E-Sport’s Group Pampered Omega

Chapter 52

Chapter 51 (Two more)

Lin Mingfei was stunned, feeling like he had entered an unprecedented new realm.

This was the situation in their team before, Shi Ya was the most conscious but the most indiscreet, Bo Yu was the most obedient but the least ingenious, Zhou Yanjun… Zhou Yanjun had the thickest skin and the most twisted, he As the captain, you need to reconcile this group of monsters, so you always need to spend a lot of energy to deploy. Of course, after the deployment, he has to complete his own tasks. He will always let them go after the deployment, without saying which team member will accompany to the end.

When Xia Tong mentioned this, he vaguely recovered and realized that the current situation was different from before.

The so-called capacity of a wooden barrel does not depend on how long the longest plank is, only how short the shortest plank is. Whether the four of them are sharp or not, whether they have a tacit understanding is not important. The important thing is whether Xia Tong can integrate into them correctly and smoothly, and whether he can become a qualified e-sports player before the start of the league.

Therefore, it is necessary for him to ensure that Xia Tong’s growth path is smooth and unmistakable.

Lin Mingfei turned to look at Little Omega’s pitiful begging eyes.

And…and…who can refuse such a look!

Lin Mingfei was defeated. He thought that packing up his backpack was not an urgent matter. He had the right to rehabilitate, so he shrugged and laughed, “Accompany, of course accompany you to fight with you.”

Xia Tong breathed a sigh of relief and started to live happily again, “Then I’m going to find a group!”

“Yeah. Find and pull me.” Lin Mingfei said.

Xia Tong swallowed the reassurance pill given by Lin Mingfei, and went to look through the recruitment information again. He picked a few group applications and waited happily for a while, only to receive a series of rejection messages.

“No more wizards.”

“The wizards are full.”

“Wizards don’t order.”

Xia Tong: “???”

He was confused and didn’t know what was going on, so he poked open the recruitment information of the team that said “Wizards do not order”. The recruitment announcement said “A new group in the Sea Monster River Valley, come and come”, he right-clicked to view the team members , Found that there was only the head of the group, who was a paladin.

This is very confusing.

Xia Tong was confused and had a private chat with the head of the group.

Xia Xiaotong: [Don’t you say come here casually? Why not a wizard? 】

The civet ignored: [Look again now. 】

Xia Tong clicked on the recruitment message again, and then found that the content of the recruitment had become: the new group in the Sea Monster River Valley, just come here, no wizards.

Xia Tong: “…”

Can it be like this?


He felt a little aggrieved at once, and went to poking the theory of the head that called the civet cat to ignore it.

Xia Xiaotong: [Why did you suddenly change the content of the announcement! 】

The civet ignored: 【I want to change it, can you control it? 】

Xia Xiaotong: [Then why don’t you want a wizard? 】

The civet cat ignored: [Can’t you read the guide yourself? This is not to be a wizard, understand? 】

Xia Tong was stunned by the other side across the screen. He was aggrieved. He had read the guide and remembered that there was a boss called the Sea-Monster Queen. The setting was that he was deceived by an old wizard. A wizard passing by a river valley must cast spells by name, allowing the wizard to get a controlled debuff, and then attack his teammates. If one is not careful, it is easy to cause a large area of ​​attrition. Therefore, the team that brushes the Kraken River Valley generally does not bring too many wizards, or some sharp heads will bring a few more elves, and do a good job of dispersing them in time, or they have confidence in the level of violence of their team. Finish the stage in one breath.

It’s understandable to bring a few wizards, but it’s a bit weird to bring a wizard.

Xia Tong was puzzled, and went to break the casserole to the end.

Xia Xiaotong: [I have read the guide! The guide doesn’t say that you can’t bring a wizard! 】

Civet ignores: [Are you annoying? I am the head of the regiment and I have the final say. 】

Xia Tong was stunned again, and she was so bad, she could only dispel the idea of ​​applying for this team in a desperate manner.

Lin Mingfei noticed that Xia Tong’s small expression was uncomfortable, and couldn’t help but worry: “What’s the matter? Can’t find the group?”

“Hmm…” Xia Tong whispered, “Those regiments have formed a lot of wizards…”

“Isn’t there a new group here?” Lin Mingfei pointed to the recruitment announcement made by the “civet cat ignores”, “I don’t think there is a wizard yet.”

“He said he didn’t hire wizards!” Xia Tong felt bitter when he heard this Eddie, and complained with aggrieved complaints, “He even frustrated me just now…”

As if pouring beans in a bamboo tube, Xia Tong told Lin Mingfei about the chat history he had just ignored the civet cat. Let Lin Mingfei be pleasantly surprised.

Xia Tong learned to file a complaint with him! The needle does not poke! better!

Lin Mingfei looked at him with a akimbo and smiled, only to feel that this little thing was in a hurry to complain, the tea smelled, and the tea was very pleasant.

“Do you think he is too much!” Xia Tong was still stomping with anger.

Lin Mingfei squeezed her chin and muttered, “I guess he will probably bring a wizard relative.”

Xia Tong: “Huh?”

Lin Mingfei: “Then prepare to give relatives and friends black equipment.”

The fun of playing a group book is not only the ability to bid for your favorite equipment, but also to make money. After the group book is over, the group members will evenly divide the total amount of gold coins obtained from the equipment, commonly known as “part-time job.”

