DxDanmachi: Voyager of Worlds Ability

[70] : Mika The Collector of Noble Phantasms!

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"After you left, Lancelot attacked Artoria. Seeing this, Diarmuid's Master ordered him to take Artoria's head."

"Naturally, Diarmuid refused. Not only had they just fought side-by-side, but his knightly honor forbade him from taking advantage of someone in such a vulnerable state."

"So, Diarmuid's Master used a Command Spell. However, in the end, Iskandar intervened and stopped the fight."

Gabriel excitedly recounted the events that transpired after Mika and Merlin's departure, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.

"It was truly spectacular, Mika!"

Gabriel was deeply fascinated by this clash of legendary heroes.

Therefore, she had used her magic to observe the entire battle.

For a Goddess like Gabriel (Yahweh), who had grown bored with the monotony of eternity, this unique and captivating battle royale was a welcome distraction.

In her opinion, it was far more entertaining than the war games of Orario.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," Mika replied with a gentle smile, watching Gabriel's animated retelling.

He then pondered the information she had shared.

"No deviations, huh? It seems everything is still unfolding according to the original story."

"But then again, considering their personalities and actions, such an outcome was inevitable."

Lancelot's obsessive rampage fueled by his devotion to Artoria.

Kayneth's rigid adherence to magecraft principles.

Iskandar's unwavering pursuit of his kingly ideals.

With these three clashing personalities, there was little room for unexpected deviations.

Shaking his head, Mika shifted his gaze to the Ea, the Sword of Rupture, held aloft by his gauntlets.

This supreme Noble Phantasm was his greatest prize from the night's events.

Or rather, the greatest reward from this entire journey across worlds.

Mika had previously stated his disinterest in the Holy Grail War's victor and the ultimate fate of the Holy Grail.

Those were not lies.

His true objective was to acquire the Servants' Noble Phantasms.

With the ability of his "Calamity Wings," Mika could claim these powerful weapons for himself, further enhancing his own strength.

"I never imagined I would obtain Ea so easily."

"Although the process wasn't exactly effortless, considering Ea's immense value, it almost feels like a steal."

"How long would it take to create a weapon of Ea's caliber using only Nen?"

At that moment, Mika felt immense pride in his past decisions.

"However, mastering it completely will take some time," he thought, sensing Ea's resistance to his attempts at Nen-conversion.

Perhaps due to its unique nature, transforming Ea wasn't as straightforward as he had anticipated.

It would require a more gradual and meticulous process.

"Fortunately, Gilgamesh's Ea doesn't possess the same Master recognition as Artoria's Avalon. Otherwise, I would be truly at a loss."

To enhance the effectiveness of his Nen-conversion ability, Mika had imposed a specific limitation: he couldn't convert weapons that were bound to a specific Master.

Avalon was such a weapon. Without Artoria's magical energy, it was unusable.

Therefore, Mika hadn't even considered targeting it.

Ea, on the other hand, had always been his primary objective.

Of course, besides Ea, Mika was also considering the other prototypes within Gilgamesh's Gate of Babylon.

For someone who could now simultaneously control six gauntlets, having an ample arsenal was crucial.

"So, Mika, what are your plans now?" Mellie asked curiously, taking a seat beside him.

"Plans? To be honest, I don't have anything specific in mind at the moment," Mika replied with a relaxed smile, leaning back on the sofa. "My primary goal in this Holy Grail War was to acquire a few Noble Phantasms, and I managed to accomplish that last night."

"If I had to choose something, I suppose I'd like to study the Holy Grail and see if I can obtain the Third Magic, Heaven's Feel."

"Heaven's Feel?"

Gabriel fell silent, pondering Mika's words.

As Mika's knowledge-based cheat, she had been diligently researching the Third Magic, Heaven's Feel, which formed the core of the Holy Grail, since their arrival in Fuyuki City.

However, her progress had been limited.

As one of the five most powerful magecrafts in this world, True Magic surpassed even the authority of Gods, placing it among the most potent forces in existence.

Therefore, despite being a Goddess from another world, even Gabriel (Yahweh) struggled to unravel its secrets.

