DxD: Multiversal Therapist

Sun Stare


As the energy in Yasaka's mouth grew in power, the thoughts about fleeing the scene began to loom in Khaos Brigade's mind. They couldn't stop thinking about what that attack had done to those islands. And to top it off, a single tail swipe had been enough to devastate the vanishing dragon. 

If there was something Cao Cao was not, it was stupid.

"Georg!" He yelled the name of the person who could take them out of there the fastest and jumped towards Yasaka, aiming to disrupt her attack. 

The man in question, wielder of the Longinus 'Dimension Lost' was about to create a portal when a red silhouette came rushing down towards him like a ghost, her arm transformed into an axe!


He dodged that strike by a few inches, her axe sliced through the snow and devastated the very core of the mountain but she didn't stop there. The woman laughed and continued her onslaught towards him as if aware of his intentions.

"My master's desire is that you all perish~ I'll eat you, darling".

"Who the hell are you?!"

For the first time, he didn't feel happy about the prospect of being 'eaten' not with the face that the woman was making. 

"I'm Disruption V".

Georg, a magician, wasn't exactly a master in martial arts and close combat, he swiftly evaded Disruption's strikes, roundhouse kicks and weapon swipes. It was like her ruby mouldable body could transform in any weapon.

"Cao Cao, Heracles, Perseus!" He yelled back trying to get someone to help but all he managed to catch was how a meteor seemingly fell from the skies straight against Heracles.

A titanic explosion took place, and the groans of the demigod resonated as he was sent blasting down the mountain. 

"Get back here!" The 'meteor' yelled and rushed towards the blasted Heracles, further confusing Georg as to who this person was. 

"Bikou, go and help Georg!" A white armour flashed out of the snowy debris towards Yasaka, billowing in wrath, the boy couldn't believe he was tossed away like he was some failed magic trick. 



A teenage boy who resembled a monkey with armour used a pole as his weapon to receive Disruption's strike, saving Georg's life. He grunted at the sheer strength of the slime who in response only regarded the flesh she was about to eat. 

"Hurry up and use dimension lost to get us out of here!"

"I can't, there is a powerful barrier outside isolating this region!-"



'I can't match this boy anymore!?'

Heracles groaned, using his arms to block the incoming fist.


His arms felt like they met the fiercest of mountains, a power that dwarfed what he had seen from the boy three years ago. He kept his ground but was unable to retain his position, being blasted away once again helplessly. 


If his ridiculous super strength wasn't enough, Ray could now fly at ridiculous speeds, shining like a comet through the battlefield and not giving Heracles a respite. He didn't know how things had come to this, but one thing he knew was that he wasn't letting Heracles live past today after antagonising Anna.

Heracles counterattacked his last try at sorting things out with his strength. He punched forth to receive Ray's fist, his arms swollen from the consecutive impacts.

<Variant Detonation!>

His sacred gear allowed him to explode anything he touched, with that, he did a feint that Ray didn't catch and smirked.

"You may be stronger but you lack experience, boy!"


The first hit Ray square on his gut and an explosion burst out, Heracles snickered and thought that did it, that Osiris had fallen just like that. That was until the smoke dissipated and Ray was standing there as if nothing happened with a smile on his face after having felt what he thought was a mosquito bite. 



An uppercut straight to his jaw made Heracles bite his own tongue, nearly bisecting it as blood burst out of his mouth, sent flying once again this time towards the skies. Ray jumped like a comet to meet him mid-air and dealt another vicious blow straight to the man's chest.



His fist caved in and the helpless 'demigod' could do nothing but be crushed back into the ground after experiencing strength like he hadn't felt before. 

With the strength of a multiversal demigod, the likes of him couldn't compare to.

Ray took a breath, feeling the rush of power, he wasn't even using magic, it was all just physical strength. 

'It may not have been much... but the results are astounding... flying is also easier than I thought it would be'.

He landed next to Heracles while the explosions continued to resonate nearby.

