DxDanmachi: Voyager of Worlds Ability

[105] : Inviting Gon and Killua!

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"It's an illusion!" Machi exclaimed, her face paling as the figures of Gon and Killua dissolved beneath her touch.

Before Mika's arrival, Gon and Killua had been in the custody of Feitan and Hisoka, respectively. It was those two who had carried them out of the collapsing building.

However, with Mika's appearance, both Hisoka and Feitan, the combat specialists of the Phantom Troupe, had to prepare for a potential confrontation. Thus, Gon and Killua were entrusted to Machi and Shalnark.

After Shalnark's attempt at negotiation, the task of guarding the two boys fell solely to Machi. Her Nen ability, which allowed her to create and manipulate Nen threads, was ideal for restraining captives.

But now, Gon and Killua, whom she had meticulously bound, had vanished.

She hadn't even noticed when her threads had been severed. This was simply impossible.

Only one explanation remained:

She had been manipulated.

"Shalnark, I think I've been controlled. Use your ability on me!" Machi shouted to Shalnark without hesitation.

Without a moment's delay, Shalnark activated his ability, "Black Voice," inserting the antenna from his phone into Machi's body.

Instantly, all the Phantom Troupe members present turned their gazes toward Mika, their eyes devoid of any hope for a peaceful resolution.

The situation had escalated beyond diplomacy.

"Don't look at me like that. I was just retrieving my companions," Mika said calmly.

As if on cue, Gon and Killua materialized on the chariot. They looked around in confusion, unsure of what had just transpired.

With Gon and Killua safely retrieved, Mika prepared to depart.

Although he didn't fear the Phantom Troupe, he wasn't particularly eager to fight them.

Or rather, he wasn't eager to fight them now.

His progress had been too rapid. The Troupe was no longer a match for him.

Not even Chrollo, if he were present, could stand against him.

Even though Mika was still technically Level 3, that merely reflected his base stats, not his true combat strength.

His actual combat prowess had long surpassed his level.

Considering the unique nature of his abilities, against opponents he faced for the first time, Mika had a high probability of securing a swift victory, even if their strength significantly exceeded his own.

Therefore, he no longer considered the Troupe a worthy challenge.

Even though they were a notorious criminal organization in the Hunter x Hunter world.

In that case, he would leave them for someone who needed them more.

Someone like Kurapika.

"Now that I have my companions back, I'll be taking my leave," Mika said with a smile, holding the reins of the divine bulls.

His nonchalant attitude further infuriated the Troupe members.

They saw no trace of caution in his eyes. He clearly didn't consider them a threat.

They had been underestimated.

A furious rage ignited within them.

Nobunaga, Feitan, Hisoka, Phinks, Franklin, Bonolenov, and Machi, launched a simultaneous attack, determined to stop Mika.

However, facing their combined assault, Mika merely smiled and swung the spear that had materialized in his hand.

In a flash, Nobunaga, Feitan, Hisoka, Phinks, and Bonolenov were sent flying backward.

To the onlookers, it appeared as though Mika had simply flicked his wrist.

In reality, he had effortlessly neutralized their attacks with blinding speed, sending them reeling.

As for Franklin's Nen bullets and Machi's Nen threads, Mika simply raised his hand, blocking them all with ease.

Their attacks couldn't even penetrate his Ken!

"Game over," Mika declared, clapping his hands together with a playful grin. "If you attack again, I will retaliate."

Across from him, Nobunaga and the others, clutching their wounds, stared at Mika in disbelief.

"It felt like he wasn't using Nen to defend at all," Hisoka remarked in astonishment.

Leaving aside weaker Nen users, battles between powerful Nen users always involved a combination of offense and defense.

Skilled Nen users could reinforce the parts of their bodies being attacked with Nen to defend against incoming blows.

That was why it was difficult to achieve a swift victory against a skilled Nen user.

Unless one's level significantly surpassed the opponent's, allowing them to overwhelm their defenses and secure a quick win.

However, Mika's attack was different. They hadn't felt their defenses being overpowered.

It was as if the Nen protecting their bodies had been sliced through.

And that was precisely what had happened.

The weapon Mika used was the Nen-infused "Demon-Dwelling Sword Gram," which could cut through magical energy. Naturally, it could also cut through Nen.

In the Hunter x Hunter world, where skilled combatants often seamlessly integrated offense and defense, this spear rendered all defenses useless.

In the Holy Grail War, Gram wasn't an exceptionally powerful Noble Phantasm.

However, in the Hunter x Hunter world, it was undoubtedly a top-tier weapon.

Any Enhancement-type Nen user wielding this spear would become an unstoppable force.

Looking around at the devastated surroundings and the injured Troupe members, Mika smiled and said, "Farewell, everyone!"


With that, he steered the Gordius Wheel towards the sky, heading back to his hotel.




Standing on the Gordius Wheel, feeling the wind whipping through their hair, gazing at the clouds above and the scenery below, Gon and Killua cheered excitedly.

"Flying in the sky! This is amazing!"

Both Gon and Killua were thrilled by the experience.

After all, this wasn't an airplane with closed windows.

It was an open-air chariot.

"Mika, is this your Nen ability? Why are you all getting stronger so fast?" Killua asked impatiently after they landed.

He was burning with curiosity.

They had all started learning Nen around the same time. While Mika had a slight head start, it was only by a couple of weeks.

Yet now, not only Kurapika and Mika, but even Mellie, who had rescued them from the Phantom Troupe, was stronger than them.

Undoubtedly, Airmid must be equally powerful.

