DxD: Multiversal Therapist

My Angels II

Gabriel, Michael, Raphael and Uriel followed me, they didn't lead me in, I instinctively felt like entering those massive gates. Inside there were endless clouds and three gigantic spheres, similar to small plants, floating passively among those clouds, holding endless amounts of information that seemed to rush through, it was a language I didn't know.
The moment I entered those three gigantic orbs began palpitating in blue light. 

[The System of Creation is requesting to pair... do you wish to synchronize? (Yes / No)].

"The system is reacting to him!" I heard Uriel as we all came to a stop. 

"What we're going to tell you is a huge secret that nobody knows… except for the four of us, not even the cherubins beneath" Michael started, standing next to me. 


"Our father, God, is dead… nobody has resided in the seventh heaven since the last war. He perished together with the four Original Satans. It is known among the highest echelons of Heaven and Hell. The Seraphs, the Satans and the Cadres that he 'mistakenly' allowed the Manus Septem Dierum to enter the cycle of reincarnation, just like the rest of the sacred gears... but this is false. In truth, after his death, the Septem Dierum became ownerless and disappeared on its own accord, I was supposed to inherit it as I had gotten moderation privileges on the system from my father. But before I could have it, it vanished. We held the belief that it had gone 'beyond' and that it had returned to the place it came from far away from this universe. But it ended up landing on your hands, my lord" 

"That doesn't explain how you know that I died, Gabriel".

Before she said I'd have ended in the third heaven, that means she knows this is my second life. 

Gabriel smiled at me with that ever-so-king countenance "That is simple. Your reputation precedes you, Ray Lux, the world's number one therapist".


Well, I guess that kinda makes sense, I have the same name as back then too although I look completely different, "Even then how could you make that connection?".

"I had my first hunch when you massaged me. Not only did I discover that you had the Septem Dierum, but your name was also Ray, you were a therapist... a professional one" Gabriel began and Raphael continued. 

"More than knowing about you, it would be easier to say you held an outstanding reputation. Like an artist... you were widely known as the number-one therapist in the human world and your death was mourned widely in the West by a lot of prominent figures. I'm sure you may not have noticed but among your customers were also prominent figures of the supernatural community".


"No, we didn't have the chance to experience it. What led us to be more interested in you however, was the circumstances of your death... we later learned the devils had their hands on it and since then we have run unfruitful research to try and understand more about your existence and the nature of your powers, why you were considered the world's best therapist, what exactly did you have that would get the devils' attention...? now it all makes sense". 

"That's why I put all the pieces together. I knew your name was Ray Lux, I knew you were a miraculous therapist... I knew you came across the supernatural community and were more than likely killed by devils. I knew you'd be on guard. The morning after I woke up after receiving your therapy, I already knew you were who I was looking for... I just didn't expect to find you there" Gabriel hugged me from behind, snuggling her face against the back of my neck. 

It was certainly a series of coincidences that led us to meet at that time. 

"What you see before you are the system that manages creation. Father created the world in seven days with the use of the Septem Dierum... but it took him a thousand years to create this system. He left it to manage creation prior to his death, but there is a problem. Its parameters and rules have been laid down from the start and we are unable to do anything to change them, we don't have the authorisation… Michael has a degree of authority over it but is very limited" Uriel stated. 

Michael extended his hand forward and a screen manifested in front of us, it was similar to the ones of the system that Ely created, although a bit more rusty and less modern with glyphs and words that I couldn't understand. 

"This is a sacred language created by Father to keep the system's instructions secure in case it was to ever fall into the hands of the devils. Only us four great seraphs know how to decode it. This is what it says: Save Yamada Anna from the looming threat at Mount Yōtei".

'It's the same…'

[It seems, at that time when the Septem Diebus emitted an emergency call, it was truly an emergency... to the point it even reached the heavens, another system that it had already created] Elysir stated with a voice brimming in curiosity [Even if it took him a thousand years... to create a system using this artefact, that Biblical God was not a pushover].

"This is the reason why we considered Anna Yamada our next saintess candidate. Each time the system has sent us to save an individual, that person ended up being a chosen saint or saintess, we thought this wouldn't be an exception" Gabriel said.

[That system is resonating to you, should we pair?] Horus insisted, I still had to choose whether to pair or not, but my answer was clear. 

'Pair up'.


Upon giving confirmation, a golden halo enveloped me. Transforming into three more as gusts of wind ravaged around, even the Seraphs lost their footing and fell on these clouds, the warmth spread across and the clouds in the skies moved aside, giving way to a gigantic sun. 

[Manus Septem Dierum has been acknowledged]

[Sinchronizing Hosts…]

[Sharing privileges from both systems…]

[Syncronizing systems... synchronization completed].

[Merging systems... merge completed].

Ever so slowly, a black shadow began to emerge, covering that sun, leaving the angels and me all gawking in place. It was an eclipse. 

[Sinchronizing creation modules…]

When the shadow of that moon covered the entirety of the sun, the world darkened and only the slight light coming from the edges of the eclipse shrouded this world in magic and speckles. That black eye was looking at me. 

[System owner 'Sun God, Ray Lux' has been acknowledged...]

[Please choose three moderators and two administrators].

I thought about it for a bit before making a decision: "I choose Horus and Michael as the administrators and Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel as the Moderators".

[Hierarchy acknowledged…]

[Definining privileges...]

A golden light left the three orbs and entered the individuals I have previously mentioned, also... one of them entered me. I felt a rush of information enter my brain as foreign code languages became easier for me to understand. Trillions of individuals, thousands of sacred gears, hundreds of thousands of angels... a wide world. 
Everything is under the jurisdiction of this system. 


A golden blazing shockwave spread across the skies, the eclipse never left... it was there to stay, it represented who I was... a cluster of darkness that somehow emitted enough brightness to light up this whole world. 

I looked at it and couldn't help but be mesmerized. 

[That is how your soul looks, Ray... isn't it beautiful?~] Ely spoke and materialised next to me, surprising the angels. 

[Evolution available…]

[Do you wish for the angel race to evolve into 'Starlight Angels'? Cost: 10.000 Chaos Points. Yes / No].


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  • Find up to 20 advanced chapters in my pa-tre-on.com/photosphere (I plan to pile up to 40).

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