DxD: Multiversal Therapist


[+120.000 Chaos Points].

[Congratulations, Tsunade Senju has evolved from High Human to Deity of Chakra].

[Tsunade: + Sun 30%]

[Tsunade: + Fire 100%].

[Tsunade: + Water 100%].

[Tsunade: + Earth 100%].

[Tsunade: + Wind 100%].

[Congratulations, Tsunade Senju has gained an ability: Sun Burst].


"Ahhh, that was a good one, Ray~" Tsunade cast her hair aside, droplets of sweat splashed all over, she looked past the window, the sun high up in the skies, it was another day. 

"..." Her dark-skinned man didn't say anything, instead they heard him snore away with a wasted face. That didn't stop her from leaning down to kiss him deeply once again, totally lovestruck. 

'This is like a dream... I'm young and revitalised, with enough money to slap the daimyo across his face... I have a man, I could even be pregnant with twins, triplets? Shizune won't believe me... but I'm sure she'd be happy for me, that I could finally move on'.

The more she thought about the things that the boy had done for her, the more she wanted him to wake up and answer her kiss. 

'Brat what are you sleeping for?! hurry up, wake up and do me!'.

"Master? I think he's tired..." Azrael rose as well and sighed, her hand slithered down to her master's limp member, she took him from the base and wiggled it left and right, there was no stiffness, only fatigue... this little thing had already splurted everything it had to offer... it would take a while to recover. 

There seemed to be no hope until both women saw his limp member start to palpitate.


Like an engine that struggled a bit to kick start, eventually, it stood up.

"It's hard again!"


Both women glared at one another, it didn't take a genius to know this would be the last time of the night. 

"You have done it five times–" Azrael began, learning and applying the shameless act of bargain.

"And so have you, Azrael... moreover you did it once yesterday evening, that means it should be my turn again!"

But how could she possibly bargain better than Tsunade, the sannin saw in Azrael an easy target. It didn't matter how proficient and nightmarish she was in battle. She was still a righteous angel. The word 'trickery' was not in her vocabulary.

Nevertheless, she still had a card up her sleeve. 

"Tsunade, your eyes".

The blonde who was in the process of straddling her sleeping man to give it another go, stopped. 

"What's wrong with my eyes".

"Your eyes look weird, go and look yourself in the mirror" Azrael prompted, pointing at the mirror in front of the table at the corner of the room. 

Tsunade glared at her for two seconds before receding, she walked up to there and saw how her eyes had transformed from one night to the other. It wasn't only that she felt stronger physically. Her whole being had transformed. 

"T-This is... doujutsu?"

Her golden eyes now had circles upon circles that surrounded her irises, "It is like a sharingan without tomoes... could this be... rinnengan?!"

In her world there were only mythical tales... but the myth had now turned into a reality in her body. 

"Ahn!~" A piercing lustful moan awoke her from her stupor, she fiercely turned and saw Azrael shamelessly impaling herself to her sleeping master's phallus. When Azrael noticed Tsunade's gaze, she snickered. 


Tsunade groaned but it was too late, Azrael was already up to no good. She looked around the room, now a bit sober.

For the longest while she stared at her reflection in the mirror and played with her silky golden hair, tidying it in a single ponytail.

"Ahn!~ master!"


Still, her sidelong glance kept turning to the side, where her now-confirmed man had already woken up and regained domination.

'Perverted brat... and I thought Jiraiya was the worst'.

Her thoughts diverted, her stare wandered and that was when she noticed the room was a little bit... different... compared to last night. Namely, there was Armatista everywhere, crystals protruding from everywhere in the room. 


The blonde wore her Hakama and left the room, jumping up until she reached the very top of the palace. 

"This is... unexpected".

The whole imperial palace, from corner to corner, was filled to the brim with Armatista. Downstairs a gigantic group of miners were prepared to head into to remove the ore. From one night to the other, the Baharut Imperial Palace had turned into a sacred ground. 



