Dynasty Rebirth Infinity

Chapter 13 – Good Farmers are always wanted. Mistresses?!

Although Ewan's battle made some changes in the left battlefield and caused over a thousand casualties, the war didn't change too much. Soon after he left, tribes in the backlines stepped forward, bolstering the left flank and rallying them again, stabilizing the situation. It was as if he was a big rock thrown into a lake, causing a splash of water, only for the waters to calm again.

Ewan continued overlooking the battlefield in the view of a commander, and he watched the battle play out with cold and calculating eyes, no longer affected by his previous feelings of vengeance and zeal. He realized that while his actions did cost much for the enemy, it was inconsequential on the chessboard.

Before long, thousands died in this type of game, and both armies retreated to lick their wounds as the commanders took the field. Ewan accompanied Fladrinne and her two female guards as the eight other Grand Knights charged forward, Fladrinne attacking her shamanic foe with blasts of eldritch fire that shook space itself while the Shaman shot bolts of lightning at Fladrinne. Both sides blocked each other with magical shields.

"What awesome power..." Ewan thought with a desire for such power. It was truly enviable.

Fladrinne seemed to have an upper edge in the exchange, and soon, the battle ended with the Barbarian's retreat. Two of the eight Grand Knights fell, while five War Chiefs fell(Including the two Ewan killed).

Their side lost over 4,000 troops, while the enemy lost over 7,000.

Fladrinne said the battle went marginally better than anticipated, but Ewan knew it was a smallish difference at best. The losses were devastating.

It was all just a numbers game, and he was just a pawn. 

"I want to become a Wizard. I want to be a player instead of a pawn." Ewan thought, yearning in his eyes.

He wanted to achieve this big but reachable goal in this life.

"My first step to that goal is Gaxarth's Wizard Academy."

And so, the war ended.




The following day-

Ewan was in a magical floating carriage with three women, and his men traveled back independently.

It wasn't that Ewan didn't want to go with them, but that Fladrinne's time was precious, and she didn't want to waste time with their relatively slow speed.

And also-

"We must pick your family up and leave posthaste before Ezith unleashes her wrath." That was what Fladrinne said.

And so, there he was, in an expansive and luxurious carriage befitting kings, with three women, each more beautiful than all his wives combined. Two regal, athletic, attractive women who looked like princesses acted like two servant girls, serving an unnaturally beautiful and enchanting brunette beauty with perfect proportions sculpted after the gods.

Of course, Ewan reigned in any strange thoughts and ideas. For one, he was a happily married man, for all it is worth. And the other reason was that those three women were Grand Knights and a Wizard. While the Grand Knights were still acceptable, the Wizard was a beautiful monster. As for whether that look was natural or not? Ewan didn't know and didn't dare to pry. If anything knowledge taught him, it was that women cared about their looks to a terrifying extent. Those tall tales of women sacrificing entire cities for their eternal youth are not without merit.

Just like how men liked to boast about who had better muscles, swords, horses, or dicks, women liked showing off their beauty, clothes, and jewelry. Trying to damage anyone's ego would earn their ire, and Ewan didn't want to get on the wrong side of a female Wizard, let alone now that he antagonized another female Shaman for unjust reasons.

"So, Ewan. What do you want as a reward?" Fladrinne asked, lazily resting on Valli's lap while the other Grand Knight, Theli, massaged her shapely legs.

It was as if she didn't care she was in the presence of another male, or perhaps she didn't register him as one. Or she was deliberately tempting him for unknown reasons. Ewan didn't know, but he played it safe lest he earned an impotence curse.

"What can I get?" Ewan asked.

He already received his share of the loot, including several enchanted weapons(The Claymore, Warhammer, Hand Axe, and two enchanted daggers the War Chiefs didn't use.). The Barbarian weapons were high-quality, so Ewan netted over a thousand Gold Coins for the non-magical goods. Nobody dared take his lion's share. As for the magical goods? They were not something he could calculate with conventional money.

"Wealth, land, titles, slaves, etc. When you arrive at Gaxarth's Wizard Academy, you may use some of your merits to obtain land and an estate for your family, wealth to get by, slaves to work the land, and more. However, you won't need that many for this purpose. If I put your merit at 3,000, that would use about 1,000. You can also exchange for items, ingredients, knowledge, etc." Fladrinne lazily listed.

"I have little use for items and ingredients, but I do for knowledge. Are Breathing Techniques Included?" Ewan asked.

"Yes, but some are restricted, and some are not. The highest-level unrestricted ones are with 21 stances. But if you want the highest-level 24-stance techniques like Valli and Theli have, you must sign a life-and-death contract with the academy. If you do, the academy will save no expense raising you, giving the technique for free, and even an expensive advancement elixir if you are worthy." Fladrinne said, pitching in a recruitment offer.

"Does that include my family?" Ewan asked.

"No. The contract is to you alone. On the other hand, while raised under the academy's caring hand, your family would sign contracts according to requirements. They are considered outer members." Fladrinne explained.

"What services do I need to give?" Ewan asked.

