DxDanmachi: Voyager of Worlds Ability

[83] : End of Battle! Iskandar Request for a Fight!

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A fierce wind pressure constantly buffeted Diarmuid's face.

He was completely on the defensive.

Though technically defending, his movements were primarily focused on evading Mika's relentless attacks.

The six gauntlets controlled by Mika, each gripping a massive weapon, launched a barrage of strikes towards Diarmuid.

Initially, Diarmuid had underestimated Mika's offensive.

He believed that larger weapons inevitably meant slower movements.

It was a fundamental principle.

Therefore, facing these six colossal weapons, Diarmuid had been brimming with confidence.

He believed his agility would be more than enough to evade the attacks.

But he had miscalculated one crucial factor.

It wasn't Mika himself wielding these massive divine weapons, but gauntlets animated by Nen.

The gauntlets' strength was directly proportional to the amount of Nen Mika channeled into them.

And at this moment, with Gabriel's assistance, Mika was drawing upon the immense magical energy of the Greater Grail. This boundless power flowed into him, continuously converting into Nen.

Therefore, despite wielding these colossal weapons, Mika's attack speed showed no signs of slowing down. In fact, it surpassed his own physical limitations.


The gauntlet wielding a massive sword cleaved horizontally, slicing through the building behind Diarmuid.

Dust and debris filled the air.

Compared to a Noble Phantasm, no concrete structure could withstand its might.

"This is... quite troublesome!"

Diarmuid's face was slick with sweat as he narrowly dodged the incoming strike.

Even during his previous direct confrontation with Mika, he hadn't felt this much pressure.

It was as if he wasn't fighting a human swordsman.

But a colossal warrior wielding weapons of immense destructive power.

"This is pure oppression!"

Diarmuid dared not clash directly against the enlarged Noble Phantasms.

His own strength paled in comparison to the devastating power they wielded.

Facing the relentless barrage of sword slashes and spear thrusts from above, Diarmuid was already using all his strength just to evade.

He could only watch helplessly as Mika stood less than twenty meters away, unable to launch a counterattack.




A cacophony of sounds filled the air as the entire abandoned factory complex became their battleground.

Under Diarmuid's desperate evasions and Mika's relentless assault, the factory rapidly crumbled into ruins.

"Damn it! He's too agile!"

Distracted by the flying debris, Diarmuid swatted away the fragments while observing Mika intently, desperately searching for a weakness.

He had initially planned to kite Mika, utilizing his superior mobility.

But Mika's Noble Phantasms moved in perfect synchronization with him.

In terms of agility, Mika was his equal.

"To have a chance at victory, I need to land a fatal blow. Otherwise, I won't get another opportunity."

Diarmuid's eyes hardened with resolve as he glanced at the spear in his hand.

He knew he had only one chance.

If this attack missed, he would be completely defenseless.

He continued to evade, weaving through the debris-filled battlefield.

As time passed, Diarmuid's expression grew increasingly grim.

Despite wielding six weapons simultaneously, Mika's movements were surprisingly coordinated and fluid, leaving no openings.

His swordsmanship was flawless, leaving no room for counterattack.

This realization was utterly despairing.

Diarmuid knew the adage: "Never expect a skilled opponent to make a mistake."

But he had no other choice.

For seasoned warriors like them, as a battle progressed and their attacks clashed, even an initially flawless opponent would eventually reveal a weakness.

If there was no opening, then create one.

But this commonly used tactic was ineffective against Mika.

He couldn't even land a single blow.

With Mika's speed, if he were to be momentarily pinned down by even one weapon, he would be swiftly eliminated.

Diarmuid couldn't afford to underestimate Mika's ability to exploit weaknesses.

Despite the dire situation, Diarmuid still clung to the hope that Mika's youth might betray him.

Mika was simply too young.

Yet, this young man had managed to suppress him with his swordsmanship alone.

Diarmuid found this terrifying.

Moreover, it was clear that Mika's skills extended far beyond swordsmanship.

He was undoubtedly a martial arts prodigy.

However, even a prodigy couldn't master such diverse techniques and simultaneously achieve such a high level of proficiency in coordinated attacks.

