DxD: Multiversal Therapist

The Baharut Empire II

And so, Tsunade not only infiltrated their forces, but she also overwhelmed the army commander, laid down a strategy and convinced the commanders to ambush the incoming soldiers of the Re-Estize Kingdom.

Nevertheless, as many followed her ploy, I also detected many suspicious gazes thrown her way. Some were convinced by her tales.

"She's an aristocrat from which family again?".

"Her information in some areas is a bit lacklustre".

I heard their whispers, looked at Azrael and she nodded, ready for anything. I, however, realised a bit later that I didn't need to be ready for anything. Might as well just... act.
Act in a way that wouldn't go against Tsunade's plans. I wanted to know what she wanted to accomplish. 

<Illusion Domain>

As I never used this technique, I was a bit confused as to how it worked at first. But it turns out, it is rather simple... you just have to give an order, anything that can materialise in your mind and what can materialise in your mind... would surely manifest in the real world too. 
As if my mind had become a momentary reality.

Sparkles of light surrounded the entire camp, with a mortal mind I wouldn't be unable to control this scope, but with energy records... I realised once again during this junction why this is such a taxing and costly ability.

Energy records essentially give me the mind of a god. 

What surprised me the most was that even Tsunade and Azrael didn't notice they were under the illusion domain, it also didn't present itself as a towering irradiation of energy, not something too evident to my energy records. I stood up and a copy of me remained sitting with Azrael, talking to her the way I would, with the words I would say. She didn't see the real 'me', none of them did as that was my will. 


A white world engulfed me, cast to its full potential. A spirit subdomain separated from reality. No one noticed, except one person. 

Azrael frowned.

"My lord, I detected a domain–"

The 'me' that she had been talking to disappeared, she almost panicked until I grasped her shoulders from behind. 

"I'm here..."


"My lord, what are you–"

I pulled her into the domain and then she could finally see what I could. This black-and-white world must have been quite confusing to her. There were balls of energy of different sizes floating all over the area, spirits. Also, the soldiers and sorcerers in the camp were talking to themselves... not a single true conversation was held, they were all talking and spilling the beans about illusions I created to talk to them. 

"You have a high sensitivity to spiritual energy," I told her.
Azrael frowned and extended her wings back as if she had been uncomfortable concealing them until now. She waved her scythe and caught a small spirit with the tip, drawing it towards her.

"Limbo is a taboo technique that can only be employed by a handful of species. It is the peak of the Spiritual Arts. I may have a high sensitivity but casting a limbo domain is difficult for even me. As I have participated in dozens of wars and defeated foes capable of utilising it, my sensitivity allows me to know when it has been cast, but..."

She sighed and looked around us, even Tsunade. 

"Not many are capable of even detecting this world, regardless of how strong they are. It resides in a different plane of existence. I'm not surprised you are able to use it, my lord. However, I wouldn't expect you to be able to use spiritual illusions and to this scope at that..."

She stared at the people, literally talking to themselves, even Tsunade... of course, they didn't know that they were talking to different versions of me, posing and drawing out all the information that we needed. 

I hope she doesn't get too upset. 


After the strategy for tomorrow was decided, Tsunade kept drinking and drinking and drinking in the middle of the 'party'.


"... you're drunk".

"I'm not, I can't get drunk! *hic*"

"Yeah yeah, you are".

I picked her up in a princess carry among the ramblings and yells of the soldiers. Waved my hand and the illusion vanished like it was a dream. Every one of the soldiers who had been partying with her had in reality already gone to sleep, only a few guards remained at the edges of the camp to alert them from any invasion or sudden attack, among them was Azrael. 

I carried her to a tent and put her down, that wasn't just any booze that she drank, through energy records I could tell it had some sort of magic mixed in it. It was not poison, it was to make it more potent. Inside the tent two priests were sleeping, I kicked them out to the cold and put Tsunade on the bed, intending to join Azrael for the night. 



She pulled me on top, her amber eyes widely staring at me, intoxicated. We remained like that for a few seconds, I thought she had somehow fallen asleep with her eyes opened and tried to separate, but she pushed forward and kissed me. 

