DxD: Multiversal Therapist

Childhood Sweethearts III

"This house belongs to a friend of otousan, it is an old lady called Mina-obasan, I have met her a few times".

I accepted her invitation in the end. It shouldn't come to anything if I gain control.

I was in a rush, I wanted to leave as soon as possible for the new world. But this girl has such a special place in my heart. I know whatever time I spend with her I'm going to enjoy it and also... we won't see each other for a while. 

We quickly got comfortable, I retained my attire but she changed. Anna wore a shirt and shorts that she found in the draws that fit her, everything else was too big for her.

The living room had a tatami and we both lay under the table watching her phone and eating snacks that we brought, I would say we were waiting for her parents to return, but we knew they wouldn't return until tomorrow evening.

"Oh, I got that monster too see? the kitsune, kon!~" She mimicked the little creature on the phone.

'So cute!' I restrained myself and coughed a bit, "I didn't know you play games on your phone".

We were playing a mobile game that consisted of cute monsters fighting in a battle royale, it wasn't that sophisticated. Hers was a kitsune-like cute monster that reminded me of Kunou-chan.

"Sarada-chan and the girls do, sometimes they invite me," she pouted, "If you were friends with them maybe we could all play together"

They're her friends at school, she belongs to a group but I don't, I occasionally play with them, but I spend most of my time in the basketball club. 

"I will pass, they're not that fun" I sighed and turned around, taking the phone from her and continued playing.

"Loner!" She pressed her finger on my cheek and then blushed at our closeness. Actions we'd usually partake in that were intimate, now made us flustered.

I took a side glance at her, she wasn't wearing a bra underneath that shirt. Other people would think that was deliberate, but I know she's clumsy like that... she doesn't care because we had never been on that tone, until now. 

We have spent a long time together, we have seen each other naked (when we were kids) and there has never been a problem. But right now, we're very aware of each other. She doesn't know how to seduce me or anyone for that matter, she's just naturally sexy.

Yes, she's not even trying.

But now she's conscious that I look at her body 'that way' and I can't help but sense subtle hints, like the way she's sitting and how close she is to me. We're usually close, but not this close.

"I'm glad you don't interact with the girls that much".

"Hmn, why?" I kept playing, but I felt her breasts press against my shoulder.

"Maybe they would start having feelings for you" She chuckled mysteriously, trying to divert the topic 'that' way, the boyfriend-girlfriend way. 

"It's not like I'd pay attention to them anyway, I have you" I sent her a sidelong glance, and sure enough, that did it. Such a casual comment was enough to make her flustered because we're now in a relationship and I usually never flirt with her like this. 

It made me feel giddy as well. This is how a childhood sweetheart and a first romance feel. It made me feel a bit sad that I needed to go.

"Hmph, you say that but you like older women after all".

"I told you it is just a coincidence!"

"How long… with Yasaka-san?"

Anna turned around, resting her elbows on the tatami, I saw her legs swing out on the other end of the table, she wanted to know. 

I thought about being honest since she already figured it out, Yasaka and Hasshaku-sama's appearance was just a wanton act of acknowledgement, they wanted Anna to know who the rivals were, and I couldn't blame them.

"A few years" I evaded her gaze but aside from a flinch of her brow, she didn't react.

"I-Isn't it weird? Someone as old as her, going for someone as young as you?"

"I'm older than I look, Anna" I decided to bring that up to her, maybe that way she could understand my current predicament.

"How much older?"

"A lot older… *cough* suffice to say, I'm an adult."

"Sometimes you can act very immature though, R-a-y-chan~"

This girl giggled and kept pressing her finger against my cheek, irritating me but I couldn't retort that, it was true... sometimes I do act rather childish.

"Ha… Ha… I'm not the one eating snacks at school" (Ray)

"What do you mean!? You do eat snacks with me!" (Anna)

"Because you pull me along!" (Ray)

"I never compel you! Mou! You do it because you like snacks just like I do! Besides, sometimes you bring me snacks that I never ask you for!" (Anna)

"But they make you happy don't they!?" (Ray)

"Of course, it is because you bring them for me, dummy! I like it when you give me things!" (Anna)

We wrestled and laughed, as usual, and at some point she was on top of me, like always… but it didn't feel like always. She leaned her huge chest on me and panted, I had her eyes pressed against her back, immobilising her.

A mere look down was all I needed to see that pronounced cleavage, why the hell was this girl so sexy? and why had I never noticed...?

I felt her breath, she felt mine and she pushed forward to my lips. We're boyfriend and girlfriend now, a kiss is within the realm of normalcy, even if we're this young... but I still felt like I needed to press back.

Anna faltered and waited for my explanation, I'm sure my cheeks are flustered right now, not a usual reaction from me. I like what we are doing right now quite a bit, and I want to do a lot of things with her without crossing certain boundaries, but I don't know if she's ready. 

"Anna… I'm much older…" I tried to explain.

"…" She frowned.

"S-So I have to think things a little before I make a move on you, do you understand me?"

