Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 30

Chapter 30: The disappearing islands

Lin Tao fastened all the buttons of the tunic suit and walked out of the cabin. When he stepped onto the deck, the sea was blowing violently, the strange light from the sky had dissipated, and what was left was pitch black with no visible sides, and the waves slapped against the hull. , There were still a few seagulls flying up and down near the sea. After driving for a while, even the seabirds disappeared without a trace. He looked up at the clouded sky, and a few bright stars flashed between the gaps of the dark clouds. The stars appear extraordinarily bright in this ink-like dark night.

“Where are you going to take us?” A boy’s voice rang behind him. Lin Tao turned around and saw the door of the cargo hold opened. The orange light reflected Hao Zhi’s silhouette. He bent down and got out of the door. Facing the sea breeze, he walked towards Lin Tao.

“Go to my experimental base!” Lin Tao pointed to the sea to the southeast.

“Who are you? What is your purpose?” Hao Zhi looked at the Lin Tao in front of him suspiciously. Like the ghost, he is almost a person full of mysteries. There is too much curiosity in his heart. He is looking forward to the other party. Reply.

“I…” Lin Tao paused, took out the cigarette from his pocket and held it on his mouth. It caught fire and took a long breath. The smoke that he spit out was instantly blown away by the strong sea breeze, following the outline of his resolute face. Flying behind his head, he looked at Hao Zhi before uttering the second half of the sentence, “I am a human sinner!”

What’s the meaning? sinner?

Yes, you may think that I am a soldier of the country, but in fact, I was expelled 15 years ago. I am a non-existent symbol, a hungry wandering soul, a dreamer who redeems for himself. people!

Hao Zhi was even more confused. He leaned on the railing and looked closely at Lin Tao’s face. He didn’t seem to see any malice, only the guilt and nostalgia on his face. This person was not as evil as his initial impression. They almost killed them in one encounter. Hao Zhi just instinctively felt that for him, there must be something more important than human life that needs to be cared about.

“What crime did you commit? Why were you abandoned by the motherland? Why do you still have so many soldiers? Why did they call you political commissar?” Hao Zhi raised a series of questions.

Lin Tao leaned on the railing, smoking heavily, listening to the sound of the waves on both sides of the ship, it seemed to evoke a lot of past events: “You will know these things in the future. Now there is one thing you have to know-aliens have already begun. Attacked the earth!”


Hao Zhi almost jumped up, Lin Tao calmly took out the tablet computer in his arms, opened an application, the video was buffered quickly, and then he saw a piece of scorched earth!

The camera looked down from a height of 400 meters. First, it was a azure blue. It was the sea, the center of the Pacific Ocean!

“This is a picture taken by satellites. The news is still closed in various countries. It is estimated that the news will be broadcast tomorrow…” Lin Tao’s voice was calm, and it also contained sadness.

“This is where?”

Hawaiian Islands…

Lin Tao adjusted the video parameters and pushed the camera down. The islands and reefs that originally exposed a large area of the sea have now been blown up quickly by a huge explosion. In the middle, a huge circular crater appeared in the middle of the island of Hawaii. middle…

The continental shelf at the bottom of the island has been blasted off, and seawater flooded into the huge pit from below, forming a lake. The surrounding islands and reefs that were uplifted by the impact of the explosion piled up a semi-circular ring of mountains. There is no more on the island. Architecture, the endless tourist paradise in the past, is now a **** on earth.

All the houses in the city, including the trees, collapsed and burned under the impact. Only debris and rubble were seen under the devastation. The corpses were everywhere on the street. The few remaining tourists sat on the ruins and cried. Grabbing the ruined walls with **** hands, trying to pick up the dead relatives and friends from below.

Hao Zhi was shocked and couldn’t help but zoom in again. To the northwest, the Honolulu island has disappeared. Within the radius of the explosion, the other two satellite islands have also been destroyed. The land on the edge of the island is slowly sinking. Into the sea, like a huge ship that gradually capsized…

“This…Is this all done by that thing?” Hao Zhi raised his head and looked at the blood-red “moon” hanging above his head.

“Well, yes, it’s just a pulsed laser, an ultra-high-power heat-concentrating device, and only the thin finger-thin line illuminates it, and the area of nearly two square kilometers has become like this in an instant! The permanent population plus The tourists who flocked in this season, nearly 2 million people were evaporated in ten minutes…” Lin Tao looked at the calm “full moon”, as if looking at the sword of judgment hanging over the heads of human beings. It’s very quiet now, just rotating synchronously in low-Earth orbit, and gradually moving westward. No one knows where it will attack next?

Hao Zhi gasped, feeling that his heart was hit by something. Two million humans were killed in less than ten minutes. How many old and weak women and children were there, and how many family dream moments were there. To ashes…

And this is just the beginning! Lin Tao looked at the sea in the east, where the dawn was rising, and the white color of the fish’s belly had just appeared.

just started… Hao Zhi muttered, why did they blow up Hawaii? Because there are so many rich people?

Lin Tao laughed hard. You were too innocent. Then you zoomed out the map and pointed it to Hao Zhi: “You connect the four parts of Asia, North and South America, and Australia with two lines. The intersection in the middle is the Hawaiian Islands. …It’s right in the heart of the Pacific Ocean.”

Oh? What is this indicating?

Explain that they chose this place deliberately, and want to tell us that they can accurately select any target to strike, without letting any humans in the area not attacked have any illusions—hit a vertical hit from a distance as far as low earth orbit. The island is less than two square kilometers, and it is hit in the middle, with an error of less than three meters. This is their demonstration of their military strength!

Yeah… Hao Zhi looked at the map carefully, and it was true, “But if they attack in the center of the most prosperous Europe, won’t they cause more casualties? Wouldn’t this shock humans be even greater?”

“I think this is out of another consideration…”

What are you thinking about?

The other party did not intend to kill people. Otherwise, there will be no action after the first wave of attacks until now. According to my guess, they chose Hawaii as the first point of attack, which is more important. The consideration is because there is Mauna Kea Observatory…


Lin Tao nodded, yes, it is recognized as the best geographic location for astronomical observations on the entire earth. It is actually the central base of the United States for transmitting and receiving signals from outer space. The main purpose of aliens destroying it in the first time. To seal the throat with a sword…

Hao Zhi nodded thoughtfully: “Is it to prevent us from asking for help from outside?”

You guessed it! Lin Tao patted him on the shoulder. They wanted to cut off the connection between humans and any possible signals from outer space for the first time, and completely sealed humans in this black box, and then…

Even if it is destroyed, it can’t even send out a distress signal, right?

Lin Tao sighed with an iron complexion, yes… Now, we can only rely on ourselves! But fortunately, they have not yet attempted to completely destroy mankind. We still have a little time left to fight back!

He threw the cigarette **** left in his hand on the ground and crushed it with the soles of his shoes fiercely, then unbuttoned his shirt, opened the tunic, exposing his bronze chest, and let the cold sea breeze slide across his skin. He spread his arms and became angry. The ground roared towards the sea: “Come on, no matter who you are, we will defend the earth to the death!”

Hao Zhi stood behind Lin Tao, staring blankly at his back. The corners of the clothes behind the almost paranoid man fluttered like a flag waving on the battlefield. His ambition was so magnificent, it made Hao Zhi. Feeling ashamed of himself, he thought to himself that I am an ordinary boy, but I don’t have such big ambitions. I just want to protect my girl. This time I can save Wang Yanke. That’s the most important thing…

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