Dynasty Rebirth Infinity

Prologue – A wish for Dynasty

Suvia Kingdom-

Knightledge Barony-

In a small village near a poor knight's manor house-

Ewan, aged 40, a common and hardworking serf like any other, tilled the over dozen acres of land given to him for the paltry food he would get to feed his family after his lord took the lion's share.

His father was a serf, and he was the second son, inheriting the land due to his brother dying from the flu. He married a regular wife, a serf's daughter from another village, and had eight kids before she died during labor, of which half didn't survive to adulthood, and another one died during a battle he got conscripted to. He only had one son and two daughters left, one of which was already married at 15 and was about to give birth to his first grandson as a 16-year-old lass.

Now, as a 40-year-old man, his joints and back ached from a lifetime of hard labor, his eyesight began to worsen after constant exposure to the sun, and his health slowly deteriorated. If nothing unexpected happened, he would die within the next five years, likely due to his body growing weaker and more vulnerable to infections and disease or whatever other hazard that might emerge. At least, he knew that his father died around this age, unlike those wealthy nobles with good nutrition and access to knight cultivation techniques and magic.

As he worked the land to the late evening, suddenly, he noticed a shooting star in the sky.

"Oh! A shooting star! Let's make a wish..." Ewan closed his eyes and made a casual wish for fun, one of the only times he had fun in his bleak life.


"I wish for an Eternal Dynasty, that my family shall always prosper."


After Ewan made his wish, he nodded and checked his status. It was the proof of his hard work and the fruit of his back-breaking toiling of the land.


Name: Ewan
Sex: Male
Age: 40
Classes: Farmer(Common, lvl 5, 1,815/2,000), Militia(Common, lvl 3, 452/500)


Strength: 10
Physique: 11
Agility: 9
Intelligence: 10
Spirit: 6
Charisma: 6

Class Skills:

Farmer: Farming Tool Proficiency(lvl 5), Farmer's Wisdom(lvl 5), Ploughing(lvl 5, 781/2,000), Weeding(lvl 4, 423/1,000), Seed Checking(lvl 3, 255/500), Planting(lvl 3, 491/500), Harvesting(lvl 5 922/2,000) , Food Preservation(lvl 4, 350/ 1,000), Digging(lvl 5, 1,210/2,000), Fertilizer Porduction(lvl 4, 291/1,000), Logging(lvl 3, 421/500), Wood Working(lvl 3, 391/500), Animal Handling(lvl 3, 192/500), Tanning(lvl 3, 52/500), Fishing(lvl 3, 110/500), Haggling(lvl 3, 60/500), Slinging(lvl 2, 231/300)

Militia: Weapon Proficiency(lvl 2), Military Drills(lvl 2), Archery(lvl 4, 61/1,000), Spearmanship(lvl 2, 74/300), Shielding(lvl 2, 1/300)

Attribute Points: 0

Skill Points: 0


A small, proud smile appeared on Ewan's lips. Sure, his status was not that impressive, quite average for a serf at the end of his life, but it showed the many hardships and dedication. Without this, he and his family would likely not survive until now.

Most are doomed to mediocrity without sufficient talent, resources, and guidance. For example, serfs almost always choose the Farm Hand class, elevating it to Farmer as soon as they reach level 3. Due to poor survival conditions, they had to unlock the second class slot for the Trainee class, which elevates to Militia. Without this, they were defenseless! However, this also lowered their prospects since they lost potential Skill Points and Stat Points. And since they lost hope, they opted for quick gains instead, raising the Trainee class to Militia for those extra three stat points and core talent.

Of course, if Ewan had shown promising talent at a young age, he could have gained a better position, such as watchman or even man-at-arms!

"But I don't regret anything. I only wish for my descendants to prosper." Ewan thought as he packed his things and returned to his family home.

Little did he notice that the shooting star in the sky got closer to him. Before he could react-


A small meteorite crashed into Ewan, forming a small crater. As for the man himself? The alarmed villagers and manor lord only found bits and pieces of burned flesh.

That was the day the unremarkable serf, Ewan, in an unnamed village in the Knightledge Barony, died in a freak accident. Luckily, his eldest was old enough to inherit the farm, and his two daughters already had arranged husbands, so his death didn't mark the end of his legacy.

Years passed, and the people soon forgot about him, perhaps mentioning him while drinking beer and laughing with friends and family. In this era, death happens all the time, and dying at the age of 40 to a meteorite was quite the way to go. Soon, they even forgot his name, only roughly remembering the event itself.

But even if they forgot Ewan, his legacy remained.




Seven years later-


A brown-haired boy played together with the other children around his age. His name was Ewan, named after his late grandfather, who died from a freak accident.

When he was one year old, the boy experienced frequent visions, teaching him essential skills whenever he tried to learn. After six years, he knew more than what most adults learned, but he didn't think about it too deeply. After he turned seven, he would unlock his locked class and help his father in the fields as a Farm Hand.

"Ewan! Catch me if you can!" A cute and playful girl called out, two years younger than him, her roughspun dress dirty with grass.

"I will catch you, Amy!" Ewan smiled, chasing after his little sister.

But just when he was about to catch her, he paused. Memories started to flood his young mind.

"Ewan? What's the matter? Why are you standing there like a scarecrow?" Amy stopped running and returned, concerned about her playmate.

Ewan shook his head and smiled, "I am fine, Amy."

However, in his mind, he was anything but okay.

"Oh, by the gods! I reincarnated as my grandson?!" Ewan thought and checked his status.


Name: Ewan
Sex: Male
Age: 7
Classes: Unselected.


Strength: 3(5)
Physique: 4(6)
Agility: 3(5)
Intelligence: 4(5)
Spirit: 4(5)
Charisma: 3(5)


"My life's work is ruined!"

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