DxD: Matsuda!

Officer it was not me! It was my turtle!


     Leaving my sad Rias who would not let me go easily, I brought back everyone including Bat-Girl! Grayfia of course takes care of the transport circle because it is not one of the magics I am good at.......Sigh, my gold-finger made me good at a lot but that magic is tough for me to comprehend well for my demonic power to use anyway!

     As we appeared all the maids greeted me as Lord Gremory! Looks like they got the memo.

     I say to everyone,"Please everyone, while I am in the human world, I will still be going by Tanaka. So only refer to me as Gremory on the supernatural side, thanks for everyone's hard work!" This is mainly for the maids so my parents don't get confused, plus on paper on the human side I am still Matsuda Tanaka. My mom and dad will come to watch our sports festival too!

     Now I am currently at the head of the table talking to all the residents and both Gasper, Kiba, and Irina are having breakfast too.

     Irina asks,"So Mat what you are saying is is you are now the devil leader in-charge of Kuoh?!""

     I smile and say,"That's right, but I want everyone to just act as normal...Rias is still the head of the family! Also I am expecting part of the terrorist group from the Khaos brigade to start making attacks on us before our school trip. So as we do devil work, we will do it in pairs! I know this will cut down on the amount of contracts, but alive is better than more contracts!"

     The group talked about the details of how we will pair up, especially with the new devils. I can more than make up for our lost contracts with my larger group.

     "Also for this next week while Rias is gone, we will be driving to school!" This got a lot of happy faces around the table.

     "Grace I will trust you for the drop off and pick up..thanks!" Her imaginary tail is wagging! The teachers will still go in their own cars. Plus we will get out a block away so not a huge deal.

     Grayfia handed me a locked briefcase and told me to study the material about the Kuoh domain and the Gremory businesses I am in charge of. She said,"I know all about your nap times, so for the family you will need to stay awake my lord." Fuck why do I feel like my life just got hard with Grayfia at my side!!!!

     "Yes, dear-" (side pinch!),"Ouch, yes Grayfia thank you for your advice!" Damn my high spec body is useless against her attack......

     The girls have been talking excitedly about today's event and what each of them will be doing.

     As we let the teacher group get their goodbyes from me and set them off, Ingvild comes to me and shyly asks,"Matsuda, are you ready for our run today?" She looks down with a blush.

     I just pat her head and say,"I could not be happier to have you as my partner. Dont worry about winning or anything, just try and have fun! Just remember it is not your destination that is important, but how you get there!" Huh I don't believe this shit coming out of my mouth but it seemed to put a smile on her face....Is this my power over maidens and young women from my bloodline?

     As we got ready to all pile in the car, Benemue just finished giving me my goodbye hug and kiss and everyone saw me go still like I forgot something important!

     "Crap! I forgot Roshi was covering for me!" I immediately summoned him...............My Jackie Chan knockoff was dressed like me ready for school and looking guilty!

     "Hi master! I was ready to cover for you again, but I see your back now so I will just go home now!" I saw him clutching his school bag and I made a gimme motion, he reluctantly handed me his school bag.

     I look inside and what I see is criminal work! There are enough naked photos of most of the school girls in my school to sentence me to life in prison! I have however just discovered one of my other Gremory powers....The ability to find treasure and wealth! As disgusting as what he did was....The blackmail potential here is massive! I won't do that but most devils would! As I was going to just burn this atrocity I noticed two girls in the batch....Fuck it is the two seniors I found hot!

     Just when Roshi thought he was dead I said,"Good work Buddy, I can actually use some of these girls in the Gremory Entertainment division for modeling and possibly acting. I will turn your disaster into gold for the Gremory group! So take off and here take this batch of pictures as a reward, I cant use those girls for various reasons." I think my devilish greed is telling me to make a profit here! I put the remaining material into my locked case and get in the car after sending perv, turtle back.

     Koneko breaking all the seat belt laws while in my lap says,"Your turtle is disgusting big brother!" I just pet her and agree!

     As we were dropped off my year two girls run off to do their girls stuff and the fake Rias goes to do her part as her master. Coriana and Akeno are in my arms today as we enter the school grounds and I head to Sona and the group.

     Sona, seeing me looked surprised and just said,"Oh no Mat, my sister was right! Your aura as a Gremory devil is very noticeable!"

     I just look confused and ask,"I love you girls and what's with my aura?!"

     Sona just sighs and explains,"You as a devil of Gremory are radiating a charm that attracts the maiden-heart (single and pure women) and the love of young and old women alike.....Why do you think all Gremory men have large harems?" That is bad right? My harem is bad without it!

     Sona smiles and says,"Dont worry women wont lose their faculties, it just makes you more desirable....like a fan meeting the idol."

     At this point Sona and Tsubaki both give me a light bow and say while I am confused,"We greet the new lord of the territory! Sorry we needed to get the formality out of the way dear." She then gives me a blushing kiss on my cheek as do Reya, Ruruko, and Tsubaki.

