Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 40

Chapter 40: Xu Zhe’s Philosophy

The Japanese Prime Minister was pouring cold water on his head and shut up.

“Mr. President, communicate, exchange, and try to coexist in symbiosis. That is what you Americans do. It does not apply to us Chinese!” Xu Zhe smiled, leaning on the back of his chair with difficulty under the strong centrifugal force of the plane, but A confident smile appeared on his face, “We Chinese have only one way of doing things since ancient times-that is, those who dare to violate my territory will be punishable even if they are far away!”

“But you don’t mean that humans are just bugs in front of them…In the visible 100 years of the future, no matter how hard we work, there will be no such leap-forward technological development!”

“Yes, looking at only one aspect of technology, we may not be able to fight back at all, but I also said just now-humans seem to be just a kind of bug in their eyes, but you Americans should be raised pets. Silkworm, that’s your business, we Chinese, would rather be a hornet. We can’t make a murderous knife in 100 years, but we can grow stingers’ stings. Even if we die together, we will let go… You Do you know how many people die each year from bee venom or malaria produced by mosquitoes?”

The President of the United States leaned on the sofa for a long time, considering the last words of General Xu Zhe…

Suddenly, he slapped the table and almost frightened the Saudi Prime Minister’s turban next to him.

“Biochemical!” The US President laughed hard, “You cunning Chinese, you really didn’t disappoint me!”

“Sir… what do you mean?” the French Prime Minister next to him asked carefully.

“General Xu Zhe has just broken the answer. The only way to win this battle is not to dig in and develop large-scale nuclear weapons, but to start by strengthening oneself and working hard to survive is the best resistance!”

“I don’t understand…” The Queen of England didn’t understand either, pursing her lips, looking back and waiting for Xu Zhe’s explanation.

“It’s very simple—the alien civilization has no grievances and enmity against us. They ran so far. Naturally, it would not be as simple as seeing us not pleasing to the eye and wanting to kill us. Then there are only two possibilities left. First, grabbing. The earth resources, regard the earth as a gas station during their long-distance travel, and secondly, permanent residence, because the earth’s environment is too suitable for life to multiply.”


Xu Zhe shrugged his shoulders: “I think the first assumption can be ruled out. The most abundant energy in the universe is of course light resources and nuclear fission energy. It can be said to be inexhaustible. Glowing stars, if they have developed into the civilized stage of interstellar navigation, then the energy problem has long been solved! This little oil resources on the earth, not to mention them, even we ourselves are almost running out, it is not worth their troubles. Running to the ground, for example-you are walking on the road and the car is out of gas, will you run to the farmers to borrow their firewood?”

“You mean they are trying to seize the earth as their home?”

“This is the greatest possibility!”

“In other words… they also want to live here?”

“Yes, our strategic experts have analyzed why their first wave of attacks would be in the center of the Pacific? Not because of how much they love life on Earth, or want to give us a chance… Destructive weapons can cause irreversible damage to the habitable environment. After the accidental nuclear explosion of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, it is no longer suitable for life to survive for 20,000 years, isn’t it?

What’s more, aliens have a more powerful weapon system, so they will not easily use it against us! Under this premise… they would not be able to kill all the people on the earth on a large scale, unless they use nuclear weapons to clean up the earth, then the result can only be the complete destruction of the earth’s ecological cycle. At that time, let alone us, they will no longer be able to live. If they don’t, let them eliminate 6 billion people on earth one by one, just as we humans want to catch all the mice on this planet one by one, it’s almost impossible…”

“In other words, even if they come, it will not be possible to end the earth’s civilization in a short time?” The German president was persuaded by this theory, and his emotions became excited.

The President of the United States nodded: “Yes, General Xu Zhe really saw far enough. He did not intend to wipe out or drive away aliens in a war. This is like the war decades ago. Japan, which is armed with weapons and military, plunged into backward China, but with its own strong boats and guns, it could not help but to hold in its hands a large country with a population of 40,000 with the will to survive, and was finally driven out in disgrace… ”

The Japanese Prime Minister looked at him displeasedly, trying to explain something, but he didn’t know where to start, so he snorted heavily.

Xu Zhe smiled contemptuously, and tilted his eyes at the other person: “Some people just don’t know how to learn from history!”

A fat yellow man with a ridiculously short split head stood up and looked at Xu Zhe beside him with admiration: “The general’s strategic plan is long-term. By then, the high-end weapon resources on the earth may indeed be quickly destroyed by aliens. People occupy or destroy, and the only way to resist is for us to grow ‘stinger”!”

Xu Zhe smiled bitterly and sighed: “There is only this point that humans can compare to aliens. Who can live longer in the cruel fierce battle? The winner is the one who persists to the end! After all, this is ours. Home, we adapt and evolve here, we have lived here for millions of years… Maybe the loss of this war is huge, human beings will die out on a large scale, sorrow is everywhere, blood is flowing, maybe everyone sitting here can’t see it The day of victory, but I firmly believe that we must be the final winners!”

Xu Zhe’s voice fell, everyone was silent, everyone lowered their heads, like a farewell to the good life of the past…

The President of the United States nodded and solemnly suggested: “Well, we will vote one last time. Please agree with the man who stubbornly defend the earth, raise your hands!”

Hao Zhi got up from his seat excitedly. He watched nervously at the men who decided the fate of the earth, and each of them frowned.

They all understand the significance of this move. Raising this hand will represent pushing tens of millions of soldiers onto the battlefield. Even if it is merely a prop for the other side’s slaughter, human beings will have to struggle to death, no matter how slim the hope is. There is no retreat!

The lives of countless young people will become victims of this war, UU reading www.uukanshu. What they want to defend is the dignity of human beings as a weak civilization.

Just like the Indians who rowed a raft and threw bone-made javelins to the American invaders with long spears, it is never human nature to yield. When the loud war hymn sounds, even if it is just a dying struggle to defend dignity, it is sad. And worthy of praise!

One hand, another hand…

Dozens of hands were heavy but firmly raised over their shoulders, and finally they were clenched into fists at the round table. No one spoke, and they looked at each other with encouraging eyes…

“Everyone!” The President of the United States solemnly announced, “This is the first time in human history that we have rejected prejudices and differences and assembled into a real group. From this moment on, there are no more countries and regions on this planet. , There are no more racial and national boundaries, no more you, me, and him. All of us humans share the same name-earthlings. We unite 6 billion voices and scream out to the universe. We will swear to the death to defend the earth’s civilization. dignity!”

Hao Zhi was moved with tears in his eyes, stood up excitedly, and raised his fist above his head: As an ordinary member of humanity, I will also fight for humanity!

Xu Zhe smiled meaningfully. This is why I want to leave him to participate in the meeting. I don’t want many years later, when mankind recalls the Tianzhi meeting, it is an irresponsible vote of a group of power holders. It is unfair for us, who are too old to carry a gun, to vote for young people to go to war!

Although there is only one person, this child represents the most common human representatives. They are the backbone of this battle. Therefore, his vote is more important than anyone here!

Hao Zhi clenched his fist to his ear, swearing an oath, and said excitedly: Hit! Damn it!

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