DxD: Multiversal Therapist

Reina & Elysir I

Elysir's discipline is just some collateral damage. It may not even be as bad as I'm thinking. Finally, the serious business. I am going to the underworld to train, slay demons and spill blood, hell yeah!

I can already see myself rampaging hell alongside my noble gorgeous kitsune steed. Naturally, there is another individual who cannot be missed from this picture. If she had been a normal human, that would be it, but my beautiful little Anna happens to be a snack devourer by day and a Youkai devourer by night. 

"Can we bring Anna along? I want her to be able to control her powers and hunger better".

"I imagined you'd ask that, Ray... yes, we can. She's a Youkai with a lot of potential, the Shinchu still need to feed themselves so training her could be very handy for her future" Elysir affirmed.

"Sanae's daughter, huh?" Yasaka mumbled.

"Still haven't repaired your relationship with them?" Elysir asked about this sensitive topic like it was nothing, well... it has been three years, and it is about time Yasaka lets go of that pain.

"That topic no longer bothers me, Elysir... I've had enough massages from Ray-sama to even forget what the pain of that betrayal felt like. Simply... I can forgive but never forget... I don't think I can trust her again, but I was there when that little girl was born, I like her~"

"I see"

I can't blame her, she's in all her right to decide whether she wants to keep that relationship or not, I only really care that she doesn't hate my little Anna since they will be seeing each other often.

And Anna is also very fond of Yasaka, or more precisely... her ears and tails. When I tell her that Yasaka is now my pet she's going to get so jealous she may force me to get her one. We're going to the underworld so I'll just get her a unicorn or something. 


"You said you stay in contact with Grayfia, Elysir?" Yasaka continued our earlier conversation.

"Yes, do you know her?"

"No, but when Sirzechs Lucifer came to meet me at that time, he was with her, he seemed to trust her quite a bit".

"She's his wife and they have a child together, she's not only his maid".

"The maid, huh...? Don't misunderstand. It was just a brief contact not even worth mentioning. They wished for some sort of alliance with the Shinto Faction over influence in a town of the prefecture of Tokyo called 'Kuoh' where are great number of rogue devils seem to concentrate at. But due to the current situation of war between the West and East Youkai Factions -that I caused. We decided to postpone it due to how volatile politics are, I just didn't have the time for that. But now that things have calmed down a bit, they should show up again soon, I found a letter two weeks ago" Yasaka explained.

"Do you have any idea why that Kuoh place is of interest?"

The kitsune tilted her head cutely, I couldn't resist myself and muffled those ears. 

"Hmn~ if I'm not mistaken... it should be due to their lifelong rivalry with the fallen angels, it is only a theory of mine but there should be a fallen angel cadre based in that town which is the reason why there is a greater activity from the three factions compared to other areas of Japan".

"What is a cadre?" Both Elysir and I asked simultaneously.

"Cadres are very powerful fallen angels. You can tell a devil's power based on how many wings they have. Angels, devils and fallen angels with twelve wings are as powerful as they can get, they could have given me a good fight before I evolved".

"And now?" I gulped. 

"Now they can't even help soothe my boredom~"


"I know you have become very powerful Yasaka. This new mutation may have put you on the same level as me" Elysir smiled, throwing an unexpected jab at Yasaka who merely giggled.

She laughed in a way that made me think she had been expecting this for ages ago.

"I wouldn't mind sparring with you during our training in the underworld, Elysir".

"Sparring or duel? say things as they are~"

A streak of lightning flashed between the two and a small droplet of sweat left my forehead. Here I thought my harem life would be peaceful, these two are still secretly wishing to fight each other. 


The thrill of challenge flashed in the Kitsune's eyes, Elysir met those eyes with so much disdain, just how powerful was she? only now I noticed I hadn't seen Ely fight seriously ever.

"I don't mind... but if Ray ranks up to an Adept Demigod before then, you won't have a chance against me".

"We won't know until we try~ I'll be looking forward to it".

"Wait wait, what do you mean, Ely?" I tracked back to what she said, she's as strong as me?

"I'm your avatar. I'm only as strong as you are, Ray. The stronger you become the stronger I become".

"Stronger as me? I'm way weaker than you right now!" I haven't seen much of her powers but what I have seen is enough, she could have obliterated Heracles.

"You're wrong... you're stronger than me. The difference is I have more than thirty thousand years worth of experience as a multiversal goddess of the sun, that's why I'm here... to teach you. Don't worry, I will make sure to break a few bones during the training~ by the time I finish you will be a bonafide ripe god".

'By the time you finish, I'll be dead! Is breaking all my bones supposed to make me stronger somehow!?'

Those two kept having their breakfast and talking while I thought about my unimpeded doom.

"Have things calmed down at all with the East Youkai Faction? I heard Tokyo looks like a war zone at night".

"I have taken things slow trying to lure Khaos Brigade out, they seem to be scared of my new tail~ but since they haven't shown up this time I'll personally go to Tokyo and subdue Nurarihyon with full force".

