DxD: Matsuda!

Odin’s granddaughter Brynhildr!



     While the others went after my enraged wife, I said my goodbyes to Rias and the others. Coriana brought us to my waiting room....It is currently about six o'clock human time, and it will be about five hours till my match, and then one hour after that the rating game starts.

     Before I left I told Rias to save Kris till the end for Issei. If it goes anything like my vision Rias only needs to send in Kris and Issei and she can stay out safely.

     When I get to my waiting room, I see it's massive and fully stocked like the penthouse from the Kyoto hotel.

     Coriana hugs me with a kiss then says,"OK now I am going to join the others gathering fan-club members. After your fight we will then support the Breast dragon club to cheer. So win for us alright! Oh and Sairaorg still never replaced my spot yet. Also his mother had come to spectate."

     Before Coriana left, Xuelan asked if she could go to the cheer group.......I told her to go and have fun. Then the two left and went to do their thing.

     Yubelluna asked,"So now what is the plan for the next few hours? Will you rest, work out, or visit others?" She is currently curled on a couch and drinking a glass of wine.

     I think about it and say,"Well Odin will want to meet me but I don't know if it will be in his box or if he will come here, but that will not be settled till he gets away! So I will just relax here till it's game time...I have a feeling that I should not wander around." Yup my gear says stay still.

     Yubelluna smiles and asks,"So it's your power warning you then? Well then it can't be helped!" She pats her thigh and tells me,"Then as your Queen I will be your pillow while you rest...."

     No, I have learned to not be a pussy and leaped into the awesome lap pillow offered! Nothing hurts a woman's feelings more than hesitation. Plus I am super weak to any woman's lap!

     Yubelluna giggles and says,"So you really do love lap pillows, Coriana suggested this was the best way I could let you relax. Honestly it is not hard to make you happy!" With her free hand she rubs my close cut head......That's the spot....If I was a dog my leg would be twitching right now! Hum she smells like lavender...she really loves anything purple.

     It has been about two hours while Matsuda was sleeping and Yubelluna was still rubbing his head to keep him relaxed, when there was a knock on the door.

      A strong-sounding woman said,"The Norse God, Odin, has come to visit Prince Gremory!"

     Yubelluna smiles and says,"Please come in....."

     The door opened and she could see two Valkyrie in their armor guarding the door outside while an old man and a woman with otherworldly beauty stepped into the room and closed the door. Obviously the old man was Odin, but the woman had cascading straight light-blue hair and looked to be in her early 20's. She is wearing a black woman's business suit and looks very stern and serious. She seems to be like an older sister to Rose in looks but better hips and bust size.

     Odin, seeing Matsuda snoring quietly in Yubelluna's lap, put on a big smile looking proud of his new son! Odin says,"Oho, I see he wont wake up without a threat?!" Odin then sits in a close chair.

     Yubelluna smiles at Odin and says,"My King seems to be a sound sleeper, shall I wake him now?"

     The Valkyrie woman snorts and says,"An assassin would have finished him by now! Odin is he frivolous like you?" She looks disappointed in Matsuda's appearance.

     Odin smiles and says to her,"Little girl, why don't you give him a little aggression in his direction then?!" Odin's playful smile is on his face.

     Brynhildr puts a spell into her hands as if she would attack............

     My eyes fly open and I see an overly beautiful looking assassin casting a spell in my direction out of nowhere! I instantly leap at her and grab the hand casting the circle and throw her over my shoulder over the couch I was laying on, and look for more attackers!

     I see Yubelluna covering her mouth trying not to laugh and Odin sitting across from her slapping his knee.....I bring out my gear and pull out Ascalon and wait for the attacker to show herself.

     Odin while laughing says,"Son, meet your betrothed Brynhildr!" At this point the embarrassed hot as fuck pissed looking Valkyrie stands up and straightens her outfit.

     I just say,"Who is dumb enough to wake up someone with a damn laser spell?!" I just look at this incredible woman thinking the hotter a woman is the dumber they are! I put my sword away and release my visor.

     I sit down and say,"So you ditched Rose eh?" Yes I am now ignoring the woman Odin brought.....My gear says she will be an annoying side quest!