"You would be a registered member under the academy, made to guard, serve, teach, or provide any other esoteric service required. But don't worry, we won't use you as a lab rat. We are orthodox, unlike those evil academies." Fladrinne lightly smiled.

"Evil academies?" Ewan narrowed his eyes. That name sounded, well, evil.

"Unorthodox Wizard Lineages straying from the norm, willing to do horrendous deeds to advance their research and improve their strength. A nasty bunch that makes the Barbarians look adorable." Fladrinne said with a hint of distaste.

"Are we enemies with them?" Ewan asked.

"Not particularly, no. Benefits run the Wizard World, Ewan. And when interests align, allies and enemies are forged. One day's enemy can be another day's ally and vice-versa. But you don't need to worry about these things." Fladrinne explained.

"Can I render service by being a farmer?" Ewan suddenly asked.

The three women's expressions turned strange.

"You do like being a farmer, hah? What is your farmer class at? Regular Farmer lvl 5?" Fladrinne curiously asked.

"Earth-Blessed Farmer lvl 1," Ewan revealed.

Fladrinne's eyes widened in amazement, unable to keep her calm anymore. "Earth-Blessed Farmer?! Do you have a Rare Farmer class?! How?!"

Occupation classes were several times more challenging to advance in due to the time and dedication needed. Only the most dedicated people usually advanced to the Uncommon class by the end of their lives unless they had a method to extend their mortal lives. Even many Wizards only reached the Rare level of their occupation after becoming a Wizard, empowered by their vast Intelligence and stats, and even then close to when they reached a hundred years.

But now, a 30-year-old claimed to be one. It was like spitting at common sense.

"By farming every day from dawn to dusk," Ewan replied.

"You... You are mocking my Intelligence, aren't you?" Fladrinne narrowed her eyes.

"I dare not. I only said what I did. Whether you believe it or not is up to you." Ewan replied with innocent eyes.

Although he reincarnated three times and invested everything in Intelligence, facts remained that he indeed worked from dawn to dusk.

"You... Hah. Forget it." Fladrinne shook her head. And then, she looked at Ewan as if looking at a treasure. "Do you know how much you are worth now?"

"Not really, no." Ewan shook his head.

"A lot. It would be a shame to use you outside farming now." Fladrinne said with a fervent look. "You must have unlocked the Core Skill, Blessing of the Land, right?"

"Yes." Ewan nodded.

"Do you know how important that is? It makes the soil magically rich, giving birth to magical ingredients. You can grow and sell such ingredients in bulk, enough to raise factions to power. And you got it at the tender age of 30. You are about to become a wealthy and important man, Ewan." Fladrinne said with a deep look.

"Are there so few such farmers?" Ewan was surprised.

"We have farmers, and we have some naturally magical land, but such patches of land are premium and rare, limited to a few thousand acres at best, and the soil is low-yield and gets depleted after growing crops there, needing years of going fallow and expensive fertilizers to recover. But you can shorten it. You can create a Magically Fertile Land. And with you being at the Grand Knight level and a 3rd-level apprentice, you can work hundreds of acres at a time. Perhaps, when you are a Wizard, it might reach thousands with the help of magic. You would be swimming in money then. The merit you earned on this battle would seem like bread crumbs in comparison." Fladrinne said with a passionate look. It was almost as if she imagined herself in that position.

"I never thought I would live to see the day when a Farmer is in such demand." Ewan warily said.

"Good Farmers are always in demand." Fladrinne smiled.

"And how much would the Academy take?" Ewan asked.

No landlord would be stupid enough not to demand rent from their tenants.

"That isn't up to me to decide, but knowing them, they would form an exclusive purchasing contract and buy at up to 90% market price. But that is if you become a Wizard. For now, it would be around 70%, give or take 5%, and they can dictate what you must grow. Of course, they would provide ample protection for your and your family's safety." Fladrinne explained.

"Fair." Ewan nodded.

"Oh, and one final thing. Valli and Theli are now in their late twenties and looking for a suitable partner to help conceive a child, and they took an interest in you. Are you interested in taking them as your mistresses?" Fladrinne suddenly asked.

Ewan was stunned before looking at Valli and Theli, who gave back a charming smile. Either they forced that smile or genuinely wanted to be Ewan's mistress.

"... You know I am a married man, right?" Ewan asked with narrowed eyes.

"And?" Fladrinne asked as if he said a retarded thing.

"What, And? I am married." Ewan frowned.

"Valli, Theli, explain it to him," Fladrinne said, unbothered to explain.

"In the Wizard World, polygamy is the norm, and powerful figures often have multiple spouses," Valli said.

"We won't interfere with your life. It is more of a cooperative relationship to create talented children. These children later serve as the future backbone of powerful forces." Theli added.

"We will take responsibility for raising them. All we ask is for your seed. Of course, a deeper relationship is not off the table." Valli smiled.

"I require time to think about it. And to consult with my wife." Ewan warily said.

"You don't have to make the decision now. But don't keep us waiting for too long." Theli replied.

"We can chat with your wife about it if you want. We promise we won't be forceful." Valli said.

Looking at them, Ewan saw their sincerity. They were serious about it. They wanted to bear him heirs.

"Now what do I do?" Ewan felt troubled.

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