DxD: Multiversal Therapist

Slimy Body

After enjoying some quality time with Tsunade, some romantic and thrilling time, we settled for leaving the spicier stuff for some other time (hopefully Azrael would join in too) and finishing what I had to do; I had one last booking to settle. 

"Solution Epsilon, one of Ains Ooal Gown's subordinates...? She could be useful to you depending on her stance, Ray" Tsunade said after I explained to her everything regarding the topic, how Solution is my customer and how I'm going to attend her booking even though I destroyed Nazarick. 

I simply want to know what Solution has to say. 
Tsunade was relaxing in the pond while I wore my robes to receive Solution. She was going to watch everything. I insisted she could go if she wanted, but Tsunade said she'd be my 'bodyguard'... bodyguard or gatekeeper, I wonder which. 

"I know... the way she spoke... it was like she doesn't have any loyalty towards him, that could just be a ruse"

"I will help you determine if she's lying, although... be ready, there is a chance that Ains' army will go through that portal the moment you open it".

"Horus won't allow that".

I created the gate for Solution.

[-100 Chaos Points].

I executed the modified form of the transdimensional gate and it manifested in front of us. I was a bit doubtful. 

'Horus, why am I being charged? Solution is in this multiverse, it should be at most a spatial transfer, not a transdimensional one'

[You signed the terms and conditions].

I was a bit left out of words for a second, and admittedly confused, '... the heck is that supposed to mean?'.

[You will thank me when the time comes, master, I also am allowed to act independently under certain circumstances as stipulated in the terms and conditions].

'Why are you calling me master all of a sudden? bootlicking?'.

[You are now a qualified God].


Even Horus is starting to behave oddly. I don't mistrust him, if he said I'm going to be thankful, then I more than likely will. Still, I should sit down one day and read the goddamn terms and conditions that I allegedly signed, although I don't remember... I must have been busy at that time. 


Solution crossed the gate dressed as a beautiful blonde maid, looking just like the first time, but with more tyrannical energy in her core. As if to gain my trust further, she closed the door behind herself to assure me no one else was coming. 

The moment she saw me, she approached; I didn't know what to expect of her. But Solution knelt, took the back of my palm and kissed it. 

"My beloved Ray-sama".

"... Solution".

"I have missed you... I have longed for this so much" She said, rubbing her cheek against my palm like she was some devoted slave. Even my pets are not this subservient, those naughty pets of mine all they want is my milk. 

I pulled my hand out of her grasp, right now she's not the weakling that she used to be. Solution is a powerhouse that can be compared to the previous Azrael, no, stronger. 

[Time remaining: 1:00:00].

[Session Quality: X6]

[+20.000 Chaos Points]

After this therapy, she's likely to reach an even stronger level of power.

"Please don't be wary of me. I know what you have done, Ray-sama... I don't resent you. I don't hate you..." She confessed, "Nazarick was my home..."

"I don't understand your motives–"

"I was created by Herohero-sama, not Ains Ooal Gown. And from the moment you touched me," She took my hand and put in on her chest, "I couldn't stop thinking about you, Ray-sama".

"..." I squeezed a bit, I have never felt breasts like these. Maybe because she's a slime, she doesn't have a woman's body per se, she emulates one... and I guess she can make it as soft as she wants. 

"Love is my motive... do you know what I have sacrificed, Ray-sama?~" Happy that I squeezed her chest, she leaned on me and took a good whiff of my scent.

'What did she sacrifice, Horus?'.

[A plethora of treasures... and one human life, to be precise... she sacrificed the life of a human male who was courting her].

"I sacrificed the man I loved for your sake. Because the one I truly have loved from the moment you touched me, was you".


Just to summarise, I was a bit confused with that statement... I had to ask Solution to explain that to me.

As it turns out, during her time in the city of Re-Estize, the capital; Solution disguised as a foreign duchess from the Slane Theocracy to obtain information about the Re-Estize Kingdom, she also had to slowly plant a seed within the Kingdom Monarchy and become friends with the Golden Princess, the political backbone of the Kingdom.

Ains Ooal Gown would use her to take over the Kingdom in a 'pacific' manner. That's the way he thought until I destroyed Nazarick... now he is using more vicious and tyrannical methods. 

During that time, Solution heard from Horus that the more personal a sacrifice was, the more valuable it would become in the eyes of the Septem Dierum. If the sacrifice is something valuable for themselves but not for me, the Session Quality will be higher even if I don't get as many chaos points. It was a sign of devotion... that's also the reason why Yasaka's first sacrifice was so valuable, she sacrificed years of her life in the form of a lifespan she could have spent with her daughter, in order to please me. 

Solution took that personally... and she decided that the best way to create such a sacrifice was to fall in love with someone. She allowed herself to be courted by a noble in Re-Estize... she went on dates and picnics with him, and she met the man's family... it reached the point in which they were even about to be engaged. 

Until she crushed his skull and sacrificed him for my sake, or so she thought. 

[That human's life sacrifice amounted to less than one chaos point, it was insignificant] Horus answered, which means... even after everything he did, that man could not enter

Solution's eyes at all. 

She deluded herself into thinking she was in love, but this slime monster could never feel love. Perhaps even in my case... she's not in love, I'm just tasty. 

"Ray-sama, has my sacrifice reached you?~" She asked hopefully. 

"..." I didn't know what to tell her.

"Could it be... it was useless?"



I gulped a mouthful and so did Tsunade, her expression seemed to tell me: 'Yeah, I think she's not a spy..."

