DxDanmachi: Voyager of Worlds Ability

[100] : Phantom Troupe Attack!

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Yes, just as Mika had predicted, the Phantom Troupe had set their sights on the grand auction held exclusively for the mafia on the evening of September 1st in Yorknew City.

After more than three years apart, the Phantom Troupe had reunited in Yorknew City.

However, this time, the hunters would become the hunted.

"So, this is the auction venue?"

Standing atop a skyscraper, Mika gazed at the brightly lit building amidst the darkness of the night, a faint smile playing on his lips.

"Now, where's Kurapika?"

He scanned his surroundings, searching for any sign of Kurapika.

In the Hunter x Hunter world, Mika couldn't use En freely.

This world was populated by Nen users, and at this particular moment, he was undoubtedly surrounded by them.

If he were to activate En, his presence would be immediately detected by every Nen user in the vicinity.

That was the risk of using En.

However, it didn't take long for Mika to locate Kurapika.

He was positioned on the rooftop of the building opposite the hotel, keeping a close watch on the entrance.

"Found him!"

With a slight grin, Mika leaped from the rooftop, gracefully traversing the gap between the buildings towards Kurapika's location.

He had initially intended to sneak up on Kurapika and surprise him, but as soon as he landed behind Kurapika and his companion, his presence was detected.

"There's another heartbeat. Behind us."

Her voice was barely a whisper, yet it was crystal clear to Mika's enhanced hearing.

Knowing he'd been discovered, Mika abandoned his stealth approach.

Using Transparent World, he saw that while Kurapika remained outwardly calm, he was internally preparing for combat. Mika chuckled softly.

"Relax, Kurapika. It's me."

Hearing Mika's familiar voice, Kurapika swiftly turned around.

His eyes widened in surprise as he recognized Mika's face. "Mika? What are you doing here?"

"Just here to experience the legendary auction, of course," Mika replied with a grin, stepping closer to Kurapika. "And then I saw you over there and thought I'd say hello."

Kurapika glanced in the direction Mika indicated, suddenly gaining a new appreciation for Mika's abilities.

"Your companion is quite remarkable. To be able to detect my presence... Since mastering my martial arts, very few have been able to do that."

Mika smiled and greeted Kurapika's companion.

Due to the passage of time, Mika no longer recognized many of the supporting characters from the Hunter x Hunter world.

Besides the main cast, he only remembered characters with distinctive traits or those who played crucial roles in the plot.

In the current Yorknew City arc, he only remembered the Phantom Troupe and the young lady with precognitive abilities.

He remembered her existence but couldn't quite recall her appearance.

"You mean Melody? Her hearing is incredibly sensitive. She can hear your heartbeat."

"I see!"

Mika's eyes widened in realization.

Indeed, while he could conceal his presence, he couldn't mask the sound of his heartbeat.

Kurapika's words jogged his memory.

Yes, Melody, Kurapika's companion, was a young woman with a rather unusual appearance.

He vaguely recalled that she had accidentally heard the "Dark Sonata" and suffered the consequences.

"This truly is the dangerous world of hunters!"

As Mika conversed with Kurapika and Melody, the mafia members on the street below suddenly panicked and began rushing inside the building.

"Something's happening. Melody, contact Dalzollene."


After issuing instructions to Melody, Kurapika turned to Mika. "Mika, I need to go check out the situation. Let's chat again when we have more time."

"Sure. Go take care of business."

"I'll be going then!"

With that, Kurapika swiftly departed, heading towards the auction venue.

Standing on the rooftop, watching the chaotic scene below, Mika recalled the events from his memory and muttered thoughtfully.

"I remember the Troupe escaping in a hot air balloon."

"I wonder if I can stir up some trouble."

Looking at the surrounding buildings, an intriguing idea sparked in Mika's mind.

"First, I need to find a suitable building."

With a powerful leap, Mika vanished into the night sky.


"Damn it! We got nothing!"

Aboard the hot air balloon, the members of the Phantom Troupe, having just taken off, showed no signs of triumph.

Their faces were grim.

They had found nothing in the vault.

"It seems the mafia anticipated our attack," Shalnark muttered thoughtfully.

Seven members had been assigned to the auction heist: Shalnark, Nobunaga, Uvogin, Franklin, Feitan, Shizuku, and Machi.

Among them, Shalnark, a manipulator, was the brains of the operation.

"We need to inform the boss immediately."

Uvogin, sensing something amiss, pulled out his phone, intending to contact their leader, Chrollo Lucilfer.

Suddenly, Machi shouted, "Who's there?!"

The Troupe's members instantly turned towards Machi.

And then they saw him.

On the rooftop of a nearby building, silhouetted against the city lights, a figure wielding a rocket launcher waved at them.

"Damn it, Franklin!"


Without a word, Franklin grasped the situation.

The figure intended to shoot them down with a rocket.

"Double Machine Gun!"

He extended his hands towards the figure in the darkness, his ten fingers transforming into gun barrels.

The next moment, a barrage of Nen bullets rained down upon the rooftop.

This was Franklin's Nen ability, Double Machine Gun, a powerful emitter technique.

Although he could fire Nen bullets without modifying his fingers, the "limitations and vows" he had placed upon his ability significantly amplified their power when fired from his transformed hands.

He could unleash an endless stream of Nen bullets until his aura was completely depleted.

Facing the incoming barrage, Mika simply smiled and pulled the trigger.

The rocket, imbued with Nen, weaved through the incoming bullets like a fish swimming through a net, striking the Phantom Troupe's hot air balloon.


A brilliant explosion illuminated the night sky.



With a furious roar, the hot air balloon carrying the seven Phantom Troupe members was consumed by the explosion.