     "Oh and Coriana needs her official things taken care of to join and get her ORC membership..can I leave her in your care?" Sona and Tsubaki enter the school with Coriana to take care of her things and Akeno passionately kisses me in front of all the students and sways her hips as she does her sexy walk into the school! She only did this because her King is in the Underworld and she has a one week pass to be bad!

     I am left with Saji and Issei at my side just looking dumbfounded at her actions!

     Saji said,"Bro I heard you became a true Gremory and are now in-charge of all of Kuoh?! So you went from the King of Kuoh academy to the real King of Kuoh....You are a lucky motherfucker!" Issei just has tears in his eyes as he shakes his head yes! At this point Motohama comes up to form the new bad guy group! The Perverted Trio, and a sidekick Saji?

     While we were drawing the attention of all the entering students, Reya came up behind me and hugged me from behind then whispered in my ears,"I will be sleeping over in your bed tonight sexy! And Sona is right about your aura!.....I am going to try and get pregnant tonight!" I just nod my head yes so that little brother won't be a grower! She just giggles as she walks off...She always says that she is not trying anyway, she already said she wants it after she graduates, but accidents can happen!

     Issei and Saji secretly told me that operation [Azazel is the man] has been a success for them! They each had a lovely encounter with a date each, I forgot I did that on a spur of the moment. Why would I have done that though!

     I just left my friends....I will ignore the fact I did that! With my briefcase in hand I go to the homeroom before the events start. At least half of the girls I have apparently been making lewd eyes with due to my turtle are giving one of two looks.....Love or hate....yup not awkward at all, I was handed two love letters before I even made it to homeroom! At least with all of Roshi's crap he has not dated any girl under my identity, like what is happening to my poor chemistry teacher.

     During homeroom, Coriana's entrance just made the class go nuts....She is a top beauty after all......And without her, my life would be more difficult. She has also taken her role as my manager seriously with the help of Grayfia and Grace, Coriana has made my learning of the business world even better. She and I will set up many business ventures in both worlds so our family will prosper! it is comical in my class, I was forced by my girls to take the seat one from the back so all the seats surrounding me would be my girls....I am trapped! Five in total....Aika, Murayama, Asia, Xenovia, and now Coriana! My school life is full of flowers!

     I put Irina by Issei and Motohama and Kat! Then the start of Sports Day begins! We all go to the changing rooms to get into our tracksuits  for the events, I have so many events I have to shuttle to and from so I can be a cheerleader for my girls, and I drag mom and dad with me everywhere.

     It seems I have my new puppy dragging along as well to not be forgotten, yes my new cute shadow is in fact Ingvild. She is very confused about not being used to modern day schools on top of a different country, she was originally from a European coastal town that has fallen off the map. My mother absolutely loves her!

     Then the announcements for the program could be heard. [It is a three-legged race. Students participating, please line up at the starting point. Now the three-legged race for the class match for the second year is about to start.] 

     I then take Ingvild's soft hand and take her to our event point and I begin to put on the leg strap. She is looking around and being nervous, when we practiced before there were very few people around. I pointed into the crowd for her to see all of our friends and family that came to cheer, and this seemed to relax her a lot.

     Kyouko is the teacher holding the starting gun, and I feel I know this scene from the show....I think Rose was the one doing that? Man nothing is as I remember.....Damn the Kyoto trip is coming up soon as well. I have hotels in that city. I will have to put us up there! In fact we have hotels in Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka and many more cities around the world! We also have a huge entertainment company in the human world, so if I find talents I can send them there.

     While I was lost in my new family wealth, Ingvild says,"We are about to start Mat." I smile at her and look into her orange eyes.

     We held each other’s hip and made a ready pose to run at the signal.

     Kyouko smiles and points her pistol up and *BANG* The race-gunshot echoes through the air. It started!

     I copying Issei just said,"In out, in out, in out......." I just ignored the crowd and held onto the woman in my arms not caring if we win or lost. I just enjoy the focused look on her face and the smell of the sea breeze, while I was lost in a warm feeling, it seems the power of devils not trying too hard is still to good for normal humans, and the two of us broke the finish line first.

     Poor Ingvild just looks a bit confused about our finish so I say,"Good work, you made us get first place!" I then untie our legs and I stand up.

      Ingvild then realized that we were getting cheers for winning the race and in her excitement she hugged me and said,“I will always stay beside you forever.”

     I just smile and hug her back,"Yes, don't ever leave me Ingvild! Thank you for choosing me." She and Asia just make you feel warm and fuzzy inside.

     Ingvild then asks while hugging me,"Is it OK, if I love you?" She blushes, well she comes from an older era mindset.

     I warmly smile and answer,"Only if it is forever!" Her response to my words was a gentle kiss...........But why did she do it in-front of ALL the students, teachers, and parents!!!!

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