How could Killua not be concerned by this disparity in strength?

Hearing Killua's question, Gon looked at Mika curiously as well.

Mika smiled gently and replied, "Kurapika gained his strength by sacrificing something precious. As for me, I trained diligently."

"And it took us several years!"


"Several years?!" Killua rolled his eyes at Mika's explanation.

Mika had only become a Nen user about six months ago. How could he have possibly trained for several years?

Even Gon wore a puzzled expression.

He didn't doubt Mika's words, but the concept was beyond his comprehension.

Seeing their different reactions, Mika chuckled and said, "Let me ask you, do you believe in God?"

"God? That's just superstition," Killua scoffed.

After all, the Hunter x Hunter world, despite its fantastical elements, still adhered to a modern, scientific framework.

In such an era, discussions about religion and deities had spanned millennia.

Consequently, fewer and fewer people believed in the existence of gods.

Coming from a family of assassins, Killua naturally didn't believe in such things.

After all, gods were often associated with concepts like karma and divine retribution.

But they never believed in such notions.

"Do you believe in gods, Mika?" Gon asked curiously.

Mika simply smiled and gestured to the air beside him.

"This is the avatar of a goddess."


Gon and Killua stared blankly at the empty space beside Mika before recalling the technique of "Ten."

Although Wing had taught them Ten back at Heavens Arena, and they had both mastered the technique, they hadn't incorporated it into their fighting styles.

They rarely even thought to use it.

Perhaps because they had initially learned it to discern Hisoka's Nen abilities.

When their opponent wasn't Hisoka, they simply forgot about it.

Prompted by Mika, Gon and Killua activated Ten, their eyes widening in surprise as they saw Gabriel floating beside Mika.

They had never seen such a Nen beast before.

Even Biscuit Krueger's conjured companion couldn't compare to the strangeness of this Nen beast.

"Hmph! What unpleasant children!" Gabriel huffed.

Gon and Killua's initial disbelief had earned them Gabriel's disapproval.

After all, Danmachi world was a world where gods and humans coexisted.

Seeing Gabriel crossing her arms and pouting, Gon and Killua's eyes lit up with even more curiosity.

"Is that a Nen beast? We've heard about them from Wing-san," Gon said.

"She's not an ordinary Nen beast," Mika replied with a smile.

"Gabriel is the Nen beast of our chief goddess, Yahweh. She's an avatar that carries Yahweh's consciousness. So, she's basically my boss."

"Gabriel? Yahweh?" Killua's expression became even more perplexed.

"Are you saying this little thing is Goddess?"

Although the Hunter x Hunter world was vastly different from the world Mika had lived in before, with almost no similarities in socioeconomics or geography, they shared some common ground in religion.

For example, Christianity and the concept of God.

Therefore, Killua found Mika's explanation even more unbelievable.

Seeing his skepticism, Mika simply smiled and, instead of arguing, began to tell them about Orario.

His intention was to recruit them into the Yahweh Familia.

And with them as the core members, he would establish a branch of the Yahweh Familia in the Hunter x Hunter world.

As the future's strongest Familia, the name of the Yahweh Familia would one day spread throughout the cosmos.

"Gods, Familias, dungeons..."

"Are you saying you come from such a world, Mika?"

After listening to Mika's story, Gon's eyes sparkled with pure curiosity, the driving force behind his endless thirst for adventure.

"Hey, Gon, you believe this?" Killua asked incredulously.

"But Mika has no reason to lie to us. If he were making this up, it wouldn't be like him. Mika isn't the type of person who can't even tell a convincing lie."

Killua opened his mouth to retort, then closed it, speechless.

Gon had a point.

Unable to refute Gon's logic, Killua turned to Mika and said, "I think I understand what you're saying."

"Are you saying that after gaining Nen abilities, you trained in another world for a long time, which is why you've become so strong?"

"Exactly," Mika replied with a "candid" smile.

Killua sighed and rubbed his temples, then asked seriously, "If that's the case, why are you telling us this secret? Is there something you need us to do?"

"Smart. But it's not about using you," Mika said, waving his hand dismissively.

"I mentioned this when I told you about Orario, didn't I?"

"Gods bestow 'Falna' upon humans, forming Familias to fight against the monsters in the dungeon."

"With the power of Falna, heroes gain incredible strength and conquer the depths of the dungeon."

"Falna has the ability to unlock a person's potential and grant them immense physical power."

"Would you two be interested in joining our Yahweh Familia and receiving the power of Falna?"

Mika extended his hand towards them.


Both Gon and Killua exclaimed in surprise, staring at Mika's outstretched hand.

They hadn't expected Mika to invite them to join a Familia with a goddess.

After a moment of excitement, Killua regained his composure.

"Why us?"

"Because you're my friends, of course!"

Looking into their eyes, Mika said sincerely, "We have three goals in this world."

"To learn this world's unique abilities, to explore and experience its wonders, and to make friends and establish a branch of the Yahweh Familia."

"For members of our Familia, besides having some talent, the most important thing is that we become friends."

"That's why I want to invite you to join our Familia."

"Because we're friends?" Gon's face lit up with a wide smile.

"Mika, tell us more about your world and those other worlds! We're really curious!"

"Yeah! And tell us more about Falna!"

"So, you agree?" Mika asked excitedly.

"Well, what else can we say after you put it like that?" Killua chuckled, feigning helplessness.

"Of course we agree! We're friends!" Gon shouted enthusiastically.

"I knew you'd say that," Killua muttered under his breath.


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