DxD: My Main Skill is Winning Hearts

Chapter 77 – Juggernaut Drive

The impact of my blow on Kokabiel reverberated through every corner of the forest. The ground beneath Kokabiel's feet cracked into a web of cracks, and I completely shattered the armor he was wearing.

The monumental weight of the Juggernaut Drive crushed my bones, muscles, and mind, and every second I used it felt like my life energy was being sucked out by an insatiable black hole. Still, I didn't stop.

At that moment, I activated the only two spells I knew, using both the Thunder I had copied from Akeno and Rias Gremory's Power of Destruction. Just like that, my fist glowed red as lightning bolts shot out of it.

Kokabiel's body trembled under the force of my attack, and for a brief moment, I saw the terror in his eyes. He, who had been so proud of his power, who had mocked us all with his arrogant confidence, was now just another fallen opponent, crushed by the power he had underestimated. With one last effort, I channeled all my remaining power into the Juggernaut's drive, feeling the searing heat of the boosted gear envelop my arm like liquid fire. The dragon's fist came down on Kokabiel's body like a hammer, burying him deeper into the cracked and broken ground.

The explosion of power from the final blow was deafening, sending a shockwave across the field and extinguishing the last embers of the surrounding battle.

Then there was silence.

I slowly raised my fist. The huge red arm of the Juggernaut Drive trembled with the effort required for this final blow.

When I finally withdrew my fist, I saw what was left of Kokabiel. His body was disfigured, his once imposing and cruel face now an unrecognizable mass of broken flesh and bone. He was immobile, and the menacing aura he once exuded was completely gone.

Kokabiel, a high-ranking fallen angel, had been defeated.

The sight of his destroyed body, crushed by my power, should have given me a sense of victory. But all I felt was exhaustion.

My breathing was heavy, and I knew my time in the Juggernaut Drive was over.

{Well done, Leo. You did it. I'm very proud of you.}

I felt the armor begin to disintegrate, the red plates receding like a tide until they left my skin exposed to the cold night air.

As the last bit of armor disappeared, my body gave in to exhaustion. My strength left me at once, and for a moment I thought I would fall flat on my face. But to my surprise, I felt something soft and warm support me. My eyes, heavy with effort, opened just enough to see a red head around me, and a familiar, comforting scent enveloped me.

I fell into Rias Gremory's arms.

The feel of her arms around me was like a balm to my exhausted mind and body. I felt my face pressed against her breasts and, for a moment, the whole world was reduced to the warmth she radiated as she held me.

"Leonard..." Rias said in a trembling voice.

I tried to smile as I lifted my head, but I was so exhausted that I barely managed. "I think... we made it."

Without warning, Rias leaned forward and kissed me eagerly. When my momentary surprise passed, I grabbed the back of her head and enjoyed her soft lips against mine.

As soon as our lips parted, the muffled sound of a surprised sigh brought me back to reality. To the side, I saw Kiba and Koneko looking at us in surprise.

'Koneko knew about me and Akeno! But there was no way she knew about Rias! And Kiba didn't know anything!'

Xenovia, who until then had been holding Valper Galilei with her feet on his back, also looked very surprised and a little flushed.

But what surprised me was Akeno's reaction. She was watching everything from a short distance and unlike the others who were surprised by Rias' gesture, Akeno seemed to have expected it, as if she had known all along what was going to happen. With a smile that showed both amusement and tenderness, she approached us.

"Ah, Rias... You can't keep him all to yourself, you know?", Akeno said.

Then Akeno pulled me closer and her breasts pressed against me as hard as Rias'. At that moment, I was literally trapped between them, almost out of breath.

"Hey, you had your chance, Akeno!"

Akeno laughed softly. "I know, I know. But I can't let you have all the fun, can I?"

"Girls... calm down, calm down!" I muttered, my voice weak.


Me and the Occult Research Club, or rather most of its members, had successfully defeated Kokabiel, one of the most powerful fallen angels in existence. It was a feat so astounding that it would likely shake the foundations of the three factions for days, maybe months.

When Sirzechs Lucifer arrived, he embraced his sister, glad that she was alive and safe, then approached Kokabiel's body and with a simple gesture lifted Kokabiel's body off the ground as if it were as light as a feather and bound it in black chains that glowed with a dark energy.

But it wasn't just Kokabiel that caught Sirzechs' attention. Valper Galilei, the traitor to the Church, was bound and subdued by Xenovia. His attempts to free himself were futile, but knowing that he would be taken to the underworld, his tongue was as sharp as ever. With a bitter voice, he began to shout, trying to provoke Kiba to kill him. He spoke of revenge, of wanting to see Kiba succumb to his hatred for the Excalibur Project, but Kiba, with a calmness I hadn't expected, just watched in silence.

Kiba didn't give in to the provocation. Instead, he calmly announced that what awaited Valper Galilei in the underworld would be far worse than death.

Galilei, realizing that his words were not having the desired effect, cried out in despair and revealed something that would shake the world for all of us.

"Peace is useless! God is dead!" he exclaimed, and his words fell like a curse, for it was a truth no one wanted to hear. "That's why I betrayed the Church, that's why I joined Kokabiel! There is no sense in peace and life if God doesn't exist!"

Sirzechs, who had kept a serious face until then, sighed deeply. With a gesture, he tightened the chains holding Valper Galilei and led the traitor to the underworld.

Xenovia fell to her knees on the floor. The news that God was dead seemed to have drained all meaning from her existence. Her expression was a mixture of disbelief, pain, and a deep sense of emptiness. For someone who had dedicated her entire life to faith, the idea that the central figure of that faith was dead was devastating. She stayed there, kneeling on the floor, while we didn't know exactly what to say to her.

"I think I should be the one to take the news back to Asia." I said to Rias while being held up by her helper.

Rias nodded in agreement.




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