Somewhere else, unaware of the real source of the Armatista, the Emperor of Baharut paced back and forth with an expression that looked euphoric but at the same time, concerned. 

"Your majesty!"


"Your majesty, please listen to me–"

"Shut up, Harold. Can't you see what I am thinking?!"


Emperor Jicniv stared at the armatista that seemingly manifested even at this very moment as some of the crystals grew up to the naked eye, the energy they excluded so potent that the lowest ranked sorcerers among them, some maids, felt dizzy like its mere essence was like a drug. 

"There is no doubt... the Sun God is involved in this..."

The armatista had first appeared at the southeastern border, the Re-Estize Kingdom and the Slane Theocracy were both aware of its existence, and its manifestation seemed to coincide, oddly enough with the astronomical manifestations of eclipses in the skies. Eclipses that didn't correspond with the rightful positioning of the sun and moon and that had the astronomical community all over the world, completely intrigued. 

Then, all of nowhere, an individual manifests, claiming himself as the Sun God. It couldn't be a coincidence that a lunar eclipse manifested right at the moment of his arrival. 

To put the cherry on top, the next morning, his castle was filled to the brim with Armatista, far enough from the southeast border for it to be a coincidence. 

And if that wasn't enough, he had a subordinate with twelve black wings... a non-registered species he had never even heard of in books. 

"He is the origin of everything... which means... he's more than likely... a True God".

The realisation alone made him shiver and curse his bad luck. 'Why couldn't he have gone to the Re-Estize Kingdom? why did he have to come here?'

He questioned himself over and over, as this God didn't come with good intentions. Let alone, to claim himself a God openly, he was not afraid to be declared as a pagan and therefore, made into the enemy of the whole world who worshipped the four main gods. 

"He's not looking for peace, but if it is his doing what is the meaning of this? he openly challenges me, and then gives me an advantage through the armatista...? What is it that he wants?!"

"Do you want to know?"


The woman appeared literally out of nowhere, sitting on his chair with her legs on the table and her arms crossed. Compared to before, now he was somewhat prepared. At least twenty guards surrounded the woman who looked unconcerned. 

"Who are you, state your name in the name of the Emperor!?"

"I am the Sun God's wife. If you don't want your empire to be annihilated, you should listen to my words, Jicniv" Tsunade spoke casually, like she didn't care. She, in fact, didn't. 

"How can I know you're even saying the truth? surround her!" Jicniv was not having any nonsense, the current situation of the empire was perfect for any of their foreign foes to make a move, she could just be one of them. Let alone, if she really was who she proclaimed, they'd have met her yesterday when he 'descended'. 

"Are you going to commit the same mistake twice?" Tsunade said, referring to the time they thought Ray had been lying and attacked him. Her words made him consider his position.

"If you're his wife how come you weren't with him yesterday?"

"My job was to ransack your treasury, naturally I wasn't here".


"Ransack- what nonsense–"

"Harold... go and check it".

"Your majesty–"

"Go and check the treasury!" Jicniv felt he was about to pass out, the last thing he needed was the premonition that seemed to be closer and closer to becoming a reality.

Tsunade smiled and waited, ten minutes later... Harold, the economic affairs minister, returned with a sombre expression, shaking his head. 

Jicniv collapsed with a dumbfounded expression, 'H-How are we going to pay the favours we're asking our allies!? how can the central bank work if all the treasures are gone!?'

"Do you believe me now?" Tsunade smirked. 

The woman who had just ransacked his treasury was just in front of him, the appropriate response would be to utterly massacre her in front of the townsfolk for her crimes, but he couldn't do so much as to raise his voice... because this woman must surely be the Sun God's wife, as she claims. Nobody else knew, if she knew the vault was ransacked, it had to be her. 

"Please return the treasures–"

"Are you stupid? Are you asking me for favours now, Jicniv? don't disappoint me like this" She changed her position, placing her elbows on the table and tapping her finger against her beautiful lips. 

A woman was beautiful as she was treacherous. When he looked at her in the eyes, only then he knew she certainly wasn't normal either... those were not human eyes. 

