DxD: Matsuda!

Rias vs Sona, Hope my wife wins!


     Our six groups of peerage members were brought to a massive set of double doors at least twenty feet tall. We were told to  line up in a set pattern to be led into the chamber to be viewed by the higher aristocrats and nobility of the devil Underworld. Coriana left to stand with her current peerage. Also Rias and Sona's groups were on opposite sides from one another. The Goblin is back with his peerage, but he still has a fist imprint in his cheek that was not fully healed...Makes him look cooler actually!

     When we file in what I see is a round and large room with hundreds of distinguished looking nobles. At the top of the seating is four impressive looking thrones with the four current Devil Kings. All of their elite devils are gazing amongst the many new young devils lined up for their inspection.

     We can all hear an assortment of comments coming from the older devils such as...."He looks confident, but will he be able to hold the position?" "When they all gathered they just started fighting, how uncouth!" "Is that the Red Dragon Emperor? He seems weak...." "I cant believe the family's replacement is so thuggish." "So many of the Devil King's siblings are among them this time, should be interesting to watch them fight?!" "That one there is the new devil that can restore other devils?!"

     Sirzechs voice from the top covers and silences the others as he speaks to the group of young devil nobles. “You six are all devils of the next generation! That’s why, I want you to compete together before your Rating Game debuts and increase your strength and prestige in this way.” He then looks at everyone and says,“To finish, will you now tell us your future goals?”

     "I, Sairaorg Bael, wish to become the Devil King!" His response was met with sneers and ridicule from many of the nobles.

     "I Rias Gremory wishes to take my house into great heights as the next head. I also wish to have a strong showing in my rating games." She gave a very predictable response that can't draw too much negativity. Although I saw and heard a few individuals complain about her marriage arrangements....Yup I remembered their faces! Welcome to the black list fuckers....I think they noticed my eyes and smile, looking into theirs. Fuck if I care!

     The others up till Sona had the same kind of safe answers. So it was lame.

     “I Sona Sitri wish to build a school for the Rating Games in the Underworld.” Of course the majority of the aristocrat's hate her idea, but their opinions don't matter in the end, I don't know the details but I remember my last life buddy mentioned she ran a school, but that's all I know about it!

     “Sona Sitri. Low-class devils and reincarnated devils merely work for their high-class devil masters and are only selected for their talent. Bla, Bla, Bla, Something like teaching mere low-class devils really is nothing of your concern…”

     Saji and Issei both blurted out that they were being unfair to Sona, and they just responded to Sona about her servants having no manners. Sona was forced to tell the two to be quiet....I think them speaking up was nice but ultimately pointless. At least right now. But I openly gave the two a thumbs up and they looked embarrassed that I gave them props for being real men.

     As the old farts were tearing into Sona the Devil King Serafall spoke up,"Even I will get upset if you old things push your luck too much, please remember I am still present! Also Matsuda Tanaka, what is your opinion of Sona's future goal?" She looks down at me and says that?!

     I really did not see this outcome happening...I thought I would just stand here and look handsome....OK I am average but you feel me right?

     I just look at the whole assembly and boldly decree,"If my Sona wants to open a School, I shall move Heaven, Earth, and the Underworld to make sure she gets her wish.....Would this upset the balance of old and new ideas, sure....But as long as she is happy at the end, what do I care!" I just shrug. and try to keep my posture noble proper....Serafall was happy with my response and Sona is read as Rias's hair.....

     A lot of the nobles want to retort to me but most shut up.....But there is always one ass hole right?

     "Bold words coming from a low-class devil who is only reincarnated...What gives you the right to claim to make this happen?" That guy must not have gotten the current news and his noble pride felt trampled...I do understand, but I am petty!

     "Well since I single-handedly have the power to double the population of pure-blood devils in a short time, I think I have at least some clout with many families who want to repopulate...But it looks like some devil family's do not want the help of this lowly low-class devil...So I wont bother tarnishing your doorstep!" Yup, welcome to my blacklist along with your friends bitch! Oh did he just swallow Precious poop?

     *cough* Sirzechs interrupts what can turn ugly fast into a different direction,“Rias, Sona, would you not like to fight each other?”

     Both girls are startled about this question and look at each other with silent words. They both seem to have a hint of excitement about facing each other...they have grown up together and both girls would love to have a go at each other. So both girls say ""Yes!""

     What the fuck?! I did not foresee this.....I have lovers on both teams and don't want to fight them.....Well I don't want to fight Issei too.....Shit how am I supposed to hurt my girls??? Harems are bullshit!!!!! I think they mentioned they fought in the anime, but I have no idea who won! So I am blind here.....

     Sirzechs says,“Originally, it was planned for Rias’ game to take place in a few days. Azazel has gathered Rating Game fans from each of the powers, also under the pretext of watching the games of the young people before their debuts. Lets hold the game with Rias and Sona. The date of the competition is August 20th in human world time. Today is July 28th, in human world time. So we have about 20 days until the showdown day.”

     And that was it.......There was no Loki attack....and there was no Kuroka and Monkey boy fight....Hell there was no Odin or Rose....The anime is a lie! I will need lots of sex tonight to calm my heart!!!

     As I was prescribing medicine to soothe my soul, Issei came over to me excitedly and grabbed my shoulders...."Matsuda we get to fight each other, that's awesome!"

     "hell ya Tanaka, I am going to give you your justice for being too popular with all the hot women!!" Saji is really looking forward to hitting me, no I understand him. I want to hit me too.

     I don't look very excited to fight them, but they are oblivious to the fact I have to hold back most of my strength to not kill my friends.

     Rias and Sona are confronting each other to charge themselves up. So too are Akeno and Tsubaki.......

     Coriana comes up to me and takes my arm and comforts me,"No one will blame you for being conflicted....Only one woman can win...Your job is to just do your best. I think if Sona has to be defeated by anyone, she will want it to be you. This will make her choosing you worth it! This is the devils Rating Game! In the end it is like a sport in the human world." She then kisses my cheek.

     "I am lucky you chose me.....I am blessed!" At this point Asia and Xenovia come to my side. Koneko and Ruruko are making threats and challenges to one another...That is hot...I don't care which one of those two is the winner, I just want them to fight over me forever!!

     Sona comes up to me and gives me a hug and says,"Looks like you and I will have to be opponents the next we meet, I too do not want to fight...but if you hold back too much it would make me sad. So do your best and make the Sitri house proud! Also thank you for your words...I am very happy, Goodbye my lover." She, noticing Rias being impatient, decides to stun me and Rias by giving me a deep kiss then blushing, while pulling her peerage away....Yup my face looks dumb right now.

     Rias, seeing my look just comes over and pinches my cheek! "Wut-dat-foo?" My words are wrong thanks to the evil hand on my face!

     Rias just jealously says,"Don't be swayed by the enemy...that was just a honey-trap!" I just rolled my eyes, but we all headed to the elevators to leave...Rias said to everyone that tonight was the hot-spring party! Nice...Oh crap then I will have to hang with Tannin after?

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