Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 130

Chapter 130: News from Lin Tao

? Four days later, Lin Tao woke up, Lele’s golden blood still played a big role. Although the wound was healing slowly, it was many times better than normal.

Hao Zhi ran up quickly when he heard the news, only to find that Xu Zhe and everyone had arrived. Lin Tao leaned weakly on the bedside and was drinking a bowl of porridge brought by the nurse.

He may have been hungry for several days. After barely eating a few bites, he hurriedly put down the porridge bowl. Lele reached out and helped him put it on the bedside table. Lin Tao wiped the corner of his mouth and asked Xu Zhe: “How much is today? Number?”

Xu Zhe said: “On October 7, you have been in a coma for four days! What happened to you? Why are you so embarrassed?”

“Ah… This is a long story… Not long after I sent away Hao Zhi and the others, my researcher reported to me that the strength potion we studied had side effects, and it was strengthening human functions. At the same time, it will also lead to dependence due to excessive stimulation of the nerves. Just like an athlete always uses stimulants to improve performance, when they are not used, their performance will decline all the way, and the side effects of strength drugs are even more terrifying. It may even inactivate a large area of people’s sympathetic nerves, paralyze them, weaken their response to external and internal stimuli, fail to concentrate, and even have hallucinations!”

“Ah?” Hao Zhi was silly at the time, “I said why my abilities disappeared and disappeared… No, except Song Xiaojia’s natural divine power did not use, Lele and Diandian also injected, why did they not What about side effects?”

Wang Yanke thought for a while and said: “Maybe your ability is more dependent on the concentration of neuroconsciousness. Lele’s blood can eliminate side effects, and little ability only requires hard work, without too complicated subconscious coordination. ”

“Holding the grass, the feelings will concentrate on me alone?” Hao Zhiyu cried without tears! “Can’t you take some medicine to recover?”

“Do you want to use medicine to treat the side effects of the medicine? Isn’t that more troublesome?” Song Xiaojia reminded him.

“It’s over, can this disease be cured?” Hao Zhi looked at Lin Tao as if asking for help.

Lin Tao shook his head: “None of the experimental subjects in my laboratory can recover, or in a short period of time, none of them, but my medical expert once said that neurological diseases are different from trauma, and most of them are affected by psychological factors. Maybe you can recover after a lot of mental and physical stimulation!”

“Hao Zhi…” Song Xiaojia looked at him sympathetically.

Hao Zhi cast a desperate look at her with infinite sadness. Song Xiaojia suddenly laughed: “I thought you were pitiful because you had a bad IQ. I didn’t expect that there was a problem with the nervous system. Now, I can finally be justified. Calling you’madness’!”

Hao Zhi took off his shoes on the spot and wanted to go up to fight Song Xiaojia desperately, but was pulled by everyone with a smile: “Alright, alright, Lin Tao still has important things to say.”

Lin Tao looked at Xu Zhe, raised his right hand slightly, and stretched out **** horizontally. Everyone did not understand what it meant, but saw that Xu Zhe had already taken the initiative to take out the cigarette from his pocket and clamped it between his two fingers. In between, the two fully demonstrated the familiarity and tacit understanding of reuniting after a long absence.

Lin Tao took a breath, sighed and then preached: “Later, I discovered that the potion of power did indeed play a certain role on the battlefield, so I didn’t warn you. This war is the first issue…

After the aliens entered the sea from space, my experimental base was on the surface of the Bohai Sea. I had to disguise as an abandoned drilling platform. Therefore, the mechanical warworm directly ignored our existence and bypassed us and went straight to Shanghai. In this way, we It has always been hidden behind the enemy, very close to their total control core hidden under the sea. I once sent two diving teams to investigate the situation, but unfortunately, none of them came back…”

“They still have a control base under the sea?”

“Well, the blood moon is just their base camp in space. The one under the sea was planned and established a long time ago. Long before they reached the earth, these extraterrestrial grandchildren had planned a long time ago!”

“Are you saying that the aliens have already sent people to build their own military bases on the seabed?”

“Yes, but they are not their people, but their servants on earth. Do you know who it is?”

Everyone looked at each other and said they couldn’t guess.

“Prime Minister of Japan!” Lin Tao gritted his teeth and spit out a few words.

“What?” Everyone was startled, “Is he an alien?”

“No, no, no, the information collected by my intelligence personnel in Japan shows that the headquarters of the’Dawn Organization’ is located somewhere along the western coast of Japan, and the members of the Dawn Organization have already penetrated into all classes of Japan. The Prime Minister himself, it is very likely that he has already sworn allegiance to the aliens and joined the Dawn Organization!

So in the past ten years, they competed with us for the East China Sea in the name of territorial disputes, but in fact they secretly established a channel from the bottom of the sea, and established a huge headquarters below the surface of the East China Sea. The purpose is to use this earth aggression war. The headquarters of the Asian Theater Command, paving the way for the arrival of aliens! ”

“Grass the grass! Then don’t you hurry up and kill him?” Hao Zhi flexed his hands.

“The former prime minister of Japan was dead when the Air Force One crashed. Now we can’t say anything about it. Anyway, just be careful!” Xu Zhe said.

