Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 840

Chapter 840: Yuren civilization and earth technology…

We thought we had succeeded and escaped the gravitational circle of the black hole. However, it is impossible for the Yuren civilization to escape. According to the general laws of physics, they need to reach the speed of light in order to escape from the black hole with immense gravity. Break free from speed.

We became the ultimate victor, but we didn’t know that the Yuren civilization secretly developed something called an antimatter thruster in the arms race with us in the 300-year war. Using this powerful antimatter energy, they could Increase your maximum sailing speed to the point where you can cross space into the fourth space jump.

We can’t even imagine it, 100 million kilometers per hour!

It is this special technology that saved the Yu Dang of the feather civilization at that time.

After discovering the collapse of the star, they gathered the fleeing fleet in less than an hour, and then fled the star field with maximum acceleration before the black hole was fully formed.

The Yuren civilization, who has never had the concept of time, may have experienced the preciousness of time for the first time in that escape, because only one percent of their huge interstellar fleet escaped during the preparation process, starting after the star exploded. The fleet that departed after an hour of contraction was all sucked in!

But even so, 90% of the feathers died in this doomsday catastrophe. With the last dust of Nibiru engulfed in the black hole, the civilization history of the Sirius galaxy has also been declared disappeared.

According to our estimates at the time, even if the Yuren civilization ran away from the home star in a hurry, it would be impossible to chase us, because they face another important problem, that is, insufficient light. If they can’t replenish light energy within three days With heat, a drop in body temperature will kill more than half of the feathered people.

But we were wrong, because from our parent planet Nibiru to the nearest star, the distance of Sirius A is only 3 billion kilometers. At the highest speed of the feather civilization, even if acceleration and deceleration are included, the distance is only three billion kilometers. It’s enough to arrive within days.

So they set the first stop of the voyage there, but we no longer have the ability to blow up the second star.

Li Weigang laughed suddenly: “No wonder there is a problem I haven’t figured out. Since the Earth-Moon War, no matter how far the battle is, you blood moon people have never used nuclear weapons. I always I don’t understand why, it turns out that all of your nuclear weapons have been used up!”

The Grand Elder smiled slightly: “Yes, the total amount of nuclear weapons required to detonate a star is precisely the largest image we have. This may also be a mockery of fate!

We did everything to destroy the enemies behind us, but we forgot that there are still people on earth waiting for us in front of us.

At that time, your earth was still in a primitive period, and even the original firecrackers were still primitive. In our opinion, even if you reach the earth, using ordinary laser weapons and electromagnetic orbital guns, there is absolutely no problem in defeating you.

It’s just that things are not as simple as we thought, and the occurrence of changes comes from the consequences of our own. The decision-makers of the Yuren civilization led the remaining remnants to Star A in the Sirius galaxy, where they survived for the time being.

However, after this battle, the hatred between the blood moon man and the feather man civilization has escalated from the struggle for civilization to the destruction of civilization, and it has become a knot that can no longer be solved!

The Yuren civilization issued a ultimatum to our escape route, even if it is chasing the end of the universe, it will destroy all the blood moon people, not one is left!

Then they nervously worked out a quick response plan, first of all, to survive!

Because there is no light, they will die quickly, but if they cannot overcome this problem, they will not be able to leave the Sirius galaxy, which has no survival value. For this, there is only one way, and that is to use nuclear fission to imitate the process of stars glowing and heating. , To create a “little sun” with controllable nuclear fusion within its own fleet.

In this way, they completely got rid of the shackles of their voyage.

However, there is another problem. The spaceships they temporarily chose to escape are almost all combat ships in the fleet. Although they are fast, they are not immigrant ships. They do not have the ability to iterate life remotely, and the people’s livelihood reserves are insufficient. , Over a distance of nearly ninety trillion kilometers, even if they fly at the fastest speed for the entire journey, it will take a hundred years.

In addition to the two hundred years required to accelerate and decelerate, even if they use a space jump halfway, it will take at least three hundred years. If they don’t eat or drink during these three hundred years, the feather civilization will die halfway.

Fortunately, they only need to absorb the energy of light to survive. The powerful ability of photosynthesis ensures their survival. However, their nuclear energy reserves are not enough to support a three-hundred-year voyage, and they must use nearly half of the antimatter to use. Carry out the obliteration of positive and negative matter, and create new light and heat to maintain the reproduction of the race.

It consumes half of the spacecraft’s antimatter energy, which means that they can only travel at high speed for half of the distance. Based on this calculation, the time for the Yuren civilization to reach the earth will also be five hundred years old.

By that time, we blood moon people have already arrived on Earth and are ready to fight at home. Even if their technology is advanced, they will not have any chance of winning when they fight with us who are backed by huge planetary resources after arriving here. Because their reserves are basically exhausted along the way, it’s just the end of the battle.

In this way, our plan was successful!

But what we didn’t expect was that Yuren civilization finally made a dangerous move!

The unmanned spacecraft they sent to the earth before has its own high-tech robots that can communicate with them in quantization. There is no time difference. In order to prevent us who came to the earth from easily entering the earth, they chose A more adventurous way is to foster the development of earth civilization.

Let you enter the age of nuclear energy at the fastest speed in five hundred years, and obtain a combat capability that is evenly equal to our blood moon people.

Therefore, they chose a few terrestrial people with super-intelligence on the earth and taught them advanced knowledge of contemporary physics. The first person was Leonardo da Vinci, the medieval painter, engineer, and aerodynamics. Physicist.

This person left more than a thousand pages of Leonardo’s manuscript, which records many of the knowledge he learned accidentally from the robots of the feather civilization. However, due to the development of earth material technology at that time, many of them could not be realized. Conceived, he wrote the last way of contacting Yuren civilization as a password, and hid it in his own notes, hoping that clever descendants could read out the secrets. UU reading

Four centuries later, in 1856, a man named Nikola Tesla was born. When he was 20 years old, he accidentally obtained the Da Vinci manuscript, interpreted the knowledge about electronics in it, and wrote The first wireless signal transmission system was established by a certain river, which was the prototype of radio.

It’s just that everyone believed that it was just a failed device invented for wireless power transmission. Later, the original tower of the radio device made in 1876 was packaged externally by a French sculptor and sent to the United States. It has become the “Statue of Liberty” standing on the edge of New York City. In fact, her inside is the alien contact device that has been continuously improved and adjusted by the US science and technology department. Many of you on earth don’t know it. The torch that was set up was in the direction of the Sirius galaxy!

Since then, the Americans have contacted the Yuren they called the “God Civilization”, and developed rapidly in the next 100 years, establishing the 51st District, and launching the Yuren civilization that they discovered at the beginning to the world’s nothingness. The computer equipment in the human detector is preserved, which is what they later called the “Eke” artificial intelligence of the wise.

This device was kept until the blood moon people arrived on the earth and destroyed the 51st area before severing the connection between them and the feather civilization…

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