     At this point my Queen does her servant's role and pours tea for my father who is admiring her assets! Brynhildr sits in the seat next to Odin with an annoyed look on her face.

     Brynhildr takes the offered tea and says coolly,"And I am not dumb! I was doing as Odin told me......." She then sips her tea.

     I tilt my head in retort,"And if father said to lick my shoes would you just do it?! Sometimes you should question dumb commands." I am frustrated because she is one of those who follow any stupid order. That is just blind fanaticism. I continue,"And what if he was a fake Odin, and he tells you to kill yourself or something just as stupid...This is why I said what you did is stupid! It does not matter if you have the highest IQ in all of Asgard, following blindly is dumb!"

     She stands up and points angrily and says to me,"I am a proud Valkyrie and we complete our missions for our masters! Sometimes we need to follow our orders to complete dangerous missions!"

     I look at Odin and calmly say,"And this is why I like Rose better, she is not brainwashed!" Brynhildr's face twitched and looked really pissed after that comment.....

     Odin sighs,"Looks like you two are oil and water.......It can't be helped. Brynhildr you will need to be replaced then.....Your temper needs work."

     I shrug and tell Odin,"My foresight tells me she is not interested in me, and I don't want a forced relationship where I need to be afraid to even sleep in the same bed with her!" Now she looks offended that I am accusing her of killing her own husband or hero!

     Odin sighs and say,"Well she will be forced to serve whoever is going to replace me and now I cant protect her from a loveless marriage...Now she will be used as a baby making chamber or something....Oh well, but maybe no one will want the Valkyrie rejected by the new prince of Asgard?!" Odin and I seem to have the perv sign language I have with my two buddy's! This is really fun......

     I look to my Queen that is standing at my side and I tell her,"Yubelluna from this point till the end of our lives, I order you to never ever take any order that requires you to sacrifice yourself or do anything evil! I want you to be happy! So even if you are insubordinate at times, be happy! OK?"

      Yubelluna just looks happy and replies,"This loyal Queen shall follow your will, my King!" Huh, seems that raised her reputation meter? I was not even trying to make her happy?!

     Brynhildr getting caught up in my and Odin's flow shouts,"Wait, I never said that I would not be married to you Prince Gremory! And Odin, I was just doing what you told me! Don't just make decisions without asking if he refused me...." She looks at me and asks,"Prince, are you refusing this Valkyries loyalty and service?!" Wow her pride is her weak point for sure....Odin is sly here.

     I shrug and say,"I never declined you...but my powers told me you did not like me or this situation! So I will never force a woman into a relationship with me....ever!" Man I was having a really good dream too!

     Odin tells me to bring out my Mjölnir and place it on the floor, so I do.

      Odin tells Brynhildr,"Go ahead girl pick it up! You are a very proud woman but your heart is not as pure as you think it is.....You seem to look down on my son without doing what he can do.....He is a devil but the hammer recognizes his heart, so prove to him you are better!"

     Brynhildr grabs the handle but struggles with it, she can barely lift it around and then places it back down in defeat. I then open my hand and it flies into it making her look frustrated.

      Odin drops his happy side and tells her,"As my son says then...This is all of your decision...If you want this he will accept you girl. But if you say no, then I will wash my hands of worrying about your future. I have all of Asgard to worry about and the head Valkyrie is only one such concern. Any event that will force me to step down is too big for our Mythology to deal with. So you can choose this son of mine or you can be with my successor God. Now think hard...when he goes to his match it will be the end of your time!"

     I tell Odin,"Here father let me pour you some whisky! This is not my brand but it's almost as good!" I hand him a glass of drink and lighten the mood.

     Odin then remembered,"I am amazed your past life dragon was able to come out! Why did you not bring out your God body?" The two women looked at me in shock when Odin said those words...

     I shake my head,"I was afraid I would steal some of his divinity if I let that life out?! That would hurt my family right? I had no certainty of the repercussions of two of the same Gods in one plane......" I really wanted to take on my Thor life but even Stan was not sure.

