DxD: Multiversal Therapist

Nightmare, Tokisaki Kurumi.

[+400 Chaos Points].

[Session Quality: X1]

[Time remaining: 01:00:00...]

Even if there had been a crowd of beauties when she entered through the door, she wouldn't have gone unnoticed. The customer is known as 'Nightmare'. The first time I saw her, she didn't look like a nightmare, she looked like a cute angel.

"Oh my, I didn't expect this to be so... dramatic, what nice scenery~" She spoke fluent Japanese her voice was like that of a young lady. Slow, polished, arousing...

"Nice to meet you, I am Osiris".

I led her in, her curious gaze stared at the scenery of the beautiful night forest in front of a small river. The water flowing slowly produced a natural sound of peace. This was a secluded realm I had created so that Azrael, Tsunade and I could enjoy ourselves, Moonlight Mist was surrounding us, no one would be able to enter here, they'd just get led astray. 

It was only Azrael and me, Tsunade was busy doing her 'stuff'. 

"Osiris-san~" Nightmare stretched her hand forward. Her way of addressing me was Japanese, the courtesy she expected from me wasn't.

Regardless of whether I was a god or a high god, or whether the session was worth a thousand chaos points or a million. I'd still show my customers the utmost respect, so long as they deserved it. I kissed her palm.

"Tokisaki Kurumi-desu~"

I explained to Tokisaki-san how this was going to work, she didn't look repelled by the fact that I was a man wearing robes.

"Would you like to have your session with your clothes on or…?"

"What would you recommend, Osiris-san?~"


I had the Septem Diebus manifest the equipment I needed, a towel included.

"I'd recommend nude, of course, you can cover your front with this".

"So be it~"

I turned around, and Azrael received her clothes.

"Interesting, twelve wings, you're so beautiful~" One beauty complimented another, though I agreed with her, Azrael's wings gave her this exquisite and exotic aura that could only be matched by Yasaka and her ten tails.

"…" Azrael couldn't have ignored her more, she didn't care about compliments that weren't mine, and she made that clear.

"Your friend is not very talkative, could you tell her when you have some private time, that I think she's gorgeous?~" Nevertheless, Tokisaki-san seemed to not be afraid of the cool aura that Azrael naturally exuded, an aura that had greatly diminished compared to before since I had been taming her. 

"I will, she's my servant, Azrael".

"Azrael? Like the angel of death?~"

I don't know what she found interesting about that, but it seems myths are not exclusive to our world, she knows who Azrael is.

"Have you heard of the angel Zafkiel?"


Azrael froze and sent a sharp glare at Kurumi, "How do you know that name?" she asked.

The young lady giggled with a palm on her lips and shamelessly ignored Azrael, quite childishly returning the gesture much to the anger of my servant.

"Tokisaki-san, please don't incense my servant, she can be quite impatient".

"My apologies, please proceed, Osiris-san"

I indicated for her to come to the lake, she covered her delicate body only with a towel, and when her feet entered the water, she moaned and discarded it, showing me her splendid body. She reminded me so much of Anna but she wasn't quite there yet. I was astonished to know that my little girlfriend who I'm sure is younger than this girl, is way taller and voluptuous. Although they're both equally pretty.

I miss her.

Kurumi's hair was so long it reached her butt, and she also had a fringe that covered her left eye. This eye emitted more energy than the rest of her body.

When I told her to lay on the water stomach-first, she was confused but still followed what I did. Kurumi's naked body lay on the water, to her shock, she didn't sink in the water but instead floated above it, feeling no moistness but only a slight fresh warmth.

"A-Amazing… as Horus-san described, this is a godly service" Kurumi giggled and played around, I had created a spatial bed. With how much stronger I had become there were plenty of things I could do to make things a bit more... thrilling. 

Her body could feel the warmth of the water, she could see the fish swimming underneath, but she couldn't touch it.

"I'm happy that you're enjoying yourself".

