Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 142

Chapter 142: Phantom War Worm

“Have you seen the actual launch effect?” Hao Zhi asked in a low voice.

He shook his head fiercely: “I saw it once, when the alien war worms followed their signals and came to the door. However, the aliens may just treat our arsenal as a general target, and only sent more than a dozen war worms. To clean up, we dispatched 10 war cats to fight head-on, using this metal storm, guess what? One second, one second, pushing the past projectile rain horizontally, blinking the dozens of war insects into After the sieve, it is not an exaggeration. The whole body is leaking and leaking, and there is only a shelf left, and it will fall apart with a finger poke!”

Thinking of this, Hao Zhi had some confidence. He shouted fiercely at the call system and asked him to take half of the war cats to the west of the base to set up a formation to avoid overlapping firepower.

Da Meng agreed and led the team to arm.

Hao Zhi stabilized his mind, and told him that all the combat units under his command were arranged in a square array to avoid the overlap of the coverage area and the waste of weapons. All the war cats quickly dispatched in accordance with the order, forming a long snake formation.

Twenty-five thousand mecha war cats are arranged every 20 meters, and 500 are arranged in a row. A total of 50 rows of huge square arrays extend 10 kilometers away, the farthest from the corner of Hao Zhi’s formation. That one, there is a black spot left by visual inspection.

As the first defensive battle line, we are ready to face the war insects swarming from the south. The airborne intelligent weapon joint defense system automatically delimits the attack range for each war cat, which is connected to each other but does not overlap, ensuring the weapon Maximize the launch effect!

Hao Zhi calculated secretly in his heart, the firing speed of each launch tube was 20,000, and each exciter was 36 tubes. In other words, each war cat fired 2.88 million bullets in one second. , In other words, when the war bugs rushed up, within one second, there would be nearly 1.5 billion bullets covering the entire battlefield… What kind of picture would it look like?

It seems that people really gave this weapon system an appropriate name, it really can only be a metal storm, a feast of violence that swept through everything!


Waiting is a painful thing, especially for the upcoming war with unpredictable consequences.

When an arrogant and powerful enemy rushes towards his face, every soldier holding a steel gun will shiver slightly, perhaps because of excitement, perhaps, because of fear…

Within 15 minutes, three hundred U.S. fighter jets had been whizzing up into the air one after another. On the ground, the motorized tank unit was already standing by. 2000 armored tanks followed Hao Zhi and their war cats to form the second protective echelon!

Further on, 50,000 special forces soldiers equipped with the most advanced high-energy electromagnetic railguns have been distributed behind all the buildings and bunkers of the base. Hao Zhi discovered that the ground outside the buildings of the base rose from the ground out of thin air. There are countless concrete bunkers, all diverging outward in concentric circles, forming the third protective barrier of the base.

And the center of all protection is the giant warehouse where the supercomputer “Sequoia” is located!

At the door of the warehouse, the guard soldiers who were the last line of defense were surrounded by hand-held high-energy electromagnetic railguns.

All the soldiers quietly followed Hao Zhi, looking at the two graceful figures on the shoulders of the war cat he was driving. The waist is slender and the body is soft. Sitting is Wang Yanke, she is like a plastic sculpture. The angel statue on the roof is holy and elegant, overlooking the struggling world below.

And standing, it was Song Xiaojia, who had put on her new armor, her long black curly hair flew up in the wind, her hair swept across the Yinggang saber in her hand, her face with disdain and contempt. With her unparalleled and proud look.

50 kilometers…40 kilometers…The data indicated that the mechanical war insects were approaching step by step. Hao Zhi heard the faint buzzing sound of the air vibrating from the wing membrane of the enemy in the distance. He wiped the sweat from his heart and calculated it. The most suitable attack distance, Da Meng said, the effective attack distance of the metal storm is within 10 kilometers, and the power of farther will be greatly reduced.

“Blessed by the Buddha, these alien grandsons don’t start attacking outside the range…” Hao Zhi controlled his mecha war cat, standing at the head of the team, a little drumming in his heart.

Song Xiaojia squatted next to Hao Zhi’s “cat ears” and said to him in the cabin: “What do you want to do with your kid standing so close?”

Hao Zhi smiled at her through the megaphone: “During the last beach landing battle, I was dragged by you. I didn’t join the battle until the last one. It’s shameful. This time I am the captain and I will be the first one!”

“Are you going to die first?” Song Xiaojia laughed.

“Bah, your crow’s mouth, can you say something auspicious?” Hao Zhi complained, and the quarrel with Song Xiaojia relieved him a lot of psychological tension, thinking that Wang Yanke was on the shoulder of his mecha Standing on the top, this gave him a kind of boldness, and the gene blood of the man gradually boiled in his body.

