DxD: Matsuda!

Two Kings fight for a Queen!



     When I could see again, I found myself in the same TV station arrival area as the last time I was here. A staff attendant was waiting for the two of us and with the woman was Coriana in her business suit. She came earlier as my manager and not a peerage member or servant.

     Coriana smiles at us and says,"Everything is running on schedule and your dressing room and makeup artist will attend to you two. Here is a list of the media that will attend and their affiliation. I even made notes on who will try and ask trick questions." She is so damn diligent!

     I give her a smile and tell her,"You're amazing as usual Coriana! Thanks for your hard work!" She blushes with a satisfied smile.

     Inside our dressing room was a pair of makeup artists to help out with our faces....With all the camera flashes it helps to use special makeup to even out the pictures and videos. Yubelluna definitely does not need it due to her beauty but to be honest.....I am just average looking. I know it sucks but hey we can't all reincarnate into a handsome guy.

     A staff member came into the dressing room while the three of us were waiting and said,"Lord Gremory, we are ready to start if you can please follow me." So the three follow the staff member backstage and it looks like there are two sofas out there for us.

     When we come out I see we are in a meeting hall about half the size they use to interview for teams. I see Riser sitting on the left side couch with who I suppose is his manager standing behind him. It looks like Riser did not bring his new Queen with him this time and he is sitting crossed legged with his arms across the back like he is at his home. He looks very relaxed.

     Yubelluna and I sit on the opposite sofa from Riser, and Coriana stands behind me. Coriana is allowed to take and answer some questions as my personal manager. She is acting like my media lawyer.

      The reporters finally take their spots and get ready, it would seem they are rushing from interview to interview room in rapid succession. I just give Riser a head nod that he returned.

     The announcer stands in between the two of us and begins reading the agreed rules of the match and what its purpose was intended for. The main point was that VIP's from many factions would be attending the rating game match and they wanted a warm up fight to excite the crowd and fans. Finally the announcer told the reporters, it was the Q and A time!

     [Lord Riser if I may, why is your Queen Yubelluna sitting next to Lord Gremory and not you?]

      Looks like riser's eye twitched having that be the first question,"I and Lord Gremory met at a gathering to discuss this match...We had some drinks and started to play chess. I thought I would try and get some healing vouchers from him, so I proposed a bet......and I lost! If I lost he wanted my Queen.....I was unaware of his chess skills. So simply put he won."

      [Lord Gremory why did you want his Queen when you already have The Ultimate Queen as yours? Also you are willing to make bets and deals for your hard to come by healing vouchers?]

     I smiled at the bald man who asked,"As for the healing vouchers....why can't I use them for trade?...It is a profitable business! And as a Gremory I am a businessman by nature! As for wanting Risers Queen? Just look at her, she is amazing right?! She is no was, Riser's strongest piece and I had to obtain her! Plus as Satan Gold I wanted the Bomb Queen for my Big Bang Cannon! As for Grayfia, my adorable pregnant wife? I needed to let her rest to take care of our child and she is currently under the care of a family member and Yubelluna will fill in for her and take over her responsibilities to me."

      [Lord Gremory, we have seen all of the documentation of your metamorphosis into a pure-blood devil, how does this affect you mentally and physically?]

     "I would like to tell you it was the best thing that could happen to me as a former human......but....It was given to me at a huge and immense price. If I could bring back my father Zeoticus Gremory, I would gladly trade it....However he gave me his blessing and it let my body evolve to that equal to our first generation Gremory ancestor. As for how it affects my body, I became exceptionally powerful! How it affects my mind...well that's simple....I am a proud devil!" I put on my evil smile!

     [Lord Riser, how do you feel about losing your Queen, and do you feel confident in winning the duel?]

     Riser answered him,"I lost my cherished favorite servant so I am very disappointed about it! Who knows what terrible things he is doing to my poor Yubelluna! As far as the match? I believe that I will be able to defeat him without his sacred gear that devils should not possess! So yes as a strong devil I will take my anger of losing my Queen and beat him!"

      [Lord Gremory it seems you have recently married the Devil King Leviathan, are you trying to make a power play in the Underworld...The amount of influence you are amassing is unsettling?!]

     I smile and see this reporter is from the old Satan faction and is trying to make this an issue,"Your question is childish! If you think being the husband of the Devil King Leviathan lets me control her, you are not a very smart man. If that is the case then all of the spouses of every noble family should be suspected of treason? So do you have a real question for me or just stupid ones?"

     He is flustered that I got aggressive to him so he changed it,[However you are married to the head of the Gremory family and the next head of the Sitri family! This is too much influence in the palm of one individual?!]