“Aliens have been using this submarine base to direct the actions of the global warworms. They are very careful. They use ultra-low frequency signals to transmit. If they are far away from their headquarters, the electronic equipment of the earth people can hardly retrieve these encryptions. Even if the wireless signal is received, it will ignore the past…

In the past few months, my experimental base has been drifting quietly on the East China Sea, trying to collect signals from aliens as much as possible, pretending to be waste, drifting on the sea near their base, and intercepting a lot of intelligence information. But the password information with alien language is so difficult to decipher, so that it was not until 10 days ago that we finally cracked the first important piece of information…”

“Oh?” Xu Zhe came to the spirit, “What information?”

“All the actions of those war worms, on the surface, seem to be fighting humans and want to wipe out the people on earth by war, but in fact, land warfare is basically a cover, and their only goal is to capture the United States! Fifty-one! District!” Lin Tao stared into his eyes and said firmly.

“Why? Why is it aimed at District 51?”

Lin Tao looked at Xu Zhe weirdly: “Because of Ultrain! This is the only throat left in human beings. It stuck in the 51st area, and it killed the entire human race!”

“Oh…” Xu Zhe thought for a while. It seemed that he understood what Lin Tao said in an instant, but everyone was at a loss. They didn’t know what dumb riddle the two were playing.

“Why do you say that? Give an explanation?” Hao Zhi asked Xu Zhe.

Xu Zhe motioned everyone to sit down and said slowly: “The universe is vast, similar to the solar system, and even galaxies with basically the same structure. There are no less than 1 million in the Milky Way alone. Do you think there is only earth civilization in the universe?”

Originally, we were not sure whether there was an alien civilization in the universe, until Professor Naduo interrupted his study in the United States and returned to China. After finishing “Naduo Notes” based on his own memories and handing it over to the country, we secretly established the underground palace. Experimental base……

Oh, yes, you have all been there, Hao Zhi. You probably know that in addition to the underground plaza, there is also our own Superbrain Laboratory…

In fact, as early as the 1950s, we had built the first Tianhe computer prototype based on the technical data in that many notebooks, and it was also the first Superbrain in China.

By the way, do you know what Ultrain is?

“Isn’t it a supercomputer?” Hao Zhi said, “It’s bigger than a normal computer and has a faster calculation speed…”

No, no, no… Xu Zhe shook his head, Super Brain, and ordinary computers are fundamentally different!

“Oh? Are they all computers? What’s the difference?”

As you know, general computer operations are based on the binary system, which is a device for performing basic information operations and storage for the two numbers 1, 0.

Ultrain is different, it is… ternary!

“Ternary system?” Hao Zhi still adheres to the old habit, looking at Wang Yanke whenever he doesn’t understand, and using her as a living dictionary. Unfortunately, this time Wang Yanke also shook his head.

“I only know that the former Soviet Union studied it, but later gave up for some reasons. As for what the ternary computer can do, it is really not clear.”

“Actually, the computer system you have now is a ternary ultra-brain microcomputer!” Xu Zhe nodded Wang Yanke with his hand and said, “That is what we often call artificial intelligence!”

Lin Tao looked at the strange girl in front of him in astonishment, and for a long time he suddenly realized: “Old Xu, this girl is…Wang Yanke?”

It seemed that he was still unclear about something that happened later. Xu Zhe probably told him about it. Lin Tao pulled Wang Yanke over with a sigh and looked at her carefully: “Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, you still survived. It’s not easy… Lao Xu has tossed out the ternary system after all. You can get this kind of supercomputing ability, coupled with your extremely clever brain, God knows what else you can do in the future?”

“After all, what exactly is ternary?” Hao Zhi was anxious.

Very simple, binary means 0 and 1. That is to say, in the computer’s cognition range, the world has nothing but negation, it is certain, and the ternary system is more the same, -1, 0 and 1, three The number, in the cognitive range of Ultrain, the world has uncertainty, it is (1), not (-1) and possibly (0)…

Under this kind of computer system, it is possible for computers to perform fuzzy and guessing associative thinking like humans. This is also the key to artificial intelligence breakthroughs-let the computer learn fuzzy calculations and understand what is “almost” and “a little like”.

Oh… Hao Zhi nodded, seemingly understandable.

“Until Ultrain was manufactured we wrote the program according to the code recorded in the notes of the professor, but decrypted a whole set of scientific knowledge system of the system. The military, physics, and physics contained in this system Astronomical knowledge far exceeds the overall level of our modern society…

Only then did we realize that the original material that Professor Nadu saw in the United States was passed on to a few people on Earth by some friendly aliens in the past…

With the help of these technologies, we have successfully developed nuclear bombs, satellites, nanomaterials, and near-Earth space technologies! “Speaking of this, Xu Zhe’s face showed the kind of pride that could not be concealed.

Wang Yanke and Hao Zhi looked at each other for a while, and suddenly said: “No wonder, after World War II, so many countries in the world have sharpened their heads and want to become stronger quickly, but our motherland has successfully completed it at a staggering speed. From the post-agricultural era, crossing the industrial era, directly entering the atomic age, and leaping into the information age…The whole world is curious, and the rise of China in the 21st century is itself the biggest puzzle that the world cannot explain!”

“That is to say, the aliens who help us are not the same kind as the ones who beat us?” Hao Zhi raised his head and thought, “Then…why can’t we ask the aliens to help us, and the aliens who attacked us? Kill it?”

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