Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 160

Chapter 160: 3-state warfare

The blood moon robot was evaporated to the size of a liquid basketball, but suddenly it stretched out a nano flying blade, like a rotating fan, sweeping the war cat robots suspended on the circle like dozens of war cats. I hurriedly adjusted the height, so as to avoid the nano flying blades on a horizontal surface. Those invisible “knife wires” were touched. There were already more than 20 war cats that were directly divided into corpses because they couldn’t avoid them.

The burning in the center of the explosion continued, the giant fireball gradually shrank, and the bright white light in the center gradually turned orange-red.

General Gantt stared at the messy battlefield in the air and the fireball: “Time should be enough. As long as it continues to burn, the high temperature of 10,000 degrees is enough to evaporate that guy!”

“How do you know that the fireball has 10,000 degrees? I heard that Yinggang has a melting point of 5,000 degrees!” Lower than this temperature can cause no harm to it.

General Gantt hugged his chest confidently and clicked on Hao Zhi with a finger: “Don’t you see that the color of the fireball is still orange-red! Temperature and color are related. Generally speaking, starting from dark red to Light color changes, the darker the color, the lower the temperature… From deep red to orange to yellow, the temperature gradually increases, and then it becomes white, warm white, to pure white, and then reaches white blue, sky blue flame Have you ever seen it? I’m afraid there is none on Earth. The color of the fireball’s surface now indicates that the temperature has fallen below 7000 degrees. However, the evaporating guy is enough!”

The sky-blue flame… Hao Zhi thought for a while, I’ve seen it on a gas stove, it’s ordinary!

“Stupid boy, it’s burning with impurities. I’m talking about the color of the flame in a relatively pure combustion environment. After adding industrial raw materials, even cold fireworks that don’t burn at all can make the sky blue. Temperature has nothing to do! Even the ordinary explosions we see will change the color due to the participation of a large number of impurities in the air. To judge the color by spectrum, we can only rely on experience to find the color produced by reliable and pure combustion. Looking in a vacuum.” General Gantt shook his head and laughed at Hao Zhi’s ignorance.

Before the two of them had finished speaking, they suddenly felt the wind. A strong wind from behind almost knocked Hao Zhi down. The whistling wind swept across the auricle and made a sound like ghost crying and wolf howling. The surrounding trees were bent over, and the crown of the tree shook violently. stand up.

“Why is there such a strong wind suddenly?” Hao Zhi was surprised. The wind was at least level 8 and it caused people to stand unsteadily. A few people had to squat down on the spot, put the collars of their clothes up to cover their faces, and squinted their eyes to look. The situation on the battlefield.

In this strange wind, the burning fireball is quickly extinguishing!

The flame ball, which was originally stretched outwards, seemed to be held by a human hand, and suddenly retracted toward its center, and at an extremely fast speed, it shrank into a bright white spot in the blink of an eye, and then puffed. , It’s gone!

The blood moon robot has been burned and evaporated to the size of an orange. It is suspended in mid-air steamingly, and its energy is about to evaporate. When it is about to be completely finished, the flame to bake it Suddenly it went out automatically!

Then, at the bottom of the dark clouds in the sky, black rain began to fall, and every drop of rainwater was mixed with the vapor of Yingsteel that evaporated. Due to the rapid drop in temperature, it recondensed into a liquid, forming a few millimeters of Yingsteel metal balls. , Like a rain of silver metal sesame seeds sprinkled in the air, rushed down.

Hao Zhi and the others were standing on a hill a few kilometers away, watching the violent wind, a “Teli” cloud floating over the valley not far away, the size of a palm, and only it was “raining” by itself. It’s raining a weird “mercury rain”!

The liquid metal falling on the ground is like life, flowing in the grass between the flowers, converging drop by drop, converging from the droplets into small tributaries, and then flowing along the cracks in the soil towards the river bed, forming countless silvery shiny lines. The silk threads draw the veins of the earth like an impressionist painting. They are ghostly and beautiful. They clearly mark the texture of the earth’s skin and gather towards a center, that is, the crater just now!

The circular pit that the explosion exploded on the riverbed!

All the mercury liquid poured into it and it was gone!

“Oops, it’s freezing again! It seems that unless the high temperature continues to tens of thousands of degrees, as long as the combustion stops, it will quickly resolve from the air and automatically integrate into the robot form. It is immortal!” Wang Yan Ke turned her back to the wind, letting go and yelled at several people.

Song Xiaojia and Hao Zhi were also nervous. Indeed, this guy didn’t know what material it was made of. He could escape from the evaporation and condense into a liquid again!

“Yes-what can I do?” Hao Zhi also raised his voice and asked Gantt loudly in the howling wind.

Gantt squinted his eyes and looked around, and saw that there was a stone wall on the side that could shelter from the wind, and the middle was recessed in the middle, so he pointed. Everyone forced their way in against the wind, as if they were leaning in an arm. , The wind quickly became much quieter.

“I expected it! Evaporation is just a process…” Gantt explained to the three people, “A drop of water evaporates on the ground. It seems to have disappeared in our usual view, but in fact it does not disappear. It just becomes a gaseous state and goes into the air. When the temperature drops, it will turn into rain and fall to the ground again. The blood moon robot is also based on this principle. If you want to kill it, simply changing its three states is probably impossible. I I just saw it. Although it is liquid, there is an orange-sized central control system in its body. It is solid, but hidden under the liquid shape. As long as it is broken, its liquid cohesion is estimated. It will disintegrate and become a pool of unorganized liquid, and we can win!”

