Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 137

Chapter 137: Cosmic civilization

Everyone’s hopes were extinguished in an instant, but they were still very unwilling. General Gantt seemed to have known the answer for a long time. The question he asked was just for everyone present to understand.

“Please explain!” General Gantt said quietly.

Alien Eke paused, as if he was organizing language: “Someone is warlike, and some loves peace. Then, if the belligerent race receives your distress signal, the result may be worse than it is now, as if someone is being The victim of purse-robbing called out another group of bandits who like to kill…”

“If it is received by a peace-loving race like you? Wouldn’t we have another way out?”

“No, pacifists are not nosy!”

“That’s a **** peace-loving? No sympathy? Watching us being killed and abused but indifferent?” Hao Zhi cursed in a low voice angrily.

Eck stretched his hands helplessly: “This is the attitude of the pacifists in the universe-if in the name of a peace defender, you can participate in wars wherever there is war, then the most wars in this universe are those who claim to be peaceful. Race, isn’t it?

If peace can be a reason for launching or participating in war, then there are no real pacifists.

At the same time, there is no war nation anymore. The so-called war nation can invade a world like the earth in the name of loving peace, even if it is just for the survival of the animals on the earth or to prevent you from killing each other. Be a reason…

Moreover, the cost of a long-distance interstellar travel is almost the most of the resources on a civilized planet. Who will ruin your family to help you fight a battle that has nothing to do with him? Is it just for the praise of a pacifist in your mouth?

A true civilization doesn’t care what others think of oneself…”

“Ghost theory!” Hao Zhi curled his lips and stopped talking.

“Then can you provide some news about the aliens who invaded us? For so long, we have been ignorant of the enemy, keeping us in a dynamic situation on the battlefield!” General Gantt reluctantly changed the subject.

“Usually, high-level civilizations will not spy on each other. There is a high risk of wiping out guns and misfires. The most advanced secrets of each civilization are in their own hands and will not be known to any other race. of!”

“Civilization’s top secret?” Everyone looked at each other, this statement seemed very novel!

“Yes, the key information for the survival of a civilization must not be displayed to any civilization other than yourself! Between two planets so far apart, understanding each other is like finding a small piece on a riverbed. Hole, before not knowing what animal lives in it, no one would rashly put his finger in…

Therefore, as long as you hide your secrets, you are the reptile viper hidden deep in the cave in the eyes of the other party. Under normal circumstances, you will not be easily attacked. ”

“In other words, Blood Moon Civilization hides its secrets very well?” General Gantt asked.

“Yes, so we, like you, know almost nothing about them!” Eke emphasized twice, and then said, “However, judging from the fact that the other party can conduct interstellar voyages, their civilization is more than that of the people on Earth. 1000 years! And you have mastered the secrets of civilization of your earthlings!”

“Then… what is usually the top secret of a civilization?” Wang Yanke walked out of the team and asked, looking directly at Eke’s deep eyes.

To understand this problem, first of all, you have to understand, what is civilization itself?

Are they books, paintings, hymns, or historical documents?

No, that’s just a vehicle for recording civilization!

The development of civilization and technology is actually a change in the way of walking!

Recall the history of your human beings-from the beginning of primitive society, the apes on all fours, in their eyes, the world is a tree, to another tree, they wander and jump in the jungle that they think is extremely open Until one day, one of the apes finally came to a tree at the outermost edge of the forest. He peeled off the leaves and suddenly appeared in front of him by the vast land and mountains and rivers that surprised him…

This moment brought a leap in the cognition of this ape. It turns out that the world can still be such a large piece of grassland!

Therefore, he began to crawl awkwardly on the vast grassland. Later, he found that occasionally standing up would be more flexible and run faster, so slowly, the apes began to stand up and run more and became humans. , People see the world with their feet, liberating the hands that can be made, and finally one day, these primitive people come to the beach…

Thus, another leap of cognition has arrived. It turns out that the world has not only a broad grassland, but also a sea that is hundreds and thousands of times larger than the grassland land!

They began to experiment with their own wise hands, made simple rafts, crossed canyons, bays, and even oceans, and arrived in the new world. They began communication and the development of civilization, until they learned to nomadic, plant, and domesticate horses. This kind of natural The emergence of transportation has doubled the longest distance an ape can travel in a lifetime, allowing him to gather all the food in a single day that could not be completed in the past three days, which promotes resources The acquisition of civilization has exponentially developed.

Later, mankind successively invented ships, automobiles, airplanes… to space shuttles, and then to space capsules. Every reform of the navigation method will bring you to see a wider world and recognize more truths. Promoted the sustainable development of civilization.

Wang Yanke couldn’t help but interjected and asked: “Do you mean that the development of civilization in the universe is also carried out in accordance with this law?”

Eke nodded, confirming her guess!

The so-called civilization is the way you can see the world!

In order to facilitate your understanding, I will use the expressions and enumerations you are most familiar with to illustrate:

The first-level civilization in the universe is the civilization that has mastered the ability to travel at the speed of light. They are races that can freely cross time and space on an eternal scale, from one end of the universe to the other, or from The end of the universe, back to the beginning of the universe,

According to your human understanding and habits, we call him “God-level civilization”, which is higher than all other civilizations. They don’t care about any aggression at all, and they don’t bother to invade others, because they are already strong enough that the enemy is equal to him. Under such prerequisites, the war is to die together, so no one will take the initiative to launch a war.

Moreover, after the development of science and technology to the end, the only purpose of the survival of a god-level civilization is to carry out philosophical thinking and to make a breakthrough in the truth of the universe itself.

