DxD: Matsuda!


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     Well Big G, it has been almost three months since I last updated you on what's been going on in my life. As you can see it is the weekend and I am laying in Akeno's forest. 'No seriously God I know you just had a bad thought about that one!' Anyway, back to my thoughts....

     I come here every weekend when it is not raining and she is not around so I can resonate with the barrier magic present at the site. I have found magic in other areas too but it is inconvenient to study there, like at the school and near the now not abandoned church.

     On a side note thanks to my gear, the bugs and animals no longer harass me and instead are very helpful to me. I feel like a Disney Princess with nature and stuff!

     The reason I know Akeno is not around is because I ask the critters on the mountain to give me a heads up if she is around. I do not want her to get the wrong idea and think I am spying on her. I don't think she would hurt me, well with ill intent?!

     Also I have noticed that the sun no longer blinds or burns me, and I seem to be physically stronger during the day outdoors. like a solar panel maybe? I also do not get winded nearly as much when creating light constructs. Even though it is June and the school term is about to end, I seem to not be too bothered about the upcoming summer heat, to me it just feels comfy.

     I am broken out of my musings by a flapping of wings above me. I look up to see on a branch of the nearest tree, a black crow, it looks at me and squawks, Caw [Lord the lady of the mountain has returned to her nest on the mountain top, I advise my lord to leave in haste! The black haired human is walking in this direction so you need to fly fast!] caw!

     I feed him some corn and say,"Thanks, this is the third time she is doing this, maybe the barrier magic is alerting her about me when she returns to her home?" I then use my powers to cover up my presence and smell here, then bail like I got caught with a naked girl by my mother!

     A few moments after Matsuda ran like he needed a toilet, a super beautiful black haired shrine maiden came to the scene he just left.

     Akeno smiles and says,"Hm? Matsuda Tanaka has been coming here for a couple of months to just take naps and commune with nature? He is not casting any magic or the like, but the last three times I have come to spy on him he just bolts like he can see me coming. Curious, is he avoiding me? Is he shy?" Akeno said this with a playfully sadistic smile.

     At this moment a small little forest oni came around the tree and pulled on Akeno's hakimah. She then picked up her familiar and said,"So he still has not noticed you? ha-ha"

     A few days later in the student council's office.....................

     The convict sitting in a chair placed in the center of the room! Yes, the convict is me, the Great Matsuda! Well I am currently being glared at by a frustrated Sona, and behind her is the rest of the student council and all my teachers, and finally my guidance counselor.

     Why is the academic mafia currently trying to haze me? Well, my friends, this is really simple. I am an idiot! Remember that first person shooter story I mentioned? Well I kinda did the same thing with all my schoolwork and tests in all my classes and activities. Why is this bad? Because I aced everything! I not only got a 100% in my grading but the teachers were dumb enough to give extra credit to students, well this made my score more than 100%, he-he oops again!'

     In my defense it was not my fault, it was that dick Kiba and his Mr Perfect thing he has! He was just so smug about being good at everything, so out of envy, I got all perfect scores and shoved it in his face with annoying glances. Am I petty, a smidge maybe? Any way back to irritated Sona.........

     "Look, we know you're not cheating because we have given you a harder test secretly and you still passed like a walk in the park. But the problem is why you will not skip grades to a level you are clearly at, and on top of that your entrance exam's were mediocre at best. So why did you not get a perfect score there?" Awwww she sounds like she actually cares about my academics, that's kinda cute!

     Time to make lemonade again,"Miss President, it is really simple and I have already explained this MANY times to my guidance counselor, but in middle school I did not want to be seen as a nerd, you know bullying and all for a jock is bad right?" I say this with my punch-able-face smile.

     "As for the entrance exam, I wanted to be in the same grade level as my two friends. We have been together for years now. For why I decided to use my God given knowledge to better myself, my ex-seat mate really needed a challenger to his academics and like any good teacher, I decided to give him a higher goal to shoot for. Right VP?" And add my thumbs up! Huh, VP does not look mad anymore? Did she give up hating me?

     Sona gives up,"So then it is final? You won't go to a higher grade? Alright Mr Tanaka we can not force you too, and your parents seem to not want it either. I am disappointed that you are wasting your potential. OK everyone, this meeting has concluded."

     My history teacher cried out all of a sudden,"But he just sleeps in my class everyday! This is insane! I can't take it, my worst behaving student is my best...." Crap man, is he crying?!

     When the teachers left I walked up to the President and VP and said,"The other reason I do NOT want to skip grades is because the upperclassmen girls find lowerclassmen boy's hot, right Tsubaki?" Oh shit she is back! I almost did not dodge that book......... [NINJA VANISH!]

Thumbs Up!

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