsubaki are your lovers, then who is the fourth, is it that Rias girl?" She is quick on getting to the point......

     I shake my head and explain,"She and I currently do not have such a relationship. She has family status to deal with, but the other girl is her friend you have met a few times. Akeno is the other Japanese girl who is Tsubaki's best friend, and um she just left from staying overnight, sorry. I do not want them to have to sneak around like criminals!" I sheepishly smile.

     Dad gave a creepy smile and told me,"You know the walls are not soundproof so we heard! Good job son! You would think the girl would be loud but son, you really are a hard-worker!" OK I am about to die for real. God damn Akeno, no sound barrier?!

     Mom sighs,"I will stay out of your love-life. Lord knows I have made plenty of mistakes, like your dad, but having you was not one of them. Just be honest with us and we will do our best to understand. Honestly I am in denial right now, the only thing keeping me from kicking your horny ass out is I want my grand-babies. I also won't cover you from the public eye or help you with wife disputes, you're on your own super star! BUT if it is to take care of my grandchildren, I will be first to take care of them!}

     She got up and told me,"Go to school you beast! I am late for work. Bring them by at their conveniences!" She got her keys and left.

     A super hard slap hit my back and if I was not a devil that could have broken a bone!

     My dad just laughs and says,"Damn and here I was worried when you gave up porn! Damn you were just living an AV adventure instead! This dad of yours can die proud now! ha-ha!"

     I just sadly walked to school and am amazed I did not have to modify my folks memory's. This anime world gone real is amazing, it's like common Earth zero values don't apply!

     So I am chilling in class and the homeroom begins, just normal things until the teacher announces a transfer student.....

     Damn I forgot Asia would come to class! Rias works fast! I did not know when in the show she joined. Of course the class went wild at the hot Italian blonde, and Issei was not going boob nuts and just saying hi....

     Then she saw my eyes and a huge smile filled her face, damn why do i feel good when she smiles at me? The teacher told her to sit in any open seat and everyone wanted her by themselves. But to their dismay she just came up to me and gave me a tight hug and sat in front of me with a dopey smile plastered on it. Round 16 of the rumor mill GO!

     Asia with a warm smile says to me,"I am so happy Rias said I could be in class with you Matsuda, so please take care of me!" She is so fucking awesome in real life! Nothing like that lame anime version of her!

     I tell her,"Don't thank him right now, but I am sure Father brought us together, so how can I not take the best care of you! I just hope I do not disappoint you!"

     It is kinda nice to be able to talk with her about him. She is God's biggest believer. I just hope I can make her happy and less sad! Gotta get her that Rat-doll today!

     She puts her hand on her heart and says,"I am so happy and am looking forward to being at your side, I want to be happy and help you with anything, just say it and I will do my best!"

     I am immune to light attacks but her smile is blinding me! I took the time to make a list of things to watch out for from the boys and what girls to ignore. I did not warn her to avoid Aika, because my gear flagged me to not write that? Is this a side quest like the DVD Porn!?

     Well Asia with her new friend Aika joined Koneko, Tsubaki, Akeno and me for lunch. And Akeno would take one or two bites of food then rub her belly and say,"I am so stuffed!"

     I-I could not help it! I just could not help blushing at her antics! Tsubaki just pinched me hard while ignoring Akeno! Damn she is good!

     After school it was club time and Akeno, Asia, and the others all walked together and entered the ORC room and saw Rias chilling with paper work...

     A  varied round of,"Hi President!" was said.

     At this point Rias said,"Asia now that the fallen have been dealt with we need to find you a place to live, do you have any ideas of where you want to go?"

     She boldly answered,"Can I live with Matsuda? If I can't, get me close to him!" Wow she was firm there!

     With a crafty smile Rias says,"I knew you would say that so I sent your things there already!"

     "Damn Rias is officiant, I do not mind but I was not asked, Meh whatever having a cute girl around is fine too!"

     Why is Asia blushing and they are all smiling?

     "Damn Rias curse!" I pout while everyone laughs at my misery!

     Later, Rias, Asia, and I arrived at my home while my parents just came home! They were surprised at all the moving boxes.

     Just like with Issei in the show the three of us are talking with my folks and Rias says how she is in charge of international students lodging and the school will pay my folks to room and board Asia. They are taking it super well, but then it happened!

     My dad says,"So are you one of Matsuda's girlfriends or wives?!"

     I just double facepalm, it hurt a bit, but that is how fucking embarrassed I am right now!

     Asia blurts,"N-no but if Matsuda wants this for me, I would gladly marry him!" What the fuck, and she is blushing looking at her feet then me then back at the floor!

     I just look at Rias and she seems surprised like me........

     Mom happily says,"Just call us mom and dad and welcome to your new home dear!"

     Then Asia says,"Thanks mom and dad, please take care of me!"

     Was this what happened in the show?!

Asia and Rias

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