They plummeted towards the ground.

Watching their descent, Mika, perched on the edge of the building, couldn't help but grin.

"While this won't cause them any lasting harm, it's enough to make them suffer a bit."

Mika harbored a deep-seated loathing for the Phantom Troupe.

They were a criminal organization that reveled in plunder and slaughter.

Driven by Chrollo's sudden interest in Scarlet Eyes, they had sought out the reclusive Kurta Familia and massacred them.

Since the Kurta Familia's Scarlet Eyes only manifested in moments of intense rage, they were brutally tortured and killed by the Phantom Troupe.

All of this because their leader, Chrollo, had a fleeting interest in their eyes, an interest that lasted mere days.

The Phantom Troupe were truly ruthless individuals.

However, Mika had no intention of annihilating them during this encounter. That task should be left to Kurapika, their sworn enemy.

That being said, if using the Troupe as targets for his amusement presented itself as an opportunity, Mika wouldn't hesitate. In fact, he relished the thought.

"I hope this proves to be entertaining," Mika chuckled before vanishing from the rooftop.


"That bastard! He must be the one who stole the treasure!"

Uvogin, his temper flaring, roared in frustration as they fled through the streets, pursued by the mafia.

"Not necessarily," Shalnark, the strategist, countered as he ran. "Judging by his earlier attack, he's most likely a manipulator."

"But the one who stole the treasure was probably a conjurer, like Shizuku. They're likely not the same person, but they could be part of the same organization."

"Regardless, we need to inform the boss about the situation."

Upon hearing Shalnark's assessment, Uvogin immediately dialed Chrollo Lucilfer.

He relayed the events to their leader.

"Boss, I suspect we have a Judas among us."

Recalling the mafia's seemingly prescient actions in hiding the treasure, Uvogin spoke with a serious tone.

"Judas? You mean a traitor?"

Nobunaga, who often partnered with Uvogin despite their apparent animosity and secretly cared deeply for his comrade, grew serious upon hearing Uvogin's suspicion.


"No, it's unlikely to be a traitor," Chrollo countered calmly from the other end of the line. "Legend says Judas betrayed for thirty pieces of silver. What would it take to make one of us betray the Troupe?"

"Fame, fortune, status, women... do you think any of us care about such things?"

"Now that you mention it, no, we don't," Uvogin conceded, realizing the flaw in his logic.

"So, what should we do?"

After a moment of contemplation, Chrollo replied, "The one who stole the treasure and the one who attacked you are likely members of the mafia's special unit, the Shadow Beasts."

"Therefore, you need to cause a commotion and draw them out."


With Chrollo's approval, a predatory grin spread across Uvogin's face.

He relished the thought of a good fight.

"In that case, let's find a suitable location. Fighting within the city would be inefficient with the constant flow of enemy reinforcements."

"Let's go! But leave the enemies to me!" Uvogin declared confidently.


Lured by the Phantom Troupe, the mafia's pursuit led them to a confrontation in the desert outside Yorknew City.

Perched atop a cliff, Nobunaga, Feitan, Franklin, Shalnark, Shizuku, and Machi sat leisurely, observing Uvogin below.

Facing Uvogin were over a hundred mafia members, armed with various firearms, surrounding him from all sides.

"You dared to attack our auction? You've got a death wish!"

"After we kill you, we'll use your identification to find your family and friends and slaughter them all!"

The lead mafia member threatened Uvogin, who stood defiantly, showing no signs of fear.

Although the mafia members had displayed impressive speed during the chase, to ordinary individuals unaware of Nen, they were merely fast runners.

In their minds, nothing could surpass the power of firearms.

"Is that so? Then come and get me!" Uvogin retorted with a sneer.

Feeling insulted, the mafia members opened fire at Uvogin under the command of their leader, unleashing a hail of bullets.


As the smoke cleared, Uvogin stood unscathed.

"Oh? Is that all you've got?" He taunted with a cruel smile.


"This is truly a pathetic display," Mika chuckled, observing Uvogin's rampage through the ranks of the mafia.

In his eyes, the conflict between the mafia and the Phantom Troupe was a meaningless squabble between two groups of villains.

However, as the battle progressed, Mika's brow furrowed in disappointment.

"Is this it?"

Apart from a scorched coat from the rocket launcher blast, the mafia's weapons hadn't left a single scratch on Uvogin.

"Are these weapons even real?"

"The Phantom Troupe has committed such heinous acts, and all you have are pistols, assault rifles, and rocket launchers?"

"Where are the heavy machine guns? The missiles? The Poor Man's Rose? You're underestimating them."

"Or perhaps they haven't realized they're dealing with Nen users. Based on the original story, the next group to appear should be the Ten Dons' special unit, the Shadow Beasts."

"But even they're no match for the Troupe."

Watching Uvogin's arrogant laughter and the other Phantom Troupe members casually playing cards and chatting on the cliff, Mika felt a surge of annoyance.

He wasn't here to watch the Phantom Troupe show off.

"In that case, allow me to lend the mafia a hand."

Thinking of a particular item in his collection, Mika grinned and turned around, spotting Kurapika observing the battle from a distance. He dialed Kurapika's number.

"Mika, is there something you need?"

If it weren't for their previous encounter, Kurapika would never have answered the call.

"I'm calling to give you a heads-up."

"They're getting a bit too cocky, so I've decided to humble them on behalf of the mafia."

"Don't come over here, okay?"

Looking at the weapon Gabriel had retrieved from his dimensional pocket, a sinister smile spread across Mika's face.

Resistant to rocket launchers, huh?

Let's see how he handles a missile.


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