She rose up, placing her hands on either side of my head, "So the reason you never confessed, was it...?"

I nodded.

"Does that mean you like me from way back?~"

I nodded again, a bit ashamed, and she smiled.

Her face hovered above mine, "You know one of the girls… Kaneda-senpai".

"Hmn, what's with her?" I know who she's talking about.

"S-She has already done it".

My eyebrows twitched, surely she was jesting. That girl is one year older than us, fifteen.

"… done what?"

"Y-You know… sex".


"N-No way!" I couldn't believe it, fifteen... who was the bastard?

"You know her brother, Satou-kun... he's in college and he has a particular teacher, it is a senior named Ryousuke. Well, Ryousuke-san and Kaneda-senpai..."

That bastard must be put in jail!

"Why did you never tell me this!?" I shook her and she was shocked that my reaction was like that, how the hell wouldn't I be shocked knowing the people she's hanging out with?

"Well, she told us to keep it a secret-"

"Of course she did, that bastard must have told her to keep it a secret" I sighed, it is not like I give a fuck what those people do, but what if they force Anna into something? Even now Anna thinks that because Kaneda-senpai has done it, then it is normal for her to do it too, wrong!

"Anna, I don't want you to be friends with Kaneda-senpai, got it?"

"Eh, why?"

"In any case, I don't want-"

"But I want to do those things with you too, Ray".


She pressed me down again and hovered above me.

"Anna, no-"

"Before you leave me, and you leave for who knows how long, and we don't see each other again, and I start missing you..." She lowered on me, sniffed my neck and licked it, "At least... let me try some things, please".

I looked at the ceiling, feeling her body rustling against mine underneath the hot tatami, considering my life choices. 

I bit my lips when she suddenly stopped, "D-Down there, something is bumping on me, that's... your uhm..."


"Hehe, I don't know if I should say the name," She said innocently and bashfully, popping up veins on my head.

'You literally can't even name a dick 'dick' and you want to do more lewd stuff than that!?'

"Listen, Anna, I already told you; I'm an adult... and so is that bastard. What that Ryousuke did is a crime! A crime you know? he could go to prison for that, that's why he wanted her to keep it a secret!" I tried to explain but she wasn't letting me.

"But what if he has feelings for Kaneda-senpai and couldn't hold-" She retorted.

"Feelings are not about sex! Then he should have waited until she's older!" I reprimanded and from then... we just went down the rabbit hole. Since when is this girl so clever with her words!?

"But Yasaka-san didn't wait for you to be older-" (Anna)

"A-Ah... But I'm older than I look-" (Ray)

"I don't know how old you are mentally, but your body is the same age as mine, Ray! So logically, anything you and I do is within the margin of the law, it is Yasaka-san who committed the crime!" (Anna)

Do you want to be a damn lawyer when you grow up or what?!

"Look at me, don't I look older than fourteen?" (Ray)

"Don't I look older too?"

She put my hand on her huge breast and I gasped. 

"Don't I feel older...?~"


"Do my breast feel... like a little girl's...?" She smiled when I squeezed them.

I ran out of arguments... and she knew, she descended and kissed me then and there, and our lips met tenderly, and her opened eyes stared at mine before she closed them to enjoy the kiss and sooner, so did mine. 

I... enjoyed it too. 

I held her shoulders for a few seconds; when we separated, she traced her lips with a smile.

"That was our first kiss"

I went up for another one and we turned around with me being on top, pressing her hands at either side of her head. Her lips were so tasty, like takoyaki. I separated from her, and my right hand found rest on her right breast, feeling her through the clothes. 

"If we are going to do this... there are rules".

Her eyes brightened up and she nodded, I growled inwardly but then sighed... she's too hard to resist. 

I carried her like a princess and moved to one of the rooms, explaining the rules to her. 

"Rule number one: No sex".

More specifically: no penetration. Her expression turned downcast but just for a second, I imagine she expected us to not reach that threshold tonight or any time soon.

"Rule number two: Lights out".

We had to switch off the lights in the room, that rule was to help me resist the temptation of wanting to go further. I couldn't give a fart if she wanted to see me naked.

"No way, where is the fun in that!?" She complained but her complaints were shortlived when she saw my expression, I wasn't going to negotiate.

"Rule number three: You touch".

She was the one that was going to touch me and do whatever she wanted, I would just lay there.

"That's boring, Ray-chan! what's the point of it if you don't touch me... I want you to touch me!"

"Then in exchange, after you finish, I'll give you a massage, how is that?"

I know it is unfair since she clearly craves my touch more than she desires to touch me, so I made some leeway. She considered it and eventually nodded with a sigh, afraid I'd just turn everything down and then she'd not get anything. 

"Is that all? no more conditions" She asked me with her arms crossed and I nodded. 

A smile and a mild blush marred her expression when all the conditions were set, which meant now we could proceed to the action. I switched off the lights and she opened the curtain.



The light of the moon entered the room, brightening everything up. This was the fifth floor of an apartment!

"You never said anything about curtains closed~ you're not allowed to put any more conditions, by the way"



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