Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 122

Chapter 122: Unguessed weapon

Everyone was settled in the headquarters compound of the Lanzhou Military Region and entered the military region gate with guard posts. There are six white buildings around an open military training playground. The main building is also white, with all-sky blue glass, which looks clean. Solemn.

The layout here is very standard, with a large courtyard, a standard playground and a basketball court. There are rows of military camp accommodation buildings on the northwest side. There are various military training equipment on the playground.

In the middle of the    compound, there is a sculpture carved in red rock. Three huge triangular rocks are intertwined together, symbolizing the close unity of the party, government and army. Three striking characters are engraved on it: Red Army Wind.

Hao Zhi walked into the main building and looked at it curiously. Unlike the Ming Tombs base, there does not seem to be too many high-tech elements here, and a simple, even old-fashioned flavor is revealed everywhere.

The architectural style of the main building is also very plain, like the office building built in the 1970s, with long porches and overhanging eaves, standard seven-story steps, triple mahogany glass doors, and entering the center of the hall. It is the large full-length mirror facing on, and one staircase on the left and right leads to the second floor. There are many places on the terrazzo floor that have been cracked. The elongated cracks spread along the direction of the corridor like spider webs. The white wall and the lower half of the wall are painted green. , But it hasn’t been painted for a long time. Some paint peeled off at the corners, showing traces of time.

Without any time to rest, Xu Zhe immediately convened the “Earth Self-Defense Forces Joint Conference on All Continents” and contacted the remaining forces in the three major war zones by means of online video.

But compared to before, the conditions here are really much worse. Several seemingly ordinary computers, even with crude cameras, no longer have the large and luxurious large screens of the base. They just put an electric one on the wall. The conference screen is projected on the white curtain, and the commanders of the various theaters joined the conference network one by one, and their heads appeared one by one. Everyone had a tired look on their faces. A few of them were still wearing colors and bandaging their heads. .

Xu Zhe first listened to reports from various theaters. It was basically the same as here. The alien war worm used the signal source emitted by the body of the dead insect to expose the location of most of the human army headquarters, including hiding in a deep well tens of meters underground. All of the military command headquarters in North America, Europe, and East Africa were turned over by beetles like ant dens. Some coastal areas and military powerhouses in North America, Europe, and East Africa were almost invariably reduced to occupied areas.

During the chaos, the commanders of the various theaters were killed one after another. Hao Zhi saw that many of the people who attended the meeting this time had changed new people. The aliens’ intelligence was accurate, and there were few omissions.

More importantly, due to the unclear communication between countries in the European theater, when the main commander was besieged, one after another army was dispatched to rescue, but they suffered “Waterloo” on the battlefield. The human army that had been dominant has fallen into encirclement one after another and was surrounded by a large area. Annihilated, on the American battlefield, although rescue was stopped in time, nearly half of the army was lost…

Since that day, the human army has been retreating steadily, and all the tortoises have shrunk into the middle of the continent, only with barely maintained defense, slowing down the invasion of alien war insects.

“I made a tune, General Xu Zhe is really wise!” Hao Zhi sat in the gallery, giving his thumbs up heartily, admiring him, and there was a slight clicking sound behind him, he When she turned her head, Zhang Diandian was holding a box of nut biscuits in her place, and was eating hard, her hungry ghost reincarnation has not passed, she was stained with scum on her face, and she raised her head and smiled apologetically at everyone. .

The meeting is still going on. The North African military commander-in-chief Adan Fudilari continued to say that the main attack methods of the alien warworms in the world have also changed this time. In addition to conventional laser weapons, they abandoned the slow pace. And the air cannon, which has been effectively protected by human shields, has been converted into an unknown thermal energy weapon.

The form of the war worm changed from a locust to a sturdy beetle. Through the vibration of the wing membrane, the temperature of the air in a large area of the battlefield was raised to nearly 90 degrees in an instant. Countless soldiers, even those wearing eagle armor, were boiling with blood. And was roasted alive…

“Isn’t this what the ghosts showed us that day? I begged to death. Fortunately, they didn’t continue, otherwise we would become barbecues too!” Hao Zhi whispered to Wang Yanke next to her, and she nodded. .

“General…” Commander Adan was an Arab nobleman. He wore a white headscarf with a black circle on his head. He had a rough brown beard. He could barely see his mouth moving when he spoke. “We are here. Almost 50% of the army was lost in World War I, and almost all of the main nuclear weapons launch bases of all mankind fell. Except for the Plesetsk base located on the western border of Russia, in total, our planet More than 70% of the heavy nuclear missile bases of the troops have all fallen into the hands of aliens. Now, they can win this war just by using our weapons against us…”

“God…” Wang Yanke secretly exclaimed.

Hao Zhi quickly turned around and asked: “What’s the matter?”

“Did you not listen? Fifty percent of the army lost, 50% of the global army! I just searched my information database, and the total number of armies of the major Axis countries in the world exceeds that. Ten million, ten million soldiers, within this week, 5 million was wasted!”