“You mean, the ball that was left after it evaporated?” Hao Zhi turned to look, only to see the “fire orange” floating in the air, like a ghost without a body.

Master Da Meng has also realized that it is the “core” of the Blood Moon Robot, and if it is eliminated, the Blood Moon Robot can be eliminated, so he jumped out of the battle formation, raised his sword and slashed towards it!

But that’s too difficult. A giant robot over five meters high, carrying a broad knife with a wide door, wants to cut an orange, which is undoubtedly equivalent to picking up a sesame seed on the chopping board with a kitchen knife!

More importantly, Sesame can’t run, but this “fire orange” is smart. It only needs to adjust the distance of ten centimeters slightly to avoid that thin as a cicada-winged sword. Isn’t it easy?

Furiously chasing the “fire orange” and chopped several knives, but the knives failed, and they couldn’t hit them at all. They were also sweating profusely. What’s more, as a giant mecha, the war cat was compared to that small ball. In other words, his posture is indeed a lot cumbersome. His flight trajectory can only be forward. If he wants to turn his head, he has to bend over a wheelbase of more than 20 meters wide. Disregarding any laws of physics at all, in the extremely fast flight speed, suddenly forward and backward, and suddenly the “Z” shape shuttles among the many war cats. Everyone drew out their war knives and slashed them like flies, but they were connected to the side. Didn’t wipe it…

A mess in mid-air, like driving dozens of buses to kill a fly, how could that be possible?

On the ground, the deep pit is already filled with most of the silver liquid metal, like a swimming pool filled with mercury. The mirror-like water surface is smooth and cold. The mercury rain has long been over. All the liquid robots Drops of raw materials gathered together, reflecting the battle in the air.

For a long time, “Fire Orange” seemed to have had enough fun. It suddenly fell from mid-air, and in the blink of an eye, it had already plunged into a deep pit, and fell back into the liquid material that had already gathered, agitating the molecular fluctuations of the liquid steel. , A bubble bulged on its surface, and it quickly subsided. Suddenly, a face bulged on the water, and then disappeared. Finally, a human figure stood up from the mercury pit, and it took shape again!

On the huge projection screen between the heaven and the earth, the silver-colored Blood Moon robot walked out of the pit slowly in the strong wind, facing the war cats that surrounded him with his head up.

“Stupid human beings think that simple high-temperature evaporation can deal with me? What other tricks, don’t prevent it from trying!” The **** moon’s voice came from space, echoing the texture of metal.

“Hmph! Who will kill you?” General Gantt smiled slightly, suddenly stretched his hand into the air, and then made a fist!

The war cats received the battle order and took the lead to fire at the blood moon, but there was only one cannon. The electromagnetic railgun sent out a blue and white light trail, blasted through the blood moon’s body, and exploded flowers behind it.

“Naive!” Bloody Moon laughed loudly, “This kind of attack will only go through. When are you going to be stupid?”

“Stupid? Wait and see!” General Gantt waved his hand, and dozens of war cats quickly landed around the **** moon, raising their swords and slashing to the ground.

The shot that Da Meng had just aimed at was not the Blood Moon. The body that passed through it was something Da Meng had expected long ago. His target was the river that had been blocked behind it!

After a period of hoarding, the wide river surface has accumulated hundreds of thousands of square meters of water. Now they are all behind the dam formed by the explosion. Now they have been bombarded with a gap, suddenly roaring like a tens of thousands of horses. , Rushed to the blood moon violently, which was unexpected.

The Blood Moon robot itself is fluid, and it cannot withstand the impact of such a huge flood. Fortunately, it is heavy enough, but it was almost overthrown. It supported the river bed with one hand, but it touched the mud with one hand. The river was originally flowing slowly. A large amount of silt is naturally deposited on the river bed. No matter how high-tech it is, it will still be unstable under the impact of such a strong current. At this moment, the whole body of the blood moon robot is almost washed away, being pushed by the powerful river. , Slid into the pit just beside the feet.

The river water raged and spread, and the huge pit several meters deep was filled in the blink of an eye. After a while, the water surface resumed its slow flow again, and the blood moon robot stood up from the water indifferently, revealing half of its shoulder.

At the same time, ten war cats on standby in mid-air suddenly dropped ten bombs in a circular shape. These ten bombs did not land, but exploded in a circular area in mid-air and exploded. The flame was small, but it caused a large area of air to oscillate, crossing each other like ripples dropped in the water, so that Hao Zhi and others who watched the battle from a distance could clearly see the fluctuations of the air, and the vast sky vibrated like a lake. The shadow of the war cat fluctuates!

“Smash!” General Gantt waved his hand. The cat robots who had just slashed the ground with war knives on both sides of the bank had lifted the huge boulder they had chopped away above their heads and threw them into the river where the blood moon robot was.

“Grass! Guns are useless, you let them hit with rocks? Are you kidding?” Hao Zhi looked at Gantt in surprise.

“Don’t worry!” General Gantt looked at him mysteriously.

Countless stones of various sizes were already flying across as rain when the **** moon just appeared. They plopped and fell into the water, arousing a few meters of water, and a wave of stones was thrown over. Suddenly, the surface of the water came quack and quack. sound……

The river is freezing!

Hao Zhi opened his eyes wide in surprise. In the wilderness, no matter how low the outdoor temperature is in late autumn, the river is frozen, and the blood moon robot is frozen inside!

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