She required more knowledge of magecraft.

Sensing Gabriel's disappointment, Mika reached out and gently patted her head. "Don't worry. Although True Magic is incredibly profound, I believe you'll eventually succeed."

"Yes, I'll do my best."

Encouraged by Mika's words, Gabriel regained her spirits and returned to her underground workshop, determined to continue her research into the mysteries of True Magic.

"It seems Gabriel is quite engrossed in her studies," Mellie observed with a chuckle.

Mika nodded in agreement.

For the Gods of Danmachi, boredom was their greatest fear.

Having grown weary of their monotonous existence, they sought novelty and excitement.

For Gabriel, the challenge of unraveling the secrets of True Magic, despite her ability to instantly absorb knowledge, provided a stimulating and engaging pursuit.

"There are five types of True Magic in this world. We can have Gabriel research them all in due time," Mika mused with a smile.

"Oh? Planning to reap the benefits without lifting a finger?" Mellie teased, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

They exchanged knowing glances and burst into laughter.

Mellie's teasing stemmed from the unique characteristic of magecraft and True Magic in the Type-Moon universe: their ability to be inherited.

For instance, Aoko Aozaki, a renowned magus, had inherited her True Magic from her grandfather through a Magic Crest.

And Gabriel had already deciphered the secrets of Magic Crest inheritance.

After all, Gabriel's current body was constructed using Nen, and Magic Crest inheritance typically required a blood connection.

Therefore, Gabriel had established her own body as the origin of a Magic Crest, inscribing her research on magecraft and True Magic within it. This allowed her to transfer the Crest to anyone without the need for a blood relation.

After all, Gabriel's body lacked any bloodline to begin with.

Through this method, once Gabriel successfully researched a particular True Magic, she could transfer it to Mika, Mellie, or Airmid through a Magic Crest.

For example, the energy conversion formula currently inscribed within Mika's Magic Crest had been transferred to him by Gabriel using this method.

"As expected of You" Mika remarked with admiration.


"This is the Holy Grail War..."

Emiya Kiritsugu sat slumped in his chair, cigarette dangling from his lips, listening to Irisviel's contemplative remark.

The four of them – Kiritsugu, Irisviel, Maiya Hisau, and Artoria – were gathered in the conference room.

As they recounted the events they had just witnessed, a sense of dread washed over them.

The scene of the world being split asunder was truly unbelievable.

"No, even for the Holy Grail War, that was too much. It was completely beyond the norm!" Artoria argued, refusing to be labeled weak by her Master.

"However, this significantly weakens the King of Heroes, Gilgamesh. After all, his most powerful Noble Phantasm has been taken."

With the full reveal of his Noble Phantasm, Gilgamesh's true identity had been deduced by all the Masters.

"Regardless, this is a fortunate turn of events for us."

"Therefore, our initial target remains unchanged: Lancer."

"Our top priority is to defeat Lancer, retrieve Saber's lost arm, and unlock her Noble Phantasm."

Kiritsugu raised his head and spoke with unwavering resolve.

"Rest assured, Master. I will defeat Lancer," Artoria responded with unwavering determination, recalling her promise to the blue-haired Lancer.

Observing Artoria's solemn expression, Kiritsugu remained silent, lowering his head once more.

Irisviel, however, instantly understood her husband's thoughts.

He had already formulated a plan but chose not to divulge it to Artoria.

"Maiya and I will continue to operate independently. Saber, you will remain with Irisviel and ensure her safety."

"Understood, Kiritsugu."

"Yes, Master."

Since this strategy had been established before they even entered Fuyuki City, Artoria raised no objections.

With that, Kiritsugu and Maiya gathered their equipment and headed out.

"We'll use the plan we prepared for Kayneth."




With just a few words, the two, who had long been partners in combat, finalized their strategy and departed from the Einzbern castle on the outskirts of Fuyuki City in a car.


Hyatt Hotel.

On the top floor, the thirty-second floor, the prodigy of the Clock Tower, Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald, surveyed the landscape below.

