DxD: Multiversal Therapist

Guest from Nazarick III

There is a naked blonde Victorian maid on my bed and she looks spectacular. I have to be careful and not ogle too much because I can tell Yasaka is starting to get jealous.

Unlike Elysir it is her first time watching me massage some other lady, bantering is a must to keep the tensions low so I had to do a bit of groundwork with Solution which may have appeared as if I was courting her. 

The kitsune's real face is showing with that sly smile of hers, in truth, you're a possessive little vixen aren't you?~

For her part, Elysir is just watching and keeping all of her eyes on whatever unexpected move Solution may pull out. I've never done a massage to a Victorian maid, that's for certain. Mostly because a 'maid' is a too low-ranked individual to even think about getting one of my massages. 

Ains Ooal Gown, the one that Horus originally contacted, sent this maid here as a test to see if my services were real, he's a clever fellow I give him that.

Everything is going perfectly so far. She's still on guard but that doesn't matter as long as she doesn't disturb the session. She's beautiful with a great figure and there is something eerie about her that I can't quite grasp yet.

As if she's wearing a mask at all times. I removed my gloves and began by loosening tensions, I touched her leg first and something immediately caught my attention.


She shivered very harshly, a strong reaction.



She didn't answer me and continued shivering, I couldn't even see her face. I tried to retract my hand but her body is… sticky!? I struggled to take my hand out of her body until it eventually let go. 


T-There is no way… there is no way he's this delicious!? 

A-Ains-sama... I may fail this mission! He is a God, there is no doubt about it, no human can taste this good!

I held onto the pillow and bit it, trying to restrain all of my predatory senses. I'm a slime... devouring prey is what I do regardless of their race, origin... anything. I take them into my body where they suffocate before processing them like cattle. That's how I feed myself.

I'm very conscious of my prey's taste... the stronger they are, the tastier they are.

With you, Ray Lux... I can't even begin to describe how it feels. His hands running along my skin is akin to him touching my tongue; rubbing it ceaselessly and leaving his strong scent. 

Not only is his touch one of the gods, but his taste is also one of the gods!

I-If I don't keep myself together I'll melt!

Calm down Solution… You can't eat him. Everything is going perfectly. So far everything feels genuine without traps or schemes. I don't know about him, but those goddesses are strong and their eyes are on me right now with cautiousness. 

I can't mess this up! 

"I'm sorry, I was just a bit surprised, please continue~" I settled down just for devouring his godly scent and reluctantly let go of his hand. 

"Are you sure? Your skin is sticky… I've never seen anything like it".

"Yes! I'm sorry, it won't happen again" 

"Very well". 

He began by caressing outwardly, my waist, hips across my birdcage to my shoulders. I couldn't help myself and savoured him all the way, each stroke... it felt so good oh my god I want to eat him so bad. 



What the hell is wrong with this woman's body? It is like her skin is glue. Sometimes I can run my hands over her skin and it feels smooth, but in some others, my hand is stuck in place as if something is sucking me. 

It would be very awkward to continue the massage if her skin is like this. Or so I thought before I noticed Ely was standing next to me. 

"Elysir?" Yasaka called her but Ely fixed her eyes on Solution who also noticed her gaze and grew nervous. 


[She seems to be some sort of compound life form. She's devouring your aura somehow, I struggled to see it at first because I was focusing on her. But ever since you started your aura has been weakening, Ray].

Elysir contacted me privately. I frowned and stopped my motions, Solution panicked. 

"Are you enjoying yourself?~" Elysir asked her. 

"Y-Yes, I love it... is there any problem?". 

"What exactly are you? You have been eating Ray's aura. Either answer honestly or you can consider this therapy session finished and be on your way, Solution".

Elysir wasn't fucking about, I felt the threat in her voice... even Yasaka stood up next to her with much the same wrath.

When I was expecting Solution to retaliate, she stood up without any care of her nakedness and knelt on my bed towards me. 

"I'm sorry Ray. I'm a slime... in truth, I have been savouring you ever since the session started".


"Yes" She extended her arm forward and it transformed into some sort of dense bluish liquid before retracting back into the form of her body. 