Considering Mika's age, Diarmuid held onto this sliver of hope.

But it yielded no results.

"What can I do?!"

He had vowed to serve his Master faithfully and deliver the Holy Grail.

Yet, faced with such a formidable opponent, he was completely powerless to retaliate.

This realization filled Diarmuid with immense frustration.

But just as despair threatened to consume him, the opening he had been desperately waiting for finally appeared.


Observing the multiple weapons converging to block his movement, Diarmuid spotted a minute flaw in their coordination.

The opening was incredibly subtle, but it was the key to turning the tide of this battle.

Without hesitation, Diarmuid hurled his spear towards Mika, who stood with his hands casually tucked into his pockets.

However, the brief moment it took to throw the spear left him vulnerable. He was struck by a massive weapon and sent flying backward.

His body crashed through walls, tearing through the factory complex before finally slamming into the ground outside, rolling uncontrollably.

At that moment, a thought struck him.

Was that truly a weakness?

Could that god-like young man truly make such a mistake?

Or was it a trap, meticulously laid to ensnare him?

His tumbling body came to a halt against a thick tree trunk. Blood flowed freely from his wounds as Diarmuid lay on the ground, pondering this question.

Soon, Mika provided the answer.

The colossal weapons effortlessly tore through the path leading to Diarmuid. He looked up and saw Mika standing before him, holding his discarded spear.

"When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you," Mika said solemnly, his eyes fixed on the pool of blood forming beneath Diarmuid. "I saw through your intentions long ago and crafted a narrative to suit your expectations."

"And now, the story reaches its conclusion."

One of the two gauntlets, which had returned to their normal size, flew to Diarmuid's side and retrieved his short spear. The other gauntlet accepted the long spear from Mika's hand.

The next moment, the process of converting these two Noble Phantasms into Nen constructs began.

If Mika waited until after Diarmuid's death, the passage of time might cause him to lose access to these valuable weapons.

Although Mika had previously deemed Diarmuid's Noble Phantasms mediocre, they were undeniably effective when used strategically.

"I have received my reward. You may return to the Throne of Heroes with peace of mind, Diarmuid Ua Duibhne, the strongest knight of the Fianna, the 'Shining Face'."


"Ah, have I been defeated?"

Leaning against the sturdy tree trunk, Diarmuid, surprisingly, didn't display any resentment.

"Although I couldn't secure the Holy Grail for my Master, I fought for him until the very end. My wish has been fulfilled."

A faint smile graced Diarmuid's lips.

This time, he hadn't repeated his past mistakes.

"Though I couldn't fulfill my promise to Saber, to die at the hands of such a formidable warrior as yourself, I have no regrets."

Diarmuid's body was riddled with broken bones from the devastating blow he had received.

Coupled with the damage to his internal organs and the significant blood loss, he was now completely incapacitated, despite his spiritual core remaining intact.

Unless his Master was nearby to heal him with magecraft or utilize a Command Spell, he had no chance of recovery.

However, due to the sheer destructive power of Mika's earlier attacks, Sola-Ui had no choice but to carry the severely injured Kayneth away from the battlefield, seeking refuge in a safe location to await the battle's conclusion.

Unlike Merlin, Sola-Ui didn't possess the ability to protect herself amidst such a fierce confrontation.

Therefore, Diarmuid had reached a dead end.

"In that case, allow me to grant you a final farewell."

Drawing the longsword embedded in the ground, Mika slowly approached Diarmuid and raised the blade high above his head.


A piercing scream echoed from the distance.

It was Sola-Ui, who had desperately rushed back.

Seeing Diarmuid leaning against the tree and Mika poised to deliver the final blow, she cried out in anguish.

Suddenly remembering the Command Spells, she frantically raised her arm to activate them.

But Mika was faster.

The moment she appeared, his sword had already begun its descent.

After all, he had already delivered his parting words. Allowing Diarmuid to rise and continue the fight would be incredibly awkward.

As Mika's sword pierced Diarmuid's spiritual core, a blinding light erupted.


Ignoring the anguished cries from afar, Mika spoke softly.