"Would you rather unify Japan with fear instead of respect?" Elysir gave her a sidelong glance. 

"Whatever works as fast as possible. The faster I get control of the whole supernatural community the faster I can protect Japan from such insurgent groups, although I must confess... finding and destroying Khaos Brigade is my main objective. I even spoke to Sirzechs about them and he said he would come back to me with whatever information he got. That was two years ago, what a useless fellow".

She sighed in disappointment

"Khans Brigade could take this chance, Yasaka. I don't know when you plan to do it but you have to leave Kunou-chan with us" I didn't propose it, I ordered her to... no one can take care of that girl better than us.
She smiled and kissed my forehead.

"Of course, I already thought about doing that. Who else would I leave her with? It should only take one night, don't worry... If I need help I'll ask for it".

Between topics and bantering we finished our meal with Yasaka and me feeding each other.

"It was a delicious eel, Yasaka~". 

"I know right?~ I'd have cooked for you sooner if your mother wasn't so greedy" She rubbed my tights.

"Hmph, Ray-chan doesn't need anyone else's food. But thank you".

"I'm glad to serve~ please keep having a lot of eels, you will need them for the future" 

This vixen dared to wink at my mom and have her blush, do they think I don't know anything? For my fifteenth birthday, I'll be so backed up that they better start working on their stamina.

We stalled this breakfast as much as we could but it was time for Yasaka to leave, I would have seen her off if my mother hadn't been so shameless as to walk naked in the middle of the house. We led her to the door and she turned around.

"Ray-sama I'll be training you together with my daughter in those abilities you obtained from me, Elysir told me about them. One of them allows you to thread in the realm of spirits that not many entities can, Limbo".

"Is it something like a subdimension?"

"Yes, Limbo exists parallel to reality… it is the place where we supernatural beings have our conflicts. Very oddly would we have strifes in the human world as we are stronger in Limbo. That incident three years ago was intentional to make the most human casualties possible to lure me out. Also, it is not all beings that are capable of threading inside Limbo, can you do it, Elysir?" Yasaka asked Ely who switched once again with my mom just to answer that question. 

"No, I can't... if we had a higher rank I would be able to tweak it with my mastery over space but as of now, I can't... I have heard of limbo from my homeland though, one needs a great affinity with the authorities of the soul to enter that subdimension. You should learn how to use that properly, Ray... it is very advantageous and it should help you understand the laws of space even better by default".

I just nodded, they're my teachers, whatever they decided to teach me, I'll just give it my all.

I gave Yasaka one last hug, "My cute pet won't be so bad right? You won't break all my bones like that tyrant, right?".

"Hey!" Ely growled.

"Of course, woof!~ I will take care of you~" 

I bit my lips, each time she barks I just have the urge to put her down and start doing the things masters don't do with their pets.

"You still don't bark like a fox~" 

"You realise I do it to please you? I have never barked before, Ray-sama… it's because I love you" her ears wiggled and her tails wiggled at the tone of her love for me.

Oh my god, can you stop moving those muffly-soft-heaven-inducing ears and tails for one damn second!?

"I know, silly… you can bark anyhow and I'll still find it cute and like it" I just couldn't help myself when she's like this.

Busty mommies have to be protected, massaged... and muffled when possible.

"So I still have to bark" she cried with fake tears. 

"Of course, a pet needs to bark when she wants something from her master~" 


"You want a kiss?" 

"Woof woof~" 

I don't know what the hell, she may be asking me to wipe her butt for all I know, but when her ears started wiggling, a kiss became the only right answer.

"All this greedy pet does is ask and ask for kisses, it can't be helped~" 

I sealed her lips with slight smooches and she reciprocated, embracing me against her chest in giggles of love, protecting me from the killing intent Ely was irradiating. 

She's so damn cute, I love her… ugh, Anna you have met your match this time.

"Leave her, Ray-sama... she's just jealous of our master-pet relationship~ Elysir I don't mind you being the main wife, I have decided I shall remain a pet, it is so much better!"

"Ely don't be like that! You know I always wanted a pet..."

"If she doesn't leave now what you will have is a grilled pet, Ray".


The statement was so raw... the seriousness irradiating from her was so harsh that Yasaka didn't doubt for a second that the threat was real, she gave me a slight peck in shivers and flickered out of the house. Only then did Elysir's smile return as she gripped my wrist. 

"You had fun bullying me, didn't you?~"

"Hehe, it is because you look so beautiful when you pout Ely"

I acted all shy and blushed, in reality, I was fearing for my life. This goddess is not to be messed with you know!? Trying to appease my pet too much put me into the deathrow. 

"Don't worry, I'll have a lot of fun with you today~" I was pulled up the stairs by a vengeful goddess; my destiny was sealed with a fifty-fifty chance.

Either heaven awaited me upstairs or hell did. Whichever it was... I didn't care as long as I was there with Ely.


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