DxD: Matsuda!

The Vice President loves me!

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     Turning off that blasted alarm, I realize it is getting very creepy,"Fuck what snip snip? I already had a circumcision for damn sake!"

     After washing up and wearing my new school uniform the right way, I head in for breakfast.

     My mother handed me my breakfast and said,"Dear, your dad went to the shop and I am off to work, so do not be late for your opening ceremony!" I shook my head in the affirmative, then she leaned down and gave me a kiss on my cheek. She then gave me the sweetest smile and left. That looked weird?

     Fifteen minutes later I made my way on the long walk to school. Am I going to wait for Motohama and Issei? Hell the fuck no, I left early so those two will not make me look like a clown on my first day! The first day of high-school is important, in my Earth zero life, my bus was late and I missed the meeting with my first girlfriend, what was her name? Damn whatever, my point is the first day will shape how the rest of the students see you for the rest of high-school.

     Many kids were walking in the same direction as me, but the large majority of them are girls from age 16 to 18, at least the ones with the high-school uniforms, the middle and college use different styles so there is little confusion who is who.

     I smile and say to myself,"Damn did I turn good looking or something overnight because a lot of these girls are giving me blushing looks?" What the hell that dude just gave me a big thumbs up? Well let's not be rude and just wave at all these nice kids being super friendly. The anime world is awesome!

     So it takes me about a half hour to walk to school but I have finally arrived at the front gates and boy it is crowded. Sona and her VP were both greeting many of the new students that seemed to still be confused and needing their help.

     As I walked by the both of them I put on a big smile and said,"Hi~a President, Oh and VP if you ever want a rematch to pick up that dignity you dropped, come find me at the Chess Club! ha-ha" Hm why does Sona look at me with surprise and wait, why the fuck is she covering her mouth and laughing?? OK all is right, the VP has clenched fist and is glaring, I definitely provoked her!

     Damn I am starting to think that I got some charisma power activated. I am still getting blushing looks from like half the girls and some male head nods?! Well I found my assigned seat in the auditorium and just waiting for this boring ass thing to finish. Looks like the ratio of girls to boys is ten to one, if I did not know that the three of us had zero chance at love, I would be really hyped right now, sigh the life of a mob.

     Fifteen minutes later the room was full and the event began. I looked around and saw Issei and Motohama in two different spots. Why is Issei looking at me with wide eyes open? I know that lecherous smile anywhere, but why did he thumbs up me? I am so confused right now.....

     Well Sona just finished her wonderful speech to the students, and now it is her VPs turn to say some heart warming things. Ya right she is an iceberg. Let's listen to part of it.

     "Greetings everyone I am the vice president Tsubaki Shinra and I would like to cover some of the DOES and DON'TS of our school, as we have started coed this year we want all the students to feel..... bla.....bla.....bla.....bla, and finally it is important for all of are students to remember good social presentation, and not display vulgar behavior so blatantly in the open!" Then she coldly looked right at me, then she did a light bow to the students and walked off to the side.

     What? With confusion on my face I look behind me to notice EVERYONE is looking at me! I just lean back and put my hands behind my head and ignore everyone. I will think about this later.

     When I walked out of the auditorium both Motohama and Issei ambushed me, and Issei said excitedly,"Bro, we were planning on kicking your ass for ditching us this morning but seeing how you were getting it on with some hot girl we will forgive you!"

     Motohama said,"I want details, Bust-Waist-Hips tell me tell me!"

     In confusion I ask,"What are you ass hats talking about?"

    Issei scoffs and points,"Do not play dumb with us you jerk! The lip marks on your face are total proof, so tell us RIGHT NOW!"

     At this point my uneasy feeling grew and I used the selfie function to look at my face. Right near my right cheek near my lips is a perfect imprint of my mothers kiss this morning. Damn is my eye twitching?

     As I put my phone away and pull out a pocket tissue, I wipe off my mothers prank, and make a life changing choice, A, Admit it was from my mom and have the whole school find out mommy kisses her boy in the morning, or B, Just roll with it and make lemonade.

     So I did what any self respecting liar would do!

     "So you guys remember that really hot woman with navy-blue hair walking that huge mastiff that almost killed Issei and you? Well her name is Karen and I managed to help her out with something, and she rewarded me nicely!" I then walked past the two statues that were once my friends and went to the homeroom.



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