Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 838

Chapter 838: Civilization without a sense of time

Yinggang, the hardest biological metal in the universe, is a super metal that can grow on its own and repair itself.

It is also the secret of the development of the civilization of the blood moon people. In the best period of the continuous development of science and technology, the blood moon people discovered that there are a large number of Yinggang ore deposits in the dark world on the planet, which is better than the storage of Yinggang ore in the paradise world. The amount is hundreds of times more!

The rapid development of a later period of civilization is actually the progress of materials science. The discovery of a heavy metal with strong plasticity and high temperature resistance, such as Yinggang, greatly increased the development speed of the civilization of the blood moon people. It has reached a highly developed state of civilization.

We began to imitate biological forms to make our own aircraft, constantly develop new propellers to increase the speed of aerospace, and, through the deterrent effect of nuclear weapons, for the first time achieved the same power of dialogue with the feathers of the light world.

In this period, whoever starts a war is tantamount to dragging the entire planet into the quagmire of destruction. Therefore, frightened by the threat of nuclear weapons, the feather civilization recognized for the first time that the blood moon people have the same status and power as them on the planet, two super The battle for science and technology between civilizations started secretly.

The Yuren civilization still occupy the world under the sun, and continue to impact the field of advanced science and technology with the advantages accumulated over the past millennia. Soon, they will lead us by a big step and enter the stage of interstellar space flight.

It was at that time that the Yuren civilization broke through the 10 million kilometers per hour stage for the first time and began to explore outer space on its own.

After all, one mountain cannot tolerate two tigers. The small-scale war between two higher civilizations that evolved on the same planet has never been interrupted for almost a thousand years, although most of them have been through political consultation and diplomacy. A proper solution was obtained, but both civilizations knew in their hearts that the current delicate balance is based on the foundation that no one can leave their own galaxy.

If one party has the ability to leave his planet, then the destruction of the planet becomes inevitable. Before I sail, I will never plant a time bomb behind me!

However, the premise is that the Yuren civilization must also find a planet that can emigrate. Entering space blindly can be a dead end, so they began to send unmanned exploration spacecraft to search for habitable planets in nearby star systems. Actions also greatly stimulated the determination of the blood moon people to develop space civilization.

We continue to steal scientific and technological data from the hands of the Feathers civilization and imitate them to build a space fleet. Because we have rich mineral resources that the Feathers do not have, the scale of the space fleet we have built is much larger than that of them. It has reached the point where it can carry half of the blood moon people for space exploration.

The Feathers are not good at this point. They exhaust the Yinggang resources they can dig, and they are not enough for the entire immigrants to use. They only possess the technology but lack the resources.

However, the pace of exploring space has not stopped. Due to the limitation of the speed of navigation, their first small exploration spacecraft finally sent back an important message after flying out of the parent star hundreds of years. A primitive planet was discovered less than 9 light-years away from the star. The environment here is very suitable for the reproduction of living things, and traces of modern civilization have begun to appear on the earth.

However, that piece of information was also intercepted by the Blood Moon Man!

The first major crisis on the road of the development of the two civilizations on the planet Nibiru resulted from this. Both sides have the ability to destroy their own planets and both have the ability to migrate and emigrate. Then whoever leaves beforehand is equal to grabbing a chance to survive.

As a result, the war to seize the first opportunity of immigration broke out. The two sides did not use space nuclear weapons under relatively restrained circumstances. Instead, they relied on some low-yield laser weapons to compete. Soon, the same weapons were used. Under the conditions, the Blood Moon Man was defeated due to the huge disadvantage of the aircraft.

After all, the Yuren civilization has the maneuverability of high-speed flight that we can’t imagine. When fighting in space, they are naturally good at flying. They are just like a fish in water, and the blood moon people’s warships can’t compete with it.

Subsequently, the senior officials of the Blood Moon quickly changed their strategy and began to develop fighters that could be disassembled and assembled at will based on the biochemical properties of Yinggang. The small fighters were as flexible as flies and were not at all inferior to the small warships of the feather race in terms of maneuverability. , Relying on the huge amount of resources, we have gained the ability to compete with Yuren civilization.

This battle lasted for nearly a hundred years. It sounded like a long time, but it was actually because the Blood Moon Man and the Feather Man had no concept of time. ”

“Ah? Two such highly developed civilizations, but there is no concept of time?” Li Weigong was a little incomprehensible.

“Yes, perhaps in the eyes of your earth creatures, this kind of laziness and laziness is almost unimaginable, because your earth world has a strict concept of time, and the time of a day is strictly divided into a cycle of sunrise and sunset. , And the year will be clearly divided into the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter. You naturally have a biological clock in your body to remind you of your work and rest time. .

But on the planet Nibiru, this kind of situation does not exist. Even if the life span of the blood moon people is not as long as that of the feather people, it is nearly 500 years. During this long 500 years, our living environment Nor will it remind you of the passage of time, because daylight will always exist, and the sun will remain motionless in a fixed position after 24 hours. What is time? How long a day is, no one ever cared…

The only law we use to calculate time comes from the occurrence of the rise and fall of star a every 25 years. Because of the operation of the binary star system, every 25 years stars will rise from the horizon. It rises and then falls at a very slow speed, that is the only cycle that belongs to us.

Twenty-five years is our day.

So it seems to you that a big battle has been fought for a hundred years seems to be very long, for us, it feels like it has been fought for four days.

And most of the time was wasted in confrontations, negotiations and their respective arms races.

The battle between the blood moon man and the feather man civilization seemed to be a duel between two sloths, slow and funny.

It was not until the civilization developed to modern times that the unmanned probes remaining on the earth discovered that the science and technology of your human world was also rapidly developing. Only then did the two civilizations begin to face their own war that will never be fruitful.

If one of the parties does not use weapons of mass destruction to destroy the other, then the war will never produce a result, and if one of the parties is the first to use it, then it is equivalent to announcing its own demise.

In the end, the problems that could not be solved by war were put on the political table…

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