Hao Zhi couldn’t imagine how magnificent and tragic it would be for 5 million soldiers to die on the battlefield, but what he saw with his own eyes, the tragic condition of the more than 10,000 escaped people in front of Eagle Mouth Rock was a living picture.

When descending the mountain, on the battlefield where you can’t see your head, there are corpses everywhere. It is not an exaggeration to say that the corpses are all over the field. Shore”, but this is five million!

Five million fresh and youthful lives were thrown into the battlefield like this, and they turned into flying ash in an instant. Maybe, they didn’t even see the appearance of the enemy, and they were scorched by the hot air before they could fire a shot. …

Thinking of this, Hao Zhi felt like a rock in his heart, and his heavy heart made his heart beat faster.

After listening to the report, Xu Zhe stomped a few steps back and forth in the room, lowered his head and frowned for a while, before raising his head and asking: “Did you figure it out? What is the thermal weapon used by the new alien war worm? ?”

All military experts in various theaters frowned. They have been analyzing the enemy’s weapons and equipment for several days, but they have been confused.

A US military weapon expert clicked on the microphone and explained to Xu Zhe: “General, we have done various analyses. If it is a closed space, it is possible to heat the air with plasma, but within a range of tens of thousands of square meters. In a range with such a large heat dissipation and such a huge loss, it is incredible to instantly increase the temperature of the air by dozens of degrees and keep it from evaporating away…”

“Yes!” The Iranian Arms Chairman also accepted, “We initially estimated that they were using infrared directional heating systems. However, infrared rays are greatly affected by the battlefield environment, and there will be a large number of transmissions in different media. loss.

The most difficult problem to break through is that the earth’s atmosphere is almost open to the outside. Human air conditioners can heat up the air in a room of more than ten square meters, but at least they must be preheated by the machine, air convection and closed windows for heat preservation. Only after ten minutes can the temperature rise significantly.

As for the alien technology, the entire heating process is completed almost instantaneously. The air itself is a non-conducting object. If you want to fully heat up, you must have a large area of hot air convection, but there is no wind on the battlefield. Mark of……”

Everyone was silent. After a long time, suddenly a small female voice rang in the corner: “What if it is… a microwave weapon?”

Everyone’s eyes turned to Hao Zhi’s side. As expected, it was Wang Yanke who spoke!

“We have also considered the possibility of a microwave as a radio frequency weapon. However, according to our current knowledge, the generation of microwaves requires a very powerful radiation source. To achieve a large area of several square kilometers, they almost need to be used. An energy body as large as the blood moon is used as the source of emission. Even if they do, the blood moon is so far away from the ground, the microwaves it emits cannot reach the ground. Microwaves are greatly affected by oxygen and moisture in the air, and they are very easy to cause. Energy attenuation, unless they build dozens of high-power gain antennas in the air between the blood moon and the ground, in order to maintain the continuous transmission and destruction of microwave…”

“This is very similar to the eunuchs in the ancient Qing Dynasty imperial palace who spoke on behalf of the emperor. They stood at intervals of several tens of meters and relayed one by one to the gate of the palace to prevent the sound waves from dissipating.” Wang Yanke laughed.

She walked slowly to the front of the venue, and then whispered: “Haven’t you thought about why they must form a battle formation to form an air-warming effect? A single war insect almost doesn’t have this ability www. The weapon expert thought for a while before suddenly replied: “Yes! Our thinking has always been limited to a single high-power power supply, but we have ignored this. The energy utilization rate of aliens may be several orders of magnitude higher than ours, so they may not need such a large and bulky main transmitter as the blood moon. The power supply may only need a small war bug to generate high-frequency electronic pulses. The vibration of those wing membranes seems to be a way to generate high-frequency microwaves!

In the process of transmission, the flying saucer in the air is very likely to be a three-dimensional gain antenna array. After reaching the ground, each war worm is an emission source and at the same time a gain antenna. Within the range, the continuous generation of microwaves can be maintained without loss! ”

Wang Yanke’s voice was not loud, but very powerful. She decisively stated her opinion: “So, the microwave directly acts on the water molecules in the target object. The air itself does not heat up, but the human body feels it. It’s just blazing. This method of killing is really tailor-made for humans on earth whose human body contains more than 60% of water!”

“But!” General Xu Zhe suddenly smiled confidently, “They have their weapons against us, and we also have ours, specifically against alien war insects, and our weapons may be more effective, as long as In a week, the battlefield situation will be reversed immediately!”

This paragraph of his words immediately surprised everyone. No one could guess what Xu Zhe was referring to. The air force’s combat effectiveness was completely lost to the flying saucer. The navy was almost annihilated when the War Insect Troop landed. Now, the army’s strength Halved, more than half of the only heavy nuclear weapons that mankind can rely on fell into the hands of the enemy. What exactly would this new weapon he said would be…

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