At first, I did not react, but then I answered... she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me down until I was essentially on top of her. Her lips were exquisite, or perhaps it was the booze. 

"Why aren't you proactive with me?" She asked amidst kisses.

"Tsunade you're drunk–"

"I told you I am not drunk" She separated with a frown, and when I stared at her, all the tipsiness was gone. Her expression was still serious, but not as intoxicated. 

Just like that, with this serious expression and clear eyes, she pulled me down and kissed me again. It is not like I tried to push her away, why would I? but her physical strength was ridiculous and tried to overpower me, to put me down.

I didn't let her though, took both her hands and pinned them to the cushion. 
As a result, she panted, I stared at the cleavage that those soldiers had enjoyed watching jiggle within their illusions. She was haggard and one of her pink nipples peeked through. 

"What are you going to do to me?" Tsunade asked me with hope, still panting. 

I smiled and rose, straddling her waist, putting my weight on her. 

"What do you want me to do, Tsunade?"

Her stare deepened up, and she grasped my shirt with both her hands tightly and tore it apart. She pulled me down and kissed me again so roughly.




Her passion increased with each instance my name was mentioned, I don't know why she's doing it... but it seems like she needs it. I kissed her and rubbed my body against hers, we may not be in a therapy, session... but she still felt the pleasure of touching my skin. 
I removed her garments one by one, rose and prepared to give her a massage, but she took my wrists and shook her head with tears in her eyes.

"Just kiss me and hug me, I want that".

I cleared her tears, even now, after coming so far, there is still a small needle prickling her heart and I know what it is. Irritated, I took a firm grasp of her breast as we kissed, pressing her further against the cushion, overwhelming her senses.
She won't say it because she doesn't want me to hear it, but I know.

"I'm sick and tired of Dan".


She gasped, I played with her nipple and shut her mouth with a kiss, knowing my intention, her consciousness tried to repel me, she struggled with strength to push me away, but I wasn't going to relent, sticking my tongue inside her mouth.

"I will make you forget him and slowly and steadily replace him in your heart–"

"No! n-not replace–"

Her heart refused to let go, sometimes... when we love someone so much, it is difficult to accept they are gone forever. The feeling is even harsher when we not only love but also respect and admire the other person... it is exactly what I felt for Elysir when I lost her.
And it ate me until the last day, I wasn't able to live again... some people wanted me to be happy, people who provided support for me, people who were for me at all times, people who brought me endless pleasure, but those people... never managed to fill that void that she left.

I loved, respected and admired her. 

For such a person, even I may never be able to stand on Dan's level in Tsunade's heart. Cohabitation is not an option, the only thing I can do... is replace him. But also, because of the type of individual who Tsunade is, this won't be as simple as me just making love to her right now. 

If I try to do so... it may be counterintuitive, she may grow averse as she lusts for me but doesn't love me yet. 

Instead, I have to play the slow and steadfast game. 

I caressed, kissed, cuddled, spoiled and loved Tsunade from the moon until the sun, from the slumber to the bell. And while doing so... I realised that Tsunade too is someone I can come to love, respect and admire.

Dan must have been an amazing man, but I'm sorry, fellow... this woman is too good to be wasted on the dead. 


"It is time to go" I separated from her body, Tsunade was still twitching. We didn't sleep at all last night. I didn't make love to her, I didn't even tease her palpitating cunny... but I licked her entire body, I rubbed my body against hers all night.

I let her know that I wanted her, without explicitly taking her. Yes, I used a wicked but effective technique. 

'If you want me, forget about Dan'.

Somebody entered the tent, it was Azrael. Her brows flinched when she saw Tsunade's shameful position. 

"My lord, it is as she predicted, there is an army hailing from the South, although the watchers haven't discovered them yet, contact between both armies should be in about forty minutes. What is your plan?"

"There is no plan, we follow Tsunade's lead".

"Brat, y-you will pay for teasing me like this" Her body was still all blushing and sweaty from our rather 'steamy' session. I didn't pay her any mind, she's far from being able to request any payments from me.

Not when the cushion is soaking like that. 

"If you want me, you know what to do".


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