DxD: My Main Skill is Winning Hearts

Chapter 68 – A Demon in a Church

When I finally pushed open the door, the sound of its ancient hinges echoed through the silent room, accompanying my steps as I entered.

The divine energy that permeated the air immediately enveloped me, as if I had crossed an invisible barrier that recognized my nature. If I were just a human, I probably wouldn't notice it, not so clearly, but as a supernatural being, perhaps half-demon and half-dragon, I could feel it.

The chapel's high ceiling was supported by sturdy arches, and small stained glass windows adorned the sides.

The familiar smell of wax and scented incense filled the air, an almost sacred combination that penetrated deep into the soul.

To my right, the rows of old wooden pews were unoccupied, except for one or two spots where isolated worshipers were immersed in silent prayer. They did not raise their heads to look at me as I passed, perhaps because they did not feel the weight of my presence, or perhaps because they were too lost in their own prayers.

I moved cautiously, aware of every step I took on this sacred ground. Despite my initial confidence, there was a part of me that couldn't completely ignore the discomfort of being there. It was as if I was entering forbidden territory, crossing a line that should have been impassable.

I slowly approached the main altar, where a large wooden cross adorned the wall behind a table covered with a white pall. An old priest was standing there, holding a rosary in his hands. He didn't seem to notice me, and I wasn't interested in him, anyway.

At the back of the chapel was a door, half hidden by a large wooden panel. I narrowed my eyes and walked towards it without wasting any more time.

When I reached the door, I put my hand on the cold handle and turned it slowly, opening the door enough for me to pass through without making much noise.

The corridor behind the door was narrow and poorly lit, the walls were bare stone and the wooden floor creaked slightly under my feet. There were no windows for light to enter, only small lamps.

After a few meters, the corridor widened slightly, revealing a small room at the back. It was then that the voices grew louder.

"I think we should at least try the McDonald's here in Japan. I remember it was really good, but back in Rome it's rubbish," Irina said.

"We're not here for that. Who knows, after we've done what we have to do here."

Irina and Xenovia were there, just as I had suspected. They had their backs to me and were talking naturally.

Irina, with her blonde hair pinned up and parted in two directions, wore her light exorcist armor, while Xenovia, with her short blue hair, wore a similar uniform. They were chatting as they adjusted some details of their outfits.

I leaned against the wall and remained silent, watching them for a moment without trying to hide. I knew they might react aggressively, so I decided to be more diplomatic.

"You look busy..." I said.

The two exorcists reacted immediately. Xenovia spun on her heels, her hand moving quickly to the sword on the table, while Irina seemed less attentive.

"Who's there?" Xenovia asked, pointing the Destroyer Excalibur at me. When she finally recognized me, her face grew stern. "A demon. What are you doing here?"

"Calm down, calm down, I didn't come here to fight," I said, keeping my tone under control. "I came here because I need your help."

Xenovia didn't lower her sword, her eyes evaluating every word I said. Irina, on the other hand, seemed a little more open, although she was still on guard.

"So what do you want?" Xenovia asked.

"Your help. You're after the Excaliburs, aren't you? So am I."

Irina raised an eyebrow. "A demon interested in the Excalibur? Isn't that a little contradictory? You want to destroy them, just like your other friend."

I smiled sideways, recognizing the irony in the situation. "I don't know. My interests are a little more... flexible. I'm not interested in the swords themselves. It's what they represent and who's looking for them that interests me."

Xenovia finally lowered the sword, but still held it firmly, ready to act at any moment. "And why isn't Rias Gremory here to speak with us? Why send a... subordinate?"

The dismissive tone in her voice didn't go unnoticed, but I let it pass. I knew her trust in me was fragile.

"Rias... Rias would need a strong reason to deal directly with the Church. She's a pure demon, and frankly, the relationship between the two factions is... complicated, to say the least. But I don't need a trigger. My goal here is to keep the Excalibur's from falling into the wrong hands, and in that, our interests align."

"And what exactly are you proposing? We want the swords back, but that doesn't mean we need help." Xenovia said.

"I know this city, every nook and cranny, every shadow. You're in uncharted territory, and the people with those swords are dangerous. A temporary alliance is in everyone's best interest. I can be your eyes and ears here while you focus on fighting for the swords."

Xenovia gave a short, dry laugh and shook her head negatively. "We don't need a guide. We already have enough clues about the Fallen Angels in this city."

"Fallen Angels..." I muttered, as if thinking about her words. "The clue you have... is the church on the hill, right?"

Xenovia froze for a moment, and though she tried to hide it, I could see the surprise in her eyes. It was a small detail, but enough to know that I was on the right track.

"How do you know that?"

I shrugged, as if it were something trivial. "It's obvious, isn't it? If you're hunting Fallen Angels who have some interest in the Excalibur's, then the church that was their base would be one of the first places to investigate. But let me be clear: going there alone would be a mistake."

Irina frowned and took a step forward. "Why do you care so much? We don't need a demon's worries."

I moved a little closer to show that I wasn't afraid of her. "Because you're not dealing with some fallen angel. Do you know who's behind this?"

Xenovia tightened her grip on her sword. "If you know something, tell me."





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Chapter 87 - Demon of Lust (R-18)
Chapter 86 - Taking the Virginity of Rias Gremory (R-18)
Chapter 85 - The Depraved Innocence (R-18)
Chapter 84 - Jealousy
Chapter 83 - It's not that hard
Chapter 82 - Learning about Teleportation Circles
Chapter 81 - Sea Waves (R-18)
Chapter 80 - Hidden in the Rocks (R-18)
Chapter 79 - Bronzing Oil
Chapter 78 - Beach Volleyball
Chapter 77 - Juggernaut Drive
Chapter 76 - Against Kokabiel (Final Part)
Chapter 75 - Against Kokabiel (Part 2)
Chapter 74 - Against Kokabiel (Part 1)
Chapter 73 - Consequence of Evil Nature
Chapter 72 - My Battle against Raynare
Chapter 71 - Spear of Light
Chapter 70 - The Return of Yumma

Chapter 69 - The Difference Between the Fallen Angels

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