DxD: Multiversal Therapist

Energy Records I

The energy presented itself like the flow of a river where those pathways that Tsunade mentioned, were the river bed... it originated in her dantian. But that wasn't all that I could see, the more I focused the more I saw, the more I saw... the more I wanted to see. It was a pleasurable feeling... like becoming one with that energy. 


Soon enough that energy took shape, the shape of a person, energy flowing all over that body subconsciously. I saw Tsunade sitting on her chair, writing her scrolls... like a backward movie. Not only could I see the energy... I could see its past. 

I also saw a flow of energy, a detail of her I had never paid attention to: the collar on her neck. 

Like trails of golden energy left behind in the membrane of space. I could see it, and I could feel it. I felt her sitting, studying, being enthusiastic about life and doing her research. But before that, she had been completely different. Her energy wasn't golden, unlike now, instead, it was a weak blue, chakra. 

I received her in my arms, her energy perturbed as she underwent heavy depression and anxiety. Those records were firmly palpable as I watched the backwards movie that was her life. Years of drinking and playing trying to suffocate an ever-budging sadness that just wouldn't go away. It manifested in her body in the form of a blackish energy, right in the centre of her middle dantian. 

[... You have unleashed...]

I witnessed her past, the wars she fought in, the injuries she was subjected to, her heroism and how that energy flowed across her body vivaciously. The moment of most pain and suffering; The moment when she lost her lover. I witnessed how that collar exchanged ownerships, regardless of past or present, still in her hands. I felt it... I felt her touch her lover's body... I felt his energy scattering until there was nothing left. 

There was a period of calm, ironically, as the movie was going backwards I experienced the love and passion of her early adulthood with that man, it was weird to know... he was going to die and yet she didn't know. 

There was another period of erratic energy, the death of her little brother. Once again I felt his scattering energy when she touched him. To the outside eye, it may look like she was cursed like that collar was cursed. 

[... A True Multiversal God's Ability...]

I followed the whole trail of her energy until she was nothing but a mote of energy dust inside her mother's womb. And then, the movie started once again, this time forward... but a little different. 

My head started to feel pain and the pleasure I was originally experiencing watching that movie, turned into a self-imposed torture. 

I felt her energy slowly evolving into an ever bigger fetus, her mother's energy, the energy surrounding her body, the sunlight and the light reflected by the moon. Soon I could feel everyone's energy.

Like a vision that allowed me to feel everything that existed in the world, without seeing anything.

[Energy Records].



This shouldn't have happened, it was a miscalculation... a horrible mistake.

I watched his shivering body, still with his spiritual hand deep into Tsunade's body, the latter gasped, not feeling pain but instead, feeling a degree of pleasure that couldn't compare with anything in this world. 

Like she was being 're-energized', Ray's energy was going into her... but it shouldn't be like this. I grit my teeth and clench my nails hard into my skin, already thinking about what to do with the measly seconds I had before the catastrophe occurred. 

I tried to grasp Ray's body and pull him away from Tsunade... but my hands phased through him like he wasn't there from the start, he had already become pure energy... it was too late. 

[Congratulations. You have unleashed a True Multiversal God's Ability: Energy Records].

[System Capacity: 34%]

[System Capacity: 42%]

[System Capacity: 57%]

[System Capacity: 89%]

[System Capacity: 89%]

[System Capacity: 99%]

[Danger: System Capacity Unable to meet Required Standards].

[System Capacity: 120%]

[System Capacity: 230%]

[System Capacity: 320%]

[System Capacity: 580%]


When the other me created the system for Ray to become a true god, this factor wasn't within the equation. The wroth was supposed to be slow and steady, every different rank would unleash a set of abilities that Ray would be able to control once he surpassed that rank. 

Energy Records is arguably one of the most powerful abilities in my arsenal. It is not an ability that he should have obtained once he reached the True God Stage. It was an ability he should have obtained once he reached the Multiversal God Stage... at least ten ranks above his current rank!

[System Capacity: 890%]

[System Capacity: 1200%]

I knew there was nothing I could do, my body started to flicker. System Capacity is a module designed by the other me to independently control Ray's powers. He's not a God by birth, he doesn't have the mind of a god... therefore he needs assistance in containing and controlling the powers he possesses, that was this module's job. 

But if System Capacity is overridden, Ray will lose control of his abilities... and if he loses control of his abilities, his sentience is at risk... he will become a sun. 

It was during this junction that the world started to shake as Ray's body started to shine, this world couldn't possibly resist the presence of a sun in this space.

"What is going on!?"

That woman manifested first, just as I expected. Amaterasu, if there is anyone in the area who would feel this change first-hand, it would be her. 

"Amaterasu, I need your help" I cast my pride aside, I can't do this on my own... preferably I would like Yasaka to be here as well. 

"What is happening?!"

"Ray has obtained an ability that puts at risk his sentience. Right now he should be starting, little by little, to feel and comprehend all the energy around him. It is an omniscient ability belonging to a multiversal god. That is not a load his mind can take".

She frowned and wanted to ask questions, but we didn't have that leisure, not when the whole house started cracking and an earthquake began raging. 

The world fell into chaos.


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