Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 13

Chapter 13: out of control

Song Xiaojia felt a fever on her face. She stared at the angry Hao Zhi blankly, not knowing how to answer.

After holding back for a long time, she said with a dumb voice: “The two men were holding guns, and they were less than two meters away from the opposite side. No matter how fast I am, I can’t be as fast as a bullet! What’s more, the carriage is so narrow and even a roundabout. There is no room to escape, what can I do?”

Hao Zhi rushed to his head and snorted with his nose. Even if you can’t knock them down, you can’t stop her with the fastest speed?

Song Xiaojia was speechless. After a long period of stunned, her nose suddenly sore: “For her, you are willing to die for me?”

“You are alive and well now, are you satisfied?” Hao Zhi didn’t answer her question face-to-face, scornfully dropped a sentence, and walked straight to the front of the car.

Go away! Song Xiaojia roared at his back, Hao Zhi disappeared at the junction of the carriage without turning his head back.

Song Xiaojia bit her lip tightly, tears of grievance swirled in her eyes. She was not a character that would cry easily. She was competitive, like a boy. Lele saw her hurriedly came up to comfort her, pushed her aside and sat down. Patting the back and saying that the mouse is also furious, don’t blame him…

classmate for seven years! I am not as good as a girl I just met in his eyes! Song Xiaojia muttered angrily.

“Koke!” Zhang Xiaodian suddenly screamed. Wang Yanke, who was lying on the ground, trembled. The pain caused her nerves to twitch violently. She curled up involuntarily, and the blood hole above her left chest gushed out again. Here comes the blood…

Hao Zhi trot all the way, staggering to the forefront amidst the slight bumps of the train, and pushed open the door of the control room. Smoke billowed out, making him cough violently.

He took off his cover and waved to disperse the smoke. He fumbled in, only to see that the subway console had already been scrapped, the electrical cabinet was opened, and the circuit board inside was torn out, burnt, and a lot of messy scattered. Sparks from the wire crackling…

He jumped up, grabbed the steering stalk, and pushed it up and down a few times unwillingly, without any change in speed! Some of the remaining various operation buttons were all in English, and they couldn’t understand them at all. He pressed them anxiously, and finally confirmed that they were completely useless!

“Hello! This is the dispatch station, calling the down train of Line 10, please answer, what happened? There are reports that you have not stopped two stations just now!”

Hao Zhi was taken aback. He went up and grabbed the intercom as if he had gotten a life-saving straw: “Hello? The train console has been destroyed by terrorists. Now we can’t stop the car. We are rushing to the terminal at the fastest speed!” ”

“What? What? You say it again?” Apparently the other party was surprised when he heard the news, and then seemed to be convening people. After waiting for a long time, the conversation was connected again. Another hoarse middle-aged male voice asked, “You Okay, I’m the person in charge of the dispatching room. Who are you? Please don’t panic. We have reported the situation to the leadership and will come up with countermeasures in the shortest possible time…”

“I’m just an ordinary passenger… Can you stop the car?” Hao Zhi scratched his head in a hurry, and reported to some leaders, bureaucrats at critical times!

“We can’t stop the train. The only thing we can do is to evacuate all passengers on the platform to avoid more casualties due to accidents…”

“You guys…” Hao Zhi was so angry at the other party that he wanted to scold his mother, “What is more casualties? Do you usually have no plans for such things?”

“We have already deployed, and now adjust the route of the down train of Line 10 you are taking to Liuliqiao Station to transfer to Line 9 and then go all the way towards Fangshan. You can buy more time to think of a solution…”

Hao Zhi then reported to the other party the entire condition of the car, as well as the passengers, and the conversational device fell silent again…

“They can’t think of any way…” A man’s voice rang from behind, frightening Hao Zhi. He turned around quickly, but saw a figure in a black windbreaker standing behind his back with his hands in his pockets and sneered. .

Ghost! Hao Zhi blurted out, why are you here?

Idiot question, the ghost did not answer him, walked over and squatted down to check the line and the console, shook his head helplessly, and smiled bitterly: “The Americans are dark enough…”

“What’s the meaning?”

“They not only destroyed the console, they also installed a bomb on the electrical system!”

“Can’t you take it down?” Hao Zhi stretched his head to look, and saw that a bomb was really installed on the main cable inside the electrician’s cabinet, but the difference was that in addition to the external electronic display and cable, the main body of the bomb was actually It is a glass tube like five or six test tubes, filled with a bright green transparent liquid like soda!

“What is this?”

It is a privately-made miniature VX gas bomb. The technique is awkward, but the effect is very good. Terrorists in some countries in the Middle East especially like to do this. A large area of poisonous gas mist, as long as it explodes, the train will plunge into the poisonous mist, and no one on board will be able to run away!

Ah? Hao Zhi’s eyes widened instantly, so I have to tell everyone to hold their breath and not breathe.

“Haha, what you think is really naive!” The ghost shook his head and smiled bitterly, “VX, like sarin, invades the body through the skin and cornea. You breathe or not, both are poisoned!”

My grass, these two white men… By the way, are they American? Do you know them? Seeing that the ghost seemed to understand the situation well, Hao Zhi hurriedly asked.

“Well, it’s two American agents. They are well-informed. I’m afraid they already have surveillance eyes and ears in the underground palace. They knew you brought out the notebook, so I came to grab it!” The ghost said nothing. At the end, I heard Hao Zhi anxious, can’t you explain things clearly?

Ghost smiled apologetically, embarrassed, in fact, all the problems are the notebook!

What’s that note? Hao Zhi continued to ask unwillingly.

Let’s put it this way, it’s a piece of high-tech data. The knowledge recorded in it can change the future of mankind… Young man, have you ever wondered why human civilization has developed for thousands of years, but only in the past 100 years has it been so fast To improve?

“Oh?” Hao Zhi was taken aback, “Isn’t it because of the invention of those smart scientists?”

Childish…In ancient China, did UU reading lack smart people? How many skilled craftsmen have spent their entire lives to manufacture the bucket arches. Once installed, they have the ingenuity that no one can take apart, but why didn’t they invent the steam engine?

This… Hao Zhi couldn’t answer the conversation, so he had to prevaricate, that’s not what a foreigner did!

There were no smart people in ancient foreign countries? The blowout development of human modern science and technology was almost completed in the past 150 years. That is because human beings suddenly met someone who taught them knowledge!

“Who? The one who wrote the notes?”

In 1942, in the latter part of World War II, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and the U.S. forces were forced to join the war. In August of the same year, a weapon science expert accompanying the army picked up a booklet left by the German army in a corner of the battlefield, and he took this notebook back. In the United States, after several days and nights of interpretation, he surprisingly discovered that the knowledge system recorded in this ancient notebook could almost be called science fiction for the world at that time!

So he submitted the scientific research materials in this notebook to the U.S. government. In August 1942, the U.S. simultaneously launched two research and development projects with huge investment. The first one was the “Manhattan Project” that the world became familiar with. It was successfully developed. Destroyed the world’s first atomic bomb.

The second is the “Area 51 Project” that has been speculated by the world but has never been confirmed. Its main research direction is the establishment of the world’s first supercomputer.

This computer called “Super Brain” was built based on the mysterious information of outer space recorded in the notebook, and it was also the first dialogue between aliens and people on earth.

After   , American scientists learned a lot of advanced science and technology of aliens from Ultrain’s storage program, and quickly developed into the world’s number one superpower…

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