"We must eliminate Archer and Rider as quickly as possible," Kayneth muttered to himself.

Having witnessed the devastating power of Gilgamesh and Iskandar's Noble Phantasms firsthand, he had made a decisive judgment.

In a one-on-one battle, Diarmuid stood no chance against either of them.

Their Noble Phantasms were simply too powerful.

Without eliminating them, Kayneth believed victory was impossible.

"He might not even be able to defeat Caster's team."


Kayneth slammed his fist against the glass window in frustration.

"My apologies, Master. It was my fault for angering you. However, I swear to you, I will take Saber's head."

Mistaking Kayneth's anger for his earlier defiance in refusing to kill Artoria, Diarmuid knelt on one knee, his voice filled with remorse.

"That's not what I'm talking about!"

"Of course, that incident played a part. But my primary concern now is Archer and Rider."

Diarmuid instantly understood Kayneth's reasoning.

However, he remained silent, unable to offer any rebuttal.

After all, his own lack of power was the root cause of their predicament.

While Diarmuid was confident in his abilities, he couldn't deny that Archer and Rider were superior to him.

Observing the two men, especially Diarmuid's downcast and guilt-ridden expression, Sola-Ui Nuada-Re Sophia-Ri, Kayneth's fiancée, felt her heart ache.

She harbored deep affection for Diarmuid.

As Kayneth's fiancée and the object of his affections, Sola-Ui's role in the Holy Grail War was to provide magical energy to their Servant.

Kayneth, the prodigy of the Clock Tower, was not without merit.

A genius in his own right, he had managed to divide the Command Spell system developed by Zouken Matou.

Through his modifications, the Command Spell system and the magical energy supply system were separated, each inherited by a different individual.

Sola-Ui was tasked with providing the magical energy.

Unlike Kayneth's genuine love for her, Sola-Ui did not reciprocate his feelings.

Instead, she had fallen deeply in love with Diarmuid, the summoned Servant.

This love was not a result of Diarmuid's "Love Spot" birthmark.

It stemmed from her genuine admiration and affection for him.

She had willingly given her heart to Diarmuid.

Therefore, witnessing his guilt and self-blame pained her deeply.

Just as she was about to speak, the phone in the living room rang.

Kayneth answered the call. "Hello? What is it?"

"What? A fire?"

"I understand."

After hanging up, a sinister smile spread across Kayneth's face. "It seems we have company."

"This fire is likely a diversion, a means to evacuate the surrounding area."

"Now, I can finally vent my frustrations!"

Kayneth had absolute confidence in his defenses.

He had rented the entire thirty-second floor, the top floor of the Hyatt Hotel, and transformed it into a fortified workshop.

Within this single floor, Kayneth had meticulously constructed twenty-four layers of Bounded Fields, powered by three magical reactors, and summoned dozens of familiars to serve as guard dogs.

Furthermore, he had spared no expense in setting elaborate traps, even transforming a portion of the space into a pocket dimension.

As long as the battle remained within this fortified floor, Kayneth was certain of victory.

"Lancer, descend to the lower floors and intercept the enemy. Don't let them escape."

"Understood. You want me to cut off their retreat and force them onto this floor?"


Kayneth smiled confidently, his gaze fixed on Diarmuid.



Walking through the Hyatt Hotel's lobby, Emiya Kiritsugu paused, listening to the cries of children and the panicked voices of adults fleeing the building.

However, he quickly resumed his advance.

Scanning the crowd, searching for a familiar figure, Kiritsugu paced back and forth.

Upon hearing the hotel manager frantically searching for Kayneth, a subtle smirk played on his lips.

"I'm here!"

He impersonated Kayneth, responding to the manager's calls.

After ensuring the evacuation was proceeding smoothly, he picked up the phone and calmly spoke. "I'm ready."

"As am I."

"Then let's begin!"

After sending a text message containing a few lines of code, Kiritsugu turned and walked away.

The next moment, a deafening roar echoed through the air as the entire Hyatt Hotel was engulfed in a massive explosion.

The orchestrator of this devastating blast didn't even bother to look back.


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