DxD: Multiversal Therapist

Pure White II

"A name? You don't like–" I was going to start, but then I realised how inconsiderate of me. She laughed and pinched my cheeks even harder, pulling them.

"Hasshaku-sama, the eight-foot-tall lady. That is not my name, master. That is my myth, how humans call me. I, as a Youkai, have lived for so long without a name. I want you, my master, to give me a name," She emphasized, her countenance serious... this was important for her. 

"Right now?".

"Right now..."

I have to think of a name right now?! 

"A Japanese name?".


"I'm used to calling you Kuu-chan; it is cute".

"What part of me is cute, master?" She giggled and did a little turn for me. She's right; there is no part of her that's cute; that's not the word to describe her.

Hot-as-fuck... that's her word. Only Anna calls her Kuu-chan, and that's because that girl calls everyone -Chan. 

I thought about it and looked at her hair. I looked at her white dress, and if there is something I love about her more than her personality and body, it is her white dress and white hat that she always wears. 

"Haku 白 (Pure White)".

It was a perfect contrast; she wore pure white, but her existence was dark. Also, I can still call her Kuu with that name.

"I'm an eclipse. Elysir is my sun. Yasaka is my day before, and you're my night after, Kuu... I'm happy to have both of you; I think we all complement each other perfectly".


She smiled, the brightest and happiest smile I have seen on her. Instead of grasping my crotch, instead of kissing me wantonly, she knelt down and hugged me with the warmest hug I have received from her; that's when I knew Haku liked her name. 

"It is a boy's name... but it doesn't matter, I like it~".

"Or would you prefer Hakū (Rain shower)?"

"Haku (Pure White) is fine~".

Haku took my hand and kissed it; I knew there and then that she would always have my back. They're not just my lovers; they're my team. I trust them with my life.

"I don't know how many years I have left, but I want to spend them all with you".

"You will, Kuu" I took the chance to take another firm grasp of her butt.


"I hope you don't think that's everything for the night".

"Is it not?~"

"No, I was hoping to spend two days with you two. To make up for the time I had been ignoring you, but we ended up fighting many people. Sorry".

"So you acknowledge you have been ignoring me!" She pouted.

"It's because I can't control myself when I'm around you. Please understand me".

"So you're going to make up for it tonight, right?~"

"Every single second".

I pulled her out of the moonlight mist and back into the real world, where paradise awaited us. Before stepping in here, I had given clear directions for Yasaka, Tsunade and Azrael. We had worked hard in that fight, gotten injured and prevailed, so we all needed a moment of peace before returning to this world where our actions wouldn't go unnoticed. 

I'm sure this incident garnered a lot of attention, and I'm looking forward to that attention. 

"Ray-sama, it's already as you hoped" Yasaka smiled and showed me the way into a small cave that we found. An underground hideout, but...

"I don't know how I allowed you to convince me to do this", Tsunade groaned. 

Before me was what looked like a wonderful crystalline spring. A hot underground pool.

"Ninjutsu is not supposed to be used this way" She complained in her old ways.

Tsunade explained to us that thanks to her evolution, she was now proficient in all the basic elements. Not only that, but now she could use 'Ninjutsu' without having to use 'Handsigns' I didn't know what any of that meant, but the moment I heard she could use all the elements, this was the first thing that came to my mind. 

The cave was not massive, but we found it on our way to the human camp. I ordered her to close the entrance and create breathing holes to make it into a bunker of sorts. She closed the entrance while Azrael used her light spears to create breathing holes in the surface so that air could flow. 

She then created a lot of water, and Yasaka heated it up.

And there you go, artificial water springs. 

"You said you wanted four beds... we thought it would be better to have one big bed instead of four small ones", The sannin commented in the middle of the spring; there was a massive bed made out of stone; it didn't look comfortable, but that didn't matter. I could work with that. 

"Then let's start by relaxing a bit. You girls worked hard, so... let's enjoy ourselves" I didn't think twice before discarding all my clothes, throwing them to the edge of the water and getting in. Tsunade was considerate enough to create a lot of minerals on the ceiling that made the scenery wonderful and also brightened up the cave by receiving the light that was coming from the holes that Azrael made, although soon the night would fall and we'd have to set up torches. 

"Is there any reason why you wanted this to be so secluded?" Tsunade asked; she blushed a bit and placed her clothes neatly to the side, getting naked. 

"Because a lot of energy is going to be released in a moment, I don't know who in this world has the capability to detect it; if we can inhibit it as much as possible, that would be great".

"Lots of energy... If that's the case, should I create a limbo barrier, Ray-sama?".

"You should".

Yasaka did as I said; this way, we had several layers of protection. 

I waved my hands, and all of the world's magical items stored in my moonlight mist manifested around us, as much as I could fit without them taking too much space.

"This is...?" The four of them looked at me, dazed. 

"You fought for me, you fought hard, you won for me... so it is time I reward you. I will give you girls the best massage you've ever had, and I'll make you strong until I can no more. I'll ensure you're nigh-unkillable... because I can't afford to lose any of you".


"You will sacrifice all this for me... although I'll end up losing a bit, in the end, I'd rather you're all safe and sound. So relax for now and enjoy yourselves; get in the right mood... because things are going to get a bit spicy tonight~" I smiled at them.

I heard collective gulps, exchanging gazes. Azrael was a bit confused; she hasn't tasted my hands yet, so that's understandable. 

"My lord, I'd rather service you instead–" She began.

"Shut up, sit down and wait~" Yasaka pulled Azrael's dress down, getting her nude and sending her into the water. 

Tsunade sat to my left, her body concealed perfectly beneath the water, although her boobs floated like lifesaving balloons. She manifested a bottle of sake with a *poof*.

"So you're saying... I don't have to pay for this...?"

I felt the urge to cry, "No, you don't have to, Tsunade; you saved the girl's lives, so I'm indebted to you anyway".

I encouraged her to come into my arms, and she did; I hugged her, and she immediately relaxed. Yasaka didn't get into my other side. Instead, she pushed Azrael in.

"A-Ah, this..." Azrael looked a bit lost; she didn't know what skinship was, that much I could tell. So I just pulled her against my body, just like Tsunade, and she closed her eyes the moment she felt my aura.

I looked at Yasaka, confused, but she winked and created her own bottle to drink with Haku. Tsunade's bottle wasn't going to do anything to them; it was too light. 

I'm glad they're in a good mood. 

"You can drink, girls, but don't get drunk; I want you to experience with all your senses what I'm going to do to you, okay?~"


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