'If I return that money how am I going to repay my debts?' Tsunade groaned inwardly. 

"Even then, do you expect me to just believe you?"

"I don't need you to believe me. The salvation of your empire is your concern, not mine. I'm here only to make this more... swift... and convenient for all parties involved, you included".

"Did the Sun God send you here–"

"He didn't... my husband is a quite busy individual. Now, Jicniv... you have two choices. Without my intervention... your bloody past and reputation as a tyrant guarantee that my husband won't let you off the hook, and even if he does, she won't"

"She?" He then recalled that gorgeous woman with twelve long black wings, the one they were afraid of. 

"She's very righteous... she doesn't forgive sins. The throne will be taken from your hands and given to someone more humanistic, but also... likely way less capable than you, which is the reason I am here now".

With all the information she and Katsuyu had assembled from the army prior, she knew... the Empire wasn't faring badly compared to other nations. This meant, that despite his reputation as a tyrant, Emperor Jicniv was a wise monarch. 

'Ray doesn't know how to rule a country, sometimes... to make great reforms, one has to put an iron hand' She recalled the teachings of her master Sarutobi who served as the Hokage and leader of her village. 

Being a good Emperor didn't necessarily mean being a good person, 'That is not something Ray and Azrael will understand'.

"..." Jicniv clenched his hands, the empire taken from him after all the hard work he had put into it, with his head rolling down powerlessly, that was his greatest fear. 

"Do you think the Sun God is a moralist?" According to him, a moralist was the enemy of any prosperous nation.

"He is" Tsunade sighed "Fortunately... moralism can only survive in modern society with power to back it up, he has that power. But I see way more from you, Jicniv... I believe you're very capable. If my husband doesn't have to involve himself in your government that's for the best, he can spend his time on more important matters".

'Like raising our kids...' She blushed and the people around her didn't know why. 

"What do you suggest, I should surrender?!"

"At this stage, even if you were to surrender... it wouldn't be enough. But if you were to give more..."

"What else do you want me to give, the armatista!?" 

Jicniv saw the armatista surrounding him as the only hope, even if they had ransacked the treasury, the armatista was a mineral with an extremely high commercial value.

"The armatista is worthless to my husband, he is the origin of the armatista, and he can create as much as he wants from it. From what I understand you have amicable relations with the Dragon Kingdom and the Dwarf Kingdom".

"That is correct, but what do they have to do with–"

"Offer them to my husband on a platter".


"Are you insane?! Do you think mere words would convince them of my intentions!–".

"Brat, don't scream".

The killing intent she emitted didn't go unnoticed, even he had no choice but to look at the ground and apologise.

"I'm sorry for raising my tone, my lady..."

Tsunade's killing intent receded, she was not at the point of her life in which she would power to kids to scream at her for no reason, especially when she was trying to help the situation. 

"I am not saying that you have to do this alone, I will help you from the shadows. The battle two weeks from now must go on without an issue. What I want you to do is to become my husband's subordinate and manage this territory in his name. You should be able to see the serious advantage this would provide for you on a great scale".


He was not a fool not to realise, that to have a patron god meant their territory would be protected from the effect of any war, let alone... if he was the origin of the armatista, then they would never run out of it. 

"It is not that simple, the church has a long-lasting influence in the empire, and their influence over the army and the morale of the citizens matches mine, if I were to become a pagan by worshipping a different God, there would be a civil war–"

"Destroy the church," She said.


Silence reigned the room, surely they didn't hear that well.

"Excuse me, my lady?"

"You didn't listen to me?" Tsunade frowned and stood up, "I said to destroy the church and form a new church for my husband's worshippers, the church of the sun, that sounds well~".

They couldn't believe what the woman was saying... and even then... it sounded like they didn't have much of a choice. 

"Allow me to ask you... one last thing. What do you get from this?"

The blonde laughed, stared at nothing in particular and played with her lips, blushing and emanating a scent and pheromones that got everyone in the room going.

"Hopefully a nice massage~"

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