     I have seen to much human TV fucker lets play,"So you are not a reporter but a member of the Arch-Duke family, Agares? In that case what crime exactly are you accusing me of? Oh and if you do not represent that honorable family then why is a small-time reporter trying to besmirch the noble Gremory name?! Perhaps we should investigate your background?" Bingo my gear just confirmed he has a shady backer......The reporter turns red and leaves the venue in a fluster?! Huh I guess his background is shady?!

     The other reporters seeing my manhandling of him looked shocked..........

     I say to the crowd of reporters,"Sorry everyone, my powers are of foresight and intuition...I can smell a devil traitor a mile away! Just ignore him and continue....."

      [Yubelluna how do you feel after being traded off to Lord Gremory?]

     Her eyes glint and she answers,"I am so happy about it! However he still has not laid his hands on me yet......I am a lonely woman and I don't want my new King to throw me away like my last one did......I only hope I am good enough for such a good King......sob sob." Both Riser and I are speechless at this woman's acting! My gear told me there is some truth in there too....And this is not what Riser and I planned for...She was supposed to openly say she likes Riser and I am the bad guy...I look over and see Coriana smiling?

     [Lord Gremory it has been leaked that you are in fact the adopted son of the God Odin of the north....Not only that but you are betrothed to the head Valkyrie Brynhildr? It is rumored that she is related to Odin himself? Also you are well known in Asgard as Prince Gremory the wielder of the replica, Mjölnir?!]

     Who the fuck is Brynhildr? I have only heard of a Brunhilde from mythology.

     I just smile and say,"About the chief Valkyrie I am not sure...As for the rest, it is true! After Odin and I worked together to defeat Loki he was impressed with me and wanted to strengthen the alliance with the Underworld so we both agreed to join in familial bonds. As for the legendary hammer, everyone has seen it."

      [Lord Gremory it is also rumored that Not only Lord Riser's Queen but you may in fact have taken in his Rook and Knight as well?]

     I smiled at the woman who asked, "I can tell she is a love gossip woman,"I in fact took in his Rook and Knight..Xuelan and Siris! They are lovely girls that work very hard for me. I am a man that will recruit any promising talent. I have even improved the two's abilities with my secret methods! The problem with most talented devils are they are lazy and wont train! My not so secret, secret is....Hard work and training everyday! If you want to be on top you must bleed and sweat! That is why I was able to beat my opponents that are considered dangerous threats! As Satan Gold I want all of you children out there to train hard if you want to save the beautiful women of the Underworld!" Got to plug my brand for the kids!

      [Lord Gremory do you think your wife Rias Gremory will win her match against Sairaorg Bael? Also how about your other wife Sona Sitri's match]

     I put on a thoughtful look and tell the reporters,"My super smart wife Sona will have a 95% chance to win for sure. I personally worked with her team and with her leadership, the opponent might win if Sona does not show up for the match! As for my wife Rias, her opponent has a very strong team! So I put her odds of victory at about 50%! The Bael team is a strong foe and they train very, very hard! I also have experienced young lord Bael's strength and he is a massive wall for a young devil! Honestly, win or lose I am looking forward to their match!"

     The announcer cuts in and tells the reporters,"This is the last question then we will end this meeting!"

     A beautiful woman reporter points to Coriana and asks,[Lord Gremory, it seems a while ago Sairaorg Bael traded you his Bishop Coriana Andrealphus, so does this not give you secret information about his peerage and there weaknesses. Also you can just give this information to Rias Gremory?]

     Coriana answers in my place,"I will swear on my King's name that Matsuda Gremory has never once made me divulge my former King's secrets....In fact my King already knew all of young master Bael's information before taking me in. Young master Bael is also aware of this and still traded me to him! Also never has my honorable King given his wife any hints on how to defeat her opponent!"

     I add into her speech,"That's why I said Rias has a 50% chance to win! If I was still on her team it would have been 85%! I just believe my wife must win her match with her own power. If she can then her cousin will respect her more! But even if my Rias is to lose, I will know it is because she did not train hard enough! Naturally I am cheering for my wife, but I respect the sacred game of the devils! May the best devil win!" Then my Queen takes my arm and we stand to leave, but before we part Riser and I shake hands and grin like enemy's at each-other!

     While Riser and I are doing the evil glare at each-other for the photographs, my damn Queen, Yubelluna kissed my cheek with a happy smile! Damn that ended up being the front page photo too! Instead of two men having a manly stare-down it was a picture of two dumbfounded men and a happy purple haired beauty leaving a purple lip print on my face!

     The headline reads...[Two Kings fight for a Queen!]


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