I don’t expect you to understand what civilizations are doing on this level. Perhaps from your perspective, they are more like a bunch of lunatics, always carrying out endless thought experiments and self-destructive attempts.

At that level of civilization, the survival of the universe does not seem to have much to do with him, so the universe is over, and they can still exist…

“Out of the Three Realms, not among the Five Elements?” Wang Yanke whispered.

“And the second-level civilization, we can call it “the fairy-level civilization.” They have not mastered the ultimate mystery of the universe, but they already have the technology close to the god-level civilization. This kind of civilization basically masters one-tenth. The speed of light can sail from one end of the galaxy to the other in a relatively short period of time. You can navigate freely between galaxies, and you can also freely use the energy of a “quasar” to serve yourself, whether it’s building In the new world, destroy the enemy.”

“Quasis?” Hao Zhi touched Wang Yanke, saying that he didn’t know.

Wang Yanke explained to him in a low voice: “It is an interstellar body in the universe. A small planet has greater energy and brightness than all the stars in the entire galaxy combined!”

Eke wasn’t upset that he was interrupted. He waited patiently for Wang Yanke to finish before continuing the introduction.

“The races that have reached this level of civilization have long abandoned the original model of fixed planet development, and will never have a shortage of resources. They wander among the various galaxies in the universe, pursuing the ultimate development of technology and the leap of civilization. Enthusiastic about learning knowledge and making breakthroughs in civilization itself.

In the eyes of a fairy-level civilization, all the resources of a planet are only the brightness of a match…

Therefore, they neither want to invade your home and live there, nor do they bother to take the pitiful resources of your home. Therefore, the fairy-level civilization will not carry out a meaningless aggression. Only when provoked and defended can it be possible to launch a war. ”

“Obviously, Blood Moon is not in this rank!” Wang Yanke and General Gantt exchanged their eyes and continued to listen.

“The third level of civilization, that is, the’magic level civilization.’ Civilizations that have reached this level have highly developed technology, but they are also in the bottleneck period of civilization development. They have just stepped out of their own star system and have basically mastered it. The navigation ability of one percent of the speed of light, so interstellar travel can be carried out, but the speed is relatively slow and the consumption is huge.

From a star to a star, they often need thousands of voyages, so they must mine the star resources with huge energy for their next stage of voyage.

And once there are other civilizations around the stars they encounter in their mining, especially when this kind of civilization that has just developed and is still shrinking on its parent star and evolving is far below their technology, the disaster is often devastating. , They will drain the resources of a star, and then fly away. The weak civilization can only watch the star that provides its energy collapse, expand, and then slowly extinguish, silently dying in the cradle swaddling. ”

“These aliens who invaded us should be demonic civilizations, right?” Hao Zhi asked.

Eke shook his head. No, the blood moon is far from the level of a demon-level civilization. They can only be regarded as a demon-level civilization at best, just like the monsters in your human civilization and ancient myths. There are good and evil, some basic Demon ability, cannibalism and harm, or help others.

Civilizations of this level are diverse in variety, and the number is also the largest. They have the ability to navigate about one-thousandth of the speed of light, and can only navigate within the range of the star system very close to them. Once they exceed this range, they will The engine shuts down due to energy loss midway. It may take hundreds of thousands or even millions of years for the drifting after losing power to reach the next resource-gathering star, and by the time it arrives, the people on it may have already become Remnants of the universe.

Therefore, at this stage of the demon-class civilization, unless there is a depletion of the resources of the home planet, or a major change, it is generally not rushed to invade others, because the navigation takes too long and there are too many unpredictable factors in the middle. During the hundreds of years when he flew to a weak civilization, the weak civilization has developed to the magic level or even the fairy level, and the result can only be moths fighting the fire.

Hao Zhi suddenly asked curiously: “Then which level does our human civilization belong to now?”

Eke smiled contemptuously: “What is the fastest speed of your human beings?”

Wang Yanke thought for a while and replied: “The fastest man-made aircraft in the world should be the’New Horizon’ probe launched in 2006. Its fastest speed has reached nearly 60,000 kilometers per hour…”

Eckhaha laughed: “In other words, it’s only one-20,000th of the speed of light, barely reaching the level of human-level civilization, your human civilization, but still toddling…”

Hao Zhi was not convinced, and wanted to ask for psychological comfort: “Is there any lower?”

It can be classified as “animal civilization” or “reptile civilization”. Please note that the navigation speed of all civilizations I just mentioned refers to the use of large interstellar fleets, which can be carried out on a planetary scale. The civilization of ethnic immigrants, if humans are measured according to this standard, you are still far from the level of reptilian civilization…

Eke said that human civilization is still only in the reptile stage…

“Wow!” Hao Zhi lost his confidence in an instant felt a hit.

However, Wang Yanke’s eyes lit up: “Just now you said… Some civilizations can reach the fairy level within a few hundred years?”

“Yes, a very small number of races with a high degree of innovation and learning are evolving very fast. You must know that each race is limited by physical conditions and the environment, and the development speed is completely different. Some races can only develop slowly and uniformly. , Some can leap. Fortunately, you humans belong to the latter. In the past 100 years, you have gone through other civilizations of the same kind and it takes 5000 years or more to walk…”

“Is there any faster than us?” Hao Zhi broke the temper of a child again, always asking some pointless and extreme questions.

Eke looked up into the distance and groaned for a while, as if deciding whether to say this or not. After a long while, he quietly threw a blockbuster: “According to the historical records of our civilization, I have seen a race before you On the scale of earth time, it only took 1 year to evolve from a reptilian civilization to a god-level civilization…”

One year! ! !

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