Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 111

Chapter 111: Shoot

“It’s so pitiful…” Lele’s gentleness that day was revealed again. She stroked the ghost’s face, as if there was endless distress and helplessness. The moment the ghost was touched by her, the murderous intent on her body was also reduced. When he got up, his movements were soothing and gentle, like a soothed cat on a balcony shining in the afternoon sun.

At this moment, among the people standing on the slope, one person was squeezing forward quietly, it was the Golden Tiger!

He was dressed in a special warfare costume, mixed in the crowd, standing silently in the second row of the crowd, from behind the waist, took out a pistol, he was about to raise the gun to aim, and the other one behind him was wearing Yingjia’s soldier pressed his wrist.

“What are you doing?” The manhu stared at the gun in Jinhu’s hand with a pair of big eyes.

“Nonsense, while he had no intention of resisting at this moment, one shot ended him! This gun was filled with small bullets, and he was a copper-headed iron arm, and he could kill him with a single shot! Without him giving orders, those The bugs will not heat up the air collectively, and we will be able to escape!”

“But you didn’t listen to him just now…”

“So what? Are you going to send him a consolation prize in the past? You must remember that you are a soldier, where tens of thousands of lives are hanging by a thread. Whatever the enemy says is secondary, we should seize the opportunity to fight. !” Jin Hu glared at the soldier contemptuously, and slowly lowered his hand.

Jin Hu raised his pistol behind the man in front, and across the crowd, aiming from the man’s shoulder, the front sight swayed and slowly aimed at the ghost’s head!

The route was very cleverly chosen, reflecting Jinhu’s qualities as a professional soldier. He hid himself very accurately, and the calculated bullet trajectory just flew past Lele’s ears, just right to hit. This is the only choice for the ghost’s eyebrows, because from this angle, Lele’s body almost blocks all the main attackable parts of the ghost.

Resoluteness is a quality that a gunman must possess. Just like Jinhu said in the last battle of Seoul, he does not care about moral evaluation, who is right or wrong, who should be sympathized and pitiful. In the eyes of professional soldiers, Only task.

“Bang!” A gunshot shocked everyone on the scene and swept away the rare warmth on the battlefield. Everyone exclaimed like a dream, and even the war insects hidden in the surrounding encirclement sounded out. There was a commotion.

The ghost fell down, his eyes looked desperately at the dark sky, just like the starry sky he saw when he was sitting in a dirt pit. The difference is that this time, there is a **** moon in the sky.

“My grass, what are you doing?” Hao Zhi jumped up instantly, looked back in the crowd, and found the Golden Tiger still holding a gun.

“Nonsense!” Jin Hu was too lazy to explain, set off to greet everyone, and retreat as soon as possible! The remaining Yingjia soldiers organized a militant team, followed me to rescue the trapped comrades under the hillside, and be sure to rescue General Xu Zhe at all costs!

“Did you not see that Lele had subdued him just now?” Hao Zhi yelled angrily.

Jin Hu gave him a cold look: “Is it temporarily subdued, or is he taking the opportunity to regain his strength?”

Hao Zhi was taken aback, he had never thought about this problem.

“A shot to kill, this is the real surrender!” Jin Hu glanced at Hao Zhi contemptuously. “He is an expert in the army, and one of the leaders of the world’s number one terrorist organization Dawn. In the past ten years, The most important criminals wanted by countries all over the world, he led the organization and planned countless assassinations and terrorist actions. He betrayed all mankind and helped aliens destroy mankind, led so many war worms to attack the headquarters of the Earth Resistance Army…Which one is not a capital crime? He did it. In this line, you expect that distorted heart will be changed because of your soft words? Naive!”

Hao Zhi was not convinced, but there seemed to be nothing to argue with. What Jin Hu said was reasonable, but emotionally, he couldn’t accept it.

Golden Tiger didn’t care about so many, he quickly organized the manpower to evacuate, gathered the dozens of Yingjia soldiers remaining in the team together, and worked out a plan to rescue General Xu Zhe.