This slime is dangerous... she's psychotic, but... it is precisely because her 'love' is borderline psychotic that I can somewhat trust she's not a spy sent by Ains Ooal Gown. 
When she saw my shock, Solution dropped her countenance, "I apologise, Ray-sama... I shouldn't have shouted like that, please forgive me".

"It's okay... the sacrifice may have been worthless, but I accept your devotion, Solution".

"Ray-sama..." She was moved to tears, and rubbed herself against my chest... she thought I didn't notice her tongue creeping out and licking my chest. 
This monster...

Solution explained that another one of her objectives was to amass enough treasures for Shaltear to make a booking so that I'd make her 'evolve' the same way I had done with her. Before becoming his enemy, Ains Ooal Gown wanted me to serve as a therapist for all of his subordinates. It was not a surprise, Albedo and Demiurge had already told me that. 
Now that I had seen Cocytus, the Pleiades and Demiurge in action... if they had gotten my treatment, Nazarick would have become the strongest force in this world.

"Ray-sama, I appreciate that you trust me enough to hear my petty words, but..."

Her robes slid down with impatience.

"I can't wait... that lady over there, would it be possible to get some privacy?" Solution finally addressed Tsunade who was still lazily leaning at the edge of the shining river. 
Tsunade frowned and looked at me.

"No can do... she's my woman".

"Oh? Ray-sama's...? then Lady Elysir... or Lady Yasaka..." Solution drifted. 

"They are my women too..." I clarified.

Solution giggled and leaned against me further, now with her body naked and pristine, stealing a sideglance at Tsunade. 

"Oh my, Ray-sama has such a good eye~ Certainly all your wives are like exquisite flowers. I assume, you are also quite powerful".

"You don't assume wrongly" Tsunade answered without so much of a comment, I was trying to gauge her reactions and she seemed to be okay with this much kinship. 

"Fufufu as expected of a God. Ray-sama, you know... Shaltear and I, are currently heading towards the City State of Calissa to witness your fight. I managed to make an excuse to squeeze away, but an hour is the maximum I have before she gets suspicious".

"Why are you coming? Is Ains Ooal Gown foolish enough to make a move after what's happened?"

I took Solution in a princess carry since we didn't have much time to lose, she giggled and kissed my neck while speaking.

"Uhm~ no, he merely wishes for us to recollect information about your movements, your power, your subordinates, your magic... he also wishes for us to 'finish you off' if you were to be put in a disadvantageous position during the fight. But if that doesn't happen, we are not to get involved. That said, we have freedom of choice, I expect Shaltear to leave some of her 'seeds' in the Baharut Empire for future use".


"She's a skilful vampire. She uses shadows and ghouls to secretly do her bidding and surely intends to leave a few to keep an eye on you during your stay in the Baharut Empire".

"Sounds like a troublesome girl, Ray" Tsunade remarked. It meant that both Tsunade and Shaltear had high intelligence capabilities. 

"Indeed, I have a suggestion regarding her but first... how about you touch me?"
I put Solution on top of the water, she didn't mind it at first, "Ray-sama, you know slimes are weak to water?~"

"Oh, sorry... would you prefer–" I didn't know.

"But I'm stronger than the average slime, so you don't need to mind me".
Once I rested her on the water platform, the time started counting down and my hands shone, the session had started.

"Uhm!~ t-this... I missed this!" Solution screamed in exhilaration with my touch, as a slime... it is like all her skin is an erogenous zone, definitely, the kind of customer I'd enjoy myself massaging.

She took my hand and put it on her plump soft breasts, the softest I've ever touched. I know she does that to entice me as me touching her breasts is not different for her than me touching her waist. 

I fondled them and heard her lust-inducing moans, almost exaggerated just to fire me up. It was amazing that those boobs could be so soft and yet so firm, they went against physics. 

"Touch me all over, touch me here..."

In our first session, she vehemently tried to conceal her core from me. This time, she took my hand and led it into her lower abdomen, her pubis... her slime body gave way for my hand to enter her skin... until I was touching her crystal core... bigger and stronger than before.


Solution's body went haywire, like for a second she couldn't keep her form and started to melt on the invisible platform. 

If her whole body was already an erogenous zone, then touching her core was like touching her heart, or her womb... it was a very important part that put her life in my grasp. If I squeezed my hand a little too hard and it cracked, she'd die.

It doesn't matter how strong she is, this is her weakest spot. Certainly, it must be a lot stronger now than it was before, but with my physical strength all I had to do was squeeze it a bit and she'd be gone.

That's when I knew... she was completely loyal to me. 

"Ray-sama, I-I came..." Solution panted, I couldn't see any signs of her orgasm that a normal woman would have, but since she said it, it should be the truth.

I smiled and touched more... better places. 

I did a routine Swedish massage to her, kneading her slime body to my heart's content, it wasn't only she feeling good, I too was enjoying the texture of her skin. Mouldabilty that a normal customer would never be able to achieve. 

While I did that, Solution screamed under me, her hands caressed my body at every opportunity until she even went as far as to open my robes. 

I did a long knead from the top of her head, down to her waist and butt, squeezing her cheeks together, spreading them out and seeing everything there was to be seen inside, a perfect emulation of a female pussy, you could even say she was a try-hard trying to emulate it. 

'I wonder how it feels to put in there'. 

Solution looked at me and giggled, her hand slithered until she grabbed my penis.



After a while, she still didn't let go.

"Hands off the therapist, Solution".

"It is unfair only you get to touch, Ray-sama".

"It is my job..."

"We can both feel good together while you do your job~"


"Give me a chance to prove my point".

I sighed and gave a slight sidelong glance to the side where Tsunade was mysteriously drinking some sake that I don't know where she got that from.

"Give her a chance, I want to see~"


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