The counter started and I began by stretching her joints. I held her right wrist first and employed my powers, an X1 session wasn't much, but she'd still feel it. Massaging someone like this was quite refreshing.

"Uhm~" Her moans were so seductive, I didn't know if she was doing that deliberately. I took both her wrists, each of her fingers... hands and feet alike, and stretched her. I employed olive oil and kneaded her shoulders with precision. 

"Osiris-san, if you don't mind me asking… how old are you?"

"I should be fifteen this year".

"Oh my… you don't look your age at all".

"What age do you think I am?"

"Judging by your appearance, I'd think you're in your best twenties. But it turns out I am your senpai by a year~"

She's sixteen? so she's around Anna's age, no wonder.

"Then be mindful of me, senpai".

After finishing her shoulders, I started with her waist and bottom. Whether it was deliberate or not, her legs spread out a bit more and I could see her pussy flashing down there, leaking a bit. I only gave it one brief look but when I stared at her, she was smirking.

"Your hands are delicious, Osiris-san~"

"Thank you".

"Uhm~" She moaned when I kneaded her hips and the top of her bubbly tender butt. 

"Are you okay?"

"This is unexpectedly… nice," she said with a dreamy look, "I have never been... spoiled like this".

"Until now, I can do this for you whenever you want, with a booking~"

"Say, kouhai-kun~ where are we now?" She asked again, cleaning a bit of the saliva that was leaking down her lips.

"Far away from the world that you know," I think that's the best answer.

"I can tell… I have lost connection with several of my shadows the moment I crossed that door… and even now".
"Shadows? It seems you're not just a frail and beautiful girl" I pretended not to know that she was in fact, not human. I don't know what she is, but she's not human.

"You jest, Osiris-san… would just a frail girl be able to curry your service- Uhm!~" 

I kneaded her inner tights, her legs spread even further to give me access.

"Did you like that?"

"I loved it there specifically… will you do the front too?"

Kurumi didn't wait for me to affirm, she turned around with a smile on her face, moaning when the freshness of the water came into contact with her oiled back. 

I began down her legs, each one of them.

"Is that your real name…? You have dark skin, but I can see a Japanese look in you, you speak Japanese too–".

"My mom is a mixed Japanese… so I have a bit of it in me. As for my name, ever since I became a God, I prefer this name".

Her brows squinted, I just confirmed I have another name, but I wasn't telling it to her. I wanted to keep my private life out of business, Osiris is my name as a God. 

"So you're a true god, huh?~" her hand started caressing me, she couldn't conceal her moans and interest.

"I wonder… how you taste".

"Don't say things that can be misunderstood, Tokisaki-san".

"You are not misunderstanding anything. I want to give you a munch so bad~ but I'm afraid… the moment I do so, Mistress Angel will have my head".

We both stared at Azrael whose gaze wasn't scary or anything, I had already warned her that I didn't want her scaring off the customers. I put a lot of restrictions in her to stop her from acting brazenly, she's someone who doesn't mediate, and whenever anything goes wrong, her answer is to go for the head. 

"It is good that you know your position" Azrael coughed.

"It appears she can see something in me that you can't, Osiris-san. So, let's keep it tame. Maybe next time I'll have a taste".

I don't understand this girl, it feels like she's seducing me but… another part of me thinks she's talking literally. I already know she's not a frail girl, but I don't know how dangerous she can be.

I continued my massage casually, occasionally fondling here and there, but that was part of the massage and she enjoyed it. When the time finished, she had this smile on her face that seemed to say: 'I'm dying for a munch!~'

"It was wonderful, Osiris-san~"

"The honour was mine to have you here, Tokisaki-san–"

"Please call me Kurumi, I'll be coming back when I have some spare time".

I took her clothes from Azrael and handed them to her, she rose, sweating and uncaring of whether I saw her wiggling breasts.

"Then Kurumi, if you sacrifice more for me, I'll make you feel better next time" As a token of my courtesy, I kissed her cheek, she giggled and held mine for a second before giving me her kiss on the cheek whispered something tantalising yet terrifying.

