DxD: Multiversal Therapist

Hard Work Pays I

Yasaka fell asleep and I collapsed on top of her utterly exhausted and proud of myself. A ten-hour massage... let alone it is a massage that affected me as well, I was also feeling her touch ten times as much.

No wonder so many women fall in love with me after a single massage, if this is what they feel... I already can't look at Yasaka the same way after this. What a messy and naughty massage, not only the longest but also the naughtiest one I've ever done.

So perverted and exhilarating, I'm not a sadist per se but I can play the part and no doubt enjoyed myself treating Yasaka as my pet. It was so good!

When was the last time I enjoyed myself doing a massage? probably with Elysir before she departed. After that, it became a shore rather than my passion but not anymore, I'm looking forward to doing more massages, and I'm looking forward to those multiversal beings sacrificing something important to get my hands in exchange. 

I inhaled a deep breath, we were out of the dreamworld but the things I had created with my powers had remained, only, they weren't as intense to the senses as before. The citrusy smell was still there but it was overshadowed by an utter cluster of lewdness.

It is standard procedure to wipe the client's body several times during the massage as there would be sweat, oil and cream combined otherwise, but I was so enthralled by her… that I just carried on satisfying our desires.

There was coconut oil, hazelnut cream, sweat, her juices and dense delicious milk all mixed up together.
When I from her body, it was all gooey and sticky, I looked down at my crotch which happened to be on top of her pubis and a white almost yellow gooey-like substance was there, coming out of my cock in slow streams.
I actually came? When!?
I touched it and it was indeed cum, how come o didn't notice? Was I so enthralled by Yasaka's body and our rubbing that I didn't feel it? 

She had been teasing me down there rather insistently so it is not a surprise that I orgasmed by her touch, but why didn't I feel it? 

[The Septem Diebus created the perfect atmosphere for the bond between you two in which you are the lead; an orgasm with that level of sensitivity would have warped your focus and allowed Yasaka to gain momentum, hence... your feelings of orgasm were removed by it].

Horus was quick to lay down an answer.

'What would have happened if she took the lead?'

[As you noticed you both profited from each other, she gained something from you and you gained something from her... had you been a stronger being, it would have been you profiting the most but due to your current status as a demigod, the exchange was somewhat balanced. If she had gained momentum she could have had obtained more abilities from you, like some of your authorities or traits belonging to a Sun God... there is a very slim chance, but she may even have obtained a weaker copy of the Septem Diebus].

'So we stole each other's abilities?'

[Not stealing, the Septem Diebus is an artefact with great authority over creation. It merely analysed and copied. For example, the ability to enter the realm of Spirits, Limbo is very scarce among supernatural beings, it was copied from Yasaka and gifted to you during the session. Likewise, your traits as a Sun God were analysed and Yasaka obtained a mutation of her bloodline accordingly].

'Will this happen every time I do a massage with someone?' That means I have to be careful of who I massage. 

[Not every time. As I said previously, it was Yasaka's humongous sacrifice that allowed this. You could even say she gained the Septem Diebus' favour with that sacrifice. Not many beings can willy-nilly sacrifice a hundred years of their lives, Ray. Let alone the Septem Diebus also evaluates the quality of the sacrifice to enhance the performance; If the being is immortal then a hundred years of sacrifice are worthless].

I was listening to everything attentively, and now that I have had a taste of it, I want more and I don't mean Yasaka. I want to start taking in clients from the multiverse. This was just a test so I need to learn as much as I can. 


With a slight moan, her eyes fluttered open, I thought she'd be unconscious for longer!
She looked at me with those eyes blazing with life and delivered a slight kiss on my forehead.

"It was amazing".

"Glad you enjoyed it, was it worth it?"

"Every single second of those hundred years~"

I smiled but my countenance dropped just as quickly.

"I won't allow you to make such sacrifices again"

Her ears dropped too as she cutely tilted her head, her eyes fixed on mine for a whole minute before she smiled again, that smile was telling me everything I needed to know, she was going down the rabbit hole with this. 

"I can't promise you that".

I knew it!

She stood up with the most blissful of smiles and pulled me, "Time to take a shower, I'll wash you properly, Ray-sama".

But I didn't allow her, instead I pulled her into my arms. 


"I can give you massages for free, you don't need to waste your life for them! This was just a test for me Yasaka, I won't charge you again".

"Just a test?" She embraced me back but her words got a chilly hue, "For me, that was more than a test".

"You know that's not what I mean".

"For me, that was the best thing I have ever experienced and I'd sacrifice anything to experience it again".

I bit my lips, knowing that she'd be stubborn... like every other client. Knowing she'd not change her mind, I became forceful and pulled the base of her tail.



She went putty in my arms, I already knew all her weaknesses "Since when do pets disobey their masters? No is no- ah!".

This vixen pinned me against the wall!

"Ray-sama, e-even pets can be rebellious sometimes", Yasaka started munching my neck lightly and licking, she's a proper pet!

"If you deprive me of my food, I may start biting back. Without a sacrifice it won't feel as good~".

"I don't care… if you do that again I'll be extremely upset, Yasaka. Not a hundred years, not a single second, do I make myself clear?" I had to grip her buttocks hard to make my point clear, "You can sacrifice anything you want... just not your life".

Her ears dropped but she nodded nonetheless.

"Good, then let's go and take a shower" I pulled the downcast fox and looked at the clock, it was five in the morning, my mom must be at home she just didn't disturb us.

'Anubis, are you at home?'

[Yes, Reina hasn't slept at all waiting for you to finish. We have to talk, Ray].

'Just the two of us?'.

[All of us].

'Okay... we will take a shower first and we will be down there in half an hour'.

I pulled Yasaka in but she stopped half-way through entering the door.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh my, this is…"

Two of her fingers touched her pubis, she noticed!

She separated them to contemplate the viscosity before sending the most wicked-lewd of gazes towards me, her expression screamed 'victory'.

"Ray-sama, this invaluable seed can't go to waste~"

I bit my lips and watched her motion

"It has already gotten cold, what a pity… I would have loved it inside my womb".


"Since you love drinking your pet's milk, let me see how yours tastes~"

A bonafide vixen! She took the whole scoop with two fingers and took it into her mouth licking it with her tongue until there was nothing left.



Yasaka's mouth moved along, making me shiver, she didn't swallow it right away… she played with it in her mouth… for nearly a minute before eventually swallowing it.

Her happy expression, her ears and tails cheering joyfully.


This woman is genuinely happy to have sampled and swallowed my cum. I have never met someone so naughty in my life like her every movement is made to entice men to ravage her.

"Ray-sama, we may be able to reach an accord~"


"I won't sacrifice my life, in exchange... grace this naughty pet of yours with milk~"


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