Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 830

Chapter 830: Reasons for caution

Hao Zhi seemed to suddenly see himself!

He had wondered more than once why the blood moon people had such a big military advantage, but at the beginning of the war they only used a small part to fight the earth people.

Underestimating the enemy is naturally one of the factors.

The more important factor is because they want to preserve their strength, because they already know that there is an enemy behind them! An enemy who frightened them and had to keep a heavy hand to defend against!

“Did you see it?” Hao Zhi slapped the lid of the treatment cabin nervously, wishing to lift Li Weigong out of it.

“Well, after I was defeated by you, I drove that small fly alone to flee away. The blood moon people were chasing me, and the people on earth would not accept me anymore. In desperation, in order to survive, I had to go to Saturn to search for it. Energy and food for survival. I was drifting in the wreckage of the Saturn battlefield for a week, living on the food and water on the wreckage of Star Harbor.

I even found most of the spacecraft manufacturing warehouses on the damaged Star Harbor. As long as it is connected to energy sources, I can build an escape spacecraft for myself and leave the solar system.

On the eighth day, when I was anxiously repairing the parts of the large 3D printer, I saw the invading aliens.

Their battleship is completely different from that of the Blood Moon Man. It is very unique in appearance, similar to the shape of birds on the earth, with huge wings and a main ship body. All are pure white, printed with eye-catching symbols.

Later, I was discovered, so I called it a “pigeon” according to its shape with one of the small fighter planes.

I had a fierce fight with the pigeon, and the result was not its opponent at all. From the performance of the warship to the weapons and equipment, it fell short. You must know that I was driving the blood moon man’s most flexible fly fighter, but I couldn’t fight it at all. That alien’s small combat aircraft.

I was shot down. Fortunately, the fly fighter did not explode. I was also seriously injured. Fighting for the last bit of consciousness, I used the molecular stealth ability. The “pigeon” was scanning my fly fighter and confirmed that there was none. After the bioinformation, I left, and I luckily survived.

Then, I fled back and met you guys here! ”

“Will they be with the blood moon people, or the blood moon people’s follow-up army to support or something?” Hao Zhi asked worriedly.

“No, it’s impossible!” Li Weigong shook his head, “The pigeon launched an attack as soon as it met me, indicating that they and the blood moon people are enemies!”

“I’m making a song!” Hao Zhi slammed his fist in his palm, “The house leaks in the night rain, and the boat meets the head wind. This time the people of the earth are even worse. One **** month is enough for us. Come again. An alien civilization… By the way, how big is their warship?”

“I didn’t see it clearly, but I estimate that the number is at least 500,000!” Li Weigong had a complete mental breakdown, “You still ask this, is it necessary? The earth is dead anyway, and the blood moon people can’t beat it. The race, we have no hope! Hahahaha, let’s hurry up and escape. Only when we escape can we have the hope of survival!”

“Flee from a ghost!” Hao Zhi thought for a while, “Since Saturn’s orbit has been blocked by new aliens, we definitely don’t have the luck to get out. We have to go back to the Crescent Base and tell Lu Fang the news. Let him prepare in advance!”

“It’s too late!” Duan Mutong whispered suddenly.

“What’s too late?” Hao Zhi was startled.

“Look…” Duan Mutong pointed to the display screen in the cabin. Everyone focused their eyes on the screen. On the screen from the fully automatic surveillance satellite of the Earth National Sky Network’s defense system, there was a large area of stars far and near. Inside, millions of white warships are passing Jupiter silently.

When Jupiter has been ignited, the intense light illuminates everything in the surrounding starfields clearly and clearly, even with the naked eye you can clearly see everything that happens.

Those warships are as big as the central command ship of the earthlings at most, but the small ones are not much smaller. The silver-white fuselage and streamlined hull are basically equipped with two huge flying wings. The flight trajectory is It is so smooth, and the unity maintains a speed, fast, and extremely fast.

They are advancing in the direction of the earth!

“With their current cruising speed, I am afraid they will be able to reach the earth in more than three hours!” Duan Mutong mentally calculated, “In three hours, what can we do?”

“Quantum call!” Hao Zhi slapped his thigh, sprang up and ran to the cockpit.

Quantum calls on fixed channels are the highest encryption communication system that can not be intercepted. Hao Zhi has a special channel for direct dialogue with Lu Fang. Soon, the information is connected, but no one answers…

There was no one on the Crescent Base, as if the entire base had disappeared.

Hao Zhi tried several frequency bands again, calling for a long time without any information. Finally, in the last frequency band message call, a dumb male voice took over the communicator.

“Are you Hao Zhi?”

“You are…” Hao Zhi asked tentatively.

“Oh, I’m Yu Yezhou…” Hao Zhi met this person. He was one of the two important political participants around Lu Fang. Changsun Xiu had already died in the North Pole.

“That’s right, I have an important piece of information to tell Lu Fang, oh no, it’s the head of state…” Hao Zhi yelled anxiously into the intercom.

“It’s no use…” Yu Yezhou’s cold voice interrupted him, “The General Control Center of the New Moon Base has been bombed. The head of state has died for the country…”


The communicator in Hao Zhi’s hand fell to the ground.

Lu Fang is dead!

The Crescent Base was bombed, then…

The earth has fallen?

Duan Mutong took a step, grabbed the communicator and asked loudly, “What about the Phoenix and Kuiniu fleets?”

“In the battle for more than an hour, the Kui Niu fleet has almost been annihilated. Lieutenant General Nasser’s Dubai was sunk and has been martyred! The Phoenix fleet is currently struggling to support it, and has evacuated to the earth for the final defense… the earth , Has fallen!”

One hour!

Hao Zhi felt a little dizzy. After three months of hard work, the two major fleets and the Crescent Base had been defeated in less than an hour. It was a bit too fast. !

They left the earth for just over an hour, and everything turned upside down…

“You are already on the way to escape? Very well, the heads of state’s efforts have not been in vain. I wish you all the best, hope… I hope you can restore the future of earth civilization! Let our sacrifices have their value www.readwn .com Don’t let our earth civilization become a symbol that has been erased and forgotten in space…” Yu Yezhou said indifferently.

“What about you? What are you going to do now?” Hao Zhi asked anxiously.

“The head of state confessed before his death that I was responsible for keeping the remote control that detonated the global nuclear bomb. Of course, after the Phoenix Fleet was completely destroyed, if the people on earth were massacred, they would die with the blood moon people!”

“Are you on the earth?” Hao Zhi asked.

“Yes, I am ready to set off and hide in a certain corner of the earth. The head of state said that if the blood moon people open a side to the earth’s human network, don’t detonate it. After all, once detonated, the result will be the same. The earth The surface environment may no longer be suitable for living creatures for tens of thousands of years, and humans will be extinct. If the blood moon people only take enslavement or regional imprisonment on the earth people, at least human beings, as a branch of civilization, can survive, more than self-destruction. Be stronger!”

“This Lu Fang, I think it’s really long-term!” Hao Zhi couldn’t help but exclaimed in a low voice, and then suddenly said loudly, “You send me the coordinates you are going to, and I will return to the earth to find you now. We may have more Trouble!”

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