"If I sacrifice more… do I get to taste you?~"

Her hand stretched to caress my abs, even sneaking into my clothes.

She had already emphasized that word so much, that I couldn't help but ask.

"Define taste…"

"I want to eat you, literally~"


"No amount of sacrifice will give you that service, I am afraid" Azrael answered before I even could. Before we knew it, Sheol was already in her hands, emitting darkness.

"That's disappointing, Osiris-san" Kurumi sighed, to my surprise, she let go of her clothes and they fell off, getting dirty.

"Your cloth–"

An odd attire started manifesting around her body, shining in crimson colours.

"There is a saying that goes… who doesn't get doesn't win. That's why, let's get a bit forceful!"

Her whole self changed into different clothes, goth lolita!?

I raised my hand towards Azrael to stop her from erasing Kurumi from existence. Let me at least see what she can do. Tsunade was an interesting customer, so this girl must be interesting also. 

Two guns appeared in Kurumi's hand, they were an old musket and an old pistol, absolutely gorgeous design, may I add. But if that's all she got...

"It seems you're underestimating me" she smiled.

"Make your move" I smiled too.

<Zafkiel: Het!>

A gigantic clock manifested behind her, she made some sort of weird pose and in an unexpected turn of events, she shot herself on the head. Confusing me and Azrael. 

That was anticlimactic, or so I thought. But then out of nowhere, before I could even feel the energy moving, another her materialised above me and slashed down with her musket like it was a sword.


"Nani?" She said when the musquet struck me but wasn't able to do anything to me.



The next thing she knew was that her clone had exploded in golden flames and screamed and wailed as her body disappeared with each second, as for my gaze, it was impassive, waiting for her next move. 

"Such a cold-blooded person, you don't mind crushing a beautiful rose, do you, Osiris-san!?"

"I already have many roses, are you special?"

"I'm not done!"

<Zafkiel: Zayin!>

Once again she made a pose and this time she shot me, logically. The bullet seemed to create some sort of negative bubble around me.

"Master?" Azrael turned towards me to make sure I was okay.

"I understand now," I said, within the bubble.

"I-Impossible, you shouldn't be able to speak!"

Then I blinked and separated myself from it. It was a distorted time technique. My proficiency in the law of time is very low but it is enough for me to detect it has been used.

"I've never seen anyone capable of controlling time before, but Elysir told me to be careful of those. You've got quite a bit of potential… I will let you live, Kurumi".

My hand stretched forward, she was still aghast.


She'd be a deadly opponent towards anyone else. She'd be a deadly opponent towards me who was just a demigod. With a slight push, she burst into the door where she came from before it closed for her until she had a good enough sacrifice.

And just like that, I finished another customer.

Azrael sighed "Master, you are too merciful… when your dignity has been mancillated, the only repayment possible is death".

"It is not like she did something so bad–"

"She dared to touch my master's body… and instead of being grateful for the honour, sought a mile after being given an inch. If my fellow Great Seraphs were to know of this occurrence, do you know how many times she would have been massacred, master?"

Her hands trailed me, unlike Kurumi, she was confident and opened my shirt.

"It is not such a big deal, are you jealous?~"

"I wouldn't dare, master is not my belonging. But… I would appreciate it if you were a bit more conscious of the value of your dignity, master. How could mere peasants be qualified to stare at your body, let alone touch it? That said, if I were to be jealous, would that translate into a punishment?" Her hazy breath brushed my face, her slithery tongue snuck forward to lick my chest.

She wanted it… it hasn't even been two hours since we last had sex and she wants it again. I transformed her into this, and I enjoy her like this. 

"I'd have to punish you for being possessive, Azrael~"

She gulped and smiled, "Then I guess… I was a bit jealous"

The lusty angel tiptoed to kiss me, I graced her and fondled her boob.

"Let me finish the bookings. Then we can do it all night if you want".


I planned to do all four bookings that I had pending, but little did I know, my next booking was going to be a disaster.

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