DxD: Multiversal Therapist

Nigredo Tenebrae

There are pleasures in this life that transcend everything a human mind can comprehend. It took me long to understand the capabilities of my hand—the happiness and fulfilment it could bring to someone else. I was deep in thought, in the middle of this forest, with the subtle light of the sun shining through the leaves, illuminating our naked bodies.

As for where I was exactly. I was in the most comfortable place known to man. Sandwiched in between the bodies of the women I love; My body was resting on top of Kuu, my little soft and comfortable Kuu. Not so little. She was deeply in slumber, understandable after the relentless pounding I had been giving her for TWO DAYS.

I want to cherish this peace and pleasure, but Elysir and Mom have to be here before this peace of mine is complete. Therefore, I must steel myself and remember the reason I arrived in this world.

To become stronger.

I prolonged this longer than necessary but the results were satisfactory. Not only did I deepen my feelings with Kuu and Yasaka, and give them good memories, but also... I made them stronger. I mean hella stronger. 

I would have liked for them to test their powers here before using them. Yasaka and I have already experienced what it feels like to not have a measuring gauge of one's power. It was like suddenly becoming so strong, that an action such as simply opening a door became impossible. Not because it was difficult to gauge one's power, but because it required constant practice.

Sadly, I'm not a good practice subject for them. While travelling to the Baharut Empire, we engaged in reckless mating that shook this forest to its core. Not because of me, but because of them.

It is relieving that I can trust them on the other side. I pity the fool who wants to cause trouble



The gate was in front of me, I created it and spent the chaos points. I made sure to tweak that spell Elysir created to prevent that humongous eclipse from occurring, it reduced the cost by ten chaos points, that's the cost of flashiness. 

"You two, I want you to know that I love you with my heart and that everything I'm doing is that I can give myself peace of mind" I said solemnly. 

I stood both of them and held their hands softly as they listened. It doesn't matter if they're my slave, fiance, pet... whatever; I can't afford to lose them, their presence has been rooted in my heart to the point they almost match Elysir. 

"I want a home where no one is missing, and I know it is selfish for me to ask you this, but please wait for me for a bit until I get her back. It is not like we won't see each other again, I'll look for all the devices and ways to make it possible"

The only one capable of creating a transdimensional gate is me. That is just how ridiculous that spell is. Both Haku and Yasaka are goddesses at this stage, there is also Ophis who vastly surpasses them both in the attainments of the law of space and yet, they will never be able to create or use the pigment necessary to traverse through universes. 

They both hugged me, I basked in that warmth for as long as it lasted. 

"Danna-sama, rest assured, we understand. Do what you must, it is not like we don't have ways of contacting you. If there is any important news–" Yasaka trailed as she whispered against my ears, tracing her lower belly with expectations, "I will be sure to tell you, until then, please don't restrain yourself for us. Remember, you're not only the man I love, you're the God I love, you're my Sun God~"

With words that traced the outline of my heart, she kissed me softly and then, completing her part of the deed and trusting me, Yasaka crossed the gate. She knows I will be well, I know she will be well. 

Only Haku remained, she bent down and traced my lips... her hair now had subtle white traces that shone like the moonlight, and I adored it. 



She held both my cheeks, I thought she was going to kiss me, but when our faces closed up, her cute nose bumped against mine.

"I have been desolate all my life. I don't want to beat too much around the bush. Just know that... this very moment is the only moment in my life in which I have felt happy and satisfied, and it is because of you because you came that night to Mount Yotei to save Anna-chan and ended up saving me as well".

She rubbed her nose against mine, with a smile that captivated me. I have never seen this smile on her. So this is how she looks when she's happy. 

"Master, I would die for you".


"But I won't... I'd rather live for you, and become useful to you. If possible, I'd like to have your kids" Her hands grasping me turned possessive yet tender. Intoxicated yet intoxicating. 

"Unlike before... with all the others. I want to stay here, and be with you... as you grow. If you'd allow me".

"Do you want to cleanse your past?"

She nodded with a bit of sadness, wondering if that was even possible. Naturally, she means the kids who were her 'victims' for thousands of years. 

"Hasshaku-sama is dead. You're my Haku. Isn't that the reason I gave you a name? If your past ever pursues you, Haku... crush it with obliterating strength".


I held her shivering hands which emitted so much energy. Others can't see it, but I can. She's a humongous monster, a walking nuke. Before, Yasaka could have left her in the dust, now, after they both became stronger, she's just a tad bit weaker than Yasaka. 

I refuse to believe there is a god in her world that can match her. 