It was indeed not a time to hesitate, everyone began to retreat nervously, and one after another passed by the corpses of the ghosts, taking a look, leaving a sigh, but no one stopped for a second. Escape is the most important thing. .

Song Xiaojia came up from behind, squatted behind Lele, and gently stroked her back with his hand: “Forget it, things have already reached this point, so don’t be sentimental anymore!”

Lele lowered her head, hot tears were falling in large ones, she shook her head desperately: “No, no, things shouldn’t be like this!”

“Otherwise, what can we do, let’s go, we still have a lot to do!” Song Xiaojia stood up and patted Lele on the shoulder again.

Lele covered her mouth and sobbed a few times. Suddenly he put her index finger in her mouth, bit her fingertips fiercely, and then stroked the ghost’s unclosed eyes like a reluctant farewell. , Her fingertips have been quietly pressed hard against the muzzle of the ghost’s eyebrows, a few drops of bright red thick blood melted in and entered his opened brain tissue…

Even Song Xiaojia who was standing on the side didn’t notice. Lele finished all this, wiped away tears, stood up and followed everyone down the hillside.

The ghost was once again abandoned by the crowd, lying alone on the grass in the hills like a corpse…

Everyone ran away in a hurry and hurriedly trot along the hillside. Finally, they soon saw a new fire not far away. Under the cover of the fire, the crowds were surrounded by those war insects like throwing away handkerchiefs. In the middle, those encircling circles are large and small, like many circular sheepfolds scattered on the hillside.

The guards of those ‘sheep pens” are not comparable to ordinary evil wolves. Golden Tiger gave an order and dozens of Yingjia soldiers rushed over and dispersed the encirclement in the blink of an eye. These were just ordinary war insects and did not have thick armor. In addition, these soldiers have accumulated a lot of experience in fighting against war worms, so they gained the initiative on the battlefield in a very short time, killing those war worms steadily and retreating.

Some war worms had to open their back armor. Those wing membranes filled with blue electric light vibrated and whizzed a few times, but it didn’t work. Moreover, they were inconvenient to move in this posture, and they were easily attacked by the sword. Cut into several pieces, the entire hill was killed up and down in chaos.

However, the war insects below the mountainside quickly felt something was wrong. UU reading began to rush towards the mountain frantically. Although the team led by Jinhu was brave, the number of people was too different. After saving a large army, I sacrificed many comrades one after another, and slowly, the time effect of the power potion began to pass, everyone was exhausted, and the whole body was sweating, and the Yinggang sword in his hand became heavier…

The sky is already beginning to light up. The vegetation on this mountain is not luxuriant, which is very unfavorable for hiding. If a large group of 10,000 or 20,000 people continue to rush down the mountain, they may be surrounded by discovery before reaching the foot of the mountain. In desperation, Xu Zhe ordered to retreat to the top of the mountain to at least leave a respite.

During the retreat, hundreds of war insects sprang out in the air, breaking the brigade that stretched for several kilometers into several pieces. The soldiers resisted bravely and protected the scattered crowds from rushing everywhere, and the team quickly became chaotic. After a group, Hao Zhi and the others were guarding the part of the scientific and technical personnel led by Xu Zhe, and they safely withdrew under the Eagle’s Mouth Rock on the top of the mountain during Song Xiaojia’s mighty fight.

Everyone was exhausted, so they had to stop and rest. Some were sitting and standing, and some were lying on the grass and panting. They had been tossing most of the night, and many people couldn’t run. Wang Yanke inspected. Suddenly walked to Song Xiaojia in a circle, and whispered to her: “There are two bad news, which one do you want to hear first?”

“Eldest sister, it’s all bad news, does it make a difference to listen first?” Song Xiaojia said speechless.

Wang Yanke reluctantly pointed to the mountain valley just after they left: “The ghost’s body is gone…”

“What?” Song Xiaojia followed her gaze, and sure enough, at the place where the ghost was lying, it was empty.

“Is there another bad news?” Song Xiaojia asked quickly.

“The team of our parents and family members, I don’t know where it rushed to…”

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