Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 862

Chapter 862: Despair and dignity


With the medium spread by those white fleets, the sound of explosions in space can be faintly heard!

Matthew drove the fighter plane to tumbling, and slammed a series of laser beams at the white battleship closest to him. The guy had a bad foreboding. When Matthew’s weapon had just emitted light, it had already jumped and disappeared!

No, Marxiu knows the danger in his heart. The jump is almost always behind him. It is definitely too late to turn back. He pulled the joystick suddenly, and the fighter leaped forward. It happened that there was a blood moon fly fighter in the light. The flint flew between Matthew and the white enemy ship in an instant.

Then you should be unlucky!

With a bang, the light broke out, and Matthew knew that he had blocked a shot for the dead ghost!

However, it is hard to say whether there will be such good luck next time!

Ma Xiu squeezed a cold sweat. What others said was true. The end of his fear was anger. The anger started to rise in his heart. It was numb, I didn’t believe it. Hao Zhineng destroyed a battleship, I As a gold medal pilot of the country, Matthew doesn’t have that ability?

Wipe, I don’t believe in this evil!

Matthew pulled up his fighter plane and passed through the chaotic fighter plane group, avoiding the chase of the white battleship behind him. Suddenly, he turned his head and shot out a wave of metal storm.

A heavy rain of bullets blasted towards the white battleship, and Matthew didn’t bother to see the result, knowing that he couldn’t beat it. In the shortest amount of time, he had already turned around in the shortest possible time with the huge momentum of his fighter plane turning around. Son, three hundred and sixty degrees back to the original position!

“It’s numb, I knew you should come from behind!” Ma Xiu was secretly proud, pulling the trigger, and when there was nothing in that dark space, he was already shooting towards the empty space!

Sure enough, the enemy appeared behind him as promised!

Matthew was proud, the laser beam slapped the enemy viciously like a whip, the white battleship staggered again and again with the huge impact, but suddenly turned over and disappeared in front of his eyes!

It’s just that the way of disappearing is different from the previous two times. Ma Xiu has seen Hao Zhiyue, and when he tears through the space, it is like breaking through the water, which will inevitably cause a wave of ripples.

But this time, just a white light flashed, leaving a long trail!

Is it so fast just by simply speeding up?

Ma Xiu was stunned. Such a powerful maneuvering ability is equivalent to riding a tortoise to chase a train. It is not on the same level at all!

But, no matter how fast you fly, you can’t keep up with the speed of light, right? My laser was obviously hitting the middle just now. Could it be the power of the shield?

Wiping and chasing can’t catch up. There is no agility to play, and it is finally blinded. The laser hits the enemy, but it can’t do anything. Matthew is completely annoyed. How can he hit it?

Regardless of his frustration, the white battleship was in full swing in the space war between far and near.

At this time everyone is locked up, and the Blood Moon battleship cannot be withdrawn. Not to mention the Earth battleship. The White Fleet is simply carrying out a unilateral slaughter, and the tigers and flocks wantonly reap the enemy’s lives. .

In the early stage of the battle, the Allied warships still had the idea of fighting against each other. However, in the later stage of the battle, escape became the first choice for many warships.

Knowing that they could not fight, saving strength is the only option, so some warships began to leave the battle group, spurring their propellers to ride Juechen, and flew out for thousands of kilometers in the blink of an eye, still suffering from a distance. The struggling compatriots were left behind.

However, this did not spare them. The white battleship soon discovered a lone sheep who had escaped from the flock, so it accelerated and appeared in front of the fugitive battleship in the blink of an eye.

Boom, a group of violent and silent flames rose from the distant stars, and a white light drew across the white battleship without anyone else. It came back and continued to slaughter the soldiers of the Allied army…

This was already a battle without suspense. Matthew stared at him with two big eyes limp in his driver’s seat.

Pride, conceit, ambition… Everything is shattered on the floor of reality like a glass fish tank.

Kill it, kill it!

Kill all, kill the last bit of dignity left by the soldier himself.

Matthew extinguished the propellers of his warships and hovered quietly in space, watching the one million warships struggling in the blood sea. Leave a piece of residue.

In the past, when facing the Blood Moon Man, he always imagined relying on his own surging fighting spirit, even if he couldn’t win, he could fight to death and death, at least a kind of tragic desolation.

That’s because the difference between Blood Moon and Earth Wen Ming is not very big. You take a gun and I take a knife. As long as you fight hard, I may not be able to kill you.

However, facing a real asymmetric war now, the two Wen Ming are not in the same heavyweight class at all. You are holding a knife in your hand, and the enemy is driving a tank.

Even if you rush up bravely, you can only perform like a beam jumping clown with a saber, and then be easily crushed into a pile of flesh. In the eyes of the enemy, your tragic and heroic points are worthless.

Finally, two hundred battle groups and one million battleships died out in the enemy’s fierce artillery fire. The last battleship fell apart and exploded to pieces in the fire.

The white warships gathered slowly, forming a huge cube array in an orderly manner. This huge square array of 100,000 kilometers horizontally and horizontally arranged silently in front of Matthew alone.

They are slowly advancing…

Matthew’s fighter plane was the only one that had given up resistance. He did not activate the thrusters, did not fight back, but was quietly moored between the White Fleet and their mothership.

Matthew’s hand was already trembling so that he couldn’t lift it up, facing the huge and majestic enemy’s battleship phalanx, he felt as small as an ant.

The fleet continued to advance, and the first row of warships skimmed over Matthew’s head, flying in all directions from the top, bottom, left, and right of his fighter planes, without stopping or paying any attention.

As if not seeing a red warship parked there!

Matthew’s heart trembled, not because of fear, but because of shame!

I was completely forgotten like a pile of **** on the side of the road. Some people say that the biggest contempt is to ignore. When you can’t see you, there is no more than you, and no less than you!

This is Wen Ming’s sight, your existence is of no importance at all.

Gradually, the middle part of the fleet also passed over Matthew’s head, like dense locusts. When passing by, Matthew, who was close at hand, even saw the yellow light from the porthole of the white battleship. .

Soon, the last row of warships slowly approached Ma Xiu. If he didn’t move, there seemed to be no more danger. People didn’t take you seriously. Shut up and you can live.

Matthew’s tears blurred his vision, and he muttered in a trembling voice, don’t go, don’t go, come, come…Kill me!

Yes, as long as there is a warship, you can’t cross this area! Killing me, stepping over my corpse, Matthew suddenly raised his fists in anger, and suddenly put his hands on the joystick, the huge fighter tail fire roared and ignited, and his Ferrari woke up like a sleeping lion. , Turn the nose with a loud roar!

At this time, the last row of white warships was passing by his fighter planes. From the bottom of the last white warship, a slender and uniform laser beam was emitted, hitting Matthew’s Ferrari who was about to rebel.

The flame rises silently…

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