Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 146

Chapter 146: Singled out

? There is a kind of people in this world who are indecisive and look forward to things. They often lose precious opportunities and resources given by fate in the midst of wandering and hesitation.

There is another kind of person who is completely opposite. This kind of person is impulsive and casual.

Hao Zhi obviously does not belong to the former…

He felt cheated.

A long-term decisive battle that was full of expectations turned into a unilateral slaughter show. The hundreds of thousands of soldiers fighting side by side were instantly vaporized in front of them. The 51st district base is the last hope that remains in the hearts of mankind, but it is like the wind. The middle candle is usually blown out easily, and the aliens do not play cards according to common sense at all, which makes Hao Zhi feel like being molested alive to death.

It’s like a person who has lost his wallet. He doesn’t even know how the other person puts his hand into his pocket. All that is left is annoyance and resentment, thinking about what will happen if he catches the thief.

Now, the thief named “Blood Moon” is floating above the southeast sky, with a consistent calm, numbness, and slowly moving in the clouds. The huge bright figure seems to be close in front of him, but so far away. Out of reach…

Hao Zhi drove his war cat like an angry bolide, and quickly caught up in the direction of the **** moon’s escape. Soon, Xu Zhe’s anxious voice came from the computer: “Hao Zhi! Why are you going? Come back quickly…”

“…” Hao Zhi didn’t speak, just bit his lip, his eyes quickly searched on the three-dimensional screen.

“What are you doing? The blood moon hangs over a thousand kilometers in the low-Earth orbit. Your war cat does not have the ability to fly in deep space at all. Coming down!”

“Nonsense, of course I know this!” Hao Zhi replied coldly.

“Then what are you going to do now?” Xu Zhe asked.

Suddenly, Hao Zhi saw dense black spots under the mountains to the east. He activated the visual tracking system to zoom in on the screen and confirmed that it was the mechanical war insects moving at high speed. Just want to run? Dreaming!”

With a roar, the war cat pierced down from the clouds, dived quickly in the misty atmosphere, and landed heavily at the foot of a mountain, like a heavy bomb falling from the sky, stirring up dust in the sky.

The sky is already bright, but there is no trace of the sun. There are thick dark clouds in the sky and thick fog on the ground, like dense milk. The visibility is less than 100 meters. Under the cover of this dense fog, rows of machinery The war worms were rushing silently, but suddenly they heard a loud bang at the foot of the mountain behind the team, which shocked many war worms and turned their heads to look in that direction.

In the smoke and dust, Hao Zhi…that is, the five-meter-high giant robot he was manipulating stood up, kicked away the gravel under his feet, swayed his neck, and let out a “Cang Lang” from behind. Pulling out the three or four-meter-long Yingsteel war knife, holding it upside down, dragging it to the ground, slowly approaching the mechanical war insects…

“You alien grandchildren! Don’t you like singled out? Lord, come to accompany you twice!” Hao Zhi and the robot maintain exactly the same movements. Whatever he does, the robot will achieve something synchronously. He slowly changes from walking. In order to trot, he raised the sword in his hand and rushed to the battle insect team. A sea fishing for the moon, like a golf swing, flashed white light, the insects were still in a daze, the first war insect’s The body is like a zongzi cut by a fishing line, it has been slowly staggered from the middle, and it has been cut into two pieces!

Hao Zhi adjusted the war knife in his hand, holding the knife in both hands and rushing into the swarm. If nothing else, it was just a slash and slash. Was rushed by other panicked bugs.

Several war worms reacted, turning their heads from the front of the team, and violently spraying a strong fluorescent green acid from their mouths. The electronic early warning system in the war cats had already judged the threat in advance and conveyed this possible danger to it through nerve conduction. In Hao Zhi’s subconscious judgment, he raised his foot and kicked a war bug, grabbed one of the guy’s legs, and picked it up, like a huge black shield, blocking the front of his body and rushing forward.

Those strong acids are extremely corrosive, and even the accompanying hard shells could not resist. Hao Zhi only smelled the pungent odor produced by the melting of metals in the strong acid. He didn’t care about it, and rushed through it stiffly, with the war insects in his hand. The corpse smashed at the opponent, and the round corpse rolled over like a huge discus, smashing over a dozen war worms that were ready to spray strong acid.

The two on the side had just sprayed a period of strong acid, and before the second wave of spraying continued, Hao Zhi had already arrived in front of him: “I will let you spray!”

While speaking, Hao Zhi gritted his teeth and slammed his sword in the past. The sharp Yingsteel sword almost didn’t encounter any resistance, and went straight in from the war worm’s mouth.

The war worm issued a huge squeak of pain. Hao Zhi had already reddened his eyes, and his white eyes were already red. He grabbed the handle of the knife with both hands, twisted the war knife 90 degrees, and turned it in the only son of the mechanical war worm. He got up, the blade was facing upwards, and then stepped on the head of the war insect with one foot, and fiercely lifted the big knife, like raising a fixed guillotine, directly breaking the opponent in half!

At this time, a war insect appeared quietly from behind. It vibrated its wing membrane, and suddenly jumped up with six legs. Like a big round backpack, it leaped forward and buckled Hao Zhi’s back. Going up, Hao Zhi only felt that the mecha sank and almost couldn’t stand it. At the same time, the synchronized nerve conduction made him feel a pain in his right shoulder!