If you don’t shoot equipment, the members of the group actually hope that there are local bosses or many players of the same profession in the group to bid for a certain rare equipment, so that their “salary” will be higher.

In addition to the normal bidding, there will be another existence in the team, called the “parts boss”, which will pack all the undesired equipment dropped in the copy at a low price and go back to dismantle and exchange for materials. The so-called Helping relatives and friends to black equipment means that the leader uses his own rights to not group other players who are in the same profession as his relatives and friends in the process of grouping people, so that the equipment needed by relatives and friends becomes undesired “partial rubbish”, and at the same time he is himself A process in which the boss of the spare parts packages the equipment needed by relatives and friends at a low price and then trades them to relatives and friends for free during the appropriate trading hours.

This behavior is called “pull search” when it is small, and it is called “damaging the interests of the whole group”, but if the group leader does not form a certain profession at the beginning, everyone will only apply as a player without this profession. , And will not think too much.

“It’s so wicked.” After clarifying the key points, Xia Tong commented dissatisfiedly: “I said why he keeps hesitating and I don’t say why!” He sighed and said in frustration: “Forget it. Now, let me see if any other regiment still needs wizards.”

“It’s okay, don’t worry first.” Lin Mingfei said.

Xia Tong looked at him incomprehensibly, and saw that Old God Lin Mingfei was on the ground and sent out an application to join the team to the civet cat.

After a while, Lin Mingfei joined the team.

The team channel began to scroll wildly, with exclamation marks like a storm.

[Fuck? ? ? Who is this! ? ? ? ! ! ! 】

[Fuck, fuck, fuck? ? ? Is this a real person? ? I can not believe it! ! 】

【! ! ! Is it Lin Mingfei from Polaris? ? ? Is that the spear **** who has been hiding for two years! ! ? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh as a souvenir screenshot! ! 】

[Head, you are too popular too! ! ! Why would God Z join in? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, i am crying! ! 】

[The leader is not a hidden boss! Can actually pull the Z god! ! God Z, you say something oh oh oh oh oh! 】

【idol! ! ! Zero, I am your obsessive brother! ! I am a hunter who played for you! ! 】

Not only this group of savage players in the team, but the civet cat ignores it and is still immersed in shock and unable to extricate itself.

He received this team application just now, and when he saw this man’s Eddie clearly, he felt like a child who was called out!

As everyone knows, Polaris’s Zero, sniper, spears, fights, madness, rarely fight pve, even if you fight him will not mix with the savage dungeon group, are all organized by the team. What is the probability of players encountering Zero in normal times? Rounding up is zero!

And he! An ordinary dungeon group leader was actually selected among the many beings! How good is he! Let Zero apply to join the group!

Civet Ignored was already pressing the screenshot button frantically, and he saw that someone in the team channel asked if he had a special relationship before he pulled God Z in. God Z did not deny it. To his flattery and praise, the civet cat ignores the whole person and swells up, feeling like in the clouds, he thinks, it must be his good temperament that stands out in those groups!

And he will be able to command God Z when he fights a group later! ! Oh my! He wants to command God Z! What an awesome experience to say! He must record the whole screen as a souvenir! Do not! He wants to start a live broadcast! He must not appear to be too condescending, he has to show his favor to Zero with a close and kind attitude… Maybe he can add a friend or something, there will be Z God in this dungeon, it will definitely end soon!

The cocoon comes with a built-in live broadcast software, which is linked with the official Wang Tomb. It is very easy and convenient to use. The civet cat ignores this thought and has already opened the live broadcast happily.

He hung the name of Zero on the title of the live broadcast, and watched the number of viewers in the live broadcast room began to rise gradually.

“It’s a coincidence. I didn’t expect to encounter Zero.” He said in a restrained and artificial tone: “Oh, how dare I command God Z? Just mention a few words at most. That friend shouldn’t give it away directly. It’s a yacht, next time I have a chance, I will definitely set up a Z-God to play a group book…”

He was talking and saw Polaris_Zero on the team channel talking.

Polaris_Zero: [Leave a hole. 】

The team channel exploded again.

[Fucking, did God Z bring people to play the book? ? 】

[Fuck, shit, is it Timer! ! Do I have a chance to see Brother Timer! ! 】

[Fire and Island, I can too! ! There are still three pits now! ! It is absolutely possible to call anyone over the P team! ! 】

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ! Head, I love you! ! You are a koi! 】

Ignoring the civet cat can hardly suppress the corners of the rising lips, the barrage of the live broadcast area over there is also “crushing”.

[My mom, I can actually see the P team fit here! 】

[Their P team has no b-number in their hearts! The last time I played Baixuedi Palace, the live broadcast was not open! Sneaky! 】

[Z God! ! Z god! ! In the rest of my life, I can see God Z hit the book again! ! 】

[Who will Z God bring to make a copy? 】

[I have added Timer friends, and Timer is not online! It’s definitely not a Timer! 】

In the barrage, quizzes and discussions are hot.

The civet went back to the main interface ignorantly, and chatted with Lin Mingfei in private.

[Z God, who do you want to pull, give me the Id. 】

Lin Mingfei did not respond to him on the private chat channel, but showed his face on the team channel.

Polaris_Zero: [It is a young apprentice I have newly recruited. The profession is a wizard. It does not conflict with your profession. Please pass it through, please. 】

Polaris_Zero: [ID is Xia Xiaotong. 】

The civet cat’s disregarded expression cracked.

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