DxD: Matsuda!

Now he has to hide his Porn!

     When Yasaka was finally done rubbing her body smell all over me we finally left the Penthouse. Honestly her massive breasts were too much to handle! No seriously even hugging her, holding them, and even sucking on them. It is too much! Although it was perfect for laying my head in there he-he. Odin father, your son has made you proud today......
     When the two of us stepped out there was someone there I did not expect to see, Grayfia?!
     Grayfia greets,"Lord Gremory and Princess Yasaka, good afternoon!" She gives us a bow along with the other servants......Fuck am I blushing?

     Yasaka moves to pick up Grayfia,"Sister Grayfia please don't be so formal. Thank you for everything! Please come with us to my home. I want you to meet Kunou." Thanks for what?????

     Grayfia tells Yasaka,"Forgive me Yasaka, right now I am working so I will just attend to the two of you for now, please I have the car ready." Grayfia, Grace, and the attendant fox woman lead us down to a limousine waiting to drive us off.

     Only Grayfia climbs into the back with me and Yasaka. While on the road I ask,"So you two meet before or something?"

     Yasaka nods and says,"Yes we exchanged words in your dream before, then we talked on the phone yesterday, then she came to Kyoto and spent the day talking with me about you until I arrived at our meeting!" Yup I definitely got swindled by my Grayfia, no wonder Yasaka seemed too confident! Grayfia looks out the window like she sees nothing!

     Grayfia broke maid mode shortly after and said,"I only told Yasaka about your feelings for her.....you were pushing her away like you normally do. If I would not have talked about you, you would convince yourself that you did not deserve to love her." Um yes that seems to be what I would have done I think....

      Yasaka kisses my face and says,"Mat, don't be upset, OK! She only confirmed how I felt about you. Plus my heart would have been broken if you rejected me, so be happy!" She tightened the hold on my hand.

     I smile and look at the two women I don't deserve and say,"I am so happy that I am afraid this is another dream, and I will wake up lonely and heartbroken...." These two women are fantasy's of my past life as well as this one....How could I not be in disbelief?!

     Yasaka takes my hand and puts it on her heart,"I don't think a dream can do this right? Also, a dream might not let you do this...." She pulls my face into her deep-cleavage and I smell her body fragrance... "Last I checked, one can't feel warmth or smell in dreams? In fact I don't think one can even read in dreams, so just realize you are awake in this world with us dear!" Can I stay here in her breasts forever?!

     I sit up and say,"I guess I will just have to be happy for the rest of our lives, you two are perfect! Glad I was born!" I asked Grayfia,"How are Rias and the others?"

     Grayfia reports,"They spent the day touring Kyoto with the little princess Kunou and had a great adventure. Then Kunou invited them all to stay the night at her home. Finally they all departed on their own to continue sight seeing while Issei and Kunou stayed behind waiting for our arrival!" She then closes her eyes completing her maid task.

     Shortly afterwards we arrived at the Tori Gates of Urakyoto. Yasaka reluctantly left my lap and we got out of the car and entered the gates. Even at daytime the backstreets are a twilight world.

     I say while walking,"Urakyoto is such a beautiful place, I am at peace in here. And it is not my devil side that makes it great, but my childhood dreams....that's what it feels like, a child's fantasy!" My fox just seems happy with my description of her home.

     Many youkai greet us as we walk and an equal number are in pure shock seeing their princess Yasaka being so intimate with a man, no a devil! Many of the fox youkai seem less surprised and begin to explain our relationship to calm the rumors.

     Our group finally made it to the mansion by the river, we were greeted by the old man from before and many other youkai elders. We were then brought into the main hall.

     Kunou, seeing her mother arrive, keeps her noble demeanor and greets us,"Mother and Lord Gremory, it is good to see you come back!" I hold back my wanting to ruffle her hair....

     "Hello Kunou, good to see you in high spirits, and thank you for keeping my family company yesterday!" Kunou notices her mother holding my arm with a smile and her eyebrow raised in curiosity at us.