Fortunately, the alien war worms don’t seem to have any plans to take advantage of the distance. They still have no intention of slowing down or launching laser weapons. The huge black waves rolling over from the land,

The air was trembling slightly with the air waves raised by the war insects. Hao Zhi suddenly felt that what was in front of him was erratic, and he couldn’t focus his sight. There were only 20 kilometers left, so I don’t have to wait any longer. If the opponent launches from a long distance With laser beams, we are bound to suffer. We can only take a group of people into the enemy’s camp and disrupt their front line corners first!

Thinking of this, Hao Zhi yelled behind him: “The first assault team, follow me, go first!”

Then his consciousness flashed, urging the war cat, collapsed, and rushed towards the enemy line. At a speed of less than 20 kilometers, at the foot of these war cats that ran forty to fifty meters, it was only a five-minute journey. In the blink of an eye…

Song Xiaojia and Wang Yanke on the shoulders of the war cat even jumped up on the shoulders of the war cat at the moment the war cat started, and rushed over as if taking the lead in flying.

The two landed more than a dozen meters away, and then kicked the ground again, and they were already more than a dozen meters away. Behind them, Hao Zhi drove the cat mecha and whizzed in between the two girls.

When the soldiers behind saw that the captain had already started, they were naturally unambiguous. They started the war cat one after another, and followed them with a whirr…

It’s close, it’s close… Right in front of you, those war worms with dull and ferocious faces are rushing toward them! It’s less than 500 meters…

Hao Zhi saw the distance, jumped sharply, left the team behind, jumped in front of Wang Yanke and the others, activated the “Metal Storm” electronic trigger, and only felt the war cat’s body tremble slightly, the system There was a short ‘squeak” sound of electric current passing through the barrel, followed by a deafening sound of firing. Hao Zhi couldn’t see clearly. He felt that a silver bullet wall five meters high and seven or eight feet wide was flying away. go out.

Those short-made bullet arrays were arranged like a Go chessboard, especially neat and tidy, so that at the moment they were launched, Hao Zhi seemed to see a looming square silver mirror suddenly appeared in front of him, flying away from his distance towards the enemy. And in the “mirror”, the figure of a war cat retreated quickly…

The mechanical war worm is still flying towards itself…

Hao Zhi was taken aback, but they were unmoved? How can this be?

Hidden by them? impossible! Two million metal **** the size of a thumb are pushed across in a dense array of dots, like a large, dense net. How can it be dodged?

Blocked by them? But why there is no sound at all, even if those metal **** are small and hit metal at 3 times the speed of sound, they will make some echoes?

When Hao Zhi was dazedly unable to think of the result, he suddenly saw a piece of sand on the desert floor, far behind the war insects!

“Could it be… the bullet passed through the bodies of those guys and flew directly?” Hao Zhi had a very unlucky answer. Before the answer became clear, the war cat he was driving had already rushed into the enemy’s formation. Hao Zhi suddenly stood up, and the war cat rose into the air. He changed into a human form in mid-air. He took off the giant Yingsteel sword from his back and slashed it like a golf ball. He wanted to meet the first batch. The arrival of the war worms was scattered all over the place.

However, the war knife swept into the air without encountering any resistance. There was no expected loud sound of metal collisions, no sparks, no horrible images of insects flying…

Hao Zhi stood there with his saber in a daze, watching the countless war insects that hadn’t been below the knees, passing through his war cat’s body like a shadow, and continuing to flow silently toward the base like a river. In an instant, He understands it, it’s the shadow!

At that moment, he remembered the white-robed saint he saw in the Sequoia computer control room last night!

It is a three-dimensional holographic projection technology!

It’s all fake!

“Be careful, the war worms are fake! It’s shadows! Phantoms!” Hao Zhi yelled into the phone. Although he couldn’t guess what the aliens meant to play these phantoms to them, he was certain. That is, there is no good thing!

The one hundred war cats that followed were also stunned watched at a loss as the countless war insects under their feet were still crawling forward mechanically, as if they were about to perform a virtual conquest. Like the performance of the base, how do you fight this? All are false illusions!

“No, we can’t tell how many war insects there are in this situation. There must be a phantom projection source in the middle of them! As long as you find it, you can eliminate all these three-dimensional projections!” Wang Yanke jumped on. War Cat, patted the head of War Cat driving Hao Zhi and said, “Start a radar scan to see if there is anything to be discovered?”

Hao Zhi responded and quickly activated the pulse radar interface to quickly scan the base square within 20 kilometers around him. The radar indicator light swept across the dial, but Hao Zhi was surprised!

“This…” He stammered.

Wang Yanke didn’t understand what he was talking about, so he slapped the cat’s head anxiously: “Speak well!”

“How is this possible?” Hao Zhi shouted!

“What’s the situation?” Song Xiaojia asked loudly, standing underneath.

Hao Zhi then read the coordinates of the war insects scanned on the screen: “The radar shows that there is only one mechanical war insect in this square!”

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