Originally, the machine could not feel any pain, but Xu Zhe specially added this when designing the armor. Any part of the armor’s exoskeleton suffered more than a certain degree of damage, and the synchronous nerve conduction system would use micro-current to drive. The driver produces a bit of tingling at the corresponding position to remind the driver that there is different degree of wear and tear in this part.

Hao Zhi realized in an instant that his right shoulder was bitten, like being stung by an ant. He stretched out his left hand around his shoulder, grabbed the forelimb of the war insect, and threw it over his shoulder. The guy weighing nearly 10 tons was used to the ground, and the whole ground vibrated like a ram with a bang.

The war worm on the ground was like a tortoise that fell down. He couldn’t turn over with six legs. Hao Zhi lifted the foot of the battle armor, and a heavy weight slammed it down. He stepped heavily into the abdomen of the war worm. The sound of the mechanical war worm was stepped on and its bones were deformed, like a sunken broken bowl, and sour juice was spurting out of its mouth indiscriminately.

“There is a thermal attack in the rear!” The three-dimensional combat protection system sounded an alarm. Hao Zhi knew that his movements would be slow when he turned his head back, so he sprinted forward. The posture, the various components moved quickly and quickly, and when they landed again, they had changed into a war cat form.

It turned out that a dozen war worms sneaking up had activated their laser transmitters. As soon as the war cat driven by Hao Zhi smashed down, the lasers swept the side and shot into the air. They hadn’t waited for the second attack. When it was issued, the War Cat had already started crawling about more than ten meters away, and approached as fast as lightning. When it was less than five meters away, it suddenly activated the two “Metal Storm” machine guns it carried.

This series of actions was so fast that even Hao Zhi was surprised. Such an amazingly synchronized neural interaction system even magnified his combat instincts. Sometimes just an idea appeared in his mind, and the computer would quickly predict and react based on the battlefield situation.

At a distance of five meters, the metal storm weapon system roared and turned on, and an array of 20,000 steel bullets was activated at one time, and the “mirror” composed of smooth bullets appeared in midair!

The dozen or so war worms that were copied from the team’s bread were swept by a metal storm, and they all instantly became sieves and hornet’s nests. Metal parts and worm limbs were seen flying in mid-air, and only stray insect legs were left on the ground. The worm’s head and body were blown away by the storm, and it flew like a nervous reflex.

“Damn, this is amazing!” Hao Zhi exclaimed, feeling like a flower in his heart, but it was too late to celebrate the victory. There were thousands of war insects behind him. This battle was just beginning!

He turned the mecha and rushed into the war worms again in the form of war cats. This is much more convenient. The war cats made of all Yinggang are like tigers leaning on the wolves, and they can bite wherever they go. They broke up and fled, and were torn in half on the spot…

Through the surveillance system installed by the two eyes of the war cat, Xu Zhe also saw this heads-up battle in the headquarters. .

“After the notification, make Hao Zhi’s ongoing battle into a global synchronization signal, and forward it to the global network and TV system!” Xu Zhe ordered, “Contact the US police and search for all the cameras and surveillance screens available nearby. Try to report all the pictures of Hao Zhi over there as fully as possible!”

“Yes!” A technician nervously began to operate on the computer.

“General, what are you doing?” a guard asked in a low voice.

“Confidence!” Xu Zhe said meaningfully, “Human beings are retreating steadily. For them, the most precious thing at this time is confidence. If confidence is gone, this battle will end early!”

Hao Zhi drove his war cat all the way down the mountain road hidden by the green pine, leaving behind the corpses and parts of the war insect in one place. The explosion sounded everywhere, and the damaged war insect was billowing with thick smoke. A civilian surveillance camera hung in the corner was tracking the picture throughout. The Americans also sent two unmanned reconnaissance planes from the nearest air base to hover in mid-air to take pictures of the battle.

In the day after the 51st District was destroyed , human beings were almost plunged into panic and despair. The air-raid shelters, sewers, and refugees hidden in the ruins all over the world bowed their heads and prayed silently to God for the last. Of blessing.

In a dark corner, a three or four-year-old boy raised his dirty face and asked his mother: “Are we defeated?”

The young American woman was hesitating not knowing how to answer, but she heard cheers from outside the refugee camp, so she picked up the child and rushed out, just on the screen of a small TV placed in the middle of the ruined hall. The scene of Hao Zhi breaking into the swarm was being broadcast, and countless people raised their fists excitedly, like onlookers watching a fierce ball game.

In the dense haze, the dark clouds suddenly opened a gap. The bright sun shines like the last hope of the human soul, and a beam of light is projected diagonally on the ground. The war bugs collapsed and fled, and went into the dense forest headlessly in all directions. Among them, the battle armor that Hao Zhi was driving rushed up to a mountain, turned back into a human form with a click, raised his sword and pointed it straight at the **** moon in the sky.

Between the world and the earth, Hao Zhi’s scolding echoed: “The blood moon of the grass mud horse! Don’t you like singles? Lao Tzu is here, you can come down if you have the ability!”

The rain is rushing down again…

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