"Farewell, Diarmuid."

"Ah, farewell."

Watching Diarmuid fade away, transforming into spiritual particles, Mika bid him a final goodbye and turned to leave.

As he walked back, Sola-Ui, running at full speed, bypassed him and rushed towards Diarmuid's fading form.

"She resisted the allure of Diarmuid's geis, choosing to love him of her own free will."

"Yet, Diarmuid's priority was loyalty to his Master."

"Truly a tragic fate."

Shaking his head with a sigh, Mika disappeared into the night.

"Speaking of which, Kayneth shouldn't be dead yet, right?"

"Should I inform Waver?"

"Yes, I should."


"He ultimately chose to come."

Standing atop the factory roof, Mika observed Waver conversing with Kayneth in the forest. A smile touched his lips. "He has finally matured."

The Waver of the past had been a complex individual, burdened by both pride and insecurity.

This was a consequence of his upbringing and experiences.

It made him overly sensitive.

Yet, he also possessed a reckless determination.

He had participated in this Holy Grail War and encountered his greatest "teacher."

"Thank you for guiding him, King of Conquerors."

Turning around, Mika addressed Iskandar, who stood beside him. "Your teachings have helped Waver mature significantly."

"Hahaha! It is my duty as a Servant to guide my Master's growth!" Iskandar declared with a boisterous laugh.

But his expression quickly turned serious.

"If you truly wish to express your gratitude, then how about granting me a request?"

"Are you asking for a battle?" Mika replied with a knowing smile.

"Hahaha! As expected of you, you've seen right through me."

Iskandar chuckled heartily. "Through your conversations with Waver, I've learned about the state of the Holy Grail. It can no longer grant wishes, correct?"

"In that case, my only remaining desire is to clash with a worthy opponent."

"Initially, my target was that golden mongrel, but I never imagined he would fall to you so early."

"Therefore, I challenge you."

"However, due to your relationship with Waver, I'm hesitant about this battle. Although I relish combat, I don't wish to cause him any distress."

Iskandar glanced towards Waver in the distance, a gentle smile on his face.

"Don't worry, I won't put him in a difficult position," Mika assured him. "I accept your challenge. Let's settle this tomorrow night."

"Excellent! It's a promise then!" Iskandar's eyes lit up, and he extended his fist.

"Indeed, it's a promise!"

Mika returned the gesture with a smile, their fists colliding in mid-air.

Their eyes locked, filled with anticipation and the thrill of the upcoming battle.


Late that night.

In the living room of the Matou residence, Mika, Airmid, Mellie, Gabriel, and Merlin sat on the sofa, surrounding a table, their gazes meeting in a silent exchange.

"Everyone, I've decided to conclude the Holy Grail War tomorrow," Mika announced, his voice firm and resolute.

"It's about time!" Mellie exclaimed, casually stroking the grimoire in her hand. "The Holy Grail War holds little significance for us. Rather than allowing these dangerous individuals to gather in Fuyuki City, it's better to end it swiftly and return to our peaceful lives."

Airmid nodded in agreement with Mellie's sentiment.

Due to the ongoing Holy Grail War, they couldn't freely venture outside during the day unless accompanied by Mika or a Servant.

Neither Airmid nor Mellie enjoyed burdening others, so they had chosen to remain indoors, minimizing any inconvenience for Mika and the others.

"However, wouldn't ending the Holy Grail War so abruptly have negative consequences?" Airmid inquired, voicing her concerns.

Gabriel offered a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, everything is in place."

"That's good to hear." Airmid trusted Gabriel implicitly.

"Since I have a duel with Iskandar scheduled for tomorrow night, I'll entrust the situation at Mount Enzou to you, Merlin," Mika said, turning to Merlin beside him.

"Don't you need my assistance?" Merlin asked.

"No, I've made adequate preparations," Mika replied with a confident smile.

"If you're certain, then I won't accompany you tomorrow."

"But before that, there's one more task we need to complete, right?"

Mika and Merlin exchanged knowing glances and grinned simultaneously.

"We need to retrieve the Lesser Grail from the Einzberns."


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