Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 128

Chapter 128: Battlefield propaganda

? In the next two weeks, the battlefield situation has changed significantly. Human beings rely on the smallpox virus that was put into the war insect colony, which caused more than half of the mechanical war insects to be infected. After the incubation period of less than two weeks passed, those The mechanical beetle in the occupied area began to develop a large area of disease.

At the beginning, they became impetuous, feverish, and the system was in disorder. Even the blood moon seemed to be unable to control their behavior. The war bugs began to become violent and restless from organized behavior. They consumed laser weapons recklessly, even empty. The building was not let go. Some war worms even attacked each other, bitten, and then died in groups, leaving large corpses on the battlefield.

The human soldiers first stepped back deliberately, and after watching the situation change, they began to counterattack. Like cleaning pests in the kitchen, they easily regained many lost ground and rescued the remaining refugees in the occupied area.

During this period, Hao Zhi and the others recuperated, and their bodies gradually recovered. Song Xiaojia’s strength exploded after a great battle, and Diandian and Lele’s abilities also recovered. Only Hao Zhi, it seems, Because of the side effects of the strength potion, his jump ability completely disappeared, and he has not seen any improvement. This also made him anxious like an ant on a hot pot, exercising every day, following the soldiers out for exercises, running, and various Kind of physical training.

Of course, Lele also gave him some blood. Relying on the powerful repair ability in her blood, Hao Zhi’s arm was also healed, but the abilities never recovered.

When a few people stay bored in the headquarters of the military area, they will go to Lanzhou to go shopping. It is far from the war zone. It seems that it has not been affected. The street is still bustling with various shops. People are immersed in the battlefield. Good news is frequent. During the excitement, activities such as “alien big sales promotion” and “eliminating war worms, eliminating huge profits, and buying cash at low prices” have also become major spectacles.

In the beginning, people were always pointing at them when they were walking on the street. Later, young boys and girls came up to strike up a conversation, asked their names, and chased them for signatures. Gradually, this situation became more and more…

After watching TV in the evening, Hao Zhi and the others discovered that during this period of time, the special program “The Headquarters of the Human Rebellion Army was captured, and the Five Youths Become New Hope for Salvation” were broadcast on TV. They introduced the five people headed by Hao Zhi in detail. How to save everyone, protect the general, also introduced their unique magical abilities.

As a result, they became the focus of everyone’s attention overnight.

Later, Xu Zhe simply called the reporter to the headquarters of the military area command and arranged for a comprehensive interview with five of them. The reporter was able to work hard. First, he learned from various “Bibles”, “Buddhist scriptures” and “Quran”, and then fetched out of context. I contacted some stories about the sons of the gods coming to the world at the end of the day, rendering them into five mysterious saviors.

That wonderfully written long report was written like a wonderful myth and legend, so countless ‘salvation legends” began to spread like wildfire. Later, netizens began to use their own associations to fabricate countless stories. The version of the novel has become a big hit.

Now, stories about them are spread all over the streets and alleys, from “The Adventures of the Ming Tombs Palace” to “The subway station dismantled cars to save all living beings”, from “Air Force One escaped from the disintegration of the air force” to “Yingjia’s war knife sweeps Seoul”, From “Stadium Hao Zhi vs. Nuclear Bombs” to “Yingzuiyan Five Ghosts Fighting Ghosts”, adults, children, old and weak women and children are all familiar with it.

Among them, it also includes various titles for the five people. Wang Yanke is called the “Goddess of Wisdom”, Song Xiaojia has become a “Super Loli”, and Hao Zhi has become the “Savior God” sought after by countless girls, Lele It has become the “pink-winged angel” that everyone likes.

Only Zhang Diandian, who has always been amused, was called “the good voice of China” everywhere. TV follow-up reports said that she cried out in the toilet countless times…

At this time, everyone can’t even go to the street to eat a bowl of beef noodles. They can’t sit down at all. They are surrounded by crowds wherever they go. Countless people hold their mobile phones and wrap them in the middle like chasing rock stars. Instead of calling Xu Zhe, they sent police and military vehicles to pick them up, and then reluctantly sent them back to the military command.

“Dog blood! Too much blood!” Hao Zhi yelled when he got out of the car, “How did we become stars? What is going on?”

“Oh, **** ho **** ho, I feel pretty good, I have to wear sunglasses next time to dare to go out…” Song Xiaojia triumphantly took photos in the rear mirror of the car, “I don’t think I have Song Xiaojia too One day to become a national idol!”

“You can pull it down, they just look at your appearance, if they really see you killing people with their own eyes, I guess you can’t marry them at all!”

“You need to take care of it! You don’t want anyone to like it!” Song Xiaojia choked at him.

Lele frowned: “Hey, even a bit of personal freedom is lost in this way, but you know how painful the lives of those stars are! It seems better to be an ordinary person!”

“That’s right! You are all pretty good. What do I call “Screaming Baby”, “Screaming King”, “Howling Head” on TV every day… The most excessive thing is that I call me ‘sound advantage point”, this Is it really human? Is there a nickname that can be heard? “Zhang was puffed up with anger.