     Yasaka tells her daughter,"Kunou dear, I am going to be married to Matsuda now. May I have your permission dear?" She really does not have to ask her daughter but I asked her to do this...

     Kunou's eyes opened wide, surprised that her mother worked so fast! Kunou then put on a fake angry look and asked me,"Lord Gremory, do you love my mother?!" Her act would have worried me if Yasaka did not already tell me her daughter's thoughts.

     I tell her truthfully,"I will for the rest of our lives, and that means I will always look after you as well...If you let me be married to your incredible mother!" Kid I can see the joy in your eyes so why act displeased?

     Kunou pretends to think and says,"OK, but you two have to give me a younger sibling! And I want to call you father. And you have to call me daughter...Then I will agree!" Wow she only asks for the easy things.....Um I would have done this anyway ha-ha, I get a hot fox wife for cheap!

     I smile and tell her,"Well then my daughter Kunou, I will gladly accept your terms. Welcome to my family." She then rushes into her mothers stomach with a very happy smile on her face.

     Issei in the back is watching this scene unfold and he looks like a statue of a man that has lost everything in life! I just look into his soulless eyes and smile and tell him with perv-sign-language,[Yasaka was amazing! No really bro the fucking best!!!!] Issei is on his knees with a dead look in his eyes!

     The elders just had a small ceremony for Yasaka and I, to bind ourselves together, and I was branded with a small magic circle of Yasaka's on my left hand, and then it faded to be invisible. This is like having a permanent pass in all youkai communities in the West District of Japan. I am now considered one of them.

     The old man said at the end,"We the youkai of Kyoto will always be family with the Gremory even without the peace treaty, we all welcome you Prince Matsuda Gremory and your new wife Princess Yasaka Gremory, may you two live for thousands of happy years!" All of the elders said a few words before leaving.

     We ate a late lunch and chatted among ourselves about small topics, and Kunou asked me so many questions. She was super excited to see pictures of little Sera and knowing Grayfia had twins coming. Kunou is like my mother in the fact of having a family all of a sudden. She was happy to know that her new friend Koneko was my sister....well a bit more, cough. Mother and daughter were also surprised to find out I had recently married Serafall who they had fun with!

     Kunou says to me,"Father, thank you for making Kunou happy! I am so excited to meet everyone. I will also look forward to meeting my new grandmother and grandfather! Also I want to play with Precious, ha-ha!"

     Kunou after calming down convinced Issei to walk around the youkai town with her to give me time with her mother before I leave.

     So Yasaka seeing her chance dragged me off to the baths............

     Yasaka and I spent about an hour cleaning after repeated sexual assaults and playing around. And finally I am holding her in my arms in the hot spring just relaxing after all that fooling around and baby-making.

     Yasaka tells me,"You know I was briefly offended when you called me a boy in the dream when you healed me!" She puts on a fake displeased face.

     I smile and say,"And I clearly asked you not to bite me after I healed you right? But who would guess the sexy Nine-Tails beauty is a biter?!" I smirk because she really does not hurt me..too much.

     Yasaka kind of trembles in shame and stutters,"T-That is a love b-bite, I-I only do that because it feels good, no because I-I love you!!!!" She is red as hell and it's not because of the hot-springs!

     Done teasing her I hold her tight and say,"Just keep doing it forever if you like it! I am not a weak human and can take anything you want to give me! I love you too!"

     She faces me and says,"You have made me and Kunou very happy so don't forget you promised her a sibling.....OK?!" I kiss her and nod yes!

     Finally the time to leave has come and Grayfia tells Yasaka that she will be back to bring the two of them next week to visit our home and then Yasaka can make a teleporting circle to visit any time they want. She and Kunou were very happy at this news. Issei was surprised Kunou would be visiting...Now he has to hide his porn!

     After our final goodbyes, I and my two maids and best friend vanished in Grayfia's silver magic circle! Now it is time for the stupid bachelor party....... What will go wrong this time?!


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