DxD: Matsuda!


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     When I woke up to a normal sounding alarm the next day, I found myself alone. Makes sense Rias did not have her things for school and with my luck my mom or worse my dad would have walked in on us without her clothes. But I do think my lips taste like I was kissed by strawberries, meh it is probably in my delusions!

     Well the next weeks of school were more or less uneventful. Actually this is a good thing for me because the next four months of school will actually cover all 3 seasons of the anime.....

     That is actually damn scary when you think about it. I just wish I took the time to read the wiki and the light novels. Damn, just trying to navigate off four seasons of a show I have not seen in over 25 years is an uphill climb. Guess I will just have to ignore most of the story points. Everything is out of whack due to my meddling.

     I think my biggest guilt is taking Issei's limelight. Sure part of me is super happy because I was able to fall in love with my dream woman, Grayfia. But what price will the world pay for my intervention? I just hope the world will be a better place with my medling!

      I did think about my dream a lot too. Like why did I dream of Issei and his partner, and why were they acting all weird? My conclusion I came to is it was a self fulfilling prophecy.....

     Issei asked if I would die for his sins? Then I took his place dead under the same Yuma he did. Issei never had to suffer that trauma. So in a way I actually did die for him. Well this is the kind of philosophical question I run in my head when I have too much time on my hands.

     On the following morning it happened! Roshi called me on a cell phone I got him, and he told me Asia Argento got off at the bus station.

      "Alright Roshi, great job! Now follow her while I get ready and I will try to get to her path. If anyone from the church attempts to grab her, stop them. Just make sure you do not sacrifice yourself for the mission. You're my friend and I can never replace you, got it!"

     [Don't worry master, I The Great Sage Roshi shall protect those tit's!] He chuckles and hangs up the phone.

     So I was amused about what Roshi looked like when he took human form. No, not the DBZ hermit ha-ha. Actually he looks like a middle aged Jacki Chan and sounds like him too! I think my memory from Earth zero influenced this look, because the actor does not exist in this world. What a loss for their movie business!

      After telling my family I was off early to school I headed out to well wing it. While I almost made it to where Roshi was he informed me that the two Asia and Issei had bumped into one another already. Good that was a stone lifted off my chest! Now I went to put the church in-between me and them and headed to school from there.

      Shortly I see Issei and Asia coming out of a small park. I am guessing if it stays to the story she probably just healed the boy and his ungrateful mother just bailed with no thanks! I unsummon Roshi and walk towards Issei.

     "Hello Issei and I see you with a young Italian woman! Hello sister! I am Matsuda Tanaka." I give her a warm greeting and observe her expression to see if she recognizes me. This will change what I do here.

     "Matsuda, what are you doing here?" Issei was surprised to see me.

     She put her hands together and said,"Hello my name is Asia Argento, and I must say I am impressed you can speak Italian so well, I did not expect that my Japanese is bad!" Asia cutely says.

     Issei in surprise says,"Um yes Matsuda I did not know myself that you could?!" Damn Sona, your devil education is flawed. Issei looks confused about me. That's because Issei still does not know I am a devil. It's not something Rias and Sona tell their members till it is relevant. Only Sona and Tsubaki know right now.

     "Remember Issei, I have the highest GPA in school and I am a genius. I learned it from those Italian AV videos. Can't enjoy it if you do not know what they are moaning for." I finish with a pervert grin. And this will fluster Issei a bit!

     Asia smiles and asks,"What is an AV video? Is it like a movie from the theaters? I have not been to one yet." Asia was so neglected, I really wish she would have been the one in my dreams. I really liked her. I could tell that Asia cared for me a bit, damn I guess I am jealous of Issei. But I won't ruin this for my friend!

     "NO it is not a movie for girls to watch so you should stay away from any movie that has AV on it OK!" Issei is already trying to protect her, nice.

     I nod and say,"Yup a beautiful girl like you should never watch them. Because only beautiful girls are allowed to star in them!" Ha-ha Issei is flustered!

     Anyway,"I need to get to school, are you going to be late Issei? Should I tell Sona you're doing a good deed and are running behind?"

     Issei says,"Thanks Matsuda, I am taking her to the old church so she won't get lost." I think he just gave me a wing-man high five in his mind for leaving them and covering for Sona.

     "No problem and here sister Asia please take and use this as a token of our first meeting. This will give you a bit of protection and good luck!" I pulled off a super expensive looking silver cross I made, from around my neck, I made it with my earth powers and enchanted it with a tracking rune so I can find her if things go crazily out of control.

     I give it to her and say,"You can not reject this sister. This is a sign from God and fate to run into you like this, and I pray that you will cherish this and keep it with you."

     Issei flinched when I brought out the cross. He was not expecting that and he is confused why I am acting way out of a perverted character.

     Asia almost reluctantly takes and looks at the cross like someone gave her a priceless family heirloom, and fights back tears. Damn this kinda sucks to see her so happy over something so small. How bad was her life?

     Asia smiles,"God bless you and thank you for this wonderful gift, I will always treasure it! The people of Japan are so nice." Shit she is crying now it is time to bounce!

     "See you guys later and welcome to Kuoh!" I wave and bail from that pure girl. Why do bad people have to fuck with kind souls like hers.......

