DxD: Multiversal Therapist


What used to be a beautiful clearing filled with animal life, trees and grass... had now turned into a wasteland of magma with a gigantic fox imbued in flames walking about and destroying everything. The survivors from the Baharut Empire had already fled the scene... and they hoped they never had to return. 

The sight of that fox would forever remain in their minds as they prayed to whoever god existed that the nightmare would disappear, that or, hopefully, the fox would head to the Re-Estize Kingdom or the Dwarf Kingdom instead of their land.

Whichever country it headed to... that country was a goner. 

Gargantua, the golem she was facing, couldn't do any more than that. He protected the honour of Nazarick, he protected the creation of his supreme beings, accomplished the purpose of his creation, and he collapsed doing so. 

"Ray-sama wants your body intact, difficult".

A gigantic golden tetragram appeared underneath the giant, restrained in her tails. All the undead in the surroundings melted underneath her body, and a sea of magma took over the land.

The current her couldn't be bothered to use techniques such as Senjutsu; although she was an expert, her physical strength and control over fire towered and provided a lot more destructive capabilities than what Senjutsu could ever achieve. 

Still, the ancient spiritual arts had plenty of uses. 

Golden chains manifested like they had a mind of their own and entwined about the giant; they rolled more prominently around the neck. He struggled to be free, but it was no use. It was during this moment... this moment of certain victory that Yasaka lowered her guard, and then she saw it.

Like a mote of dust compared to her size. A pink being flew in front of her face, akin to a mosquito.

She looked at it curiously, unaware of what exactly that thing was. Some pink life forms with branches protruding from its body and a bright halo. It spoke in a language that Yasaka couldn't understand.

She discarded it as some weird lifeform of this new world they were in, although she was still surprised that being hadn't yet burned in her presence. Sadly for her, that was no 'nobody'. That was the guardian of the 8th Floor of Nazarick, Victim. 

His words were unintelligible for her, but the conviction and loyalty in his mind couldn't be denied. 

'I live as Nazarick's sacrifice, I die as Nazarick's avenger'.

<Super Tier Magic: World End>



"You heretic gods can't save you; they aren't even here. They're but stepping stones for my lord to thrive in this world".

"D-Damn You!".

With magma spewing up from the top, the edge of the pit. Azrael held her scythe in one hand... and Aureole Omega's neck in the other. Yuri Alpha's corpse lay at her feet.

If one looked closely, her torn wings were emitting a subtle golden light, regenerating fast enough to be visible to the naked eye. 

'I haven't fought in so long... my performance this time was rather lacklustre; if Lord Ray had seen it, he'd be greatly disappointed. I must improve my control over these powers,' She groaned, staring at her injured body and torn-out wings that made her look 'ugly' and demarcated. 

'They were weak but had quite strong gear. How surprising it is that their maid attires are tougher than their skin'.

When she was about to finish off the struggling Aureole Omega, she smelled something putrid and horrible, and so did Aureole. 

"V-Victim-sama... your sacrifice will not be in vain–" She mumbled with tears in her eyes but still a hopeful look, "You invaders won't be able to-"

Azrael frowned and sliced Aureole's neck, decapitating her, shutting up her 'annoying' little weakling mouth, throwing the corpse to the ground like trash and staring at the top of the pit where a pink liquid started to spill down. 

A droplet of it fell in front of her and started corroding and burning the floor like the most potent acid. Slowly but surely, the quantities spilling from the edge increased to the point that she had to be careful. 

And then... a gigantic wave of it started spilling down, melting everything in its path!


Azrael groaned, thinking what her lord's orders were, to get all the corpses intact and also the treasures, but this acid was clearly their last struggle, their last hope. By the end of this, there would be no treasures to salvage!

"Hurry up and come out, we have to go!".

For her part, Hasshaku-sama had arrived on the ninth floor, where she swiftly disposed of a 'nuisance', a monster who believed he was more of a monster than he actually was. She pierced his heart, and that was all it took to kill him.

He introduced himself as Pandora's Actor... but she couldn't care less. 

There were more than a hundred treasures in there, but she heard Azrael's shouting before she could even do or say anything. 

"What is going on?"

"Hurry up, we must leave!"


Azrael flashed into the room, flapping her wings, and picked up Hasshaku-sama, who was still confused about what was going on that had her so alarmed. A golden circle wrapped around them both, and Azrael teleported the two of them away back to the surface. 

What they saw on the surface was catastrophic, nothing short of a nightmare. 

A massive pool of pink corroding liquid that would have surely expanded and taken over the whole forest were it not for the gigantic pit that was now Nazarick. There was putrid-smelling pinkish smoke everywhere. It expanded out of the clearing and into the forest, slowly killing the vegetation. 

At the edge of the pool, the body of Gargantua, the golem, was getting corroded and devoured by this pink acid so fast that in a few minutes, he would be gone despite his size. 

Yasaka had jumped away from it; her gigantic body collapsed on the grass... one of her legs was corroded to the bone as she growled in pain. One could only imagine the pain.

"Yasaka!" Hasshaku-sama rushed in. She saw how Yasaka's body tried to regenerate, but there were still leftovers of that pink acid on her titanic leg. 

She thought about what to do but couldn't think of anything. 


<Suiton: Daibakufu no Jutsu! (Water Style: Great Waterfall Jutsu)>

A gigantic wall of water spawned technically out of nowhere, sweeping Azrael, Yasaka, Hasshaku-sama, the acid, Gargantua... everything. Tsunade stood on a tree branch, with five more Katsuyus in different branches, all spewing surreal amounts of water towards the clearing. 

It swept everything away, creating a tsunami that covered the whole world and diluted the acid until the water turned pink-ish and slightly itchy at best. Still, there was still a lot of pink smoke in the air that itched her longs only by smelling it. 





Two more Katsuyus appeared on her shoulders.

<Futon: Kamikaze no Jutsu! (Wind Style: Divine Wind Jutsu)>

First, it was a Tsunami, then a tornado. Yasaka returned to her humanoid form; she got picked up by Azrael, who carried both her and Hasshaku-sama into the air, witnessing the spectacle of elements that took place in the clearing. A great flood that reached as far as the eye could see. 

Nazarick had now become a pink lake of hot water.


Yasaka looked at her hand, which was regenerating at faster speeds now, but still recalled the mind-numbing pain she had gone through the moment that acid exploded in front of her face. If she hadn't been fast enough, it would have covered her whole body or, even worse, if that acid had fallen on her torso... nothing could have stopped it from reaping her life. 

"This fight was..." Hasshaku-sama started.

"More difficult than anticipated", Yasaka finished it. 

"We have failed. Lord Ray ordered us to retrieve all the bodies and treasures... we have failed Lord Ray's expectations!" (Azrael).

"..." (Yasaka)

"..." (Hasshaku-sama)

'Girl, we're lucky to be alive; what else do you want from us?!' 

The Great Tomb of Nazarick had been a very strong opponent that they would never forget, Victim.


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