"What were you expecting? back then I was eleven years old. Were you prideful of beating a little kid? It's been three years, since then I grew up, not only that but I and my friend have stuck to a strict push-up, abs, running and cycling routines. I'm leagues above what I was, I don't need extravagant powers to kill you, Heracles".


Heracles spit some blood and regarded Ray with thrill, the boy had grown up a bit, now fourteen nearly fifteen with a height that nearly matched his own. Ray's body was sculpted and didn't look anything less than a God.

His skin was dark but behind him, there was a bright aura, like an eclipse. 


Somebody lounged at Ray from the side, it was Perseus wielding a sword and a shield, another powerful demigod.


Two individuals met him, blocking his strike effortlessly. Disruption III cast away the astonished Perseus' strike, having him lose balance while Disruption IV delivered a vicious roundhouse kick straight to his face. 


Perseus evaded just in time and made a pirouette to gain some distance, realising that the creature's leg had transformed into a blade, if that kick had hit his head would have been split in half, they were evil!

Ray stepped on the snow, and by his side stood two loyal silhouettes.

"Disruption III and Disruption IV go and keep those two company" He pointed towards Arthur and Le Fay Pendragon, "that little girl is planning something".

They had kept eerily quiet but he could feel the girl was making some sort of spell using humongous amounts of mana while the man kept her guard, the moment he pointed at them, he unsheathed his sword, ready to protect his sister. 

"As you order!" 

Both slimes rushed into the action. Ray watched as Heracles recovered, prepared to pummel his face yet again and regarding Yasaka who was fighting both Cao Cao and Vali. Funnily enough, they were just facing her tails, Yasaka herself kept charging that attack that was ready to be released inside this barrier. 

It would destroy everything and to him, it was perhaps unnecessary, but that was the way Yasaka's resentment powered up her mind, she wanted to leave no corpses, no trace.

She wanted them gone forever and he respected that.

Her attack was fire-based so nothing would happen to him, his slimes even if gone could easily be summoned back... the only person here he needed to protect was Hasshaku-sama, everyone else could die as he didn't care. 

<Balance Breaker: Detonation Mighty Comet!>

Heracles was the first to enter his balance breaker, he knew that without it, he could no longer even scratch the boy in front of him... his life was on the line, their life was on the line and he couldn't afford to pull back punches.

<Balance Breaker: Caput-medusae and Mineralization Knight!>

After him, Perseus also used his balance breaker standing side to side with Heracles to defeat their foe, Osiris.

Ray frowned and realised how a face protruded from the shield he was wielding, the face of a woman with snakes as hair, at the same time snakes wrapped around his sword. He knew exactly who he was dealing with. The moment his eyes met one of the snakes' he felt a giddy feeling all over his body but nothing else.

In contrast, Perseus committed the worst mistake, sadly for him, he didn't even know what he did wrong until the end. 


Starting from the snake, its eyes burst into flames as it screeched, followed by the woman in his shield who also started to scream as her eyes burned, lastly... Perseus' own eyes began to burn.


[Hahahaha! what a foolish mortal. Who would dare to look straight at the sun, with such close proximity?~]

Elysir commented, almost ridiculing Perseus while both Heracles and even Ray looked at what was happening in raw confusion.

"Bastard, what did you do?!" Heracles cursed trying to shake Perseus but it was all for nough, the man's head kept burning with golden flames.

"Hey don't look at me, even I don't know what's happening!"

Perseus continued to scream until he stopped moving altogether, dead.

[The answer is simple... he used some sort of soul attack that implied him staring straight at your soul to place a curse. Suffice to say you are a sun, Ray... what happens when you look at a sun with your bare eyes?].

'It blinds you?'

[Correct... now, he was standing roughly ten metres away from you. Tell me what would happen if you were to stand ten metres away from the sun... and look at it?~].

'...the fuck?' Ray knew he was overpowered but even this felt like too much. 

[It is not necessarily that you are overpowered... just that fool happened to use the only attack nobody should ever use against us. A pity for him, he won't even know how he died, all he did was see a blinding light... and then he was gone].


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