     Odin smiles at me,"Yet again you prove why adopting you was the wise choice....Too bad I can't leave Asgard in your hands....But being a God is a must! But on behalf of my son, thank you for not taking that risk!" The two women feel like the discussion they are in is over there pay-grade!

     I put my hammer away and tell him,"It is no big deal, I still have my old friend here! I can walk among Gods with its power so that is more than enough! Plus I must not have been suited to be a God...I failed after all....." Odin and I toast to that!

     Soon a staff member came to my room and told me to be ready to go to the Dome in ten minutes.........

     I tell my Queen,"Let's get ready, you can wait for me at the gate, then go to the medical ward and wait for me there afterwards! I know I will be burnt and tired at the end, so having you at my side will be good!" She smiles and nods yes.

     Odin tells me,"Drag it out for me, I bet you will win and have the fight go over ten minutes! So do this old man a favor and run the clock out, oho!" I nod yes...

     Brynhildr stands in front of me and looks firm and she says,"I want to continue to be the leader of the Valkyries, I don't want to be turned into a devil, and I don't want to be mistreated as a wife! If you can accept my terms, I will accept the betrothal!" She looks nervous like I might not accept her simple request....

     I smile at this overly formal woman,"Then I will accept if you promise to not let the next rulers try and steal you away from me, Also you must try to fall in love with me. I do not want a loveless marriage! I would like it if you spend as much time with me when you are free. If Odin my father tells me you are worth it then I believe you are! So do you accept it?"

     She extends her hand for a hand shake and I smile and shake it! We then exchange circles to talk and Odin plans for us to be married before the new year and he shall officiate it personally...It will be a small private event in Asgard and I will meet my new family as well! Then they left to go watch the game.....

     Yubelluna takes my arm and walks with me to the Dome gate. She says,"Wow my master was even a God once, this humble woman is very happy my King, fufufu."

     I smile,"I don't remember most of my lives, I am just Matsuda Gremory, a devil of this wonderful world. Thanks for being my Queen Yubelluna!"

     Yubelluna tells me,"Matsuda, no matter what condition you return, I shall take great care of you as your loyal Queen. Leave everything to me! Oh and since you were human once you should know this saying....." She then kisses me deeply and finishes,"...A kiss for good luck! Go win!" Shit now I want a different kind of fight!

     I step towards the Gates with my thumbs up! With the game approaching, we are in the corridor, which is connected to the entrance of the Dome stadium. We can feel the heat and the brightness of the stadium from across the gate.

     [Will the Lord Phenex please go to your base.]

     At the same time we can hear the sound of the crowd. Cheers and shouts of joy could be heard even here. The Dome shook heavily at the entrance on the opposite end.

     I also step out of my gate. Being under the cheers, what I see is a floating land which is floating above the spacious circular stadium, there are giant rocks floating above the spacious field.

     [Now, will the Lord Gremory also please go to your base.]

     What’s connected to the rock base is a long snake-like staircase. I also walked up the stairs just like Riser did, and we both arrived on top of our bases.

     On the base, there are chairs with the same number of people as the Gremory and Bael teams groups since they will be after our match, and a dice rolling stand. And the only other thing left is something that looks like a transfer magic circle located one story higher than our bases. When I looked down, what I saw appeared to be a marathon track field.

     A super-flashy man who is wearing a microphone on his ears appears on the giant monitor positioned on the stadium!

     [Hello, everyone! The broadcaster for this match will be I, Naud Gamigin from the house of Gamigin of the former 72 Pillars, who will be broadcasting to you!]

     The stadium gets filled with cheers! So this is a professional-style game? Oh and I am currently wearing a strengthened combat suit fully resistant to fire, it still looks like my matrix outfit from before.

     [The arbiter for this game will be Rudiger Rosenkreutz!]

     A magic circle appears in the air. A good-looking man with long silver hair, dressed in a full uniform appears from the magic circle! Mainly the women make huge cheers at his appearance!

     Oh and I see my fans over there with banners.....Yup all my girls are there too! Shit its that green-haired woman who is my fan, with my tattoo on her boobs! She has followed me everywhere! Oh the match is starting...........................


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