Everyone laughed. Xu Zhe came downstairs and smiled and walked in front of a few people: “Why are you so happy? It feels good to be a celebrity? You guys are amazing now, and the world is chasing the “Salvation Five”. People group’, you have become the world’s largest celebrity group. The celebrities you liked in the past are all lining up waiting to take a photo with you…”

“Even you laugh at us? You didn’t arrange it all by yourself!” Hao Zhi didn’t call a fight. “General, I didn’t talk about you. The battlefield situation is not enough for you to worry about. Do this **** thing, why? what!”

“Hehe, this is an extraordinary method in extraordinary times. You have to know that in war, the power of role models and models is even more needed!”

Wang Yanke smiled and said, “Well, yes, it’s like in those nine days of hunger, you were sitting on a boulder and chanting scriptures, and everyone worshiped you as a **** and Buddha. Only then did you survive such a difficult stage. , Now those who don’t know the truth still say that you killed a hundred thousand war insects with a universal sutra curse…”

“Then you are more suitable? You are our idol!” Zhang said little by little.

“No, no, no, I’m too busy, how can I have that time, let alone, I am old and fat, you guys are very handsome, young and beautiful, and have magical abilities. It just happens to be the most suitable!” Xu Zhe haha Waved his hand.

“But General, what’s the use of this? Isn’t this leading the masses to be monkeys?” Hao Zhi didn’t understand.

“What’s the use? You kid doesn’t understand, this is called-political and ideological work! This war, you have played a big role! The situation on the battlefield in the previous period was not good, so people were panicked, and surrenderism appeared. Rumors spread, countless people committed suicide, self-willing hedonism and depraved thoughts, and even affected the army.

But now with you, all the people have the confidence to win. It is more of a kind of spiritual centripetal force, condensing the crowd full of all kinds of ideas into one body, from a scattered sand to a united city, any retreat that needs to be executed, Organization, resistance, and even the need for them to sacrifice themselves, you can speak out through your mouth, and you will immediately receive support and solidarity, including soldiers, but also full of many of your fans. This is for battlefield scheduling and the execution of orders. Both play a subtle and magical role…”

Wang Yanke nodded: “The general is right. Hope is the first condition to support everyone in the fight to the end!”

“Yes, the people don’t need to know the truth. All they need is hope is enough! Let the people in the decision-making center do the rest!” Xu Zhe held back his hands and prepared to walk on the playground. This is the content of his activities every afternoon.

Wang Yanke winked at everyone. Everyone knew she must have something to say, so a few people quietly followed, and walked away from the soldiers and guards behind.

Wang Yanke suddenly asked: “General, there are some things I don’t understand!”

“Oh?” Xu Zhe didn’t stop, still pacing forward steadily.

“I noticed one thing. How did you guess that all countries still have unreleased military strength?”

“Ah, this is easy to guess, because we are also hiding, so we can push ourselves and others!” Xu Zhe smiled.

“But… a powerful enemy invades and aliens want to destroy mankind. I can’t figure out why at such a critical moment, mankind can’t put aside their prejudices and unite sincerely and unreservedly?”

Xu Zhe looked into the distance and said meaningfully: “This is the root of human inferiority. The Bible says that Adam and Eve lived in the carefree Garden of Eden. They had nothing to worry about until one day, the snake appeared. They are tempted to eat the fruit of wisdom, so they have wisdom, and they have all kinds of troubles. Therefore, the perfect world does not exist, and human beings fall into the entanglement of intrigue… Have you heard this story? ?”

Everyone nodded quickly.

“From my understanding, the carefree Garden of Eden represents an unopened primitive society. At that time, people would not think without wisdom. Naturally, there would be no worries. Later, when mankind entered the stage of wisdom. Now that I know how to think, the first thing to learn is selfishness. The Buddhists classify people’s troubles as the three poisons, which means greed, hatred, and delusion…

The basic form of any religion is probably to get rid of some ideological greed first including certain food, sex, bad emotions, etc., in fact, it is to purify the soul, and greed and selfish thoughts are selfish desires. Putting the representative of “in the first place” means that it is the most rooted thing and the hardest to abandon. At least, we laymen still can’t do it…”

“However, it has already reached the critical time of life and death, and there is still selfishness, it is really incomprehensible!” Song Xiaojia curled his mouth, looking helpless.

“Haha, it is precisely because at the critical moment of life and death, the internal fighting will become more and more fierce.

Those politicians are not as simple as you. They think more long-term. What they think in their hearts is not what will happen in this war, but what will happen after the victory. Don’t look at them now that they have eliminated the national boundaries, as if the world is one. , But once the war is over, the human world will be divided into various countries. At that time, contention will naturally follow. If you don’t reserve some military power for your country, how can you ensure that the people of your country will survive the war? Can you gain a certain advantage in the resource competition? The world has been disrupted, living resources are in short supply, and even food is not enough. It is still unknown what mankind’s own war will be like…”

Ah? Are you saying that in the future, human beings will still be able to beat themselves?

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