"A slime... I have heard of them in video games but to think you are one, so the booking description wasn't figurative".

"Excuse me? video games? I don't understand..."

"It is nothing. So...? You were devouring my aura?"

"I'm sorry... I couldn't control myself and showed a disgraceful sight, I only ask that you forgive me and continue with the session, please. My lord underwent a huge sacrifice just so I could come here, I would be ashamed to come back and face him this way".

She knelt with all due sincerity. A sincerity that I'm sure derivates from the fact that she's enjoying my massage... her attitude was quite cocky at first. 

[Time remaining: 00:48:30...]

The time was going so I just sighed and nodded towards Yasaka and Elysir, both of them went back to their spots as I patted Solution's shoulder, she quivered at my mere touch and exhaled a bluish breath. 

"I forgive you and I don't mind you devouring just my aura... but you shouldn't hide things from me. Isn't it better for us to trust each other?"

"Yes, thank you!"



I said it and apologised, please... put your hands on me again!

He doesn't even care that I devour his aura, what a sweet boy... that's how much he doesn't consider me a threat, not as long as those two goddesses are in this room. 

Hurry up... hurry up and massage me already!

"Lay back down".

I immediately did so and began running his hands on me again, I enjoyed it so much... this is different. It cannot be compared to hunting prey in the forest or undertaking jobs for my supreme beings. This is a relaxing time where I can forget I'm a maid.

Somebody is spoiling me for once. 

"What do you usually eat as a slime, Solution?"



"If you wouldn't mind, could I ask you some questions as well?" I pried as he retreated his hands and began using what he calls 'Olive Oil' pouring it on my skin. The taste is a bit sour but the mixture with his hands made him even more delicious!

"I don't mind answering your questions, but I reserve the right to not answer any questions I don't want to. Same as you I guess" Ray inquired and I nodded.

"That works for me~ then Ray, are you a God, some sort of deity?"

"I'm a Demigod, for now".

For now? Is it so simple to ascend to Godhood, what exactly is a God?

"This place where we are, how is it called?"

"This is my house..."

"I mean... this Empire or Kingdom, this world?".

For some reason my question induced laughter but I didn't take any offence. 

"It is not an Empire, silly... it is a country called Japan on a planet called the Earth ".

"The Earth, the Country of Japan..."

"Remember that she comes from a different world, Ray. Their culture could be completely different from ours" The tanned Goddess said, I can tell she's the one with plenty of experience.

"Then Mrs... are you a Goddess?" I asked her this time. 

"I am... why, you have never seen a God before?"

Even the supreme beings of Nazarick don't label themselves as 'Gods' the existence of such beings has always been mythical.

"No, I haven't... what exactly is it that makes you a God? If there was somebody just as powerful as you... would they also be labelled as Gods?"

"You asked quite the philosophical question... you should learn from her, Ray".

I was lying on my back so I couldn't quite grasp his expression, but I'm sure he rolled his eyes just now.

"To answer your question. A God or a deity must have control over at least one authority... otherwise, they can't be considered Gods. And no, a being more powerful than me doesn't necessarily have to be a God. Throughout history, there has been an uncountable number of heroes and martyrs who have surpassed Gods in strength".

Like my lords, the Supreme Beings? Ains-sama and Herohero-sama?

"But there is something mortals will never be able to achieve. Throughout the myriad realms I have visited, there is a common misconception of what a 'God' is. Some of them believe extremely long lifespans and earth-shattering powers are what make them Gods. But that is not the case-"

Ray was paying so much attention to her that his hands stopped; I frowned and put his hand back on my buttcheeks, 'You can't stop...'

He snickered and continued massaging my glutes.

"What truly makes a God is the capacity to blend with their authority. True Gods can't die as long as the authority they represent still exists... the stronger the authority they rule, the stronger they will be. That is the biggest categorical difference and the common misconception between the True Gods and what I call faux deities. They believe they're gods... but they're just demigods. Does that answer your question, Solution?".

"Thank you very much, Lady Elysir" This time I addressed her with respect, that answer was truly befitting of a Goddess. 


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