Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 60

Chapter 60: Calm night

Lu Xun once wrote in an article that there are two trees in the yard, one is a jujube tree, and the other is a jujube tree.

In the calm and peaceful night, Hao Zhi leaned on the deck railing of the oil well platform, and suddenly remembered these words.

In the gentle watery night, there are two moons hanging in the sky, one is human’s own and the other is a red blood moon. Its shape is so complete and huge, flawless, smooth and smooth, with geometric symmetry and Harmony, emitting a weird red light, shining on everyone who looks up at the starry sky at night, and at the same time declaring the rationality of its own existence, as if it had existed since ancient times.

And the bright moon that mankind originally had, is now only half of it missing, like an irregular broken pumpkin, with pits and pits on the surface that look dirty, small and withered, curled up in a corner of the sky, and the faint white light tries to be here. Struggling to gain a bit of status in the sky.

He stared at the sky for a long time, as if he saw the exploded firework in mid-air again. After a bang, Wang Yanke was destroyed along with the hope of the earth human beings, without leaving any scum.

When the two people fell from a height of 10,000 meters, she slid into her arms tightly, taking him as the last support, the entrustment of life, and now in the blink of an eye, it seems to have had a dream, Hao Zhi Like tourists who just got off a roller coaster, they can’t capture the slightest sense of reality.

“It said on TV…” Song Xiaojia’s voice came from under the iron ladder. Her school uniform had been torn by herself in the experiment. She was wearing the camouflage uniform that Lin Tao gave to the mercenaries. The petite girl, with long black curly hair fluttering in the sea breeze, stepped up step by step, standing behind Hao Zhi, “The search after the Air Force One bombed has been completed, and no survivors have been found…”

“Oh…” Hao Zhi didn’t care about this anymore, he replied blankly, and did not continue to speak.

“Well, don’t be too sad, some things can’t be changed if they happen…” Song Xiaojia looked at his face worriedly and sighed.

“Yes, I also thought about jumping for a while and returning to the plane, but no, no matter if I go back to replace anyone’s will, it is impossible to prevent the ghost from destroying the plane. I can’t save her either. My current ability is only It takes 5 seconds to go back, nothing can be changed…” Hao Zhi sighed heavily.

“You have done your best, want to drive a little…” Song Xiaojia approached him and hit him with his shoulder.

Hao Zhi smiled helplessly at her, and then looked at Song Xiaojia’s baby face very seriously. If this strangely powerful girl calms down and looks like a doll, she will be a very female character.

“Thank you!”

“Huh?” Song Xiaojia was taken aback.

“I mean, thank you all. You had nothing to do with this incident. It was all because I was involved…” Hao Zhi touched her head. “I also feel very sorry for everyone. I heard Lin Tao say. , The experiment process is very difficult. You are all dead for a lifetime, but he said that there is no way. If we don’t push everyone to the limit, our ability will not be awakened…”

“That guy is so cruel and cruel, he almost killed us!”

“Actually, I can understand him quite well. Only he is truly aware of what will happen in the future…” Hao Zhi remembered the frowning heads at the Tianzhi Conference. In exchange for any of them, I am afraid they will do it for you. Try everything possible in the future of mankind!

“Who knows? I was only angry at the time, but now that I think about it, I did make a lot of progress. I feel as if I have the strength to do it. It’s amazing!” Song Xiaojia gently squeezed it with two fingers. The iron railing with a thick wrist squashed it with a little effort!

“Your strange power will be difficult to marry in the future!” Hao Zhiqiang smiled.

“I won’t find someone stronger than me?” Song Xiaojia curled his lips.

“Then there are only ghosts in the world!”


“Yes, he doesn’t always say that you are his little goddess, he must have known that you have the same weird power as him, that’s why he likes you so much!”

“He is a few dozen years older than me, okay? And, he killed Ke Ke, I won’t let him go. Seeing him again, I have to beat him up!” Song Xiaojia said through gritted teeth.

Hao Zhi tried his best to lift his face and blinked dry eyes: “Yeah, why am I not you? Even if he stands in front of me, I can’t beat him… By the way, is there any comment on the wreckage of the plane on TV? Found a small box in it?”

Song Xiaojia recalled carefully: “You mean the black box? There was a special mention in the news, saying that even this important information was not found!”

No? Hao Zhi was surprised. According to the plane crash, the black box was the only thing that might be preserved. How could it not be found?

“Well, there was no signal on the TV later, I don’t know if I found it now?” Song Xiaojia nodded affirmatively.

“It’s just that the satellite TV has no signal, and the ordinary channels connected to the antenna can still be received!” Lin Tao suddenly took the conversation behind the two of them, scared them and turned around quickly.

Lin Tao’s eyes are red. From the beginning of this experiment to the present, he has not closed his eyes for two days and one night.

He fetched a packet of “Zhongnanhai” from his pocket, took one out, and walked to the two of them. UU Reading took a heavy sip. The smoke spewed out with the rhythm of his words and was quickly caught by the sea breeze. Behind my head: “The Red Moon spacecraft has not been idle for these two days. In the process of gradual slowing down, it destroyed all the satellites in the Earth’s low-Earth orbit. In other words, all the current wireless communications in the human world are It’s interrupted, satellite TV, telephone, GPS, all gone!”

“It’s really bad news!” Song Xiaojia sighed.

“However, there is another good news…” Lin Tao suddenly added, “My intelligence personnel have sent news from all over the world, and it seems that all countries are secretly preparing for the world war three days later!”

“Huh?” When Hao Zhi heard it, his mind turned quickly, “Didn’t they say that they didn’t find the black box? How did they know the decision to fight back three days later at the Tianzhi meeting?”

Lin Tao nodded affirmatively: “There are two possibilities. First, the black box has been found, but it has not been announced to the public. The earthlings are preparing to fight back, and of course they will not shout out through the TV network. Second, the search and rescue personnel did not find the black box at all, because The black box was taken away long ago…”

You mean… After the plane crash, someone escaped with a black box?

Lin Tao smiled, maybe, although blindly giving you hope is inhumane, don’t you know? There is a special presidential escape pod on Air Force One. It is an independent small aircraft. Before encountering a major air disaster, it can take a person, eject before the plane explodes, and land safely on its own parachute!

Hao Zhi opened his mouth in an instant! But soon fell into depression again…

There are dozens of the most important heads of state in the world on Air Force One. As an ordinary girl, is it possible for Wang Yanke to get this only chance of escape?

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