     I of course got to school and told Sona what Issei was doing and she looked concerned. I told her he would be fine and I would have stopped him if I thought he was in danger. She relaxed a bit, but I know he will get the church lecture later.

     The rest of the day ended up being normal except Issei looked out of it. Probably the chills he got from the cross and the church itself. Thankfully none of that bothers me due to my [Divine Protection] and holy immunity, that alone was a massive gold-finger!

     We were all in the ORC club-room after school and I was talking with everyone, and Rias in particular.....

      "Rias make sure and keep your servant pieces on you the next couple of weeks. The time will be unpredictable. I only have hints on things like this!" I tell my King.

     "Matsuda what's going on?" Kiba asked and the others listened intently.

     "Our new Bishop is in Kuoh and I plan on saving her life! I do not want her to die like I did. She is too kind to go through that again." My grim look told everyone it was going to be a serious issue.

     "Rias, I just received an emergency request from the Archduke, there is a stray murdering people on the borders of the territory of Kuoh." Akeno alerts Rias.

     Rias just sighs,"Well cancel the request for tonight, it looks like we may have the same dirty work to clean up!"

     "Oh I think this is the stray devil Viser...she is a nasty piece of work!" I say with a smile.

     Rias said,"You know this devil?" She seemed surprised.

     "Yup, her battle is one I have seen. It is in an abandoned mansion, she has four legs and a tail and she likes to shoot shit from her tits!" I am disgusted about her looks.

     "OK then let's move......." Rias stood up trying to be a strong leader.

     Scooby-Doo time skip to the haunted mansion!

     When we enter the building, Koneko holds her nose and says,"That smell is rank!"

     Of course our mascot, the white kitty makes the smell of blood comment. Ya she is a blood drinker stray.

     I put on my battle gear and Sacred Gear and have my bow in hand.

     "Kiba deals with its mobility, Koneko stun her and lock her down, Matsuda shoots from the back when you find openings, and Akeno when she is weakened fry her, Lets go!" Rias breaks up roles, it is nice since I know all the team play we don't have to dick around and just fight.

     We enter the decrepit home and see splatters of dried blood, a heavy iron smell permeates the air. Then the slight creak from the large abomination round the corner.

     "Oh I smell a feast has come, there is a bad smell in there and oh, the smell of life, an angel. no he is a devil!" Viser rounds the corner in all her centaur glory wielding two long spear-like objects, likely pipes from a plumbing system.

      One can see her exposed naked upper body and her short white hair contrast to her black lower body and snake tail!

     I am caught off guard and shout,"WHAT THE FUCK! Why does she have white hair!" I look in terror because she is a bit different than in the show, and she is not rubbing her nipples? No, this chick is here to kill!

     "Matsuda, what is wrong?" Rias asks worriedly.

     "No, her hair is short and white. In my visions it was black and long, plus that bitch is wielding spears and not shooting from her nip guns? I know it is Viser though no mistake!" I just ready a light arrow in my bow.

     Kiba does not sweat the small stuff and vanishes to cut off the arms holding the spears!

     While Koneko runs in for a body punch....

     I then shot her tail that was heading for Koneko. The pain from the light weapon caused her to stop the assault on our Rook and she then looked at me in horror and charged at me.

     I then ejected my wings for the fast wingless flight, shooting one last arrow into her center mass and fleeing up to the roof behind me. I then yelled,"Akeno now!"

     As I finish kiting her in my direction away from Koneko, The Priestess of Thunder unloads her lightning spell into the flailing stray. The light poison plus the Lightning spell wraps this anti climactic battle up nicely. Although Akeno is slowing the damage, just tormenting her.....

     I decided to finish off Akeno with,"Bad Akeno! Let President have a turn stop being naughty!" Fuck it worked it looked like invisible strings coiled around her and tightens her up, and a whimper!

     Rias does her pointless speech of devil conviction, but it is the devil law for criminals, so whatever.

     Rias looks questioningly at me about my earlier outburst.......

     I say,"I am confused why there are slight differences in Viser from what I have seen before, did she mutate?"

     Rias said,"No, I knew her before and she always had short white hair."

     I just go outside and make a stone chair and collect myself. Rias and the group look at me with worry.

     "I-I think some of my visions might be of alternate Earths maybe? How can the change be so big? And Tsubaki's and your eyes President, there were slight differences! Can I trust what I know? Will I be reliable? Will my wrong predictions get us killed?" I unknowingly start to hyperventilate, until someone's arms wrapped around me.

     Akeno whispers in my ear and consoles,"You're not a God, you can't stop, predict, and control everything. Will you make mistakes, probably. But you're right more than your wrong, and we trust you, I especially do! You could see my heart and comfort me. That alone was incredible. Stop worrying about everything you can't control and just focus on what is in front of you. Well at this moment what is behind you!" She then pressed her boobs in my back and neck hard enough to break me out of my slump.

      I blush a bit and tell her,"Thanks Akeno, I needed that, sorry everyone, I am feeling a bit stressed. I want all of us to have happy endings. And maybe suffer less." I get up and prepare to leave with the group.

     Rias just said,"I am glad your predictions are a bit off sometimes. Who wants a life that is predetermined! I want to make my own choices not be scripted by fate!"

      "Sometimes Rias says some cool shit!" I think!






     Laughter was all that was left in that den of death!


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