"I gave you a name, I made you stronger... I made you mine; walk with pride because who you are now is a lot more important than who you ever were".

I held her forehead and kissed it, then I kissed her lips, turned her around and pushed her. Haku's tears dripped, and she turned around to look at me one last time.

"Go and be happy, whenever you need me, I'm one universe away, but still close at hand, always here for you~"

She bit her lips, nodded, blew me a kiss and crossed the gate before it closed.

It is not a goodbye, it is a see you later because I know... whenever I need help, you both will have my back no matter what. There will be a time in which I will have to fight stronger foes, perhaps even whole universes, to reach Elysir... and when that time comes I'm relieved to know.

I won't be on my own. 



Unknown Multiverse, Unknown Planet, Unknown Country, Unknown City.

The world of the unknown was a primal starfield, closest to the centre of existence, among the first of the ever-created clusters of life and energy. Here, beings who had lived for millions of years inhabited. The most ancient of civilisations and species. 

It was also here, that the strongest of beings fought for supremacy. It wasn't rare for a group of individuals to be born and become a peak civilisation after millions of years. It wasn't rare for such a civilisation to shatter and collapse as fast as an eye could blink. 

Looking at the skies, they stared at their sun... that slowly but surely, began to darken. 

No words were emitted, living beings of void used more than mere mortal words for communication purposes, still... they regarded the rather intriguing astronomical event. 

'An eclipse?'

No, how could there be an eclipse? This planetoid, in particular, has no moon. They would know, having already colonised their sun. So what could that shadow be? 

The answer came in the form of a silhouette, her pitch-black attire waved slowly like she wasn't subjected to any type of force. 

Her white hair waved with the same depth as her golden slit eyes stared at the planetoid beneath not, with contempt, not with interest... but with neutrality. 

As she approached, slowly but surely, the ground, components and everything that composed this planetoid, started to detach and levitate towards her, as if her presence relentlessly pulled everything towards her.

Like she was a star, a humanoid star.

Those beings retaliated, fought, and used weapons of mass destruction capable of easily destroying planets. They tried everything. 

But they couldn't fight the sun. 

From start to finish she didn't move one step. All she had to do was... be.

<Nigredo Tenebrae (Darkness Nova)>

[+320.000.000.000 Chaos Points].

The supposing 'eclipse' as those beings imagined, ended up being something more... way more hideous. 

A blackened sun, devouring itself and everything around it, a new form of destruction and obliteration. 

"It is still, not enough..." She muttered, still with that neutral impassive gaze, as the lives of millions of individuals and long prosper civilisations withered in darkness. 

Standing next to her, not too far away, stood a woman. Her complexion evil and amused, if one looked closely, one would be able to witness a small membrane separating her from the reality of this disaster. 

"Each time you do it, it only becomes more and more amusing, Elysir".


"I, Trihexa, couldn't have dreamed in causing this amount of destruction".


The Goddess didn't say a word for a while, she merely turned around, her slitted golden eyes deeper than ever before her smile morphed into something hideous. 

Trihexa's smile dropped for a second before raising again, "Silent as always. Do you intend to shatter my consciousness? I won't stop asking~"

Annoyed, the goddess sighed, the very least she could do... was explain.

"No, you're the perfect consciousness and align perfectly with my intentions, why would I destroy you?"

"I didn't allow that fellow to wield me, that's why all he could do was seal me, but you Elysir–" Her pupils opened evily, crimson red and filled with sin, "You and I are on the same page~" 

"Don't confuse my intentions with your filthy depravity, Trihexa. Your body is a construct generated by the wicked faith of a fallen ancient multiversal civilisation. One case among millions of trans-spatial artefacts... you and the Septem Dierum are two faces of the same coin, only... you were developed enough to form your own consciousness while the Septem Dierum, due to its holy nature, would take longer... it would need a vessel".

"So that is why you left your precious avatar... you intend for her to become the Septem Dierum's consciousness so that he–" Before Trihexa could continue her phrase, Elysir glared at her with a gaze that promised annihilation. 

"Don't mention him".

The silver-haired evil beauty laughed out loud inside her distorted bubble.

"Hilarious~ does that man even know what you truly are? A foul wicked world-ending creature like you, still harbours a foolish desire for affection? don't make me laugh".

"..." Elysir's brows twitched, she turned around to stare at her glorious work, the through decimation of existence, a star fated to consumed everything. 

"You can't go against your instincts~ do you think he would ever accept you? The one he knows is the you without memories–".

"That is the only version of me he should ever know. You talk too much, Trihexa".


The evil being's body exploded but even as she did, her laughter still resonated.

'You're not the only one who left something behind~'


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